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Everything posted by DevL

  1. I beg to mostly differ as I'm still playing my first KSP game, started back in the 0.20 days. That said, a KSP update entails some caution and waiting for the odd mod bug to be fixed before continuing.
  2. The solar panels look good, but they're underpowered compared to their weight and lack of tracking. Essentially, they weigh twice as much as the shielded 1x6 and 2x3 stock panels, output the same amount of energy (2.0/s), and can't track. They seem to have about twice the surface area so having them yield at least 4.0/s seems reasonable. I guess that the look of cool and the utility of the antenna somewhat compensates the lack of tracking, but if you would want to further advance their use, having them yield 4.5-5.0/s could be an idea.
  3. Yes, I ran into that exact thing a day or teo sgo. Claw's excellent "quick and dirty" solution did the trick for me.
  4. Is there a configuration flag for having the Kethane window closed by default if one is using the Toolbar? I find myself constantly closing it.
  5. If you like me prefer the non-wing parts to not have lift and don't use FAR, use this config with ModuleManager.
  6. I must be one of very few that landed a kerbal on Dres as the first body outside of Kerbin SOI.
  7. Sadly, TT has made it very clear that he will not let anyone take over his mods.
  8. This would be a dream come true given Porkjet's talent!
  9. Any reason it shouldn't? It's just a command part with an IVA and thus not using anything brittle such as a plugin.
  10. You've switched from VAB to SPH mode. Press tab to switch back.
  11. So, so. TouhouTorpedo has decided he wants out and we need to respect that. He doesn't owe us anything. Instead of bashing him for his convictions, no matter if some of us see them as based on skewed logic, we should thank him for his past contributions, move on, and be wary of depending on mods that aren't open source from the start or handed over to a new maintainer when the original creator gets fed up. The lesson learned here is to be cautious of anyone, company and mod maker alike, that are willing to erase a piece of the community history. The joke's on us for not making sure that what we use will be around in the future. Open sourced material is the best way to do so as it frees the content from the whims of companies and individuals.
  12. With TouhouTorpedo leaving the KSP mod scene (see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29661-TT-s-Mod-Releases-0-23-5-MK3-Cockpit-IVA-with-RasterPropMonitor%21?p=1149673&viewfull=1#post1149673) and taking all his mods with him, there's room for a new set of Mk3 parts such as a bomb bay, a SAS unit, an inline docking port, and various adapters such as Mk3-to-2.5m. If possible and so desired, it would be really great to see a few of those parts in this mod.
  13. And here I was thinking that modders provide content primarily to fellow gamers, not Squad. Now, I understand and respect your stance, but the extension of it is that you effectively leave the KSP mod scene as we both know that it doesn't make economical sense for Squad to keep Spaceport around, nor migrate all its content (of which the vast majority is utter crap). As Majir mentioned before, churn is a good thing as it separates the actively maintained mods from the orphaned ones. I'm just sad to see that you no longer have the will or desire to be part of the KSP mod scene under the new circumstances. Cheers and thank you for your contributions. I've had great fun using the Mk3 expansion pack!
  14. Brilliant! I second the notion of making it telescopic in order to gain some additional clearence, but it will either way replace a number of parts I currently use to mimic the concept. Thanks for including the RCS tanks!
  15. If you won't upload existing versions of your mods, will you upload any new/updated mods (e.g. Mk4 using PART {...}) or are you effectively leaving the KSP mod scene? If the latter is the case, would you consider handing over your work to others to maintain and build upon?
  16. I do hope you will change your mind. Especially the Mk3 parts are too good not to keep sharing them with the world.
  17. Right click the cockpit for the window light controls.
  18. This. Let me know if you come up with a way to do this as I'm interested in the exact same thing.
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