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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. Racing Rover to get some overspeed tickets arround KSC. Download: https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/Madonna-M-216
  2. Banido pq meu anivérsário é dia num dia 24... (ノಠ _ಠ)ノ彡 ┻━┻ ┬─┬ノ( º_ ºノ) (ノಠ _ಠ)ノ彡 /(.□ . )\
  3. banido por não gostar nem de Halloween... Nem de Harry Potter... ps: Malditos Ninjas ಠ_ಠ
  4. Banido pq pra mim pareceu mais com sabotagem... a carga envolvia gente e objetivos muito suspeitos... ¬¬"
  5. Sempre q eu vejo esses Kerbals com a lingua pra fora penso q eles vão aparecer com um sorvete ou um pirulito...
  6. I needed a bigger Dream-Chaser... so I made a Saturn-Dream craft...
  7. I was developing a trainer jet... Perhaps, this thing appears to be more agile than anything else I have ever seen in KSP... It is easy to modify, have low parts count, and can be used as enemy crafts for hardcore BDArmoury AI shenanigans... Download: https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/XF-10a-Wakizashi
  8. Banidos pq os episódios de Naruto so saem na quinta...
  9. I have a very agile jet... but I'll not show it off. I'm saving it for when multiplayer comes...
  10. Banido pq Lazy town é coisa de menininha... Isso é pirataria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZXbBEaqs4s
  11. Flew a plane there... landed close to it... and the game started to degrade performance...
  12. essa parte é stock, ela tem flag... Já a flag fui eu q fiz... é so colocar o PNG na pasta onde ficam as flags...
  13. Brinquedinho pra ganhar dos coleguinhas no dogfight... https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/XF-10a-Wakizashi
  14. Intercontinental maglevs? no... really... Earth is not that big... A train sliding down a magnetic rail at 800km/h can reach anywhere in less than one day... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wlS3HM1C70
  15. You basically reduce throttle so the craft speed remains between 80~120m/s, depends of size and lift capabilities. Glide slope (trajectory angle relative to ground) indicated by the velocity vector, or the yellow prograde mark on the navball, if gliding down, must not exeed 30° when you align with the runway to land or the craft will not get slow enought... once you get above runway, pitch up until the Vertical Speed indicator gets to -5 to -3 m/s, and once the wheels get to like 1m to touchdown, pitch up a little more to land as smooth as possible... then you click on the brakes icon to lock the brakes... this video can help: https://youtu.be/G7UcV0RUtqw?t=1011
  16. @Claw There is a bug with the Pyramids easter egg at Kerbin. Once you get close to it, the game starts to lag and leak memory. the lag slight reduces when you look away from it, and the game returns to normal speed once it get out of range, but the memory remains the same. I'm using KSP 64bit for linux - nVidia GTX750.
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