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Everything posted by Agathorn

  1. If you want a different value, just change it yourself. It would be ludicrous to release a whole set of alternate versions of a mod that does nothing but change a number in a text file. Set it to taste as you want.
  2. Maybe try using kerbal.InVessl() and if the vessel is null assume he is EVA? (I'm spitballing, I don't know if that works the way it looks like it does).
  3. Cool I won't worry about it then. Back to my own plugin
  4. Has anyone taken you up on this yet? It should be pretty simple.
  5. Well that's interesting since I am running this on 0.24. Not all strings are stripped, though looking again most certainly are. Some are still there, like "model". Anyway I have a working work around for now, but that tidbit about PartLoader could prove to be very useful to me so thanks!
  6. Programming is programming. If you truly understand the fundamentals than learning another language is trivial. Its learning the KSP API that is the cumbersome part, especially with essentially zero documentation. Java and C# are extremely similar and won't take much of a leap.
  7. How would I tell if a Kerbil is near a part? Either EVA or on land, but I want to determine if the Kerbal being controlled is essentially able to touch the part, so that an action on the part can only be performed if they can touch it.
  8. Ok looks like doing it this way instead works: foreach (UrlDir.UrlConfig url in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigs("PART")) { if (url.name == partName) { print("Found match"); } }
  9. I have the following code print("OnAwake() - Looking through GameDatabase"); foreach (ConfigNode part_node in GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("PART")) { print(part_node.name); print(part_node.ToString()); } But i'm finding that the results that get returned from pretty much every stock part is missing data, important data, like "name"! I'm wanting to iterate through all configs looking for a specific part, but without the name value being in there, I can't match them up
  10. Care to share how you got it working? I'm still fighting with properly loading and persisting ConfigNodes.
  11. RealChutes underwent major changes which are not compatible with RO, even if everything was .24 ready (which of course it isn't)
  12. Yeah I think the key is keep it open so its very easy for another mod to "extend" it in a seamless way to add new resource gameplay. If you do that they you're golden And ORS pretty much handles most of that for you anyway.
  13. Honestly the reason I won't use Kethane is due to its :one resource to rule them all" policy. Its boring. Why do the same thing again? A good resource system mod, IMHO: 1) Diversity of resources 2) Diversity of conversion of resources 3) optional support for a wide range of parts and containers from other mods 4) open API to allow other mods to work with Using ORS is a huge step in the right direction as it provides that Open API, it just needs a mod to provide models and implementation. If you do decide to go with one resource only, then I hope you build the system in such a way as to allow seamless expansion to multiple resources by a companion mod.
  14. I've been working behind the scenes on a total RSS/RO based career mode, but its a long way from happening.
  15. And even stuff that does implement IConfigNode is iffy. I've been fighting with the ConfigNode stuff all weekend and still scratching my head half the time. There seems to be some unwritten rules on what works and doesn't work, and annoyingly the original sample given by the devs when this stuff was released doesn't even work. In your case specifically the error is happening because its trying to cast values to a different type for persistence and can't.
  16. Its still the wrong files. KSP creates TWO logs. The first one ksp.log is what you are uploading. That is just basic logs and contains no details. The other, is called ooutput_log.txt and is in the KSP_Data (or 64bit data if you are running that) and contains MUCH more detail. That is what would be needed to see what is causing the NREs.
  17. No. The license doesn't allow it. You can grab the source yourself and compile it, but you can't release that to anyone.
  18. That looks like it comes from the ksp.log, but we really need to see KSP_Data/output_log.txt to see the real error.
  19. Hey Biotronic I just submitted a PR to fix the issue with RealFuels volume. Seems to work properly in my tests, but take that as you will
  20. By the way in the original PDF the map is made up of layers, which include solid color maps of each district area.. I think. I can't figure out how to break out the layers - I just know they are there because you can see them as Adobe Reader draws it.
  21. Well the one I posted, which I think just came out in the last day or two, has FAR less on it as far as I can see. Its obviously not strickly speaking "biomes" but rather a geologic survey, but I think it would work well
  22. NASA was nice enough to make a custom biome map for us for Mars Full res: http://i.imgur.com/GhoO4SV.jpg EDIT to add USGS Source: http://pubs.er.usgs.gov/publication/sim3292
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