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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. Sent a communication Sat to Kerbin > Mun L4 point...
  2. I made this one some weeks ago... :3
  3. NASA - "Naves Aeroespaciais Sociedade Anônima" ( Aerospace Ships S.A. )
  4. we can move freely in 3 dimensions... but can we do it in the 4th dimension?
  5. In such planet... there will be no vegetables... only fungus... Mushrooms everywhere... or just Ice...
  6. Sobre Física... não aprendi muito com o KSP, aprendi mais jogando Orbiter alguns anos atrás... Agora, eu aprendi muito mesmo foi sobre a história da exploração espacial. Eu conhecia, mas não em detalhes. E foi td pesquisando sobre as especificações das diversas espaçonaves, enquanto eu as recriava no KSP...
  7. agora vc sabe pq meus crafts tem varias medidas de segurança pra garantir a sobrevivencia dos Kerbals... Toda vez q vejo um morrer me lembro dessa imagem... >____<"
  8. My Delta Dream \ / Also.... Doc's Saturn V is the best stock one I have ever seen..
  9. First time I went to Eve... I didn't expected the Kerbals on command seats adds 94Kg each to the craft... I achieved a 100Km orbit on Eve with 0.1 LF left... >____<"
  10. The first time I went to Eve with crew... I wondered, designed and tested everything on Kerbin... no mods... not even KER... and everything went fine... no need to send a rescue mission... and I discovered, Kerbals on command seats weights 94Kg... I had to improve the return vehicle for the other missions to have a better Dv margin...
  11. ta subindo rapido demais... a pressão aerodinamica faz o foguete perder estabilidade
  12. Oberth Effect.. In KSP at last...
  13. the automatic mechanism can help with exact copies... slightly adjusted/similar crafts are not a problem in my opinion... an report form can help in some cases, but there are ppl that uses our designs to learn... and upload their own modified, adjusted or improved versions... I defend craft reverse engineering in KSP myself... It's a good way to learn some tricks... That's why I share my designs...
  14. ja tive uma base la... pousava la toda hora... ¬¬"
  15. I think I'v found a bug... I was about to arrive at a station with a small craft, I have gone to map view to refine the approach, when I switched back, the game freezed... no error message, no warning, no log entries... just freezed... I wondered for a minute what have I changed in the game to trigger that... I realize I have updated scatterer... I removed it from the game... the thing just went fine... I installed it again, reloaded the save... went to map view.. switched back... game freeze.. here... the save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/97iz3g6n8n8u1ue/scattererbug_quicksave.zip?dl=0
  16. If you strip all the unuseful data from the craft file... and use only the parts and their specific settings... I think it's possible... And yes... If you think that guy is suspect... you can delete the craft...
  17. Banido por não ter conexão pra assistir a live mesmo a 1mbit/s
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