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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. eu bem instalei Gentoo... foi compilado com as flags do meu hardware... melhor q isso impossível...
  2. It's more easy to create shuttles now. But a more sophisticated one still somewhat complex to design, like any other craft... Like this one with advanced booster, that shutdown engines gradually to maintain balance during ascent...
  3. na verdade é Cão/Cadela Cachorro/Cachorra... mas deixa pra lá...
  4. It's possible to go superluminal... just needs a lot of Dv...
  5. algumas superficies de controle menores e aquela cauda de boeing são bem ruinzinhas pra manobrar... deve ser isso...
  6. Como que não existe Raposo? Claro q existe... é um sobrenome, uma província em Portugal e um bairro de Itaperuna...
  7. Roby Kerman have only that Poker Face... I tried to scare him... I even though about creating a bug report... because it's not nominal...
  8. Well... I have an Engineer... his name is Roby Kerman... he have only one expression.... a poker face... :|
  9. well... not everyne feels good while sitting above a lot of high explosive material... in flames...
  10. This things... and some of then are still available at Kerbalx... :3
  11. pra ser perfeito vc mesmo tem q fazer o mod...
  12. bom.. vc pode usar o gizmo e mover ele um pouco pro lado... pra equilibrar
  13. but my rover is just a technology demonstrator... it's not ready for production deployment yet...
  14. da não... pq esse trem ae é lateral.. o frontal tem 2 pneus...
  15. Olha q legal... https://i.imgur.com/acMPfd5.gifv
  16. This concept still have a lot of room for improvement... It can be used in many different ways...
  17. So... I don't know if this was made before, but I had this Idea after seeing some streamers on twitch having problems designing heavy rovers. This is basically a spring suspension. It's not good for high speed, but are very good to move heavy stuff around and can be used for other things. The image explains it all... The only detail are, You must lock steering and disable brakes on the small landing gears inside the cylinder. Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/Taurus-M1
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