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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. é por essas e outras q tenho uma piscina dessas de desmontar...
  2. parei com Kerbal hj... vo ver a "Pedra no Rio" pela tv...
  3. Mars needs a core kickstart to be terraformed...
  4. 5 magnetrons aligned with a directional microwave antenna... and a big capacitor bank capable of a 300J burst... will fry anything closer... even living things...
  5. I'm getting Old... ¬¬"
  6. I usually start with the pod... or probe-core... the rest comes like magic... I just follow some design rules to make the thing stable, safe(Escape Systems) and Stronk...
  7. After a long research... and a battery of tests and design improvements... Odyssey did it's first mission...
  8. Eu atualizei ele. Agora consegue carregar mais carga, o dobro praticamente, e ir mais alto. Até uma órbita de 250k com carga máxima... Fiz um S.A.B.R.E novo... com menos arrasto e mais combustível...
  9. I updated it. Now it can carry more payload and go further. And no... It's not a Skylon replica... because It's not a Skylon... PS: Updated it again... Did a slightly change in craft's nose and tail that greatly increase stability and performance.
  10. sabia... mas eu fiz um eu mesmo full stock... e aquele mod é feito pra RSS/RO...
  11. Katateochi... I updated one of my crafts.. and I think I broke something... for some reason, everytime the editor saves the page it goes to the 500 error page... http://kerbalx.com/crafts/5463
  12. Minha mais recente obra-prima... :3 Download http://kerbalx.com/crafts/5463
  13. Odyssey M2... full stock SSTO Spaceplane... capable of sending 22.7T to LKO... It's a bit complex to operate, but is very reliable... Download http://kerbalx.com/crafts/5463
  14. Eve's Slice... an Purple cake with berries on top... and can have some astronaut foods too... and the place can be called Kerbonaut's
  15. I had to abandon my Solar Station to save my crew... I spent so much effort building that station... and it disassembled...
  16. back in 0.22 I did a Sun sligshot... reached 3x lightSpeed and gone to Interstellar space... and the save crashed...
  17. depending on how the things goes to WiiU... I think it's possible to run on iPad... and Unity have support to it...
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