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Everything posted by DevL

  1. Heat sheild fairing seem to vanish after switching/reloading scenes, e.g. going from the craft to the space center and back or loading a quicksave.
  2. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Installing_Addons
  3. Don't underestimate the value of having what's intended to be a single craft in pieces that can be reused and combined with other parts. Having the Radish go from 1.25m at the top 1.875m at the bottom would work for me, given the scale and the fact that it should contain 2 kerbonauts. Having a separate 1.875m service module just means it can, with a generic 1.875m -> 1.25m or 2.5m adapter be used with other pods. Mixing and matching is one of the great strengths and joys of playing KSP.
  4. These mods have been withdrawn* by its creator. Consider them defunct and move along. * Actually, they've not be reuploaded to any of the new mod distribution sites.
  5. I'd rather see the ability to launch from e.g. KSC2.
  6. Great to see you back in the saddle on this one.
  7. Nice! I only recently made landfall on Laythe, at a location dictated by kethane availability. It's certainly not the best runway and there seem to be very few decent landing sites on Laythe for anything but the smallest planes. Makes me inclined to investigate VTOL designs.
  8. Don't instill false hope. Brotoro will post the next episode if and when he feels like it. I'm sure he knows it's eagerly awaited.
  9. Brilliant use of parachutes! Talk about airbrakes!
  10. No idea why, but you could use ModuleManager and a small patch to move them to propulsion if you like,
  11. Got the same problem. Have had to attach adapters to the FLAT to get sane docking ports.
  12. Here's a ModuleManager patch to fix the node sizes of the Mk3 -> 2m adapter. @PART[mk3body2m]:Final { node_stack_top = 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 2 node_stack_bottom = 0, 3.274, 0.602, 0, 1, 0, 1 }
  13. Cool! Wlll the same IVA be used for the inline cockpit?
  14. Balance-wise, I have to wonder about the MK1 RCS Pod. It weighs 16 times more than a normal RCS block, yet only outputs 3 times the thrust. I believe reducing the weight from 0.8 to something like 0.25 or 0.3 would make sense.
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