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Everything posted by Spuds

  1. Amazing work, bac9, Taverius and K3|Chris! All of us on the KSP forums appreciate the hard work and time you invested in this project. Thank you all for making this pack!
  2. Being the poster of the post in question, I can assure you that the "Miscellaneous Strategies" as they were known weren't limited to "Physics Buffs", I believe there were a few other gameplay-changing things that did not alter the laws of Physics. I would be fine with these buffs if they were just limited to spacecraft related things. Increasing the ISP would be OK to me, as long as it was rationalized as "using H2 instead of Kerosene for better efficiency", or "Having discussions with companies in an effort to increase payout" for contracts. Things like changing the drag seem a bit out there, if you know what I mean.
  3. I for one, am ecstatic about all of the features. Except 1: I'm iffy about the addition of the Misc Strategies. Some of them make sense, like having better contract rewards or getting more money for vessel recovery. But things like increasing the engine efficiency and decreasing drag seem a bit unrealistic. Maybe unrealistic is the incorrect word, but I don't think that having a buff that changes the way a craft interacts with the physics engine is good in a game that is rather educational. It gives off the impression that increasing engine efficiency is easy, as well as combating drag. I'm all for all of the other ideas that they have about the admin building, but this one seems like a bad choice. What do you guys think?
  4. While the Squadcast was on, I took notes as Maxmaps and Yargnit discussed the PLANNED features of the update. Keyword being PLANNED. Squad decided to do something new with this update: release the planned features list, and use our input to make the update even better. So nothing here is concrete; it could change if the community decides against the feature. Let me repeat that: NOTHING IS CONCRETE With that out of the way, here are my notes: --New Spaceplane parts -Cargobay planned to be added, may be a 2 patch thing (maybe due to no native firespitter) -Trying to be implemented in a way as to not break old designs --Enhanced Navball function -Prograde, retrograde, Normal, antinormal, Radial in, radial out --Punch It button! --Improved Accessibility --Better sounds -SFX being added for parts with no SFX now --Better particle effects -More to be revealed, but better explosions confirmed -Minimal performance impact expected --Difficulty options -Implementation started with ALT-F12 options of difficulty -Panel will contain all of that + new options tied to the new update -Tweak starting funds, Allow stock ships, Autohire crews... -Once you research a node, you have to pay a hefty price to unlock it(4-10x), prototype it, then finally unlock it -Modifiers for sci, funds, rep (10% of normal gain to 1000% of normal gain) -Allows for gameplay options like bumping sci gain to not worry about it --Adding a mechanic that will be fleshed out over time: KERBAL EXP! -FlightLogger like implementation -Can tell anything you have done in the game, landed on the moon, orbited minimus, etc --used for contracts --Such a system will be used for Kerbal EXP gaining --Kerbals gain levels eventually becoming veterans --loosing high-leveled Kerbals will cause a MASSIVE rep loss (Imagine loosing Armstrong and Buzz on another space mission) --Future cannot be discussed, but you "won't have to wait long" --First Person EVA --NOT FOR .25, but wanted for a future update --Max called switching out an RCS pack for a parachute a good idea and "pretty metal" (suggested by Mammonlord) --Seecret feature --Max cannot reveal it, he does not have the authority --"we believe it is really cool, one of the coolest things in the game" --Max --Complex from the code, but "basic" from the gameplay aspect --Veterans, who are REALLY GOOD (read: regex, ferram4, Scott Manley) will not encounter it --Creates the framework for a MASSIVE feature in the future --No mod has done it --HarvesteR had extreme amounts of fun playing with it --NOT CLIPPY --Max derives happiness from seeing everyone speculate --Part count problems --Unity 4 with PhysX is only single threaded = Slow --Unity 5 has multithreading, and there are plans to make it PRIORITY #1 when it is released --ETA: Don't ask us guys, we're itching to get our hands on it --OSX 64 bit is being worked on --When it will be released, expect it to be experimental --Admin building --Used to be a currency exchange like "trade X for Y", deemed unfun(Max called it similar to Age of Empires 3, and "dated) --Now a place to control your strategies --Buffs to be paid using currencies --Use rep to buy unpaid interns? Loose rep, but science gains are increased for 5 missions by 20% --Misc Strategy is also being added --EX: If you spend funds and science, the next flight has better fuel efficiency -or the next flight has a bit less drag -or you have better contract rewards --All temporary buffs, never permanent Feel free to discuss, but keep it civil. If this thread is redundant or otherwise has issues, please lock/merge it as you see fit, mods.
  5. I've got my own notes list. Should I post it here for reference? I think a few things from the OP are missing. EDIT: Created my own thread. If it becomes redundant, I think a moderator will merge these 2.
  6. I've got a feeling that the MK3 line will be shunted sideways into high-capacity passenger carrying or into the creation of long-range jets. There's really no incentive to use it over the other MK-series parts. That would change, however, if they upscaled the size to accommodate 2.5 meter parts, it would probably see a lot of use then. Whether or not they will BE upscaled is anyone's guess, though, SQUAD isn't obligated to follow our suggestions. I'm REALLY HYPED about the addition of SP+ to stock, though. When I saw it, I thought to myself: "If there's one thing I want added to stock, it's this." And they did add it! Whoop whoop! No speculation on the admin building or on the "Big new feature" that they are working on, not enough information to form even a preliminary idea. 0.25 is looking to be an exciting update for KSP! Like... all the other ones, I guess. But still!
  7. This looks amazing! Congrats on all the work, RoverDude and assorted artists! And if you need a tester, don't hesitate to ask me!
  8. Hey, don't hate on the percussion. Most of us are sane. *Cartwheels out carrying a timpani*
  9. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Never have I been filled with such anticipation! Not even when I got my first computer, not even when I go on a vacation, not even for summer vacation! But alas, this story must end. I know you have received many congratulations so far, but I applaud you for creating such a magnificent piece of art. Thank you again, czo!
  10. Is... Is that a Soyuz I see, docked to the station? I don't think it was there originally. And why is there an orbiting probe near the Mir-2? :dun dun dun:
  11. My god, this story is beautiful. I'm speechless. Well done czo! I applaud you and your incredible efforts!
  12. I'd like to clarify what Cilph wrote about his slowed development. Does this mean that he'll only be working on bug-fixing and patching, and not any new features? Or is he taking a short term break until 0.24 comes out? Or is he stopping development for a long time to get his stuff together? I'm fine with any of these options, don't think that I prefer one over the other. As long as Cilph enjoys developing RT2, I'm happy.
  13. My kerbonauts' reaction whenever I take control of something
  14. Agree with post above. He appears to be rather close to the DSS. Even if he can't move, someone else can come and save him. Even if his ECLSS system is disabed, I would not expect a rapid decompression of the suit. Without it, he has probably a minute 30, but with it, probably 5 minutes. Seems to be enough for me. Although, given the amount of times that I have been incorrect, that may not be the case.
  15. Who the how the what the frak?! I can't even right now. What the heck is Jeb playing at? What's going to happen to Rozer? At least the crew will be safe, though. I'm literally shaking as I type this, I can feel the adrenalin surge. This was an amazing chapter! Edit: After a reread, it seem like BERTY was talking out loud to Jeb before the EVA. Looks like he's going to die a horrible death now.
  16. God DANGIT Porkjet! I'm in the middle of a no-mods-purge, and you just HAVE to come along with some beautiful parts. Gah, and now I'll have to enjoy them too... (Seriously though, these are awesome parts. Will DL soon.)
  17. Please correct me if I'm wrong, Seldion, but what I think you want in the game is more STRUCTURE. I'm not talking about space stations or bases, I mean structure as in having a set of goals that have been laid out for you. As in there would be a list of things to do on a mission roster like: "Dock with a spacecraft", "Enter the SOI of Jool", and "Land on the Mun". I believe that you're unhappy with the game, in its current state of development, since there is no guide to how to play the game, and everything is left up to you. KSP was never about that kind of thing, though. The devs have stated that they don't want to give the player a set of predefined goals for the player, since the player should, in theory, have the imagination to come up with their own mission. It all depends on how the player feels. If the player wants to throw together a trashy, large, unsightly amalgamation of parts to visit the Mun on tier 1 of the tech tree, they can. If they want to play the game slowly, methodically and carefully, they can. If they want to play with mods, they can. If they want to play sandbox, they can. Point being, the devs want to make KSP an open-ended game, where the goals are YOUR OWN, not some computer generated ones. Because think about it, how would you feel if you were forced to send a Jool mission when you weren't ready? What if you wanted to send an Eve probe/lander, but the game said you would have to dock 2 spacecraft together first? That would be an immersion breaker, and it would make you unhappy. Because the game is called Kerbal Space PROGRAM, not Kerbal Space Simulator. It's YOUR program, and you have every right to control it the way you want to, not be shepherded by the devs to follow a concrete path.
  18. Haven't been a big fan of mods, but this looks like one that I'll use. You should have the chance of death scale with time. As in, if a Kerbal has gone without food/water for a day, they should be fine, but at 5 days they should have a very high chance of death.
  19. Oh God, if this is a joke... Downloading now, please don't betray me Squad
  20. I think that Dahud Lefthanded (On KSP-TV) did it too, it might be on his Youtube channel. EDIT:
  21. I'd personally love to see GP2 and its moons in the game, btu I would be more excited to see "interesting" celestial bodies. A 4000km celestial body with 15 atmospheres? Great! A system with a barycenter, like Pluto? Bring it on! An asteroid belt? Hot diggity! Point is, I think the next planets that should be implemented should be ones that push the boundaries of realism; planets that CAN naturally form, but are incredibly strange.
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