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Everything posted by Shad0wCatcher

  1. Cool! Congrats on the update. Haven't had a chance to use it yet (having my own wobble issues with a large payload and 2.5 meter docking ports launching as well as Kerbtown and KCT not playing nicely together) But hopefully soon I'll need to launch kerbals back to Kerbin in emergency pods!
  2. No kidding! I got close with the Service Module Extension with the old Mk. 1 eyeball: 6000 for the upper (vs 6200 via napkin math) and 4000 for the lower (vs 4500 via napkin math). That's good to know for future reference.
  3. Can corroborate with Turiel regarding the 1.7.2 Toolbar incompatibility.
  4. But but but...everything is fixed with the addition of carbon nano-tubes!
  5. Sounds good raptor; this is all just a philosophical exercise at this point anyway. Re-downloaded everything afresh and so far it's all working fantastically. 6.2 of RF w/ MM 2.4.4 and your config as of Monday. Haven't unlocked NTRs yet in the new career (Ackander's Vertical Tech tree...haven't tried anything sandboxy yet as I just got everything re-installed last night...forgot just how friggin' MANY mods I use. Total folder size was3.9 gigs when I backed it up this morning >.> 7zip compression brought it down to 819 but still)
  6. Negative. The only one that functioned out of the box was the KSPX 2.5 meter NTR (I love it so much still ). I'm in the process of re-downloading all my mods and updating right now (I was using RF 6.0 and PP 0.9.11); going to start with a clean slate. That should solve the issue. Quick question, though. Is your config meant to be standalone? The one I did have (when I last posted prior to today) had a conditional that I don't recognize (forrealfuels-stockengines) (not the correct syntax, I think the hyphen was an underscore).
  7. Alrighty; sorry for the long delay on my response Raptor; the only way I was able to get NTRs to function was by leaving the "old" (prior to your takeover) stockengines MM file along with yours inside the RF folder. That, however, had/has the nasty side effect of duplication of many engine configs and all sorts of other badness (including nuclear fuel / generators in the retro rockets for laughs). Now that I have internet access again going to try for a full re-install and see if that repairs things.
  8. RE: Mods...A ton. It may be RF; I haven't been able to update in a little while (having issues with my internet provider and have been without internet for the last 6 weeks; only been able to update sporadically at my job).
  9. Before you drop your next update Raptor (thanks by the way for the effort; this config is outstanding), you may want to check on all the NTRs. None of them have Nuclear Fuel or alternator / generator modules. The code is in the config; but in the incorrect place (it's above the LTBY from Kommitz's pack; but not part of the LTBY and that's the only reference for those modules in the pack. I've basically copy/pasted them to each of the NTRs included in my own config to allow them to function; otherwise none of the NTRs modified by this config function at all (due to deprivation of one of the propellant resources that they're looking for). Also it's really hacky as they're all using the same amount of fuel no matter the reactor size (same amount; same generational capacity; same fuel usage values). EDIT: The missing code from the NTR configs. If they're not supposed to have the generational capacity or any of this then I'd definitely make the suggestion to remove the nuclearFuel propellant component from their configuration modifications. Otherwise all of Kommitz's NTRs, SXT (Lackluster's) NTRs, RLA's baby NTR, and I think another mod's (not sure if KSPX or if I'm thinking of a different one) are dead weight and do not function out of the box. !MODULE[ModuleAlternator] {} !MODULE[ModuleGenerator] {} !RESOURCE[nuclearFuel] {} !RESOURCE[nuclearWaste] {} MODULE { name = ModuleAlternator OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = nuclearFuel rate = -0.00000000000000002 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = nuclearWaste rate = 0.00000000000000002 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 12 } } MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = true OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 6 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = nuclearWaste rate = 0.00000000000000002 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = nuclearFuel rate = 0.00000000000000002 } } RESOURCE { name = nuclearFuel amount = 20 maxAmount = 20 } RESOURCE { name = nuclearWaste amount = 0 maxAmount = 20 } }
  10. Yea I've had that issue with only the Bearcat 5x (and the rockets from the Anvil launch vehicles) where the motor gets stuck in the grating and refuses to lift off since I first downloaded the packs. Easy fix to just use clamps to keep the rocket slightly off the pad.
  11. Do you have a mechjeb component installed on the craft? (the MJ202 case or the 1.25 meter autopilot pod)
  12. @PrivateFlip -- That bug doesn't require an engine; just any sort of module, you could add modulegenerator or moduleSAS and they'd also fix the issue.
  13. @Aazard the old non-superstretchies were deprecated in v9 of stretchy tanks. "category = -1" in their config means they're no longer available to use in new construction; but still function on old craft. I'm running into the same issue on my install. Quick and dirty fix is to un-deprecate 'em by changing each of the configs (for 0.5, 0.625, 1.25, etc up to the 5 meter) category from -1 back to Propulsion (re-enabling them in the VAB / SPH). Otherwise the tree.cfg (RPL's tech tree) needs to be changed to make the new stretchy tanks available earlier and changing / confirming location of the size unlocks in the tech.cfg in the stretchytanks install folder. The hiccup with that that I can see is I have no friggin' clue what the modifiers mean in the tech.cfg (they're multiples; but I don't know what base they're going off at all. (pre-emptive edit: Quick math tells me 2.5 meters is the base size (2.5*0.25 = 0.625 which conforms with the sizing available at the first node)). Going to run some quick tests of my own here to confirm this functions correctly. Changing the Tech.cfg (to allow any size from the start [changing all values from their decimal to 100]) and Tree.cfg (to make sure the stretchy tanks are available also).
  14. Congrats on the (early for me) release Nathan! Looking forward to trying it out!
  15. Congrats on the release! Looking forward to trying out the new version.
  16. With regards to science before 0.24 releases you can try out the realistic progression lite which expands the tech tree and still has KSPI support.
  17. Using RSS w/ Real Fuels means real engine configs. Means most engines aren't deeply throttlable. Either On or Off for most of them.
  18. Ah my mistake then. I thought the RAPIER behaved exactly like the SABRE did in RF. That's what I get for making an assumption. :/ Thanks for the clarification though!
  19. Still a fantastic experience using this along with the "Realistic Progression Lite" tech tree. Makes for some really tough missions
  20. Don't they already run on Hydrogen / HydroLOX?
  21. Under 2k for sure. I want to say Laythe is around 900-ish. Pol should be a bit more; 1200-1400ish (only been there once and lost the lander due to terrain map being scaled down but not the planetary mesh). This is while using Bop as a moonlet around Kerbin. If you're talking about Bop as a moonlet it's around 700-ish.
  22. Velocity change is velocity change. With or without atmosphere. The only differences you're going to notice are atmospheric losses which aren't shown AFAIK; though I could be wrong. I know MJ2 has the ability to show atmospheric drag losses but it doesn't function with FAR; though Gravitational and steering losses are shown. Also you'll notice a change with regards to sea level TWR as opposed to atmospheric and non-atmospheric; but that's calculated automatically based on atmospheric pressure in the game itself. As far as I can tell though everything is accurate; just requires less delta V to get into orbit using FAR (1k-ish less needed) since the atmosphere thins out much more quickly than stock.
  23. Far as what bullet? I've been using FAR fairly extensively in my installs and haven't noticed anything untoward with regards to this interacting with it.
  24. VOID also does this in a heads-up display type manner. Though it includes a bunch of other stuff that may or may not be wanted.
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