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Everything posted by sashan

  1. Why are the textures for new container in MBM format? I thought it is obsolete, and DDS should be used wherever possible.
  2. As for solar panels - it is possible to set them up to have two-axis gimbal. They should be modelled in a special way tho, and obviously connector nodes won't rotate. From the point of view of setup in 3ds max/blender/unity - basically you have first solar panel that is modelled as rotating truss, with its own suncatcher and energy generation set to 0, and second one - a real solar panel, attached to first, again set up like it should be. Also, I have a big request. Can the mod disable itself for crafts that are in thick atmosphere, as well as for landed crafts? Currently it frequently spins up the landed crafts when they are loaded or unpacked, destroying them, and spins up airplanes that fly without SAS when you quickload as well, leading to FAR destroying or stalling them.
  3. Another part I'd like to see is 4-way adapter with profiles like the modules, not square. WOuld look awsum. Also, landing gear fix is a must. Currently they spam a message I've posted a few posts back.
  4. Just noticed that phys distance setting dissapeared from latest version. The 0.9.1 one you've just posted. Also, all the radars should have absolute maximum range. It is defined by interval between emitted pulses. Okay, okay, I'm away to sleep.
  5. But guard mode doesn't work with current radar system. Waiting for next update Baha. Guys, watch the video above. It's teh best tutorial. EDIT: Tried adding radar to CIWS. It doesn't work radar and gun targeting conflict with each other. This is really needed feature, waiting for fix. Real CIWS tracking radars usually move with gun elevation/traverse, and can track targets within certain cone angle from boresight line. And they have separate tracking radars. We really need turret-within-turret feature to do things like this. Scanning radar on back, tracking radar on its "turret" mounnt in front of turret, guns and missiles. Just throwing ideas into idea pile
  6. Also, you should select target on radar's screen. See this baha's video for a targeting tutorial: Btw, GOalkeeper no longer has a muzzleflash
  7. Guys, sorry for writing that much, but why does my ECM pod turn of immidiately after turning on? There is more ihan enough electricity. - - - Updated - - - Yes indeed. Ideas jump into my head after random intervals of time and never at the same time
  8. Just checked more carefully, radar can detect missiles. Will check if it can track them next. The sensitivity is really bad, ground-based trackng radar wasn't able to detect JDAM from 1km. - - - Updated - - - Enable RWR, select HARM - you'll see enemy radars marked with symbol if you're close enough. THen launch HARM. It has lots of energy - can reach 10 km from 1500m altitude without even gliding, purely on engine. - - - Updated - - - Also, small thing for your todo list: add module description like all the stock modules have The one that is shown in part description in SPH/VAB. - - - Updated - - - Also, can the radar on Goalkeeper be made functional? Tracking one, I mean. Would also be nice to have separate scanning one, like on the real thing. - - - Updated - - - Can tracking-only radars be made right now? THe ones that require external scanning one? Would be really good to have 2 or more radars working at the same time on one vehicle in the next update. They could be combined like radar data receiver does it now. I guess it would be pretty easy to implement. - - - Updated - - - Radomes are also freakin heavy. It also offsets my existing crafts center of gravity so much that they have to be completely redesigned. Take, for example, the biggest one. 675 kilos. Similar-shaped fuel tank without fuel and small nosecone to fit it have very similar size, but weigth just 110 kg. Let's look at AN/APG-70 used on F-15E: Doubt electronics weights more that 70 kilos, plus the radar itself 40kg. In addition, as we can see from LockOn, which is said to be pretty realistic, radars scan somewhere like 2 times faster, depending on a mode. So, I've did this patch: @PART[bdRadome1] { @mass = 0.175 @MODULE[ModuleRadar] { @scanRotationSpeed = 180 } } Oh, and can you include xome explanations about new cgf parameters? Like rwrThreatType and lockRotationAngle, for example.
  9. Why are JDAM's that are dropped with target outside green circle not locking? I mean, the circle is "optimal", but it should be able to lock on any positions, no? Also, the circle is not that optimal. Just dropped a JDAM from 5k meters and 150 m/s, and the target was in the circle. The bomb stuck into terrain 400 meters short and at 80m/s airspeed. Yes, I have FAR, but I think bombs use their own aerodynamics? As for targeting pod: Would be nice to be able to make it target selected GPS coords. IDK aboun real LANTIRN pod, but Apache gunship for sure has this functionality - read Ed Macy's Hellfire. EDIT: WHy can't radars detect missiles? They are more than detectable, especially at a few kilometer distances. Also, would be nice to have at least crude modeling of ground reflection - target flying low and with terrain as background for radar must be difficult to detect. FOr excample, such target would evade missiles easily, etc, ant above certain thereshold would not be detected at all.
  10. I find it damn difficult to transition from vertical to horizontal fligt with VTOLs. Maybe you can add 45 degree position for engines?? Impossible to gain speed otherwise.
  11. Yes, some missiles are dropped, or dropped/slide off depending on pylon they are mounted to, but we need to have both option.
  12. Well, we really need proper missile rails, with missiles sliding off them, not falling off.
  13. Can they actually land? Or is it mechjeb or something, not BDarmory?
  14. Good idea. I guess it should be like thes: - If no engines left=>eject. Of course player can glide, I glide and land very often, but that's not AI's problem. - If less then 100 m altitude and descent speed>10m/s, and parts got shot off before => eject. - No control surfaces left => eject. - We can also use part counter, like if part count is less then (set up amount for each plane) then eject.
  15. Also would be nice if you reuse some textures. THe mod is growing large. Can you also add some small parts, like inline, without canopy protruding but with windows cockpit for 1.25 meters?
  16. It is very often ripped off as well. EDIT: Tanks? This one: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118824-WIP-Never-Enuff-Dakka-A-BDArmoury-expansion?p=1896201#post1896201 THe quality is not top notch, but from 300-3000 meters range they look more than OK. Especially if you are busy evading them. I added auto lock capability to most turrets, so now AI fires Abrams guns at my plane. Very often with success, I must say, if I don't maneuver and fly low.
  17. One more idea - EVA parachutes and autoejection. Sort of VNG thechnologies plugin, but interfaced with yours, so that downed planes autoeject crew and deploy their chutes. Don't like kerbals being killed when they can survive, and ejecting them manually is not always an option - other crafts crash at that time.
  18. Uhm, video that is intended to demonstrate sounds overlayed with loud music? Where's logic? Downloading anyways.
  19. Deadly reentry replaces stock system, but it is deadly indeed.
  20. Shouldn't the engines thrust through center of mass? AFAIK only one of them works at the same time when used as orbital maneuvering system.
  21. Just tested that weapons pack that has tank bodies. Well, I must admit that ground enemy that takes up just 19 parts (with stock wheels instead of tracks, two flare launchers, two ammo boxes, MechJeb for control, weapon manager and small solar panel) is extremely cool to have. You can spam many of them without any lags. Something like this should be included in the core mod.
  22. Btw, is it possible to simulate armor? E.g. hits by ammo elow certain caliber or better, below certain specified armor piercing capability would not inflict any damage at all, or a very low damage (around 0.1%)? Currently it is possible to destroy any part by firing a it for some time. 10 or so hits from Goalkeeper destroy even structural panels.
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