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Everything posted by Spuds

  1. Haha, wow, it's weird seeing a (modified) comparison shot that I made over 2 years ago being dug up now! I posted the original image in this reddit thread. I prefer the art style of the new cockpit but like the design of the old one. IMO something like the MK1 cockpit from Ven's Stock Revamp (link) would be pretty cool.
  2. Probably not, as this has not been mentioned or spoken about in the weekly Devnotes, on twitter / Facebook / Reddit, or on dev streams. On a slightly unrelated note, it is unlikely that 1.1 and Unity 5 will bring massive performance gains or unleash your RAM. The changes that occured in Unity 5 are drastic, but physics-wise we are still hampered by the fact that only 1 thread can be dedicated to a ship for physics calculations, so large ships will still be very slow. Not to dash your hopes or anything, but that's unfortunately how it is.
  3. Terminators are the boundaries between the day side of a planet and the night side of a planet. Scatterer makes the terminator glow with a bunch of beautiful reddish hues, as it simulates the heavy atmospheric scattering the light undergoes in that region. Here is an image of a terminator: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasamarshall/6731872025 On another note, incredible work Rbray! I look forward to using this in my Linux save.
  4. I'm quite nervous about this decision, as this now means Squad has a large corporation breathing down their neck each patch. And console players are a lot less forgiving of bugs than the PC crowd. The game already has enough bugs and issues as is, porting it to a weaker and less popular market seems like a bad idea. The tweet for reference: https://twitter.com/Maxmaps/status/610993844679630848
  5. Mu was talking about hitting Mach 3-4 at sea level, around 1300 m/s. That is unrealistic. Fighter Jets can hit mach 2 at sea level, I believe, but they usually hit these speeds at high altitudes where there is much less drag. Anything larger than an Aeris-3 A sized jet shouldn't be blasting off of the end of the runway at breakneck speeds like they used to.
  6. During the Squadcast with the team, Mu commented on the recent aero changes in the patches. I took some notes below: SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT. PLEASE REFER TO THE STREAM FOR MU'S FULL COMMENT. 1.0.1/1.0.2 fixed a bug with occlusion in the 1.0 drag; made some parts have less drag than intended Scott Manley told them that the pods did not slow down as enough; drag was upped to compensate As a result, lift and other values were tweaked. You really shouldn't be able to hit high mach levels at sea levels using jets. Will be changed in the future, but aero is working as intended Transonic drag profiles are being tweaked and such.
  7. Hmm... Preliminary testing on my part appears to show that at lower altitudes, drag has increased, while at higher altitudes, you can gain speed faster. I used an Aeris 3A with a turbojet for these tests: Max speed @1000m - 370 m/s Max speed @12000m - 1200 m/s (before stuff began to blow up) Looks like you now need more thrust lower in the atmosphere to overcome that initial drag. Seems realistic enough, although older designs may be (and probably are) broken.
  8. Let's see here... I've made a couple of critical posts about Squad on the forums and reddit, but also posted positive things, so... I guess it cancels out. Kind of like renegade's situation.
  9. I've found that reducing the gimbal amount for your engines helps reduce wobblyness in the atmosphere, likely because the SAS overcompensates and your gimbal is either all or nothing. Luckily the gimbal limit can be adjusted mid-flight, to prevent uncontrollable wobbling.
  10. Well, like, yeah... On a side note, I have 8 unmodded copies of KSP, from 0.20.2 to 0.90 (ARM inclusive), and 1 modded copy. What else will I do with 1 TB of HDD space?
  11. Yes! I love these summaries! I timed the startup on my phone, and I got 13.35 seconds, but yours is probably more accurate. Something in that range.
  12. Thank you OWK! Really helps to have this when I miss the streams! And I think you missed something by the fairing descriptions, it abruptly cuts off:
  13. Spuds

    1.0 date?

    It will release when it is finished. Squad has never liked giving out release dates, because they don't want to have to inform a disappointed userbase that a bug slipped through QA that needs to be patched. Even so, you can get a rough idea of how much they have done and have to do before 1.0 releases. Just looking at the last Devnote Tuesdays, the new Aero model has been pushed to QA, while the new procedual fairings have begun development.
  14. Yeah, as said before, I think that a saturation system is in order, as well as a nerf. A nerf is needed because I can hold landers at a 45 degree angle, which is very strange, even to the newbies playing this game. There should also be a saturation system in place for 2 reasons: 1) Their fuel (electricity) is easily replenishable. This means that you can use reaction wheels for a long time, wait a bit, and then use them for a long time again. 2) They get rid of the need for RCS. If all of your orientation controls are through reaction wheels, there is no need to have RCS, except for docking. Heck, with good engine control you can DOCK without RCS, which effectively gets rid of one important aspect of the game. The saturation system doesn't need to be complex; it can be a simple timer that slowly ticks down until you regain power. The reaction wheels NEED to be nerfed though, for the sake of balance.
  15. You know... I'm now starting to become VERY optimistic about 1.0. I was initially reluctant, to say the least, but the effort that they are putting in and the polish that they are adding makes me very excited for this update. OH SNAP! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  16. I see nothing wrong with- OH GOD NO
  17. With KSP's entrance into beta, now is the perfect time to implement a new asset loading system. The old asset loading system has many issues that need to be fixed, the biggest of them all being that loading all of the parts into the RAM causes huge amounts of it to be eaten, making the 32-bit limit easy to reach. A new asset loading system would have to solve these issues (Among others, feel free to contribute): 1) Decreased memory usage: This one is a no-brainer. KSP's asset loader consumes large amounts of RAM; a better asset loader would solve this. Arguably the biggest issue with the current system. 2) Speed: KSP's current asset loading system is very slow, as all of the parts that are used in KSP are loaded at once. Especially noticeable when using mods. 3) A better method: KSP currently loads everything that is in the GameData folder into memory. This is very inefficient, as some components need not be loaded. This needs to be fixed. Now, with these issues in mind, how should SQUAD go about improving the asset loader? What techniques should they implement? How would these issues be solved? And please remember, keep it civil guys! :
  18. You have to upgrade your SPH and/or VAB in order to gain access to action groups, a list of the limitations can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103034
  19. Hello there! Welcome to the forums! If you haven't already, you should check out the mods scene, as there are many varied mods that may catch your interest. You might want to try SCANSat, as that would help you track down the last few biomes that you have to visit on the Mun. Other than that, enjoy your stay!
  20. IMO, the feature on its own is a bit underwhelming, but it does open a lot of exciting possibilities. Like, having part damage scale with impact force on the ground, seeing as how the KSC buildings only register the impact after a certain threshold. Or having deformable terrain, which will open up new gameplay opportunities for things like colonization. Imagine flattening a portion of a landscape to land rovers on, or set up a base. In retrospect, the fact that they said that it was a large feature codewise and a small feature gameplay wise would make sense, seeing as how destructible buildings are a small part of the game that you would only sometimes encounter. I'm pretty excited for 0.25, and by extention, 0.26.
  21. To me, it looks like the video will be about a new-and-improved Kraken drive. Maybe he'll get to Eeloo in 11 hours? It most likely won't be a 0.25 video, as that would be a breach of the NDA. Plus, like other "First time in 0.xx" videos, he'd mess around with the new features. It wouldn't make sense for him to showcase a bug in 0.25 experimentals that may well have been stomped by release.
  22. Some day, someone is going to wonder why all of the posts on the KSP forums are about burgers and bananas...
  23. Welcome to the forums! You may want to take a look at kOS (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47399-kOS-Scriptable-Autopilot-System-0-9), it's an interesting autopilot system that I think ties in with Telemachus well.
  24. Welcome to the forums! I also have a few questions: 1) What branch of the military do you serve in? 2) How did you get introduced to KSP? 3) Do you watch Scott Manley/Kurtjmac for tutorials, or are you winging it? Try this link for finding phase angles for planetary transfers: http://ksp.olex.biz/ . You can also use a mod called Protractor: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83173-23-5-Protractor-Continued-Rendezvous-Plugin-v2-4-7-%28June-14th-2014%29 for ingame displays. Regarding the CoT issue: That's a very good mod idea. You should suggest it in the Addon Requests forum if you hadn't already. You may want to take a look at RCS Build aid (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35996-0-24-x-RCS-Build-Aid-v0-5) for finding out how to balance your RCS jets. It may be helpful for building spaceplanes. If you're just interested in information displays, but don't want autopilot, try Kerbal Engineer Redux (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/18230-0-24-2-Kerbal-Engineer-Redux-v0-6-2-10-and-v1-0-7 [use 1.0.7, it is the newest branch]) or Vehicle Orbital Information Display (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/?p=719342), AKA KER and VOID. I believe KER has more info, while VOID is better in orbit. But your decision. Again, welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay!
  25. KerbalStuff mirror works fine, and is not slow. No problems that I notice off the bat.
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