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Everything posted by Padishar

  1. Yes, if the clearing of the subscriptions "fixed" the problem because the server isn't now trying to send out bucketloads of emails, then removing the subscriptions was very silly. Surely it would have been possible to change them to notify in browser rather than by email. At least people would then still be able to find the threads...
  2. The manoeuvre node marker shows the direction of the resulting vector when you subtract the current velocity vector from the post-burn velocity vector of the node. E.g. It shows what direction you need to burn in to get your final velocity vector correct but does nothing about your position. This positional error is the reason for the resulting orbit difference.
  3. [quote name='Val']Here's how I do it. Hope it helps.[/QUOTE] Thanks for that. There is an issue with 1.0.5 with the part relative rotation but I couldn't understand why he was having a problem setting a small AoA.
  4. I think you are confusing it with the option to switch between 6 and 24 hour days. That did used to be quite deviously hidden. To make \ toggle the displays again you need to unset the stock mouse look setting and then set it and one of these requires a text file edit. I'm pretty sure that Cybutek posted details of this in the last few pages of the thread.
  5. Yes , it looks like a short tap of pitch down (W) should sort it out. The SAS is currently pitching up and slightly yawing left to hold the current attitude...
  6. [quote name='Johnny Wishbone']Personally, I find it sad and pathetic that things in this forum have devolved to the point where this statement is even needed. The whole point of a discussion board is to have a discussion. Unfortunately, around here, it seems like only "positive" feedback is wanted. Any sort of criticism or suggestion that something could be done better is immediately labeled as "complaining". It didn't used to be like that; I miss the old days.[/QUOTE] He complained... ;)
  7. First try reproducing the issue and then check the output_log.txt file in the KSP_DATA folder to see if there is a large amount of repeated messages. Either way, please upload the file somewhere so we can have a look. Another thing to check, similar to the possible overheating issue described above, is that your computer may be set to a power saving mode. Make sure it is set to a Maximum performance mode rather than any sort of balanced or more saving mode. Some laptops have been known to throttle back the clock speed to well under 1 ghz even though KSP is trying to use a full core of cpu.
  8. [quote name='Red Iron Crown']Cybutek/Padishar: Just a note when you're updating for 1.0.5: The default keybind for mouselook is now backslash and does not appear to be remappable. Might be a good idea to use another key as default for show/hide KER.[/QUOTE] A series of key-binding related changes has already been made for the next version...
  9. The computer's CPU temperature isn't what he means by "core temp". This is a new mechanic in the game designed to make some of the heat mechanics more sensible, e.g. ISRU units need a high core temp for efficient operation but if they get too hot they will slow down. It sounds like there may be an inefficiency (or possibly a bug causing log spam) in the code that handles this mechanism. As sal_vager said, please post a log from a reasonably short run of KSP where you reproduce this issue...
  10. I'm not sure how stable it is or how many of the issues it addresses but there is a compiled version of that Cybutek made for the preview streamers in the github repo. You should be able to get the DLL and version file from the Output/KerbalEngineer folder and replace just those files. Hopefully I will be able to take a look at the simulation code and fix any remaining issues and implement the various new fuel flow modes in the next couple of days.
  11. Was the spelling typo just fixed (or was that typo by the poster rather than in the code)?
  12. Especially just after several modders get taken on as devs... Seriously though, great job on the update, Squad. Now I've just got to find some spare time to update a few mods...
  13. There are so many other factors than just deltaV. See this challenge thread for an example of the large difference that throttle (basically TWR) can make and even things like time of day of the launch.
  14. The symmetry handling is done by the stock editor code, EE just changes the allowable number in radial mode. It would almost certainly be unfeasibly complex to hack in a 4-way mirror mode.
  15. This is unlikely to be directly caused by KER though there are a few issues with some of the newer readouts that can cause lag. The time to atmosphere readout can result in log spam and slowdowns and some of the other time readouts can also use more cpu than they should. These issues have been fixed for the next update but we can probably suggest config changes that will mitigate them if you can supply a player.log and screen shots showing your KER windows.
  16. The word "cheating" very strongly implies a dishonest action and your continued use of it, especially in a thread that wasn't really anything about cheating (despite the OP unwisely using the word a few times), is offensive. Your admitted inexperience with the game and quite low level of achievement don't really lend your voice much authority so you might want to back off a bit in trying to push strong (and misguided) opinions. Personally, I found the game quite easy to master though I did have a very solid understanding of all the physics involved in both space and atmospheric flight. I had landed and returned from both Mun and Minmus within two days of buying the full game. No maybes about it. It's not what she asked for, not even remotely on the same subject let alone what she actually wanted to get. I simply can not understand why you felt you had to offer your opinion about a subject that wasn't being discussed. When I started playing the demo a little over two years ago I enjoyed it very much but I very quickly came to realise that performing any kind of significant mission would not be enjoyable without an easy way to calculate the deltaV and TWR of vessels so I had basically decided not to buy it. I then happened to see a youtube video where someone was using KER and it was only after investigating the mod that I decided to buy the full game (back at 0.23). Now, I only ever play without the KER mod during experimental testing. In my case, if the tool were somehow unavailable then I would either write it myself or simply find something else to do that would be more fun.
  17. Your best bet is to do a few very simple examples, e.g. just a pod, a fuel tank and an engine. You should be able to get the calculation correct for that. Note that strictly speaking the value of g used in the game is 9.80655 and some of the stock mass displays are not totally accurate, e.g. tons with 2 decimal places has a resolution of 10kg.
  18. Try this page http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Cheat_sheet ...and various others on the wiki.
  19. KSP is a single player game and, unless you are competing in challenges with defined rules then, there is no such thing as cheating. Just play the game in whatever way gives you the most fun and don't listen to people that say ridiculous things like: Most of the mods you've used don't actually tell you what to do and, in any case, so what if they do. Even if you use every autopilot feature of MJ to fly your mission, you've still built a vessel and decided which particular maneuvers you needed to tell MJ to do at what times and the vessel was capable of doing them. This is considerably more than "haven't really achieved ANYTHING". Edit: I think you're misunderstanding what the OP is asking for. In any case, your advice doesn't make a lot of sense. KER and StageRecovery do not "hold your hand" and removing them may well remove lots of the fun of the game. Lots of people want to know how much deltaV their vessel has without having to do the considerable calculations that would be required. Just make your own decision about what you find fun and play the game whatever way you like.
  20. Can you show a picture with the resources panel open with the LF check box selected?
  21. Can you show a picture of your vessel and/or upload the craft file? Are those the only mods you have installed or are there any others? Have you tried a very simple test of just a Mk1 Pod, an FL-T100 fuel tank and a vernor engine? Are the engines pointed in the right direction for the RCS key you are pressing?
  22. The ModuleGrappleNode fix part of Claw's stock bug fix mod does help avoid quite a few of the AGU related issues.
  23. Did you run the same save in the clean install? This effect may just have become obvious due to the complexity of the save rather than the mods (though it could well be made worse by one or more garbage happy mods).
  24. Yes, it can be changed in the settings section of the build engineer window (in VAB or SPH). Yes, it should really use the main game option rather than having its own, this may be fixed at some point...
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