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Everything posted by pincushionman

  1. Does 64-bit make a difference? There's nothing stopping a 32-bit application from defining a time variable as a 64-bit-based value. Likewise, a 64-bit application is free to assign it to a 32-bit one. Or 16-bit. Or whatever. Does Unity use a different type for its time variable between the versions?
  2. To save and return to space center then spawn a new vessel, your active vessel must be both NOT - on the runway/launchpad where you want your second vessel to spawn - under "acceleration." If you're not in space, the second requirement means "landing or splashed down, and NOT MOVING." That is key. In the past, Kraken bites on splashed vessels left them bouncing around on the water, unable to pause, recover, or abandon. Fun times! So, get your plane out of the (rather large, honestly) "runway zone" and make sure your brakes are on.
  3. I'm guessing what happens is that animated effects don't care about actual simulation time, and once spawned, will play until they complete. The cleanup script that clears away parts and vessels when rewinding time for a revert probably doesn't bother to remove the smoke effects, since they'll go away when they're done playing anyway.
  4. Remember that the new water behavior is…well…new, so bug potential = high just due to that.
  5. Your OS thread manager should be handling this just fine while KSP is the active application. That is, after all, its job.
  6. Keep in mind with 1920x1200 you're not actually getting "extra resolution," you're getting "more screen height" (the dot pitch is the same). 1920x1080 is the resolution of a TV and fhas an aspect ratio of 16:9, but the other one has an aspect ratio of 16:10. Your current monitor is 16:10. What you want depends on what you're going to do most. Videos are mostly a native 16:9 aspect ratio. Games, minor difference in aspect ratio is less important, but would benefit from the G-sync. Work work? I would kill for a 1600x1200 monitor (4:3) rather than the 1680x1050 second monitor they gave me at work. An extra 120 vertical pixels would be very valuable, but extra width is kinda worthless, especially when using Word where screen width is essentially wasted. Even in Excel it's only one column.
  7. Keep in mind that if you're consistently setting a thrust limiter on launch stages (much) in the VAB it's a sign that your rocket might have too much legs and might be able to get away with fewer or smaller engines. How much leeway you actually have is in that another story and depends on part count, size- and weight limitations, and the discrete nature of the parts.
  8. Yes they do. The whole food chain is just an extreme version of "eat whatever is enough like itself to work." And the energy problem really is super important. Even the author who first introduced the gray goo concept andmitted the whole thing became rather silly once that was pointed out to him. It would be at best (worst?) just another organism in the competing-for-resources pool, and I think we can all agree that "ordinary" life is already very, very good at that game.
  9. Finding out the numbers is only half the job (the "science" half), and as far as I'm concerned, is the less-interesting half. Leveraging that information to efficiently and effectively plan your ships and missions (the "engineering" half) is where the real skills are.
  10. Please describe your gravity turn! You should start turning slowly before you even get to 100 m/s - And with a small ship like you need, you should be getting to that speed almost right off the pad. 45 degrees by 10-15 km, follow prograde most of the rest of the way. You should be well downrange by the time your apo reaches 70 km. I agree with @mrclucks - it sound like you're trying to haul your heavy ship straight up to apo and trying to get all your horizontal speed once you get there. By going diagonally you essentially get some of your horizontal speed for free.
  11. …Except that is exactly the phenomenon you would be testing for.
  12. I believe Steam will only download the port appropriate to the environment it's installed on. You may be stuck unless you get permissions to install.
  13. Like! But graduated from what? Around here spring semesters go until at least May.
  14. Having a lot of flags (among other things) does that. Best bet is an object that is not a flag and not debris, so it doesn't get auto-cleanupped. I'd support an automatic marker for KSC too, but it would be worth more if the other installations around Kerbin were made more meaningful too *coughmorecivilizationcough*. An arbitrary waypoint manager would be the most ideal, though, so you could set landing targets without having to land first.
  15. cyd fbttrr Sorry folks, that's as good as I can do with my forehead on my iPhone.
  16. Remember that Thuds are radial-mounted, and thus always contribute to drag. Furthermore, by turning them off, you carry their dead weight around, which hurts any Isp sdvantage you gain. Turning off multiple engines mid-burn also pretty much requires action groups, and staging Thuds off with decouplers would require fuel lines, both of which may not be early enough tech to qualify for "early career." You may just have to eat the Isp and drag hit to get your required TWR. Of course, as others have said, your TWR doesn't have to be that high after the initial kick in the pants to get you off the pad. And fully-stageable side boosters, especially low-Isp, high-thrust solids, are pretty much made for exactly that job.
  17. I believe you also need to make sure all the docking ports (all four) are "ready" (I think; I don't know the status indicators off the top of my head) in the RMB. Sometimes they glitch out. And if they do it's possible you need to change them by hand in the savefile. Hell, how hard would it be to just edit the save file so they're connected properly to begin with?
  18. I guess there's a whole lot of pendulum effect going on too, which I didn't think about. EDIT. It doesn't help that aero forces are applied at the wing root, not at any kind of center. It's why dihedral doesn't really help much unless you use multiple wing sections. The moment arm is too short. Where are elevons' forces applied?
  19. Would have had trouble getting a good set of photos. You need to adjust "orbits" so your impactor arrives well ahead of your cameras so you can get a good shot, but NH was travelling so fast to begin with that would have been extraordinarily difficult.
  20. As Snark said, you need ailerons - any control surface will do, attached to your wings. Set to roll only. Start with just two; otherwise you may end up with more roll authority than you know what to do with. Set horizontal tail to pitch only, vertical tail to yaw only. And disable torque in the command pod. If you think you need it then you don't have enough control surface.
  21. It shouldn't be in the context menu. It should be something like mod+double-click or mod+middle-click. Of course, I just got done with a whole day of wrangling CATIA, and in that program all your camera controls are based around manipulating the middle button, and it's awesome for it.
  22. I don't think he's suggesting engines being convertible between LF/O and monopropellant. I think he's suggesting setting engines to respond to RCS controls rather than the throttle. Like using Thuds like Vernors on steroids.
  23. How did we get from "can we do the same math in a different number system?", which is a valid question but the answer is well-understood, to "I think we actually don't understand math", which willfully ignores what modern "pure" mathematics research is aboout (being "find out where our understanding breaks down and find ways to patch it up when we find those places")?
  24. Because the whole game is digital delivery, and there's no difference between "part packs" and extenting the parts list in the "main" release?
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