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Dr. Jet

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Everything posted by Dr. Jet

  1. Update 0.7.3 is out. v 0.7.3 - New Smart Solar Panel Mk2 (long awaited) - New tweakable 1-100 kg counterweight. - Animations revision for both SSP-1 and SSP-2. Now wings deployment and rotator activation are independent and should glitch less when activated from right-click menu. - Config updates for SPP butts and noses according to 1.0.4 stock settings. - Better collider for LTS-2 upper stage. - Some RealFuels compatibility patches. - Soil sampler model rebuilt with proper parameters. Still crappy though. - "Cargo bay" patch for Rugged Rover body by Kerbas_ad_astra. Also less heat conductivity to make it have sense. - Bahamuto Dynamics animation plugin support (for automatic Sky Crane deployment) returned from deprecated.zip. - Few minor bugfixes. - - - Updated - - - Forgot to export SPP config changes.
  2. Got some inspiring progress with independent animations. Will update soon. - - - Updated - - - Hm-m-m... animations are fine and I updated SSP mk1 for that. But... parts are overheating and exploding under sunlight for no visible reason. Thermal profiles are pretty much like stock... - - - Updated - - - Strange... That seem to be a problem with pre 1.0.2 saved vehicles only. Good... One less trouble to fix before updating.
  3. BahamutoD module config was there before 1.0. They were unsupported for a long time after 1.0 so I removed that config from my mod. If it works again now - I'll add it back.
  4. Excellent! Looks very promising for mobile bases also. Just need some part underneath to attach wheels to.
  5. Blender draft for fuel cell assembly. Fuel cell itself is inside atmospheric-type radiator (will suck in space). Tanks are small non-cryogenic buffer takns for hydrogen and oxygen. Big thing underneath is battery. I'm still not sure about Sabatier assembly. Can anyone describe parts it should consist of and what should be connected where? (NASA Sabatier assembly on picture).
  6. They won't connect if you disconnected before and not moved 5m away. Maybe that's the case?
  7. Hm-m-m... I had a list of six items, but I deleted it on overlook. Five of those six annoying things were deeply rooted in "science" system: stupid contracts lacking sane progression, ability to open 90% of tech tree with Mun+Minmus only, useless stations and bases, almost useless rovers, infinite science farming in 1.0+ labs... The only one not rooted in "science" system is lack of realistic resources for Life Support, craft design (hypergolics and cryogenics are DIFFERENT fuels, they serve different purposes and must be treated differently) and ISRU operations. Though it's moddable, that's why I'm participating in RealISRU project.
  8. Is it possible to set ksp_version to "1.0.x" or "1.0.*"? Or any other way to make CKAN know that existing mod version is compatible with SEVERAL KSP patches?
  9. First 6 I got were male pilots. Only then I got some scientists and engineers. Random.
  10. GoG is evil. I did the same big mistake buying from them.
  11. It is in plan. As it was for a LOOOONG time already. But finishing that draft I already have is a complex task. Especially the thin-film panels and deployment animation. ... After you asked about SSP-2, I started to think about it's animations... So I invented a new kinematic scheme which will be less complicated and even more compact. Now that I tried it in Blender and it works, I'm pretty sure I will finish the part on my vacation at July. Extending truss and texturing will require more work.
  12. Glad to hear that. Will contact you when we'll finish the basics and get to the BLSS stage of RealISRU.
  13. Before 0.90 they were configured like this MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 50 explosiveNodeID = top isOmniDecoupler = false staged = false } Now such parts ignore the setting and show themselves in staging sequence. What has changed? And how to make non-staged decouplers work again?
  14. That will depend on textures alone. Models are not all that vertex-heavy as they look. Elektron for example have noticeably LESS vertices than for example Helix Antenna from one of recent mods. And textures... what I'm using now is just 3 repeating very small material textures - they cumulatively need less than 1 Mb RAM. Colliders on the other hand are EXTREMELY low-poly and primitive - to lower the stress on Unity physics engine. About usefulness of Sabatier reactor: 1) There IS water on Mars - polar caps are not all that "dry ice" - they contain water too. Also there are quite good chances to find congellations underground. 2) C-type asteroids are carbon rich and contain some better-than-nothuing amount of water. Giving you'll have plenty of oxygen after refining metals with fluorine, combination of CO and CH4 as chemical fuel looks quite efficient.
  15. Resurrection of Biomass mod give us some hope for realistic-looking BLSS. If only it will be compatible...
  16. I wonder if new release will use realistic (and CRP-compatible) resources and conversion rates thus being compatible with RealISRU and RealFuels?
  17. RealISRU part dev album is here: http://imgur.com/a/ytBWK#0
  18. Nope, TweakScale syntax wasn't changed. At least what part of it was used in my config. Trying to replicate problem... Resized to 2.5m part saved in craft - VAB loaded fine, no size changes. Launched - fine, no size changes. Reverted from flight - fine, no size changes. Couldn't replicate the trouble. The only strangeness found - decoupled stages are MORE aerodynamic than some main stages... will give you a weird sight if you decouple midflight with main stage engine off.
  19. Possibly a TS syntax change. Will look into that. Thanks for signal.
  20. It works with heating? Didn't know that. Hm-m-m... Then you have a point, it will be included in next patch along with tweakable counterweight and integrated service module.
  21. I made a non-standard-shape 840 liter tank (fitting into the same hex segment) and it gave me thoughts. Is there a mechanism to change one of textures (for flagTransform-like part of mesh) according to what content is selected in RealFuels? Firespitter texture changer is for Firespitter only IIRC.
  22. It was firewall trouble afterall... All settings were set to ALLOW git to connect everywhere, but connection was killed each time for somewhat reason. Firewall off = connection on. Extremely weird sh*t. Uploaded at last.
  23. fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/doktorjet/RealISRU.git/': Failed connect to github.com:443; No error What the hell???
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