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Everything posted by pincushionman

  1. Yes, but the difference between pWings and stock is apparent in flight as well? I haven't used any procedural wings, but their behavior shouldn't be wildly different from the legos. You may want to check that mod's thread if it is.
  2. The CoL marker isn't accurate in FAR because of the different aero model. You need to look at the stability derivatives (a FAR tool) instead. Don't know why the proc wings would be different than the build-up version though. Is it actually behaving that way in the flight scene, or are you only basing this on the editor CoL marker?
  3. Contact the department you're doing into to find out about any specific software they reccommend or use. A uni as big as PSU also has deals with software suppliers that may or may not be better than the "student" options the developers may offer. Hint: I just googled "pennsylvania state university software" and they do indeed offer a bunch of products; Office in particular is free, but I don't know if the others are better deals or not. Someone in IT should be more than happy to answer questions about it…but I'd strongly reccommend finding out when registration is and calling any other time. They will be supah-busy during registration. Oh, and back to the origional question, $500 won't necessarily get you a "gaming" laptop, but it will sure get you plenty of normal-schmoe laptop. Might even play some kinds of games okay too.
  4. What also might help is more involved testing conditions besides "activate the part through the staging menu." Things like "run at 45 to 60 kN thrust continuously for 300 seconds" or "cycle the [gear] part from stowed to deployed 15 times with suspension unlocked, then lock suspension in the deployed condition and visually inspect via EVA" type stuff.
  5. You may want to wait for Steam Summer Sale (it's coming up) before committing, as both FSX and X-Plane 10 are available on that service, and FSX can potentially be very cheap in the big sales. I got FSX for $5 last winter that way.
  6. What browser extensions and plugins do you have? That sure seems like the behavior of one, since it's actibg within Chrome. I hate to say to google each one you have listed in case the extension hijacks your search, but I've had good success removing stuff like that by hand before by googling the extension names and finding removal instructions. It helps that I run very few extensions on Firefox and there's a "purge all add-ons" feature. You may need to remove something from your installed programs as well, to prevent it from reinstalling the add-ons.
  7. As of 2016-06-08, a Kerbal. On a bicycle. I need to change back to the hedgehog, though, since TdC is over for the year..
  8. The killer in any electric propulsion system is always the power production.
  9. I run in 1600x900 windowed, which usually works pretty well. But yes, having free window resizing (so I could maximize up) would be really great. Not sure whether that's a KSP limitation or a Unity limitation, though.
  10. Is it in the KSPedia? 'Cause the only other place to see it in-game is in the settings menu, which is not accessible from the game proper. I hope that can be changed in the future.
  11. I'm gonna note that the thermometer and barometer not being at the first science node doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and I'm not sure what the game-balance choice for it was. Was it so the massive, bulky science items came first, and the small, "physicsless" ones had to be earned?
  12. Wrong. No roll, no yaw, no pitch. There's sime kind of weird mouse controls to do it. I mapped those to stick axes for the time being, but for some reason for me, jets come out but no turning happens. That's surely a bug, but no key option (even if it's unmapped by default) is an oversight. Every control action that can be mapped to an input device should have the ability to map to a key. Every one.
  13. "Heat" (or more what is happening in a reentry situation, "being really hot") is not, by itself, very useful. Without a temperature differential to go along with it, it's pretty much worthless. And because of conduction in your device any temperature differential you might get by absorbing heat from that kind if environment is going to go away sooner rather than later, so "storing" it for any length of time seems like a bit of a fool's errand.
  14. There is very little in music that i actively avoid listening to. Classical, folk, country, contemporary christian, classic rock, punk, metal, sure, I'll listen. But I've got a soft spot for...funk. Lakeside? Commodores? Parliament? Jaaaaames Brooooown? Yes, please. If you're listening, @danRosas, a psychedelic music video of Kerbals all over KSC dancing and singing to Ride O' Rocket by the Brothers Johnson would make an excellent video.
  15. Plug stick in before starting game. Go to settings->input (or is it controls?) You must set axes manually on the right-hand side of the screen; it will not auto-default to anything. Or is this where it's not recognizing the device?
  16. Tried in 32-bit? Like, completely serious here.
  17. This is a confusion in related terms - when an aircraft is trim it simply means there is no net monent acting on it, which usually means the center of lift lift vector is alingned with the center of mass. Whereas trim is (in game terms, and also RL) whatever means of generating moment you have on hand to accomplish that - control surfaces, gimbal, reaction wheels, RCS - applied in addition to commanded control, such that you're trim when the contols are nominally centered.
  18. Don't sweat it. Planes are legitimately FAR more complicated beasties than are rockets, which are not much more than a tube that has BOOM coming out the back end. Glad you got the thing to fly, but…threeengines in the back is a lot of weight, so your CoM is gonna be waaaay back, so your elevator authority isn't as good as it could be. And drain your tanks in the SPH to see if your CoM will shift behind your CoL furing flight, which is all kinds of bad. Also, what happened to your ailerons? Is your tailplane providing both pitch and roll? As long as it works, cool, but a bit unconventional. I just ask because your new design seems radically different from your old one, which really was almost very good.
  19. I was thinking of The Great x64 Debacle of '15, and, specifically, FAR. Was that not done using the version number, somehow?
  20. KSP does not simulate system failures. Making reliable systems is one of the major costs of spacecraft.
  21. Here's another possibility to consider: some mods check against the version of KSP that's currently running. Sometimes, the mod author might cause the mod to stop functioning if it detects an incompatibility. Not because something has actually broken, but because of the high possibility that something has. Then red flags get thrown up everywhere and everything grinds to a halt.
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