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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. Inches, Feets, Yards, Knots, they use everithing... but no ruler...
  2. Laythe's atmosphere have oxygen... a filter can resolve any breath problem...
  3. I use surface bases more for navigation... some have a small mining rig to refuel small planes...
  4. So... this is how squad incorporates mods w/o having the obligation to pay the modders... Just kidding
  5. No... that returning stage is very well balanced... look how the rocket engine is well aligned with the wings... It looks well balanced for me...
  6. Craters are somewhat similar... Eve have a crater that looks similar too... but no... the surface have nothing more similar to say Laythe is Kerbin flooded...
  7. esse notebook ae não é a melhor opção para jogos... mas se roda KSP no win8.1... no win10 acho q tb roda...
  8. A bridge to connect KSC to the Island air field...
  9. The only mod used are the landing gears... And no, the advanced canards are not rotated, yes, they are locked...
  10. e o paraquedas rasgou dnovo... se eu estivesse treinando pra descer em marte ficaria mais preocupado... mas na terceira não vai falahar...
  11. They need more peanuts... ¬¬"
  12. According to NASA, a jar of peanuts is a lucky charm... :3
  13. esse balão ta levando um disco voador ate 120.000 pés de altitude, ai esse disco voador vai acelerar a mach4 e abrir um paraquedas... q um dia será usado pra descer em Marte... este é o segundo teste, ano passado o paraquedas rasgou...
  14. Kerbals... A peaceful life form... They are curious... They want to explore the universe... Not kill each other...
  15. That's why I test and review the entire project before sending it up... Nothing goes up before certifying everything, stages and struts, is in place... And I didn't test everything in space... 90% of the things I do I test close to KSC...
  16. LSDS.... não pera... LDSD... tão testando bem agora... http://www.ustream.tv/nasajpl2
  17. Airline Jet, Vikkers VK-12, capable of carrying 64 passenger and 4 crew members (68 total). Download: http://kerbalx.com/crafts/2750
  18. "O inverno está chegando..." - Rob Stark... Eu gosto de água gelada... E aqui praticamente não tem inverno mesmo... uma vez num hotel, a cor dos registros de água do chuveiro estavam trocados... abri o azul td achando q era a água fria... quaze q tiveram ensopado de Luiz naquela noite...
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