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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. Yes... this is kinda an armoured dropship... *plays X-Files theme* those UFOs...
  2. did some tests with a new shuttle... :3
  3. banido por liberar forças ocultas de poneys cor de rosa...
  4. Banido porque a palavra q define bem isso não se pode mencionar aqui...
  5. banido... pq isso seria discutir o "sabor"... não o "gosto"...
  6. I suggested Porkjet to make modular SRB parts... something like solid fuel tanks of various sizes, and SRB nozzles, some with gimbal, and a way for the solid fuel only flows to the nozzle if all the tanks are inline with it, node attached to each other... and settings to define burn speed of each tank, so we can set it to different thrust during burn...
  7. Yes... So.. I have to turn off reflections... But the navball texture change is not working also... I'll wait for all that problems to get fixed before using texturereplacer again... I use it only for the navball... and the skybox...
  8. o sistema de SAC q eu fiz pra um laboratório de niterói tem quase 10K... de PHP... HTML... SQL... etc...
  9. só não posto o kerboscript q eu fiz pro meu bananaboat pq tem 380 linhas...
  10. __ ___ ______ ______ / / / / / __ \ / _ \ / / / / / / |_| / / | | / // / | |___ / /_/ / / / \___ \ / ____ / / /| | ___ \ | / / / / | | \ \_/ / / / /__/ |__| \_____/ /___/ usa a tag CODE q ajuda...
  11. Is someone else getting weird behaviours with EVA Kerbals when using TextureReplacer?
  12. bom... aquele turbocharged é no sentido de "Turbinado"
  13. dependendo da nave sim... mas colocar 2 antenas no teto do shuttle ficaria feio...
  14. Alvo pra acoplar IVA com cabines MK3...
  15. Banidos pq se vcs fizerem isso vão fazer ele viajar pro passado, piorando ainda mais a epidemia...
  16. Banido por vc dizer ser homem e haver controvérsias... tipo esses avatares q vc anda usando...
  17. ja testei... ta menos bugado q o 1.1.2...
  18. That orbiter is heavier than normal ones because it have a panel made heat-tile protection under it... It's rated for 50T payloads to LKO... and can reach 500Km Orbit using ET for insertion, then, ET de-orbit itself... :3
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