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Dr. Jet

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Everything posted by Dr. Jet

  1. Use a separate SandBox save for any part testing. Thus you won't get any trouble with agencies or anything.
  2. I try to avoid any external dependencies other then ModuleManager which is absolutely essential. Those are always broken when you need them. One patch ago I removed BDanimations support for Skycrane. Unupdated version of that dll was causing weird behavior and preventing full deployment. Also I had... and still have a strong temptation to use DMModuleScienceAnimate for reviving my earlier experimental (3-charges) model of Soil Sampler, but I resist it. As for SSP-1 - just set an action group to toggle both animations simultaneously. Works fine. P.S. Want a report from F.A.R. user about last patch. Is parts CoL in place? Do intakes behave well now? P.P.S. Bigger SSP-2 is still in deep WIP. No ETA.
  3. You absolutely need: - ProceduralFairings to test new parts fitting in standard sizes - MechJeb or KER for balancing thrust and dV of new parts - StockBugFixModules to be sure it's not your fault when you encounter weird behavior - EditorExtensions to test different variants of placement and avoid clippping. - HyperEdit - to save your time You may also want: - Fuzebox for balancing electrics - KWR or SpaceY for 5m parts - RCSBuildAid for balancing/testing RCS (asymmetric design) You will surely need those when considering compatibility: - F.A.R. or N.E.A.R. - DeadlyReentry - RealFuels or ModularFuelTanks - TweakScale - RealChutes - RemoteTech - ConnectedLivingSpace - TacLS - Regolith - InfernalRobotics - etc. So dev build is pretty heavy... Unless you rely on ProceduralParts to replace most parts from mods above.
  4. Update 0.6.4 Some new parts and patch for F.A.R. compatibility. Should fix all issues with wrong CoL placement and wierdly working intakes.
  5. DDS saves you load time, not memory. Though it's strongly recommended. Forced OpenGL mode is what should allow you to use plenty of mods staying under 3Gb memory usage.
  6. Do I look like Amy Thompson? The only quality picture I've ever drawn is my self-portrait. Complete lack of vertu and talent, thus three months of work and still left unfinished... Will never repeat again. Of course there should be dogs! Who wants to risk losing one of theirs precious nine lives in dangerous early experimental launches like Laika mission?
  7. Humans... Pff! Humans are not nice. They are too bald... and pink... Model something beautiful instead - like this: And this won't change the game acronim! "K" in "KSP" as well may stand stand for "Kitty".
  8. Proposal: Expand node2_stability node with: name = FSbiPlaneAileron name = FSbiplaneCockpit name = FSbiPlaneElevator name = FSbiPlaneRudder name = FSbiPlaneSkid name = FSbiPlaneTail name = FSbiPlaneWheelPair name = FSbiPlaneWingCenter name = FSbiPlaneWingMain name = FSbiPlaneWingRound name = FSbiPlaneWingShort name = FSbiPlaneWingTip name = FS_strutConnectorWire name = FS_strutConnectorWood name = FSPROpeller to make Firespitter Biplane parts appear early on. At the time of early rockets most planes were not jet anyway. And this toy is only one that generally survives tier-1 runway bumps.
  9. Quite interesting and promising mod... And you declare it to be DR successor, right? So... 1) Will it burn/explode the overheated parts during inaccurate reentries like DR? 2) Will it be compatible with KSPI "waste heat" management mechanics? 3) Will there be a NEAR support along with FAR? DR is currently more fun to play with NEAR as FAR dampens speed too quickly and too high in atmosphere making reentries without heatshields viable. 4) How will it treat "thrust plate" parts with multiple (currently overheating) engines attached?
  10. Firstly, even when all science is farmed, you may use em as relays for RemoteTech. Secondly, you can capture them with grappler (or USI probe-sized grappler) and return to Kerbin for refunds. Thirdly, if there is no profitable way of return (launching a return-tug to outer planets is costy), you may disassemble em into useful resources with MKS/OKS in situ. In my current career game, I equip most satellites that have precious scientific equipment with DR heatshields and parachutes for self-return. Proves to be very money-effective, even though I need a bit bigger launchers and a bit heavier upper stages.
  11. Well crashing your big fat shuttle wast number of times when trying to land at runway is definitely "repetitive and boring task".
  12. No targets? What about autolanding? Your current mod functionality is much better then MJ Spaceplane Guidance, so just add the final blow and it will be miraculous. ==
  13. You wont believe... It was RealChute. Unproperly DDSified RealChute. I reinstalled it, then reDDSify, then I got both icons visible. Hooray!
  14. Well... Log is long. 30+ mods and LOTS of MM configs. Possibly it's some kind of conflict with RealChutes (which doesn't shows it's new category too) or other mod. Log says "Instantiating addon 'IREditorCategory'" and no further mentions of any category issues or IR errors - just normal GUI windows creation, parts deletion and so on. ExceptionDetector is silent. IR itself works fine... though I was to change all "none"s to "Utility" by Notepad++. As I'm the only one with this bug (or it seems so), you really shouldn't bother digging through that pile of... log in close proximity to KSP 1.0. Save yourself for time Squad breaks everything... again... Thanks and good luck.
  15. I reinstalled exactly from there. https://github.com/erendrake/InfernalRobotics/releases/download/v0.20B/IR.Rework.P2.zip No new tab.
  16. How to use it??? All core parts have "category = none" and I still don't see any new tabs on the left...
  17. KSP 1.0 is near release and Autom8 is still dead... KOS works, but it's not an appropriate substitute... Master of necromancy, anyone?
  18. Updated to 0.6.3 As I said above - just some cleaning and tidyups. Parts can now be viewed by manufacturer (declared an Agency), textures are quantized, obsolete mods are no longer supported.
  19. Ore as a stock resource? They finally got to implementing some basic ISRU? Then I want: 1) DETAILS! (Are they merging Regolith like they did with SPP? Will stock resource system be moddable? Etc.) 2) ETA! 3) Get my hands on 1.0 asap. == (You can't help me with that but I still want.)
  20. Thank you for explanation. But again, about that Minmus ore example... will Variance of 40 and Dispersal say... 3 produce a map of rare deposit islands in zero/near_zero abundance ocean?
  21. All parts that I did were based on stock modules, so they should work until Squad break something... What I can't tell about external DLLs and some part packs. Recently I found that Lunokhod+Luna-17 reconfig is broken due to part changes in available packs. BahamutoDynamics animation dll was not updated ever since, thus ruining (optional) automated deployment of skycranes. And the last available pack of Spacetech parts in whole Internet is... chinese... All this call for some cleaning, yes. However new parts are not ready, and those experimentals that are partially ready - like manned rover rebiult from Mk1 Landing Can... they don't only look weird but I'm also having troubles configuring IVA. No ETA, sorry. Maybe just a small cleaning patch. About dual axis SPs - animation bug is caused by stock KSP module restrictions and weird way of treating imported animation in Unity. Same problem was with Kosmos pack Balka SP. My part description mentions that you should use action groups to activate both modules simultaneously to avoid problems (automated MechJeb deployment works fine too). Maybe (MAYBE!) using separate empty Unity animation for collar and fully replicated Unity animation for wings instead of imported Blender animation will solve it. Nycidian here is currently experimenting with dual-axis panels. If he succeed fighting a bug with another animation option than I used - I'll change my model.
  22. So... This is not supposed to be MM compliant, right? How will Regolith treat collisions when two different REGO_BIOME_RESOURCE are provided for the same resource at same biome (from different mods)? MinAbundance/MaxAbundance - minimal value is zero and maximum is? Variance/Dispersal - those should treat inside-of-biome randomization, right? What are min/max values of those parameters and what do they influence exactly? For example I want to have small local deposits while most of the terrain have zero yield (ore on Minmus). MinAbundance = 0 MaxAbundance = 10 Variance = ? Dispersal = ?
  23. You can simulate "dog" missions with Mystery Goo. (Supposed to have DeadlyReentry) "Laika" - launch a goo canister into LKO, receive data transmission. "Belka&Strelka" - launch a goo canister into LKO, safely return goo canister from orbit.
  24. Node movement without side plugins like InfernalRobotics? Very promising...
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