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Everything posted by InterCity

  1. Banned for never flying a serious rocket in a serious rocket game.
  2. I use a Crucial MX120 SSD drive with 128 gigs of RAM. Kinda small, but apart from KSP I do only A LOT of writing so i don't really need more. The moment I switched from my HDD, I've gained almost instantaneous system boot (With Ubuntu) and everything else loads way faster as well. My battery usage seems to have decreased, so I only have words of praise for my drive.
  3. The only thing I do are one-kerbal atmospheric test flights of SSTOs (Not switching to rockets) and atmospheric testing shuttles. Rockets are ready to go if KER says that TWR is over 1.10 and Delta-V over 4000 (Always). If the craft is bad, the poor kerbals get either rescue mission or a star on the MIA board.
  4. In KSP, the aerodynamic model is not so precise, and from my experience it seems that dihedral wings only decrease lift in it. It's indeed correct that it works IRL. About the rockets, I forgot to mention that, they might be actually better than jets in terms of stability, because they are lighter and will help you move the CoM forward - but it's a nonsense to have rockets AND jets.
  5. Hello and welcome to the forums. I can't tell you for sure unless I see a screenshot with center of mass and center of lift visible, but planes are usually unstable when their center of mass (the yellow ball in editor) is too close to center of lift (the blue ball). I'd suggest either moving your wings slightly backward or moving your fuel tanks forward. Also, straightening up the wings might help, as it seems you have a slight V there. If nothing helps, tell us.
  6. Thanks god for central Europe with just mildly restricted model flights (we can legally fly our drones over any match)
  7. SSTO could be good, but IMO a multipart vessel could be even better, as long as you don't mind stranding kerbals colonizing other worlds. Just grab multiple landers, launch with half fuel, refuel, then go. Much easier if you don't have to return.
  8. Han shot first. He's too badS to let something happen to him.
  9. Dune by Frank Herbert Dexter series by Jeff Lindsay Millenium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson The Witcher by Andrzej Sapkowski - though the 7th book was... well... meh.
  10. Graduated med at Univerzita Karlova in Prague, Czech Republic (PhD). Thinking about getting a degree in mechatronics too, just for the sake of it.
  11. The deadliest part of my space program is reentry, with a total of 2 casualties so far in my career. This number might change though, as i've yet to go to eve.
  12. I've developed a simple scheme, with a type name/code and a nickname after that: Rockets: - Generally have "RS" or "CH" in their type name (RS for Rocket Ship, CH for Cargo Hauler) - The letter before the type name denotes its purpose: C stands for Cargo, I stands for Interplanetary, M for mining, G for General purpose, X for testing craft. - A number in the type name denoting its numerical order. - The nickname is usually taken from an animal's name, with insects dominating for small stuff and mythical creatures for large stuff: Example: XRS - 3 Grasshopper - Third career rocket, meant to be the first reaching LKO. I'd post an image, but it's not something I'm too proud of. Spaceplanes (Shuttles count here) - Have "SS", "AP", "CP" or "NH" in their type name - SS for Space Shuttles, AP for Atmospheric Planes, CP for Cargo Planes (even SSTOs) and NH for interplanetary. - Have another letter denoting their series - I take letters I feel like taking, while earlier tend to be closer to the beginning of the alphabet. - A number denoting their numerical order - same as rocket - Nickname that begins with their series letter - each plane in one series has different name - E.G. Thunderball, Lightning, Streak Example: NH-T-2 Thunderball - Interplanetary SSTO meant for delivering stuff to and from Laythe and Duna. Note that NH-T-3 (Improved version of NH-T-2) is not Thunderball, but Target. The entire T-Series has proven to be the best series of planes I've made so far, with plenty of range, good-enough controllability (excluding high-altitude Dutch Roll) and medium-low cargo capacity. It has been, peformance-wise, surpassed only by rockets and W-Series space shuttles.
  13. Another spontaneous mutation could cause the virus to only propagate among cute kittens. Soon, there would be no kitties to pet and a large population spike of small dogs. I've started playing World of Warcraft. What could possibly go wrong?
  14. Reading my code could be also fun, because I try to comment stuff to remember what it is supposed to do. But from time to time, I make remarks like "Captain Obvious made this line for me", "Why do you think this is here?", "Random line of code just to fill in the blank space", "Random commented-out code, use at your own risk" and so on.
  15. 80%. I'd like if it was getting a lot of new content as computers and spaceflight evolve, though.
  16. You've just found the light, brother! Just kidding. Linux is awesome. Period.
  17. Nvidia GT 630M (laptop). I reckon I might be better off with a newer Intel HD, though. It's performance is abysmal, and makes enough heat to make boiled eggs on it.
  18. Made the switch three years ago. Now my 3 machines are running Debian Wheezy, Ubuntu 14.04 trusty (Main computer), OpenSUSE and Raspbian. Had no problem just yet except for Space Engineers being really picky and jerky about running on Wine. I see no reason to go back to windows, especially since when I was still dual-booting (Needed that for iTunes, and only that), just about everything (gaming-wise) was running faster on Linux, and in case of native versions, even more stable. For example WoW Cataclysm was giving me low-60 FPS at medium setting in Windows 7 and gives me high-70-to-low-90 FPS at the same setting in Ubuntu. No native client. Oh, and runs out of the box with Wine. Maybe I'll reconsider this when Windows 10 grows out of the early buggy stages. I am already intrigued by it, though I'm not happy with this data mining stuff. And I'd probably miss the whole tinkering possibility you get with linux - althouh I won't miss the day my xorg.conf broke for some unknown reason and I was left just with the tty1 console until I figured out what went wrong.
  19. 1366x768. My laptop screen doesn't like moar pixels.
  20. Okay guys, thanks to you I've finally made it. The gauges didn't even show up... ... But surely enough, I ended up right in the middle of an ocean. With heroic effort and the nerves of touching down at 41 m/s (at which point the orbiter was nearly uncontrollable), I managed to walk away from the landing... ... Only to be attacked by Kraken when trying to get a daylight shot. Thank you guys, without you, Kraken wouldn't have dinner today.
  21. Thanks for all the help, guys. I was aiming for 6km to get some decent precision before landing, but I guess safety comes first. I'll just skim the atmosphere and fix the trajectory when already there.
  22. Hello, guys. I got myself into a bit of trouble trying to get my shuttle orbiter back from orbit: I get the 75 km "landing" orbit and I try to just gently dip into the atmosphere (about 6000 m periapsis), but whatever pitch i use to enter the atmosphere, I get crispy at best. My best attempt so far ended up in landing gear and wing strakes exploding at about 20 km. I landed the steak anyway with my patented emergency chute system. However, I'd be happy if I could use the orbiter again after landing. What am I supposed to do (except for messing with cfg and using the cheat menu)?
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