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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. a 100k e voltar ja fiz um... ir denovo sem reabastecer fica mais complexo...
  2. vish... pelo menos depois do trabalho vem o pagamento... NASA - Naves Aeroespaciais Sociedade Anônima...
  3. If I use this mod parts... will crafts be considered stock yet?
  4. é bom compartilhar as coisas as vezes...
  5. acredito q seja mais a mudança na atmosfera...
  6. ta reclamando da camera? e os bugs q explodem as naves? >____<"
  7. to ligando minha stream lá... Ps: Ja desliguei,,, 30/06: Teve bons momentos... e momentos de tensão...
  8. "You don't know the power of the dark side" - Darth Vader Corporations hate the fact of loosing 350million. Sabotage are a real thing in big corporations circle, and ULA is a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Boeing, two of the biggest military corporations in the world... I'm not telling ULA sabotaged SpaceX launch for sure... it's just a theory... a very plausible one...
  9. CR-7 ISS resupply mission tragically exploded 2 minutes into flight. Prior to this, SpaceX had not lost a Falcon 9 rocket (18/18). About 1 month ago, SpaceX was granted permission to launch Department of Defense (DoD) payloads. For the past 10 years, only ULA (joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Boeing) have been allowed to launch for DoD, and have been charging $200-$500 Million each flight. SpaceX has stated they will do it for $90 million, and would be able to win every open bid again them. ULA fought against this as hard as they could, paying some very powerful congressmen against this. ULA's only argument, and hope to continue their monopoly and win bids was to make a case that SpaceX was not safe enough. The only problem is that the Falcon 9 has the best track record yet. I believe ULA directly caused todays Falcon 9 rocket failure. I believe they did this using Lockheed Martin's new anti-rocket laser. Falcon9 explosion: Obs: take a look at the second stage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czvv1uoKKew Here is a demonstration video of Lockheed Martin's (ULA's) new anti-rocket laser: If you watch the Falcon 9 rocket at the moments before it is destroyed, you will see smoke/vapor coming out of the 2nd stage. Compare this to the demonstration video of the laser. They look remarkably similar.
  10. 18 a 21 tb é bom pq termina na hora da novela... só q não...
  11. ai q ta... q horario seria melhor? das 18 as 21? das 19 as 22? sei lá...
  12. varios fans do James por ae... Vc é DJ Tetryds?
  13. mas o pouso foi meio forçado... geralmente o pouso é mais suave...
  14. Shuttle... with docking ports on the back to attach an interplanetary transfer stage...
  15. I like to do low level flights arround the mountain with my jets...
  16. I usually build big rigs in orbit... takes more time, but is more safe...
  17. Isso acontece comigo desde q fizeram as coisas destrutiveis no centro espacial... acho q foi na 0.25... mas é meio raro...
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