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Everything posted by Adamantium9001

  1. I thought that might be the case. Another question: do I need to worry about my game-saving code (bound to GameEvents.onGameStateSave) being triggered while Update() is still running in another CPU thread? More generally (if you can), is there a quick list of things I need to look out for in terms of threads tripping over each other? I've never done any multi-threaded programming.
  2. Hey everyone. Is there an easy way to have some code run when a savegame's Kerbin time reaches a certain value? I couldn't find anything in GameEvents.
  3. Wait a minute; something's very wrong here, and I don't think it's what you said, Starwaster: (This is just before exploding on the launchpad) Z-200 Rechargeable Battery Pack Skin Temp: 790.96K Skin Thermal Mass: 0.80 Rad. Area: 0.00m2 Exp. Area: 0.00m2 ElectricCh... 194/200 Thermal Mass: 8.0 Temp: 287.5 Temp Ext: 312.3 Cond Flux: 0.00 Conv Flux: 0.00 Rad Flux: 3.03 Int Flux: 0.00 With those temperatures, Cond and Int should be hugely negative, right? As for Conv and Rad, are you interpreting the "shielded" flag to mean "completely covered", or just "not being blasted by the oncoming airstream"? If it's the former, then shielded parts should be unable to either gain or lose energy through convection and radiation; if it's the latter, both gain and loss should be possible (and the flux values here should also be hugely negative). It looks to me like shielded parts are having all transfer disabled except for radiative heating. Edit: crap, it's more complicated than that for convection, isn't it? Ideally, a part protected from oncoming air but not completely enclosed would have different convective potential depending on the local (as in, within a few feet) air movement pattern. In particular, it shouldn't heat up (much) from air compression during reentry, but it should heat up if the ship is sitting on the ground on Eve at the equator, due to the ambient air being hot.
  4. I can't remember how much of a handle you think you have on stuff overheating inside procedural fairings, so I don't know whether this is helpful, but I have a craft that will consistently have its fairing-shielded Z-200 battery (Skin Thermal Mass: 0.8) explode after sitting on the lauchpad for a few minutes. I did notice that the fairing was gaining more thermal energy through convection than it was losing through radiation, though (flux: 55 vs -51). Speaking of flux, what's int flux?
  5. The link to Olympic1's icon pack in the OP is broken. If I were you I'd just link to their github; there are more packs there than just MKS/OKS and Karbonite, and the link will probably never break.
  6. That's totally fine. Don't get the wrong idea; the only reason I even mentioned CKAN is because the download page had that tag (or whatever it's called). But may I suggest removing the tag until the mod actually is on CKAN?And speaking of dependencies, what about my second question?
  7. 1. The KerbalStuff download page claims that this is listed on CKAN, but it's not (I searched for "ksp", "interstellar", and "extended", always with Filter>All, and it wasn't there). 2. The download package contains folders for other mods, e.g. Community Tech Tree and Filter Extensions. If I already have some of these installed, can I skip putting their folders into GameData, or are these versions specially tweaked to work better with KSPIE? If it's the latter, which files are new/changed?
  8. It's not quite the same thing, but I'm pretty sure I saw some discussion several pages back about using MM to add ablative shielding to the underside of wings (or something like that). Don't know if it's planned, though, and I could be thinking of the wrong thread entirely. What I'm completely sure about is that I'm strongly in favour of it!
  9. THANK YOU! Follow-up: private void OnSave(ConfigNode node) { node.RemoveValues("MyCustomDataKey"); node.AddValue("MyCustomDataKey", "my saved data here (serialized)"); }Am I correct in guessing that the "node" variable here is a ConfigNode containing the entire save file? If so, would it be best practice to do something like this instead? private void OnSave(ConfigNode node) { node.RemoveValues("MyModName"); ConfigNode data = new ConfigNode(); data.name = "MyModName"; data.AddValue("K1", "V1"); data.AddValue("K2", "V2"); node.SetNode("MyModName", data); }And am I even using those functions properly? Friggin' shoddy documentation... Edit: or maybe it would be better to do it this way? private void OnSave(ConfigNode node) { ConfigNode data = new ConfigNode(); data.name = "MyModName"; data.AddValue("K1", "V1"); data.AddValue("K2", "V2"); node.RemoveNode("MyModName"); node.AddNode(data); }
  10. How do I add a new piece of data to the list of things that the game stores in persistent.sfs? Specifically, I want to keep track of what the in-game time was when certain events occurred, so I'm looking for something like this: CurrentGame.SetPersistentData("myTimestamp", Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); //function I wish existed. Suppose UT is 100 here UnityEngine.Debug.Log(CurrentGame.GetPersistentData("myTimestamp")); //would print "100" // -- user saves the game -- // -- time passes -- CurrentGame.SetPersistentData("myTimestamp", Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); //Suppose UT is 200 here UnityEngine.Debug.Log(CurrentGame.GetPersistentData("myTimestamp")); //would print "200" // -- user reloads last save -- UnityEngine.Debug.Log(CurrentGame.GetPersistentData("myTimestamp")); //would print "100"
  11. Given that each one modifies different parts, I'm pretty sure they'll play nice together. It would be good programming practice to add ":NEEDS[Karbonite]" to the end of the "@PART" lines in rabidninjawombat's, though. Otherwise bad things could happen if you tried to play with that config but without Karbonite installed (Edit: or at least I think they could).
  12. Completely off-topic, but how do you display more posts/page? I thought I combed through all the settings and couldn't find this anywhere.
  13. I just look up the celestial body's sidereal rotation period and geosync altitude on the wiki, raise Ap to that altitude, then circularize until MechJeb says my orbital period matches
  14. Hi again. I'm trying to add command station capabilities to all command pods with crew capacity >= 6 (This is the only one I have, but I'd like a general MM file). I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why this isn't working: @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],#CrewCapacity[6]|#CrewCapacity[7]|#CrewCapacity[8]|#CrewCapacity[9]|#CrewCapacity[10]]:NEEDS[RemoteTech2]:FINAL { %MODULE[ModuleSPU] { %IsRTCommandStation = true } }
  15. Looking through the config files, I don't understand why third-party command pods/probe cores aren't supported. Wouldn't this do it: @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = ModuleSPU } } @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],!MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive TechRequired = unmannedTech OmniRange = 3000 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 PacketResourceCost = 15.0 } } } ? Edit: 1) This is in one of my custom configs, hence the 'final'; I know it's bad form for mod developers to use it. 2) In RT2's default configuration, only unmanned probes get these modules added to them, so it would have to be: @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#minimumCrew[0]],!MODULE[ModuleSPU]]:FINAL //remove FINAL if you're the mod developer ... @PART [*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]:HAS[#minimumCrew[0]],!MODULE[ModuleRTAntennaPassive]]:FINAL //ditto ...(I think)
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