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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. Quando eu jogava em um time de FPS, geralmente fim de semana, era a noite toda treinando e jogando contra outros times... coisa de 12hrs direto... tenho mais pique pra isso não...
  2. Esse kerbal aê ou ta usando um mech, ou ta tomando bomba...
  3. banido por cogitar gravar gameplays detonados ao invéz de gameplays inteiros...
  4. Acho q os próximos Brasileiros a irem ao espaço serão aqueles q vão comprar com o Elon Musk uma passagem só de ida pra Marte...
  5. Land anywhere away from KSC and magically revover everything w/o any effort? Nah... too easy... Space is more hard than this...
  6. da sim... kOS faz td... só depende do programador...
  7. Hello @BlazerTheAmazer, your thread was moved to a more appropriated forum section.
  8. I opted to not have a rudder in the water, because having it caused more problems than helped. I use roll to steer while gliding on the foils, way more stable.
  9. banido por lembrar o pobre coitado dos problemas conectivos q ele possui...
  10. You can improve your design... I suggest to have just one control surface at each wing and tweak it's deflection angle to adjust lift... and also configure an action group to deploy it like the flaps on a plane, to reduce drag while accelerating...
  11. 5/10 The fast color change on this one are dangerous for ppl with photosensitive epilepsy.
  12. from ver. 1.1.3 to 1.2, drag mechanics has changed, and global drag was increased from 0.6 to 0.8. Now spaceplanes needs to be more aerodynamic to achieve sufficient speed and reach suborbital flight. This craft can reach orbit using less fuel than before: This one in counterpart can not reach orbit anymore:
  13. @NFunky , your thread was moved into the right forum section.
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