Nice spacecraft Sickle! I know you've already made voyager, here's mine (voyager has been updated so it is entirely stock, with some high gain antenna upgrades) Voyager Spacecrafthttps://www./?g26p6fgpp1lg5jm This is my "Duna Reconnaissance Orbiter" http://www./view/2vinjc07zo5b00b/DRO.craft And my own spacecraft, named Galileo. I know there was an actual spacecraft with this title, and went to a similar place in our solar system, but this spacecraft is not a replica of that http://www./view/8ossswb4ht53ywb/Galileo.craft Munar Reconnaissance Orbiter http://www./view/xr6b518e8v4ajjl/MRO2.craft MAVEN https://www./?jk9u8eha9hs2ikh Galileo 2 advanced probe. http://www./view/xq6w99oz4tyks6b/Galileo%202.craft What's special about this probe, is the ability to land 3 atmospheric probes onto the surface of any planet with an atmosphere, and an extra heat shield for aerobraking(purely aesthetic). To launch a probe, do not rely on the staging, just right click the decoupler and hit decouple:) Discovery Probe http://www./view/cdv3hray1uqmq3q/Discovery%20Probe.craft Like the Galileo 2 probe, this is fitted with a few landers. Since I already could land on planets/moon with atmospheres, I figured why not a place without and atmosphere? so this was my end result:) operate basically the same way the galileo 2 does in terms of launching he probes. 2.74 tons, about 80 parts.