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Perry Apsis

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Everything posted by Perry Apsis

  1. I think maybe a tweak got un-twuck. I have RO installed, and the fuel cells show that they require Liquid Hydrogen, Liquid Oxygen, LiquidFuel, and Oxidizer. I attach one to the side of a tank that contains LH2 and LOX, and it says "Fuel Cell: Missing LiquidFuel." The same is true for both the fuel cell and the fuel cell array. I was considering editing the parts manually, but then I thought I'd consult the collective wisdom of the Internet to see if there was a better approach. Thanks in advance for any light you can shed. EDIT: I did eventually find the source parts and removed the LiquidFuel and Oxidizer inputs. Some MM patch adds in LH2 and LOX, so now it's working fine, but I imagine some upgrade or patch will break it one day.
  2. This is the SPS engine for the Apollo Service Module. It looks like they took the ant engine model and blew it up until the bell is the right size, but the top part is so large that my service module sits inside it, rather than the other way around. Has anyone else seen this? Could someone suggest a way to replace the model with one from an existing engine that's approximately the right shape?
  3. Gah! 30km above the surface of the Moon was not the place to discover this.
  4. I had to build a new Perl installation from source. I spent 15 minutes trying to figure out why I couldn't run ckan to update some packages. *facepalm*
  5. Just scrolled through the changelog. When you put the whole thing together like that, it's truly awe-inspiring. A monumental achievement. Thanks and admiration to the entire team that made this possible.
  6. To be perfectly honest, Squad couldn't change the shading on a landing leg without facing huge community backlash. Speaking for the KSP community generally, backlash is kind of our thing.
  7. It is time for you to take your place at my side at EA, and fulfill your destiny...
  8. Was working at Squad. Fancy carrying on its development yourself? I do hope that there are no hard feelings and that Sarbian will continue to support Mechjeb and module manager. But I wouldn't ask it of him if the circumstances surrounding the departures are less sunny than the Reddit post suggests.
  9. Might be nice to respond to the departure of so many well-known developers. A few words about development going forward? Shift in priorities or strategies? Farewell and thanks to those whose vision and hard work helped get KSP where it is today? No?
  10. I can't quite be sure from reading the dev notes but I think they may have addressed the general problem of clicking on the blue line, even when the purple one ISN'T nearby. Perhaps that will help here, as well.
  11. Backspace to restore focus to the active vessel when in map mode, rather than tabbing through every body in the system. Oh, and hiding the navball in map mode lets you shift-tab to shuffle through bodies in reverse. Just don't come crying to me because you held down shift to get back to your ship, and found that when you got there, you had run through your orbital station at full throttle.
  12. Does "they" in that sentence refer to the bugs or the people? I asked because the meaning of "duped" changes dramatically depending on the referent. It could be that both interpretations are true.
  13. Quick data point. I've attempted to repro six issues going back from 1.1.2 through 1.0.2, and five of them were reproducible. It makes me wonder if by archiving them in bulk, you'll be throwing away more wheat than chaff.
  14. I get tired of explaining to Jeb to check whether he's in docking mode before hitting shift. He owes me TWO new stations at this point. It'd be more but I credited him back one fifth of a station for every time I've vaporized him (fair is fair). Maybe with this mod he can finally work his way out of debt. "Important safety tip, Egon."
  15. I'm guessing this was just a bug due to EXTREMELY sloppy coding, and NecroBones just decided to go with it. NecroBones, you should start keeping different projects in different folders if you want to avoid this sort of thing in the future.
  16. I suppose as a matter of form I should ask whether you clicked the "disable crossfeed" button on the ports. It defaults to enabled, but it's worth checking. Also worth checking is whether you have any separators or decouplers between the ports and the rest of the ship (crossfeed defaults to disabled on those).
  17. @regex, Mission Accomplished. Motivation is subtle and complex, and something Squad really hasn't thrown the kind of study on that a game developer should. The game does get grindy at that point for a new player. That said, I must echo Regex (whose answers are always sound, if not always nice). Either take a break (we've all been there), or really stretch yourself. One day I realized that all my stuff looked the same, and was obvious and uncreative, to boot. I could see that other posters here were building things that achieved a complexity, elegance, and sometimes even beauty that I had never approached. So I started playing with procedural parts, KIS/KAS, Infernal Robotics, and made some things I was rather proud of. I'm still jealous of those who design beautifully (Looking at you, @Kuzzter!) and I will never reach that level. But I got many months of enjoyment and satisfaction out of it. I will not leave this without taking the opportunity to jump once again on my perpetual soap-box: The real culprit here is career mode.* The game is now positioned as a half-assed space program simulator with a sandbox mode for those who can't hack it, whereas it should be viewed as a fantastic space construction and flight simulator with a pretty good tutorial. The greatness of the game is that YOU decide what to do, not Gene, and you do it for love, fun, curiosity, jealousy(!), pride, etc., not funds. So hurry up and get through career mode (here's a hint: get ForScience!, put a scientist into a lander with goo and science jr. and any other science tools you've unlocked, and hop around Minmus for a few landings and EVAs in different biomes) and start challenging yourself. Post your builds on the forum so @Starhawk can say encouraging things about them, and get more ideas for missions. * Well, that and Regex.
  18. Let's get past that notion. Kerbals are not incompetent. They're brilliant. Let's see you slap a ship together out of junk with 3,000 m/s dv. Now let's see you put a match to it. Ah, yes, there's the rub, innit? Brilliant but by any human standard, barking mad. I think some of the Kerbals-are-idiots idea is based on a misunderstanding of the Kerbals-are-delightful-little-nutters intent of the devs. I consider myself a serious player (okay, not RSS-serious, but serious) and I still chuckle looking at those little faces in the lower right. I think that splash screen (you know the one, with the lights and Bob ("OGODOGODOGOD"), Bill ("Uhhhhh..."), and Jeb ("OYESOYESOYES")), and Jeb's last transmission as his craft breaks up on its way toward certain calamity ("You guys have GOT to try this!") sold me on the game, and got me through the period where failures far outnumbered successes, and making orbit was a monumental achievement. (The thing I try to ignore is career mode. I just wish Squad made it easier to do.)
  19. With regard to un-crewed first, almost 60 years of atmospheric flight before our first human in space, and similar things, I have had the same thoughts on many occasions. But these are a species that will slap together stuff they picked up in a junkyard and gleefully (and hilariously) strap themselves into it and see if they can make it into space. I can believe they'd wait until they could get a crew capsule together before they bothered to start hurling stuff skyward. Brilliant engineers, but with a very different approach to risk. I'm glad they have a planet with a weirdly high density, and a bewilderingly small solar system.* They deserve to be in space. More seriously, you need to make the game rewarding enough for new players. I know seeing my happy (or otherwise) Kerbals in the lower right was a big motivation for me, about a billion game hours ago. Thanks to our amazing modding community and the Squad devs that make it possible, if they get the itch for a more serious challenge, it will be there waiting for them. *And, presumably, a high birth rate. And the ability to photosynthesize. And the ability to survive a kilometers-long fall if they land on their heads. And immunity to radiation. And extended weightlessness. And boredom.
  20. So Squad is contributing to global climate change by creating an open-ended game where the only limit is your own imagination, and the only reward is the satisfaction of achieving your own goals. Truly evil.
  21. And the patcher worked. I feel like I just woke up from a bad dream. But it must have been real. You were there, Sal. And you, Kasper. And you, RoverDude. You were all there with me, and... Oh, Auntie Em, there's no place like home!
  22. Thank goodness! It's been days since your last major overhaul. I was beginning to worry about your work ethic.
  23. Nice addition, thanks. It seems almost like a language flaw, similar to the way English has different collective nouns for different things, like a pod of whales, a murder of crows, a wunch of bankers, etc. The feature of having a different name for an aspect of an orbit for each body it could be around has the potential for getting out of hand.
  24. An abandoned ISS would be what is legally known as an "attractive nuisance." Kids would start having parties there, someone would suffer from alcohol poisoning or explosive decompression, and you've got a liability nightmare. Let's keep the museums here on the ground, where if you fall out a window you've got at least a small chance of surviving.
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