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Everything posted by Jiraiyah

  1. @neitsa is there anything wrong with these two MM patches? because they do nothing in the game, it's like they are not there at all
  2. ok either i'm derping or something is wrong, can't find the filter extention button in app launcher :/ so how to do setting "replace Filter by manufacturer"
  3. @Avera9eJoe umm what am i doing wrong? i dropped the content in the game data folder as installation suggestion but trying cupola, there is no reflection at all?
  4. same, my only motivation right now is to add all the mods i want and organize the game and filter extension grouping, then wait for a patch to come up so that i can move the whole mods part to the new patch game
  5. Ok, got it on a clean install, here is the new log https://www.dropbox.com/s/lrvnnxjuw5sb7hd/output_log.zip?dl=0 also, remember, I am using the community resource pack from rover dude's repo not the one in your pack it's version is other than that, there is nothing wrong related to installing the mod
  6. well i just noticed the multi module manager thing myself, other errors maybe the result of having pre or dev mods in the folder. let me try with a clean install and i will report back
  7. i really hope they fix this re~ally fast and get a patch or an update out, game is not really playable with mods any more
  8. Hi I got the message box at the start of menu screen telling that deep freeze has encountered a critical problem, here is the OUTPUT file
  9. no pressure sir, but i thought it could be one of those open solution hit release button updates, ofcourse i don't know the details of the mod so if it needs time, we all can wait. take your time
  10. ok, the button and label shows up but as you can see current texture is not showing up, and hitting the button, nothing happens although i never used this mod before, is that texture the only result? because looking at the folders of mod, each part has only one texture on them? actually no, there are 5 textures on this part and it does not change !!!!
  11. well, considering that all dependencies are updated to 1.2, this should work as it is am i wrong?
  12. Hi, I know I'm digging a very old grave, but, does anyone still have pegasus-x2, stational rings, and that experimental packs around to share with me? thanks Oh god bless you, thanks thanks thanks, now i have a starting point to use as a template for my modelling (or tbh, lack of talent)
  13. Because I am devile now you see how good an powerful this idea can become you want me to blow up your mind with yet another idea? would it be possible to change every damn EVA menu on parts like the one you are showing in pictures? muhahahahaha
  14. someone can give everyone a module manager patch for the antenna stuff? then we would all be happy
  15. nice but how would it behave if we have texture replacer to remove helmets inside capsules?
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