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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. Existem 3 coisas q a gente não escolhe... nome... religião... time de futebol...
  2. banido pq esse negocio de coleguinha sôa meio esquisito...
  3. será q ela vai querer ser astronauta? :3
  4. That thing is supposed to mimic the SILTS pod from Columbia... It have some sensors to get readings during reentry... :3 Regarding the body lift bug, Claw released a fix in his Stock Bug Fix mod last night...
  5. Sorry... but Pegasus is not safe to fly with the current bugs in 1.1.2... and Bahamuto didn't update his landing gear mod yet... Beside that... here is my entry: STS - Navigator Crew: Commander: Jebediah Kerman Pilot: Valentina Kerman Specialist 1: Bob Kerman Specialist 2: Bill Murray Bill Kerman Payload: STS Fuel Pod Deployed Orbit: Ap: 465,199.6m / Pe: 465,023.8m Instaled Mods: KER - Kerbal Engineer Redux RCS Build Aid PlanetShine KAC - Kerbal Alarm Clock Scatterer TextureReplacer Chatterer This for sure was the heaviest payload this shuttle had to carry to orbit. The original cargobay configuration had to be modified to fit payload inside. The entire mission was complete w/o any incidents, besides Specialist1 almost faint during launch, but it was expected. Landing was a bit more rough than usual but the craft survived w/o any damage... (missing body lift in 1.1.2)
  6. just by curiosity... if I use KER and RCS build Aid... my shuttle, 100% stock parts, will be defined as stock or modded?
  7. If it have a crew cabin.... it's not a sat.. it's a station...
  8. electric engines can send a probe from LKO to anywhere in Kerbol System... on a compact form factor... but it's not for the weak...
  9. Every time I see small teddy bears beating up an armoured AT-ST and highly armed and trained soldiers using only spears and slingshots... >____<" or sound in space vacuum... unless the sound we hear are radio waves detected by a receiver on our side...
  10. well... my sats have to be very lightweight and simple... and have at last 2 antennas... more than this depends of the mission goals...
  11. The hardest thing will always be manned Eve missions... perform it is not hard... the hard part is designing the crafts...
  12. Claw... body lift is broken again Claw... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/138778-112-drag-increased-by-almost-20/&do=findComment&comment=2556378 Ps: Regarding that problem with the fixed "Cessna" landing gear flipping, back there at 1.0.5, it flipped depending of the orientation of the root part and the angle you placed it... I didn't used it yet in current version to see how it behave... the best way to fix that is reverting to that more symmetric model w/o the elongated wheel guard... this way it looks right both ways...
  13. wrong answer... to evade more discussions you was supposed to say: " I talked to the dev team and they are looking into the problem. The team will release a patch as soon as possible..."
  14. aqui não deu... ta td nublado... e eu ate limpei meu telescopio pra ver... >____<
  15. I see Sal removed that possible workaround... because I tested it... and I have never seen the kraken/squid get so hungry... I can guess the possible cause for this... Devs changed the Physics.cfg file... but forgot to change the hardcoded values... and the resulting conflicts are triggering this problems...
  16. banido por querer se meter na vida dos outros... serei forçado a pedir uma medida protetiva contra vc...
  17. so... They broke body-lift again... This explains why my shuttle stalls so easily on final approach...
  18. I'll not share my opinion about this... I don't want to get banned...
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