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  1. FYI, NMM is getting a huge overhaul as the developer of Mod Organizer has now take over and is building a new mod manager from the ground up.
  2. That is because the version file uses KSP_VERSION instead of KSP_VERSION_MIN and KSP_VERSION_MAX. A lot of other mods are also throwing warnings for the same reason.
  3. I'm not sure what you mean, unless it's because the overhauled parts are less powerful than their stock counterparts. Or that the Mk1 Command Pod needs the ModuleDataTransmitter code added to it. Or is it the Valiant and Pug engines? Valiant is just too underpowered to be of much use and while the Pug is a good orbital engine do to it's light weight, its low thrust doesn't leave much room for error. However, that is besides the point. If someone is using these parts with the UBM tech tree, a command pod will be available in the very first node defeating the entire purpose of the tech tree. PorkJet's overhauls didn't touch the stock parts. They are entirely new parts.
  4. Field a bug report to Infernal Robotics: https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/issues/128
  5. If you happen to be using PorkJet's Parts Overhaul in this tech tree, then you are going to end up with a command pod in the very first node and engines and tanks not matching their stock counterparts.
  6. So what exactly is broken other than not having entries on the new biomes?
  7. Any known issues with running the current v0.3.1 with KSP 1.2.0 + Kopernicus v1.2.0-3?
  8. I would actually prefer to download just the SVE texture and config files while downloading the other mods separately. It makes it much easier to upgrade the individual components and adapt for future version of KSP.
  9. I was able EVA from the default part, but I also noticed that the textures are completely different form the ones that are available. Could this have been a old version of the part that wasn't completely removed?
  10. Is the latest release v7.4.1? Because that was the version I was using when I encountered the problem. Anyways, I had already failed the mission so I wouldn't be able to test the part in that situation again.
  11. Apparently, Contract Configurator breaks ScanSat (prevents scanners from activating). When I reported the problem on GitHub, @nightingale blames it on @blizzy78's Toolbar, even though the toolbar wasn't installed. https://github.com/jrossignol/ContractConfigurator/issues/590
  12. It's always a good idea to have multiple ways to download a mod, least we have another KerbalStuff. I also know that some of us prefer not to use or support SpaceDock. Since there is a GitHub repository for the source code and they have more robust servers to begin with, why not add releases there as well?
  13. I don't think RealPlume, RealPlumeStock, or SmokeScreen even touches the command pods in any way. But delete \RealPlume-Stock\PartOverhauls to see if the problems continues.
  14. Is it possible to allow EVA from this part? Or at least prevent it from being used in rescue missions?
  15. Is there an alternative download, like Curse or GitHub? SpaceDock is proving to be completely unreliable.
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