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Everything posted by Yaeah

  1. So, yeah, having issues with the whole Lynx under-cloud...I have a temporary fix, it doesn't work on immediate play through, but if you are in game, press alt-n, advanced settings, and revert to save. The under cloud will be there for the rest of the game.
  2. My pleasure yeah, Interstellar combined with my PF pack might not work well in terms of ram, I have no experience with either Kethane or interstellar:P I would guess your template theory is correct
  3. atmospheres are very finicky. I learned by copying the atmosphere from skelton and editing it to fit Lynx. try this code below celestial body CelestialBody { bodyDescription= Radius= GeeASL= rotates= rotationPeriod= initialRotation= tidallyLocked=False atmosphere=True staticPressureASL=0.6 atmosphereScaleHeight=1 atmosphereContainsOxygen=True maxAtmosphereAltitude=30000 atmosphereMultiplier=1 atmoshpereTemperatureMultiplier=0.2 }
  4. at the moment, yes. Im working on it, and an update may be up by tomorrow.
  5. No, the distance is really just a place holder, and nothing is final, all alpha. Rings are created through clouds and cities mod, see the reply post above.
  6. Well, so far Krag has been the only one to truly create rings, and mine are created through the clouds and cities mod, so they are really just extended clouds with alpha textures. This is very hard to get thick rings like Saturn, and this is the best I can do a the moment.
  7. I don't know why it wouldn't have an atmosphere, did you change any values inside the .cfg? The false surface happens becuase each plant is created upon templates, and I believe Lynx has Minmus, but when you set it to another planet the scaled space mesh created from Minmus gets messed up and create a "false surface", or a bad mesh.
  8. The lag is probably happening if you have the texture compressor, it creates mipmaps that increase quality as you get nearer. I get this lag too, but It doesnt really happen in game.
  9. I've added a "changelog" to the Original post
  10. Saturn and the moons are up, but orbit altitudes need fixing. Currently doing titan's atmosphere.
  11. I have found some great sources for high res textures.
  12. You have an older version, find my change log on the OP. I have fixed most of these, except the green haze on Hercules. As far as I know, I cannot fix this, but I will test! Rotation speeds are kind of random at the moment, I will fix this later. Oh, and about the next system, I already have a project running: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70743-Sol-Project
  13. Im glad you had fun with my pack, this means a lot to me:) The Feeling is mutual!
  14. Should I get started with textures and Folders?
  15. We'll keep you guys posted!
  16. Ok, first thing is first, you need Kragethea's Planetfactory:creator's edition, and Clouds&Cities mod(this isn't necessary, but I used it to make atmospheric glow and rings, so I recommend it) and they both seperately go into Gamedata in your KSP directory. Now, say you want one of my systems. Go hit the download link on one of your choice, and You should open it to see the system name, open one folder deeper and you find gamedata. just copy and paste that into your KSP gamedata, and when it says overwrite for BoulderCo,(clouds mod) click all yes. I recommend you create a separate save file so you dot mess up your previous saves, but enabling the system is pretty straight forward. You will get a little box at the top left of you screen with system names, uncheck all but mine. That should be it! PM if you need more help.
  17. here's the thread link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70743-Sol-Project
  18. It's all quite possible, And maybe I will think about doing this sometime in the future. But for now, Poryy and I are doing this solely using PF.
  19. Well, Im doing textures of the planets, so yeah, It should look like a genuine Titan. We are keeping everything 1/10 scale and only ding the major moons of planets.
  20. Yeah, this is going to look really cool!
  21. Well, give Poryy and I some time and you'll be able to fly in a replica solar system!
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