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Everything posted by pincushionman

  1. Guys...I have a new favorite game. Sky Rogue. It's exactly what it says it is - it's a roguelike arcade flight sim; imagine Star Fox and NetHack made sweet love and this is what you get. It's simple, it's brutal, it's in GLORIOUS bold-color low-poly 3D like the old arcade shooters from the '90's, and I can't stop playing it. Has anyone else played this? And if yes, do you have any tips for not getting shredded by the missle-toting enemy fighters? 'Cause that's the part I suck at.
  2. As to whether there can be gaseous moons, consider how few solar system bodies even have permanent (as in captured gas, not simply continuous outgassing gas mostly already at escape velocity) atmospheres. It really is a matter of scale.
  3. Would be also good to be able to access only the experiments in a particular "container." But if you're reviewing the science from some crewed pods, you could "see" all the experiments on the craft, and the part containg the data would be identified somehow, like highlighting it. …and kerbals need the ability to take and put individual experiments, rather than everything at once…really, @AbacusWizard is right - the entire science data management system needs a good hard look-at in 1.2.
  4. You have too much legs. If I recall, under the old souposphere you did want your TWR closer to 2 or so, but in the new system, if you're much above 1.4 you're going to accelerate into a brick wall of drag.
  5. By which he means "keypad" + and -. If you're using a laptop, though, you may not have these. you'll need to re-map them in the Settings menu (Settings->Input->Game->Camera group)
  6. Steam winter sale is on yet again. Bit of a change this year - there are no "dailies" or "flash" sales going on. One sale price, for the whole two weeks, on every sale item. This makes choosing a time to buy a little easier, but also makes searching for good deals harder - because the search functionality leaves a lot to be desired. And with more than 10,000 sale items just looking for random good deals is darn near worthless. So, we need to make suggestions to help each other out. I'll start: KSP is again 40% off ($24) Terraria is $3.40. All the Lego games are on sale too. There are a whole bunch, and they're all fun. Any suggestions for what I should look for?
  7. Have to agree, it's "Best simulation [game] [of 2015]." The un-included caveats in brackets are important. "Simulation game" genre is very, very broad, including SimCity and the like, "Tycoon" games…and Goat Simulator. Being a games review site, PC Gamer might not even include "true" flight simulaors like x-Plane, MSFSX, or Flight Gear. Probably depends on how the editors feel that year. And also, as noted, X-plane was out before this year.
  8. I uhhh…didn't see anything I would describe as "kerbal" there. …or anything about auctions either, really.
  9. Irresponsibility does not imply a lack of intellligence. It only implies a lack of responsibility.
  10. I stopped at Barnes and Noble on Friday to get a gift for my wife, and lefr with a copy. It…'s a present. For my boys. Honest.
  11. Not to be obtuse, but there is no "support" coming from the end-users. It is SQUAD's own show of support that the parts exist, and the end-users either use them or don't. Same as the parts styled after NASA's SLS, also already in the core game and free to be ignored by the players. I don't see how "the parts are in the core game now" in any way implies that individual players support any particular agenda.
  12. Remember that the "classical" (pop-culture) Dyson sphere doesn't work. For structural reasons. The "real" Dyson sphere is actually a swarm of satellites and habitats in orbit. Which does mean gravitational effects on the central star, but the distribution of mass should be relatively homogeneous in the large scale, so the net effect should be small.
  13. As a free addon, the only "support" B612 can recieve from this is publicity. And if you actively choose to not install the parts, that goal has already been accomplished.
  14. By "this" I meant "digitally reproduce content in the library's posession, by any means," not specifically use a camera.
  15. You know what I would use instead? A digital camera, and a small tripod. Make sure you have permission to do this, too.
  16. Spaceception, instead of making a duplicate thread and everybody getting confused which one is the better one to post to, you can always "report" your own post and ask the moderators to move it to the proper forum instead. I've gone ahead and done that for you before this one gets too long, but you may want to do it yourself and include the link to the other thread. I hope this doesn't come across as "backseat moderating" (since I'm not a mod myself), but it's not obvious to everyone that the mods will move stuff if they know about it, and that the "report" is the best way to go about it.
  17. It should be the Hypersonic Inflatable Decelerator Extension (HIDE). Because acronyms are cool. And stuff "hides" behind it. "Extension" doesn't sound very good, though, but I didn't think "enclosure" was very accurate. The design challenge here will be not flipping out from all the drag, no?
  18. If you have a rigid body, pure moment ("torque") can be applied anywhere and it makes no difference. As others have said, however, we don't usually have rigid bodies. We usually have long, flexible ("bendy") structures where it might make sense to distribute moment along the length. This would reduce the stress between parts, but it shouldn't change the global response (rotational acceleration of the craft as a whole). One thing where location does make a difference, however, is the "control from here" point. You want this close to the CoM if you can. Because SAS measures the rotational acceleration at that location, and at the ends of long bendy structures, it not only inherits the CoM's rotational acceleration, it also has it's own accelerations relative to it. These can either add to or subtract from the global rotational acceleration, depending on what exactly is happening. In extreme cases…well, look at Pecan's last image: …The rotational acceleration at the end may well be in the opposite direction of the vessel as a whole. And then everything goes to hell and SAS shakes your ship apart.
  19. Being able to site your own KSC (or multiple centers later in career (would be cool if it were meaningful. Right now KSC is at an ideal location and there is little reason to consider other launch sites. But I envision cities across the planet, some of which represent locations of the various agencies. Building from or launching from locations near the agencies would provide discounts for part and launch costs (think transportation costs for materiel). Current KSC wouldn't be near anything, and would have the highest build/launch overhead cost due to that. So you would have to weigh convenience vs. cost in siting your build and launch facilities. And at certain locations it would be cheaper to use a single manufacturer's parts rather than mixing and matching so much. …on second thought, this would probably be WAY complicated to track, both from a technical standpoint and in communicating it to the player. Plus without axial tilt the actual advantages of different launch sites just aren't there. So this would be better suited for a mod. It would be an impetus to create more life around Kerbin, though.
  20. Why woulld you think that (a) we could tell any difference, from interstellar distances, between "we see evidence of water, and also evidence of salts" and "we see evidence of salty water"? My understanding of our science is that we can detect water, no further details. (b) if we see salt water, we can't assume fresh water is present? If there are both seas and land, and the temperature and pressure ranges match ours well enough, we can safely assume there's a water cycle, meaning it's highly likely there's fresh water somewhere. If not, desalination is a relatively straightforward process. Expensive, but straightforward. (c) if there is salt water, we can't expect habitanility? After all, our own seas are teeming with life of all types. I would imagine that incompatibilities with our physiology would be more likely due to the native ecosystems than the presence of salt.
  21. I thought that not only was scatter not collision…able, it also wasn't persistent. If this is still true, it needs to be made so prior to collision being added.
  22. I don't really understand what's going on here. Do I add this to my profile somehow, or is it a browser extension?
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