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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Tanks sometimes get stuck in mid air upon launch or while flying when the size has been changed through tweakscale and MFT is installed. I uninstalled MFT and this behavior stopped even when tweakscale was still installed, so this leads me to believe that MFT is the problem, but I can't be sure so I posted here as well as in the MFT thread. This happens in both 32 and 64bit. 32b Log https://www.dropbox.com/s/96piq4xoophe2y8/KSP.log?dl=0 64b log https://www.dropbox.com/s/9te31dxr879f8fm/KSPx64.log?dl=0
  2. Tanks sometimes get stuck in mid air upon launch or while flying when the size has been changed through tweakscale and MFT is installed. I uninstalled MFT and this behavior stopped even when tweakscale was still installed, so this leads me to believe that MFT is the problem, but I will post in tweakscale thread as well. This happens in both 32 and 64bit. 32b Log https://www.dropbox.com/s/96piq4xoophe2y8/KSP.log?dl=0 64b log https://www.dropbox.com/s/9te31dxr879f8fm/KSPx64.log?dl=0
  3. Right now RT does not use Relay or Direct mode. Dishes just need to look at each other to work, so having the Direct/Relay toggle with RT installed was confusing. I thought it did something with RT installed until I looked at the config files.
  4. SelectableDataTransmitter is still present on dishes when RT is installed. Edited cfg to remove it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xs8xjcmt0n1s9kw/NSS_MM_RemoteTechSupport.cfg?dl=0
  5. Val sells seashells down by the sea shore. She also only lags every 5 minutes instead of every 5 seconds, thanks to MemGraph.
  6. RemoteTech seems to be breaking the animations for Hangars after launch. They work fine in side the VAB. I removed all mods except Hangar and RemoteTech. Everything works fine once RemoteTech is removed.
  7. I don't know why, but the altimeter also gets reset at that height when using "Landing Height Display." It resets to 0 and the rocket also thinks it is at 0 because I see the smoke scatter as though it is touching the ground.
  8. Hopefully not too much screaming. I have KSPRC .2, with Engine lighting, Scatterer, RSS 1.0PRE, and 120 other mods and it still all comes in at 1945mb at KSP menu while using openGL. Also, scatterer works in openGL, it just has some small graphical issues that can be fixed with scene changes and/or by disabling anisotropic filtering.
  9. Thanks for making this mod. It is one of my core installs and makes a useless building useful!
  10. My ships keep going poof even at extremely shallow reentries. They just poof at around 32k and for some reason they make it to like 24k if the reentry is steep, but they always go poof, even if it just the pod and nothing else.
  11. You get a dropdown list of required tech to assign to the welded part. The list seems to be inherited from the parent parts.
  12. I am having a problem when trying to weld DMagic parts. When I press Weld, it just highlights all of the parts and does nothing else. The GUI does not pop up afterward. [LOG 04:37:35.867] [WeldingTool] Config was saved [LOG 04:37:35.867] [WeldingTool] v2.1.3 - 1.02.0 - Continued [LOG 04:37:35.868] [WeldingTool] ----- Starting Welding ----- [LOG 04:37:35.869] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: structuralPanel2 [LOG 04:37:35.869] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00 [LOG 04:37:35.870] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00 [LOG 04:37:35.871] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files [LOG 04:37:35.872] [WeldingTool] ..Config structuralPanel2 has no MODEL node [LOG 04:37:35.872] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Structural/structuralPanel2x2/model [LOG 04:37:35.873] [WeldingTool] ..newpart position (0.000, 15.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.873] [WeldingTool] ..newpart rotation (0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000) [LOG 04:37:35.874] [WeldingTool] ..newpart rotation.eulerAngles (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.875] [WeldingTool] ..newpart rotation.localEulerAngles (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.875] [WeldingTool] ..newpart localRoot.rotation (0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000) [LOG 04:37:35.876] [WeldingTool] ..newpart localRoot.rotation.eulerAngles (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.876] [WeldingTool] ..position (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.877] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.877] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.000, 1.000, 1.000) [LOG 04:37:35.878] [WeldingTool] ..Config structuralPanel2 has 0 RESOURCE node [LOG 04:37:35.878] [WeldingTool] ..Config structuralPanel2 has 7 MODULE node [LOG 04:37:35.879] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True [LOG 04:37:35.879] [WeldingTool] [WeldingTool] ..MODULE add: BBModule [LOG 04:37:35.880] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.880] [WeldingTool] [WeldingTool] ..MODULE add: ModuleAGX [LOG 04:37:35.881] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.882] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.882] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.882] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.883] [WeldingTool] [WeldingTool] ..MODULE add: USI_ModuleRecycleablePart [LOG 04:37:35.884] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.884] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.885] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.885] [WeldingTool] [WeldingTool] ..MODULE add: GeometryPartModule [LOG 04:37:35.886] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.886] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.887] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.887] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.888] [WeldingTool] [WeldingTool] ..MODULE add: FARAeroPartModule [LOG 04:37:35.888] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.889] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.889] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.890] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.890] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.890] [WeldingTool] [WeldingTool] ..MODULE add: FARPartModule [LOG 04:37:35.891] [WeldingTool] ..Config structuralPanel2 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups [LOG 04:37:35.892] [WeldingTool] ..Config structuralPanel2 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups [LOG 04:37:35.892] [WeldingTool] ..Config structuralPanel2 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups [LOG 04:37:35.893] [WeldingTool] ..Config structuralPanel2 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups [LOG 04:37:35.894] [WeldingTool] .Part structuralPanel2 has 2 Stack attach node(s) [LOG 04:37:35.894] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topstructuralPanel20 [LOG 04:37:35.895] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: bottomstructuralPanel20 [LOG 04:37:35.895] [WeldingTool] .. VesselType - Debris [LOG 04:37:35.896] [WeldingTool] AdvDebug(.New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [LOG 04:37:35.896] [WeldingTool] AdvDebug(weldThisPart - newpart.partInfo.category: Structural [LOG 04:37:35.897] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: dmDAN [LOG 04:37:35.897] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.10 [LOG 04:37:35.898] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 0.91 [LOG 04:37:35.899] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files [LOG 04:37:35.900] [WeldingTool] ..Config dmDAN has 1 MODEL node [LOG 04:37:35.900] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: DMagicOrbitalScience/RoverScience/DAN/modelDAN [LOG 04:37:35.901] [WeldingTool] ..node.HasValue("position") False [LOG 04:37:35.901] [WeldingTool] ..node position (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.902] [WeldingTool] ..node.HasValue("rotation") False [LOG 04:37:35.902] [WeldingTool] ..node rotation (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.903] [WeldingTool] ..node.HasValue("scale") True [LOG 04:37:35.903] [WeldingTool] ..node scale 1, 1, 1 [LOG 04:37:35.904] [WeldingTool] ..Childs count 1 [LOG 04:37:35.904] [WeldingTool] ..newpart position (-0.637, 15.061, 0.637) [LOG 04:37:35.905] [WeldingTool] ..newpart rotation (0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000) [LOG 04:37:35.905] [WeldingTool] ..newpart rotation.eulerAngles (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.906] [WeldingTool] ..newpart rotation.localEulerAngles (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.907] [WeldingTool] ..newpart localRoot.rotation (0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000) [LOG 04:37:35.907] [WeldingTool] ..newpart localRoot.rotation.eulerAngles (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.908] [WeldingTool] ..position (-0.637, 0.061, 0.637) [LOG 04:37:35.908] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (360.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.909] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.100, 1.100, 1.100) [LOG 04:37:35.909] [WeldingTool] ..Config dmDAN has 0 RESOURCE node [LOG 04:37:35.910] [WeldingTool] ..Config dmDAN has 9 MODULE node [LOG 04:37:35.910] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True [LOG 04:37:35.911] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.911] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.912] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.912] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.913] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.913] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.914] [WeldingTool] [WeldingTool] ..MODULE add: DMModuleScienceAnimate [LOG 04:37:35.914] [WeldingTool] | BBModule Module already exists!!! [LOG 04:37:35.915] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.915] [WeldingTool] | ModuleAGX Module already exists!!! [LOG 04:37:35.916] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.916] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.917] [WeldingTool] | USI_ModuleRecycleablePart Module already exists!!! [LOG 04:37:35.917] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.918] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.918] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.919] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.919] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.920] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.920] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.921] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.921] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.922] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.922] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.923] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.923] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.924] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.924] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.925] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.925] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.926] [WeldingTool] | GeometryPartModule Module already exists!!! [LOG 04:37:35.926] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.927] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.927] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.928] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.928] [WeldingTool] | FARAeroPartModule Module already exists!!! [LOG 04:37:35.929] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.929] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.930] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.930] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.931] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.931] [WeldingTool] | FARPartModule Module already exists!!! [LOG 04:37:35.932] [WeldingTool] ..Config dmDAN has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups [LOG 04:37:35.933] [WeldingTool] ..Config dmDAN has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups [LOG 04:37:35.933] [WeldingTool] ..Config dmDAN has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups [LOG 04:37:35.934] [WeldingTool] ..Config dmDAN has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups [LOG 04:37:35.934] [WeldingTool] .Part dmDAN has 0 Stack attach node(s) [LOG 04:37:35.935] [WeldingTool] .. VesselType - Debris [LOG 04:37:35.935] [WeldingTool] AdvDebug(.New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) [LOG 04:37:35.936] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: rpwsAnt [LOG 04:37:35.936] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.10 [LOG 04:37:35.937] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00 [LOG 04:37:35.938] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files [LOG 04:37:35.939] [WeldingTool] ..Config rpwsAnt has 1 MODEL node [LOG 04:37:35.939] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: DMagicOrbitalScience/ProbeScience/RPWS/modelRPWS [LOG 04:37:35.940] [WeldingTool] ..node.HasValue("position") False [LOG 04:37:35.940] [WeldingTool] ..node position (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.941] [WeldingTool] ..node.HasValue("rotation") False [LOG 04:37:35.941] [WeldingTool] ..node rotation (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.942] [WeldingTool] ..node.HasValue("scale") True [LOG 04:37:35.942] [WeldingTool] ..node scale 1, 1, 1 [LOG 04:37:35.943] [WeldingTool] ..Childs count 1 [LOG 04:37:35.943] [WeldingTool] ..newpart position (-0.350, 15.094, 0.607) [LOG 04:37:35.944] [WeldingTool] ..newpart rotation (0.000, 0.707, -0.707, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.944] [WeldingTool] ..newpart rotation.eulerAngles (90.000, 180.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.945] [WeldingTool] ..newpart rotation.localEulerAngles (90.000, 180.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.946] [WeldingTool] ..newpart localRoot.rotation (0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000) [LOG 04:37:35.946] [WeldingTool] ..newpart localRoot.rotation.eulerAngles (0.000, 0.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.947] [WeldingTool] ..position (-0.350, 0.094, 0.607) [LOG 04:37:35.947] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.000, 180.000, 0.000) [LOG 04:37:35.948] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.100, 1.100, 1.100) [LOG 04:37:35.948] [WeldingTool] ..Config rpwsAnt has 0 RESOURCE node [LOG 04:37:35.949] [WeldingTool] ..Config rpwsAnt has 9 MODULE node [LOG 04:37:35.949] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True [LOG 04:37:35.950] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.950] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.951] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.951] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.952] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.952] [WeldingTool] | Module ready to add = True [LOG 04:37:35.953] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate Module already exists!!! [LOG 04:37:35.954] [WeldingTool] | BreakingAttributes found = 0 [LOG 04:37:35.955] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - name is string [LOG 04:37:35.955] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - name is merged with value DMModuleScienceAnimate [LOG 04:37:35.956] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - animationName is string [LOG 04:37:35.956] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - animationName is merged with value rpwsAnimation [LOG 04:37:35.957] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - experimentID is string [LOG 04:37:35.957] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - experimentID is merged with value rpwsScan [LOG 04:37:35.958] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - experimentActionName is string [LOG 04:37:35.959] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - experimentActionName is merged with value Log Radio Plasma Wave Data [LOG 04:37:35.959] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - resetActionName is string [LOG 04:37:35.960] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - resetActionName is merged with value Discard Data [LOG 04:37:35.960] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - customFailMessage is string [LOG 04:37:35.961] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - customFailMessage is merged with value The RPWS Antenna is not suitable for atmospheric use or surface deployment, try again in space. [LOG 04:37:35.962] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - deployingMessage is string [LOG 04:37:35.963] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - deployingMessage is merged with value With the antennae retracted the sensors can't read anything, deploying the system now. [LOG 04:37:35.963] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - experimentAnimation is bool [LOG 04:37:35.964] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - experimentAnimation is merged with value True [LOG 04:37:35.965] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - experimentWaitForAnimation is bool [LOG 04:37:35.965] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - experimentWaitForAnimation is merged with value True [LOG 04:37:35.966] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - keepDeployedMode is float [LOG 04:37:35.966] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - newValue - keepDeployedMode = 2 [LOG 04:37:35.967] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - setNewValue - keepDeployedMode = 2 [LOG 04:37:35.968] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - keepDeployedMode is merged with value 2 [LOG 04:37:35.968] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - animSpeed is float [LOG 04:37:35.969] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - newValue - animSpeed = 1.5 [LOG 04:37:35.969] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - setNewValue - animSpeed = 1.5 [LOG 04:37:35.970] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - animSpeed is merged with value 1.5 [LOG 04:37:35.970] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - showEndEvent is bool [LOG 04:37:35.971] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - showEndEvent is merged with value False [LOG 04:37:35.972] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - showStartEvent is bool [LOG 04:37:35.972] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - showStartEvent is merged with value True [LOG 04:37:35.973] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - showToggleEvent is bool [LOG 04:37:35.973] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - showToggleEvent is merged with value True [LOG 04:37:35.974] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - startEventGUIName is string [LOG 04:37:35.974] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - startEventGUIName is merged with value Deploy RPWS [LOG 04:37:35.975] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - endEventGUIName is string [LOG 04:37:35.976] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - endEventGUIName is merged with value Retract RPWS [LOG 04:37:35.976] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - toggleEventGUIName is string [LOG 04:37:35.977] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - toggleEventGUIName is merged with value Toggle RPWS [LOG 04:37:35.978] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - useStaging is bool [LOG 04:37:35.978] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - useStaging is merged with value False [LOG 04:37:35.979] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - useActionGroups is bool [LOG 04:37:35.979] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - useActionGroups is merged with value True [LOG 04:37:35.980] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - hideUIwhenUnavailable is bool [LOG 04:37:35.980] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - hideUIwhenUnavailable is merged with value False [LOG 04:37:35.981] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - rerunnable is bool [LOG 04:37:35.982] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - rerunnable is merged with value True [LOG 04:37:35.982] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - xmitDataScalar is float [LOG 04:37:35.983] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - newValue - xmitDataScalar = 1 [LOG 04:37:35.983] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - existingValue - xmitDataScalar = 1 [LOG 04:37:35.984] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - xmitDataScalar - added [LOG 04:37:35.984] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - xmitDataScalar is merged with value 2 [LOG 04:37:35.985] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - dataIsCollectable is bool [LOG 04:37:35.986] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - dataIsCollectable is merged with value True [LOG 04:37:35.986] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - collectActionName is string [LOG 04:37:35.987] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - collectActionName is merged with value Take Data [LOG 04:37:35.987] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - interactionRange is float [LOG 04:37:35.988] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - newValue - interactionRange = 1.2 [LOG 04:37:35.989] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - existingValue - interactionRange = 1.8 [LOG 04:37:35.989] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - interactionRange - added [LOG 04:37:35.990] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - interactionRange is merged with value 3 [LOG 04:37:35.990] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - externalDeploy is bool [LOG 04:37:35.991] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - externalDeploy is merged with value True [LOG 04:37:35.992] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - usageReqMaskExternal is float [LOG 04:37:35.992] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - newValue - usageReqMaskExternal = 8 [LOG 04:37:35.993] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - existingValue - usageReqMaskExternal = 8 [LOG 04:37:35.993] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - usageReqMaskExternal - added [LOG 04:37:35.994] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - usageReqMaskExternal is merged with value 16 [LOG 04:37:35.995] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - sitMask is float [LOG 04:37:35.995] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - newValue - sitMask = 48 [LOG 04:37:35.996] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - existingValue - sitMask = 1 [LOG 04:37:35.996] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - sitMask - added [LOG 04:37:35.997] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - sitMask is merged with value 49 [LOG 04:37:35.997] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - bioMask is float [LOG 04:37:35.998] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - newValue - bioMask = 0 [LOG 04:37:35.998] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - existingValue - bioMask = 1 [LOG 04:37:35.999] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - bioMask - added [LOG 04:37:35.999] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - bioMask is merged with value 1 [LOG 04:37:36.000] [WeldingTool] | DMModuleScienceAnimate - waitForAnimationTime is float [EXC 04:37:36.001] ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null. Parameter name: s System.Double.Parse (System.String s, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider) System.Single.Parse (System.String s) UbioWeldingLtd.ModuleMerger.mergeModuleFloatValues (System.String newModuleName, .ConfigNode newModule, .ConfigNode existingNewModule, System.String ModuleAttribute, Boolean advancedDebugging) UbioWeldingLtd.ModuleMerger.mergeModuleAttributes (System.String newModuleName, .ConfigNode newModule, .ConfigNode existingNewModule, Boolean advancedDebugging) UbioWeldingLtd.ModuleMerger.mergeModules (System.String partname, .UrlConfig configuration, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 modulelist, Boolean advancedDebugging) UbioWeldingLtd.Welder.weldThisPart (.Part newpart) UbioWeldingLtd.UbioZurWeldingLtd.weldPart (.Part partToWeld) UbioWeldingLtd.UbioZurWeldingLtd.OnMainWindow (Int32 windowID) UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)
  13. This video is pretty good at explaining exactly how this works. What you can or cannot do.
  14. This just took my Kerbin station from 216 parts down to 40. woooooooo
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