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Everything posted by Jiraiyah

  1. Also it would be nice to be able to filter out a specific folder, take a look at this : SUBCATEGORY { name = Command and Control icon = stockIcon_cmdctrl FILTER { CHECK { type = moduleName value = ModuleReactionWheel,ModuleRCS,ModuleSAS } CHECK { type = crew value = 0 } } } This will not only list all the parts purely made for controlling, but also prob core, if i could exclude a path from the whole filter it would let me to exclude the command folder from squad, is it possible? Never mind on this one, i just found how to use the invert field, but the problem with ore tanks exists, it's like Ore is not being recognized as a valid resource at all
  2. why this is not showing the ore tanks from stock? FILTER { CHECK { type = folder value = Squad } CHECK { type = resource value = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer,XenonGas,MonoPropellant,Ore } CHECK { type = crew value = 0 } } every tank is showing up except the ore one. ksp 1.1.3
  3. Ok, I'm not sure what am i missing, i added this mod to a new ksp 1.1.3 with latest fire spitter plugin, what happens is that the box has only a button for opening the door and no other things to switch the mesh, also, all the meshes show up at the same time, anyone knows a fix? thanks
  4. Hi Can i ask for a feature request? I am not sure if it's possible or not or how hard it would be to implement. but... As you can see in the image above, that is a single orbit around kerbin and a very wide strip of the planet is being scanned, that means scanning a planet would take very few minutes with time warp. Is it possible to add a config to change the cone angle of the scanner? So if we desire, we could change it to lower numbers to reduce the width of the strip it would scan? Thanks
  5. Thanks, that was no problem with me, but from experience, i know that when your forum would get more and more pages, people may jump the first few pages to look at last pages and miss these details. I should say, I really love your mod, good job sir
  6. Would be nice if you update you Original Post, i had to look to the second page to see if USI is added yet or not, thanks for your nice job sir.
  7. Hi, I see the ending part of my suggestion but How about the wall suggestion? Also, a new suggestion and feature request? how about make a truss that would behave like cargo bay with opening side? thanks
  8. I really wish someone would do something like this specifically for attach nodes combined with tweak scale mod, it's a long time i wished this and never got it granted
  9. I assume it still won't work with x64 hack on windows version? Edit : looks like it's working ! Woooooot
  10. Ok, I was working on a station ring with attachement nodes all around it in every 30 degree, both on inside and outside, when the part was finished for testing, i ended up with tons of attachement nodes that would make the job of attaching anything to it like hell, at the time JSI Part Utilities was around and it was doing a semi hackish way of letting us toggle modules on and off and it would let me define group of nodes to be toggled on and off with each other, that had problems though, specially if you would combine it with tweak scale. That is when the idea came to my mind, what if the way we define nodes in config change? take a look at this psudo config : The way it would work is that after the [NODE] tag, the system would read the GROUP and then pars the text in front of it, for each group definition, we would get a toggle on/off button in right click menu on the part in editor with the name of the group in it. the way we would define the node itself would stay as before, but this would let the developers to pars the group properly, and when the node is toggled off and then back on, it could get it's proper offset by the scale change (not sure how tweak scale is handling it, but one way or another, localScale of the model should have been changed and that can be used here) This is the idea, when i looked into the api class, it looks like each attachement node has an offset property, I am not that familiar with the api to sit and write my own mod, but i assume for main developers of ksp, compared to what they are struggling for updating to 5.x version of unity, this would be easier and smaller feature request that would give much more flexability.
  11. common guys, kerbal stuff is down, someone share this please
  12. Hmm, i have a strange issue with latest build and 1.0.5, when i exit building, the camera is stuck somewhere between buildings and not the original size, and when i exit to menu, the buttons are not working any more, is it a known issue? if yes, how to work around it?
  13. would be nice if you can add a part that does it with kethane grid graphics
  14. I assume this still works with 1.0.5?
  15. thanks for taking over this mod, I am not sure if what I am going to ask is possible or not, but can you add a scaner like who kethane scans for resources, to be added for vanilla resource? i don't like how the resources pop when you use the scanner for vanilla resources, the process of revealing resources of kethane is much more realistic and my favorite, is it possible to add this mechanics to the vanilla resources too?
  16. Hi, sorry if this question was asked before, I didn't read all 86 pages to see if this question was asked or not, question : Is there anyway of defining nodes of a part within code itself? the idea is to have a ring that can be scaled using scaling module out there and at the same time, hide and show nodes during the process, the problem is, when i use those two modules from other people's plugins, when i hide nodes in scale 1, then scale it down for example, and show nodes again, the nodes are being placed as if the part is at scale 1. I would like if there is a way to let user tweak scale by my custom code but at the same time, use the scale to replace nodes so that they show up correctly. Another question is that can we define custom variables in config file to hook it to some internal calculations of the plugin and then use this variable in config to do math? (as an alternative for the fist question and possible solution) thanks
  17. I miss a little feature in this amazing mod, although i know that the developer is trying to mimic an existing model, but lack of cargo bay is bothering me, is there anyway to properly add a cargo bay to this mod? also, a foldable docking node on the roof would be nice to have
  18. I know it's an issue that was around for some time, the thing i don't know is how hacky it should become to make that work again. but if you ask me, having camera limit gone without hangar extend properly, at least for me is more annoying, simply because i tend to move camera around a lot and when i have the mod, most of the time the walls comes between camera and the rocket and it annoys me to hell :/ after all, the goal of this mod was not only to extend the boundary of the camera movement but also, available visible space around the rockets and crafts
  19. well, i tried it on 1.0.2, the camera limits are off ok, but then the hangar it self wouldn't scale bigger, then i came here and read posts and i saw that someone mentioned that the developer alarmed about this problem, so if you ask me, the definition of working properly is not there to be happy with, so if anyone can tweak this so that the hangar extend by scaling like older versions of ksp, that would be nice. thanks
  20. hmm i'm not sure what is wrong here, but the scanner overlay stop working after one of previous upgrades, or can it be another mod from tons i added to the game?
  21. I would appreciate it, i had seen bob complaining about not being able to weld docking ports to his stations in his video series, never knew why he was not happy, well, now i know, they simply rise the part count very easily
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