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Everything posted by Jas1126

  1. Testing the limits of my PC. Seems I can much go bigger. XD
  2. It happened again. I believe it's caused by the TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer's overhanging the launch pad.
  3. Loaded up a new heavy lifter build and this is what occurred. It remained stationary in that position.
  4. I was experimenting with heavy lander's/launchers around a week ago and came up with a design that was far more efficient than I could have hoped for. It was able to hit all of minmus' biome's in a single trip. I was even able to use the remaining fuel and do a high/low orbital science gain of the Mun on the way back to Kerbin. I've been improving upon it since. Very happy with the results. Far from perfected but these things take time.
  5. I generally put as many boosters as is possible. This is, in part, due to my dislike of the lag that docking causes in some cases. I'm hoping that the new update (income) forces me to think small. I just cannot think of a good reason to think small right now. I'm all about efficiency during this phase of the game. That includes hassle free ships that have enough probes to multi-task. I have gotten Career mode down to three trips. Man, oh man, do I hope this new update offers increased challenge.
  6. I hate to be "That guy" (seriously, it sickens even me), but this is why I contested the reputation system when it was first introduced years ago (on another forum). These threads are generally in the wrong section and were numerous in some cases. The War Z forum (before the name change) comes to mind.
  7. If it says in the build mode "no cross feed" then fuel lines are useless.
  8. Oh, I totally see how this is game related. /sarcasm
  9. Kickstarter. I've stopped going there, though. So many wonderful ideas that I'm going to have to wait years for. Just look at how long it's taking this game to progress. This game can be completed in a few hours (career mode) and I'm still waiting months to see anything significant. I'm so very eager to see what this team comes out with next. No rush mind you. I'm simply stating that I love this game so much that waiting is a mental burden. XD
  10. You win an internet. Don't spend it all in one place.
  11. I can see how these could be viable in the future, but for now I just build massive ships that can do anything I want. My last build needed no refueling. The stages were absolutely massive though. Severe sleep deprivation leads to stupidity (for me anyway, it seems), what can I say. Thanks for not holding it against me and remaining civil.
  12. That.... Why the heck hasn't anyone mentioned this before! I'd love to see it.
  13. 24 ion engines on an absolute bare minimum design (as mass-less as possible) made for a more reasonable burn time.
  14. I'll never understand the hate for MechJeb. That mod gives so much wonderful information. Aside from mundane orbits around Kerbin, I don't use its autopilot function. But man how I love all of the useful information! What's not to love about that?
  15. So essentially they're still completely useless when those trips are easily achievable otherwise. Spend an hour with ion engines or get the exact same job done in 5 minutes with a proper ship. I'm honestly starting to wonder why they even bothered putting these ion engines in the game. Aesthetics or role-playing, I suppose. Sure, they can be used for probes or lander's.. But so can normal engines with much less wait times overall. Sorry if I sound frustrated but this all just seems rather ridiculous to me.
  16. Up until two hours ago I hadn't touched the ion engines (since four months ago). I must be experiencing some kind of glitch or missing a file update because these things are still awful. 2.0 thrust. <- Is that correct? Am I missing something? 23.5.464 is the version I'm seeing on the main screen. I'm looking at the wiki and it states: "Because it uses only about 0.485 units of xenon per second, one PB-X50R Xenon Container with 400 units of xenon can supply the engine for almost 14 minutes. The other larger tank PB-X150 Xenon Container with 700 units of xenon has enough to supply the engine more than 24 minutes." How are people getting to distant planets and back with that low efficiency? I popped a few onto a nearly mass-less ship and the burn to Jool was just over an hour from high Kerbin orbit. What the heck am I missing?
  17. I tried a few designs with the ion engines well before this update and never once used them again. Before this update they may as well have removed them completely, in my opinion. Now, I have even more things to do because of all the changes. Overpowered? Sure. But, something new to try nonetheless. I look at it this way: Once a person has mastered a craft, they'll stick with it forever (unless they want to try new things for fun). All this change does is give us yet another same-same build that, again, we'll keep using over and over again. There is no difference! We go from using one constant ship design to another.
  18. Speaking of career mode, anyone have any idea when the next major update (2.4?) hits? I'm very anxious to play it! Sorry for the off topic question but starting a thread seemed ridiculous to me.
  19. Running out of fuel on a return trip from a massively profitable interplanetary fly-by. Used to be a hair pulling experience.. I've had to limp back to Kerbin via RCS on a few occasions.. As far as bugs are concerned: Have the BSOD whenever my Kerbonaut is trying to stand up after falling whilst on Kerbin; probably due to bumping his head on the craft. Has happened a number of times.... Hasn't happened since the recent update. Perhaps they fixed it? Not sure.
  20. Ah, thank you very much.
  21. Is it safe to say that any part could be made mass-less with that added code?
  22. I would personally love more points of interest. Significant structures and caves on bodies; ones we can explore in-depth. Perhaps an extraordinary (massive) alien ship that's been crash landed on Eve or the like. It goes without saying that I'd be more than willing to wait for the core game play to be finished first.
  23. Hi, sorry if this has been answered elsewhere (feel free to lock and point me in the right direction if you would be so kind). I'd very much like to know of every mass-less part currently in the game. My ultimate goal is to make as mass-less a ship as possible capable of extraordinary feats. Parts I know of: 1. Octagonal Strut 2. EAS-4 Strut Connector 3. OX-SAT Photovoltaic Panel 4. Z-100 Rechargeable Battery Pack I'm not sure what determines which part is mass-less (Otherwise I wouldn't be asking). XD I'll add people's input on the matter in this post. Thanks very much and happy gaming.
  24. Let's say you have 6 tanks surrounding the center tank. One outer tank feeds the tank next to it which feeds a third tank. The third tank feeds the center tank. You do the same with the other three tanks in a way in which the two first feeders are on opposite sides of the center tank for balance. As the tanks drain, you decouple them two by two. You have to manually set up the decoupling stages. I've never been good at explaining these things so if this has caused confusion then I'm sorry.
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