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Everything posted by raidernick

  1. A lot of the buttons do not work, like uploading a header, deleting a release version. Also the stats list is now public? Not liking that you can no longer have any pictures of the mod, unless I'm missing the upload feature.
  2. That exception means you have an error in your cfg file somewhere.
  3. Updated V0.92 -Changed Soyuz-FG color to be less green and more black/grey -Fixed some cfg errors related to scale -Updated Molniya-1 craft file, replace your old one
  4. Thanks for the report. It is fixed for the next release, which will be sometime today. Although in the mean time it won't cause any problems, the parts are made in 1:1 scale already so you really don't even need that parameter.
  5. Update V0.55 -Updated TRS textures, delete the old TRS folder before installing the new one -Tweaked TAC 0.10 values some more
  6. Updated V0.35 -Tweaked TAC life support values for 0.10 -Updated included modulemanager verison
  7. Updated V0.54 -Tweaked TAC life support values for 0.10 -Updated license information
  8. Updated with new R7 ROCKETS! You will finally be able to launch all these probes the way they were intended. Textures by DECQ(Kickasskyle) WARNING: If you have the old version of Desolator/DECQ's rockets you MUST delete them before installing this or it will not work properly! V0.91 -Added Vostok-8K72 and Soyuz-FG rockets -Fixed various cfg errors -Added new craft files for Luna 2,3,9,10 & Molniya-1
  9. I am wondering if anybody knows what is used to determine where the camera on a docking port is placed when using a mod like lazor cam or RPM. I noticed that it likes to put the camera seemly where the actual dockingNode is located so if you docking port is a probe, the view you get it obstructed because the camera is "inside" the docking probe so you can't see anything. Is there a way to move the camera further forward while keeping the docking node where it is? I have an empty game object called DockingNode I am however not using that in the actual module. In the module definitions in the CFG I am using the stack node which is placed in the same location. MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode //referenceAttachNode = dockingNode referenceAttachNode = top nodeType = size1 }
  10. I know how the bag works. I had it working that way originally when it was the "yellow" bags. Unfortunately when it decoupled the bag colliders would either make the probe explode or they would explode when rolling away so I redid it this way to avoid that. You know this as you used the old version. As soon as a bounce collider touches a regular collider the entire ship explodes there is no way to cover the probe with bags and having the colliders intersect. Fixing luna 9 is at the bottom of my priority list right now though so don't hold your breath.
  11. The good news is the new plugin allows parts that contain the module to load MUCH faster. When spawning a part it used to hang the game and lag the vab. Now it works great. Unfortunately the "blue" is still there.
  12. The output log gives the exact same error with no other information at all. It literally just says that exact line over and over, no part or file names. Here is the jettison config: MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = OK_vzor bottomNodeName = top isFairing = False jettisonedObjectMass = 0.001 jettisonForce = 0.5 jettisonDirection = 0 1 0 } MODULE { name = ModuleJettison jettisonName = OK_cabling bottomNodeName = top isFairing = False jettisonedObjectMass = 0.001 jettisonForce = 0.5 jettisonDirection = 0 1 0 }
  13. I did not "steal" the model. There are credits in the OP, I got permission from the author to redo his models and texture them for KSP. If you look back a few pages I already textured that white texture, but it wasn't like that in reality because it had blankets covering the under-paint so you would not have been able to see what was underneath.
  14. There is a yellow lever on the door as well as a black circular knob on each side above the door. You can open it both ways.
  15. Updated V0.81 -Removed molniya 8k78 rocket as it was just for testing and throws a ton of errors in log, please delete any instances of this rocket as I will no longer be supporting it, I kept Block L use it with bobcat's soyuz U rocket
  16. There's no way squad is going to directly implement a real world part into the game, the whole point of the game was for it to be different from real life. Also, there are plenty of mods that already add these parts to the game, which is another reason squad is very unlikely to do it.
  17. I use fasa's because the one you posted back a couple pages doesn't work. It spammed errors. I can assure you that fasa parts also start blue during sunrise/sunset. You can see the one tank in that picture is blue. The others aren't because they are in direct sunlight. This has been mentioned in the fasa thread before but nobody has had an answer to it as of yet so I came here. Basically to get the "blue" to go away you just time warp for a while and it vanishes, but it is annoying that it is there in the first place and it comes back after reloading the vessel.
  18. KM gimbal has been updated so without further adieu V0.8 -Added Sputnik 1-3 probes -Added Sputnik R7 8K71PS carrier rocket and craft files -If you used the prerelease version you MUST delete that fully before installing this, that includes removing any in-flight crafts related to sputnik
  19. So I have been having trouble the past few days with collision meshes as well as receiving reports from people testing my mods that they are getting collision mesh error spam in their logs. The error is as follows: Ignore collision failed. Both colliders need to be activated when calling this IgnoreCollision. None of the logs give any useful information about exact what is causing this. They all just state this error without giving a part/object name that is causing it. I spent forever looking for the problem and I've narrowed it down to jettisonable parts. It doesn't matter what the part is, whether it has a collider or not, or where it is placed. If you use the jettison module for that part you get this error spam in the log. The issue seems compounded when you have multiple parts with multiple jettison modules on the same ship. I would really appreciate help with what is causing this as looking around the net has not yielded any useful results. If worse comes to worst I will have to remove the jettison module and just make the parts decouplable.
  20. I see you said you updated the gimbal plugin a couple of days ago to fix the issues with it. However all of the files on dropbox say they haven't been updated in 16 days. The ones that have been updated you left the plugins folder empty.
  21. The easiest way to make a textured sphere is to remove the top and bottom vertex on the uv sphere. This will essentially turn it into a cylinder. You then do a cylinder unwrap, align to object and scale to bounds and you get a nice rectangular unwrap. Once unwrapped grab the top and bottom vertices and scale them down to 0 to "close" the holes up. See the nice unwrap I got here.
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