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Everything posted by Jiraiyah

  1. nope not working sir, take a look for yourself : http://prntscr.com/cwby3t as you see correct version of the plugin is sitting right next to module manager and the same problem is still there umm don't tell me that SPC should go inside texture replacer folder !
  2. yah as i said in window shine, even with correct texture replacer version, it's not working
  3. well as much as i know, rover dude was the last person who said he was uploading it just to kick start stuff, and some of his mods in his repo is using it and bundled with the plugin so, you may want to try it
  4. regarding fire spitter, i thought what rover dude has in his mods is the latest version?
  5. Ufff don't hate me ok? looks like some how I managed to get older version damn, now i have eye candy in front of my face, but that other mod still not working !
  6. here is the link for output file : https://www.dropbox.com/s/lrvnnxjuw5sb7hd/output_log.zip?dl=0
  7. that config is long time gonner dude, i don't know why but your mods are not workin on my side, FYI i am using window shine TR-v12 hmm can it be a setting on my graphic cards? but if that was the case for windows shine, why the other mod is not working at all? o o, from output log (uploading right now) : Config in file 'C:\Users\Alireza\Desktop\Modding KSP\1.2\KSP_win64 - TESTING\GameData\TextureReplacer\WindowShineTR-v12.3.cfg' contains an unnamed node. Skipping.
  8. thanks sir, damn i was hopping to get rid of the parts the easy way without a need to keep track of what i delete between game installs, oh well.
  9. yah i have all of them, I got the fire spitter from rover dude's mods by the way.
  10. That done the trick sir, thanks, now sig int has antena with 1.1 TM, angle or 0.001 and electric usage of 15/sec, although i am not sure if that electric usage would be balanced or not but considering the size of the dish (I love that monster) and the range i think it's good enough? (900 / min)
  11. Oh my bad, didn't saw it (tiny mini numbers ) thanks for it sir
  12. sigh, plea~se, i tried this but it's not adding any remote tech module to sigint, it removes the data transmitter but not adding the ModuleRTAntenna at all
  13. on a side note, what will happen if i want to remove a part from the whole game using MM patches? would !PART[blah] work? and would it be removed from memory too or would the game keep it loaded in memory but not show it up in part list?
  14. don't be afraid of reflection, i can say, it's faster than many people think it is, specially if you make it work properly, like cache the assembly and member info in private variables and just use them in update so that getting to them won't happen in every update
  15. @5thHorseman hi sir, is there any problem with this patch? no matter what i try, it's being ignored for remote tech 1.8.0-5-dev, or in this special case, it will remove the ModuleRTAntenna, but not adding it back to the part with my settings ! if the patch is ok, then i need to bother the developer of remote tech :/ Edit : tried this one too, but this one is totally being ignored O~K got it working here is the patch
  16. hmm well, considering that your mod is one of those that tweak basic functionality, it was expected, just knowing that you will work on an update is more than enough for my thirst to sit and wait with tongue out of mouth and watery mouth sir
  17. sigh i hope james come back to scene soon and this mod gets some love for 1.2 :/
  18. Ah, editor setting locate parts by mod Edit : Well those two settings didn't help that much, better but still flickering fast enough to make me nuts, sigh, looks like we need to wait for squad then
  19. @Avera9eJoe tried without it, does not show up in 1.2, also, i got your mod from the op page, i hope that is the correct link
  20. Umm you remember me asking about each body's radius? the reason is that semi major axis - radius = possible sycronous orbit, that is why it would be useful to have the radius there but in version 4 i don't see it, nor in POM edition, if it's possible and you have time, either add the radius of each body, or at least add the syncronous data thanks
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