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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. na 1.1 eles vão colocar suporte nativo a traduções, tendo apenas q incluir um arquivo de texto com as palavras traduzidas...
  2. I made this plane a month ago... You're right, elevons are at the top of the tail because of the engines... what balance this type of plane are the lift generated by the wings. I placed wings with a slightly angle of attack, to compensate engine torque... http://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/Vikkers-VK-12
  3. virtual memory... not RAM... virtual memory reads and writes from HDD cache... ¬¬"
  4. I have a MK3 shuttle I use a lot. The reentry profile: Lower orbit to ~75K meters, when above the Pyramids spot, burn retrograde until the orbital path goes 200km west from KSC... orbital speed goes down to ~1890m/s... Maintain an angle of attack of 30° until vertical speed drops to -50m/s (this happens around 28K meters altitude)... then start to lower AoA to maintain VS between -10~-40m/s... Shuttle glides and slowly looses speed, until it reaches KSC...
  5. 1.0.4: Basic Jets are weaker than Propeller piston engines... but drains more fuel than a RL Turbojet with afterburner on... Turbojets loses too much power when climbing, and drains a lot of fuel... they drains fuel at a rate that is not compatible with it's size and power... R.A.P.I.E.Rs are weak also... a plane with rapiers alone cannot reach the critical speed needed to make rapiers work with efficiency... and if we have to carry other engines than Rapiers on a spaceplane... we can use Turbo-Spikes like the old days before rapiers was introduced... unless you put 6 or more of them. It's not logical, because, with more engines, more fuel, more heavy the plane is and more hard to reach critical speed and altitude... Atmosphere is perfect.... Jet engines are derp... some need more power ate low altitudes... others need more power at higher altitudes... and all of them needs more fuel efficiency...
  6. deve ter mais de uma versão dele instalado...
  7. da pra usar ué... se for um mar de lava... e a ancora for de tungstênio...
  8. Eu gosto de shuttles... é um avião q vai pro espaço... :3 Era para supostamente estarmos vivendo no espaço em 2001... Era para termos carros voadores e Hover Boards... Era para estarmos colonizando Marte e conhecendo extraterrestres... Ao invés disso... aposentaram o Concorde eo Shuttle sem um substituto... É como se aquele filme "Idiocracy" fosse uma profecia q está a se cumprir... >____<"
  9. Eeloo = Ee - lu Moho = Mor-ro Eve = Eve... Gilly = Gui-li Kerbin = Home Mun = Lua Minmus = Mi-mus Duna = Dune Ike = Eek Dres = what is it? does it exist? Jool = Jul Laythe = Light Tylo = Teemo Vall = Val Bop = Bob Pol = Polak
  10. It's a good station... I see many kidz doing everithing equatorial... But only real mans have guts to do anything above 40° inclination...
  11. What about Ion? ah yeah... you have to watch electricity/ solar light/ LFO in case you use fuel cells... Ion engine isn't that boring... just take long to burn...
  12. eu acho q unity 5 vai deixar o jogo mais leve... Ps: 1.1 talvez tenha o multiplayer...
  13. não usei Hyperedit pra montar o circuito não... usei rodas grandes q desacoplei depois de colocar a rampa no lugar... era td stock ali...
  14. é ceisa velha já... mas são cenas dos melhores rovers q ja fiz...
  15. usa um controle de Xbox 360 po... Ja testou com aquele mod AFBW? ele meioq melhora o suporte a controles do KSP
  16. mas a Skuad noz fez o favor de deixar a performance dos Nerva pior q os 909... mesmo carregando mais peso os 909 rendem mais Dv...
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