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Everything posted by raidernick

  1. Ok Pioneer 0-2 is done. Before an initial release I want to try and get pioneer 3-4 done also.
  2. This would be good as when 0.25 is released its likely all the engines will be moved to the new engine module, making this mod no longer work at all.
  3. Textures for the top and side of the main body are done. I need to do the bottom textures still and for the detail pieces:
  4. Ok the modeling is done. Now I need to do the textures.
  5. Anybody? Does anyone know what these mods are all using to determine where to place their cameras?
  6. Updated V0.36 -Updated modulemanager version that is included with the mod
  7. Ok so I have to make pioneer 0-2 from scratch because I don't like the models I have already. So here is my progress so far. I still need to add all the little bolt details and texture it. I'm not sure whether to make it blue or black. I am using the museum model for reference which is blue, but I don't know what it's actual color was since all the pictures are in black and white.
  8. I have a TON of models in my "to-do" repository. That is in there. I have pretty much every mars/venus/moon probe ever launched by the US including joint probes. It's a major backlog and I'll be working on them in no particular order.
  9. Finished the 7K-T. I got some feedback from people and the pack is ready to release. However, I am going to hold off since DECQ is working on soyuz fairings for the soviet probes pack rockets. Once he finishes those I'll release that and this at the same time.
  10. I'm only doing the actual probes, no rockets or rocket parts this time.
  11. I think he was referring to the fact that the old design had a low intensity because of the darker colors which is nice. Bright white pages hurt your eyes after a while, kind of like this site . I don't care too much but it'd be nice to mute the colors more and maybe not use such high intensity ones.
  12. Ok so here is the redone pioneer 10/11 using NASA's model. I put the thrusters on it in the spots based on the pictures and guessing for the angles I couldn't see.
  13. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88383 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86243
  14. That's what I thought at first, however after looking at the backup model Pioneer H and 10 there are no thrusters in those locations. In these pics you can see what appears like thrusters on the back but the placement makes no sense so I'm not sure.
  15. I am replacing the pioneer 10/11 model with one from the NASA website, it looks much better(makes sense though). What I need help with is the thruster location. I know there were 6 thrusters on pioneer 10/11. I cannot for the life of me find a picture of these thrusters though so I have no idea where to put them. Does anybody know where they should be or have a good picture of all 6?
  16. Pioneer 10/11 is done. You'll notice I even put the golden plaque on it.
  17. I'm not doing anything that was already done by somebody else, especially if they are actively working on it. Yogui87 has already done these probes and is continually improving them.
  18. RELEASE THREAD Now that I've pretty much wrapped up the Soviet Probes project I am switching my focus back to US related items, specially the probes. I am going to do a LARGE variety and as such I can't specifically state what I am and am not going to do yet. I can however say that I will be focusing on the older probes first, specifically pioneer. Progress: -Pioneer 0-11: done -Aura, Aqua, Terra: done -Voyager 1-2: done -Galileo, Magellan: done -Ulysses: done -Deep Impact, Deep Space 1, Stardust: done -Dawn, NEAR: done -Vanguard 1-3: done -GRAB-1: done -Transit-2A: done -Tiros-1: done -TDRS A-G K: done -New Horizons, Messenger: done https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ This license does not cover mod packs. Putting my work into a mod pack is prohibited.
  19. Updated V0.92.6 -Fixed staging error in luna 2&3 vostok rocket and subassembly. Please replace your old craft and subassembly files with the updated ones. Ok so as a test project I'm working on the Baikonur launch clamps. So far I have finished clamp R090, there are many many more left to do. Before anyone complains, "oh they didn't stick up that far in real life", you need to realize that the baikonur cosmodrome launch pads have the rockets lowered into a cement pit hanging off a cliff so only the upper half of the rocket is visible. In KSP on the stock launchpad this isn't going to happen so I made the clamps extendable like the stock clamps so you can drag them up and down and they won't "float" at least.
  20. You can embed videos and screenshots by using [] and put the link inside those brackets. What I'm not loving are all the colors. They are distracting and pull your attention away from the mod description and download button which is the main reason everyone is going there right?
  21. It's not a "feature", it is a serious issue that has already been discussed ad nauseam in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88026 People are constantly joking off serious bugs with this game as "features" and that is perhaps the reason these things aren't being fixed. It's like the whole wobbly rocket debate and how struts are a crutch for a more serious problem.
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