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Everything posted by landeTLS

  1. ive updated my sabre mk2 configs to version 0.2. what this is: its an update to the pair of cfgs i wrote some time ago converting both the b9 sabres to the stock ModuleEnginesFX system so you dont need to use the exurgentengineering plugin, also remade he effects/sounds improvements are: heat rebalancing(works fully with dr now) changed the visual and audio effects a bit to look and sound a bit better some cleanup + included the full filepath to b9(just drop the gamedata in the ksp directory and youre good to go) hope you enjoy ill be posting this on the b9 fixes post too link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9yFzV-G4YPzeVh3TVZ2WFY4eUk/edit?usp=sharing hit file -> download PS: i could make a Hotrockets version of this if people wants it(it would require the mp_nazari folder with the effects to work)
  2. I just meant that if the hubs where 3.75m it wouldnt look right if it had the same diameter. Geeez. He also didnt say there wouldnt be one. Just that he wasnt planning to make one. Hypotethical ideas, Just throwing it out there. Porkjet is free to make whatever he wants to make.
  3. Ooo. This should be fun. Ill compile this later and Give it a go. I have no idea how to accomplish the acceleration retrieval thing.
  4. I agree we dont really need a bigger inflatable module. But i think the internal docking could be done without a plugin. Iwe seen two projects that have hollow models to accomplish this kind of thing. There could also be a hatch for kerbals in the "core" inside to a regular iva. Tho the docking nodes etc would have to come integrated in the "internal" space since there would be no way of attacing them in the vab. The model itself would also be really complex to make i think(especcially since the collider would need to be hollow too and scale with the inflating animation, the physics load would probably cripple the fps). My porkjet wish list would be: 2.5 m centrifuge(im thinking 10-15m inflated width) 3.75m centrifuge(thicker tube and 15-20m inflated width) 2.5m inflato. Same width but longer than the 1.25m 3.75m inflato. Perhaps a bit wider and a bit longer than the 2.5m. Yes it would be HUGE. Loving your work so far. The textures and models look so stocklike and high quality its almost like squad decided to suprise us with inflatable modules for 0.23
  5. Hmm those blank fields in the flight gui iwe seen before. Its usually caused by some partmodule plugins missing or not working correctly. Namely rpm, exurgentengineering or firespitter. Perhaps the guy experiencing the issue could post his ksp log file. I think the ladder mount should work. As long as the collider is set up correctly. And it looks like youre scaling it with the inflating animation so it should be good.
  6. +1 for new textures and a longer cargobay(than the tt one). Plus maybe more adapters
  7. You need to change "compress = true" to "compress = false" if you dont want the textures compressed
  8. The sxt pack is now in my top 5 favourite part packs(the others are kspx, rla stockalike, the kindof stocklike nearfuture pack and b9) im not too into the airliner looking parts but they do look great tho. I guess if i where to suggest anything else: * A stocklike set of mining equipment for kethane etc (drills, scanners, animated converters and tanks) * more 2.5m engines(maybe) * a stocklike 2.5m station hub, and perhaps 3.75m too * some stocklike 3.75m engines(kw arent stocklike) * 3.75m fueltanks to go with the engines * stocklike 3.75m docking port and decouplers EDIT: * bigger rcs multiport * bigger landinglegs(yes im aware of the really big escapide(?) Telescopic legs but those are a bit silly looking) I think all of these would be super cool to have. Have a great day
  9. Liking your new models in kspi a lot. I have a few suggestions if youll take them *kspi is really in need of an/some animated extractor drill(s) and some new animated refineries. Or a refinery with a drill integrated in the part. * Hmm thought i had more. O well. Ill add more later if i think of some
  10. Ah yes. I knew i was forgetting something. That engine is so damn overpowered the only thing nerfing it is the insane partcount you get from using lots of them. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them. Im thinking just straight reducing the thrust to around 25-30kn etc. (I think i remember the default to ne 40 or 45kn)But feel free to play around with it. Remember to keep it usable as a high twr engine for 0.6m vessels
  11. The only way i can think of to simulate this with the game at its current state would be to change the texture of kerbol to that of a black hole. Create a new sun in orbit around the black hole at some distance and place the kerbol system in orbit around it instead. You can then add several solar systems in orbit around the black hole.I have a feeling that doing this would cause a whole heap of problems but could in theory be done. But it would require some plugincode not inluded in pf Wups: i responded to the wrong message it seems. To get planets to orbit kerbol look at sentars config files
  12. This is starting to look more and more interesting. I really like how you implimented this. And so quickly! Some questions: Do you intend to have 0-100% comfort level stat at some point? Perhaps a 0-100% health/fitness bar too? Do you have plans to add mental health to the equation? There was somebody working on that but there has not been any progress as far as i can see. The effects would range from less efficient manuvering, No eva available, ship wont respond correctly to turning commands or not at all when mental health is really low. and perhaps kerbals spacing themselves (going into space without a suit) from extreme claustrophobia. This would be modified by g force and physical comfort/fitness and courage/stupidity. The possibilities of this plugin is endless. You can perhaps eventually make skilling up kerbals a thing * example: every kerbal has their base skills (stupidity and curage) this decides how their sub skills evolve. I suggest progressive values like classic xcom or ftl rather than skill levels like eve online etc. One value like dexterity/piloting/manuevering could effect all the reaction wheels on the ship in a positive or negative way(jebediah would ofcourse come with epic piloting:D) I hope i didnt overwhelm you by all my suggestions (i tend to do that) i know how huge of an undertaking some of these would take. Keep up the good work and thank you for using your free time and effort to extend this great game with new features. And sorry for my terrible english. Im norwegian and its been a while since iwe been abroad
  13. The stock engines seem quite well balanced to me. I assume squad spent most of their balancing work om them since it is a game about rockets and the engines are at the heart of that. The only engine that is a little wierd is the poodle. It has so low isp compared to the lv-909(not 100% sure about the name. But its the short little first upperstage 1.25m engine you get), maybe its isp could be increased a bit but not as high as the smaller one as its more convinient to place rather than a cluster of those. But some of the other components could use some more tweaking of their weight etc. Maybe the fuel tanks too? It takes very little to overdo things and make parts eather op or over nerfed. I dont have any more spesific suggestions at this time but ill post some if i think of them
  14. This does look interesting. Havent had time to test it yet tho. The balancing looks good
  15. Yea. I like the idea. I just thought about how that ship would look would be funny
  16. Hmm this looks useful. Will try out later. Now to see who makes the first tier 0 command pod multistage decoupler exploit ship using this:D
  17. That looks nice. You can use this http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65364-OpenParticleEmitter-Kethane-derived-alternate-particles-module For paricles. Its derived from the kethane plugins particle emitter so its mainly used for large plumes of stationary smoke or sparks but you can probably scale down the effect and area for what you need
  18. Bac9 is still active. If you look at his profile youll see he logged in a few days ago but currently isnt posting. I guess the poor guy eather got a little overwhelmed by all the perhaps not so polite critizism, has some irl stuff going on or just needed a break. It happens. Remember, he is doing this for free after all. The mod is really good and high quality allround. With some tweaking all the components work well with ksp 0.23 so what im really excited for in an update would be those huge structural components he showcased in late december
  19. In regards to the science archives bug with pf. Here is the (really) detailed way to replicate and illustrate the issue. Firts Remove pf and alternis etc. From the gamedata folder. Start a new career game. Launch a vessel and collect a crew report etc on the launchpad. Recover the vessel and go to the research center. Click on the science archives button on the left/top side of the screen. Youll see herman kerman(?cant remember his name:P) in his labcoat and under him there is a gui that shows the science you just performed on the launchpad. Now exit the game and re-insert planetfactory into the gamedata folder and restart the game load the career game you created earlier. Go to the science archives as before but now there is no herman kerman in his lab. Only the background of the lab. And there is no science logs under him. The gui shows up as before but there is no meaningful data there. This problem persists if a new game is created and the science is collected again. Only removing pf fixes it. I hope this helps in the bughunt. Loving the mod so far. And this is the only major/noticable bug iwe seen so far. I know i could probably have uploaded some screenshots or a video illustrating the issue. But this way youll see it for yourself what the issue is
  20. Nice. Im really into anything that extends the kerbal management/usefulness in the game. Porkjets centrifuge could be made to help more than other modules since it creates artificial gravity by spinning.
  21. Loving the plugin so far. One thing to concider for future versions perhaps would be an option to not render changes(bending etc.) And locking the view to 2d rendering. Perhaps a seperate view that updates more often and is completly 2d(just for viewing staging and heat etc.) But its no biggie. The view works really well as it is now. And the framerate load is barely noticable.
  22. just got to try it out, looking very nice. i didnt think heat and staging display etc. was coming until later but its already there! very nice plugin, looking forward to seeing how this progresses.
  23. Sweet. This is the first thing on my list to try out when im back in front of the computer. Will provide feedback when i do
  24. Nice. Suggestions here they come! Id love more asteroids. Small rocky ones spread all around the place. Thin atmospheres on some of the bodies would be nice.
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