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Dr. Jet

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Everything posted by Dr. Jet

  1. Did you figured out how to use that new fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny_Z? My Deployable Skycrane MK1 was using old "fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny" prefab from smaller Rockomax engines and now it... still works, but the flame is too big to fit in smaller nozzle. P.S. Can anyone share a sample Unity file with some working emitter? I absolutely don't catch how to configure one PROPERLY - even with first page tutorial. I mean configuring shape and size or plume and other peculiarities.
  2. Sarbian, you are a genius! Most .mbm based folders like Squad and KWRocketry have debloated twice in size and almost twice and half in loading time! BTW, to convert mods one-by-one (with compatibility checking afterwards) it's better to use "SET localdir=%1" in that converter batch file. Drag folder you want on .bat and it will convert.
  3. Yeah. MODEL{} is treated differently and seems to be a proper workaround. Thank you.
  4. Is it possible to share the same single texture between several parts? I mean a single texture in memory and DIFFERENT models using it. Right now I'm working on new parts. Just put part1.mu, part2.mu and texture.png is one folder and hope that both mu's will use it. Mu's are different shapes (not just resizes), texture is the same for both. But it doesn't work like that. KSP somehow only uses part1.mu for displaying BOTH parts ingame, even though part2.mu was strictly written in part2.cfg. Separating files into different folder solves this issue, but it needs another copy of texture.png, what I was trying to avoid. P.S. Yeah, I know, textures are not that big... generally... but why to spend memory on unneeded copies? P.P.S. Greed is a virtue... sometimes...
  5. Maybe I really just don't understand something. DLL is a linkable library of executable code (generally). So when I see a phrase like "x64 not supported", I interpret it as "we still have 32bit pointers in code, so expect a guaranteed bunch of critical errors when program bloats over 3,6Gb memory limit". Am I wrong and modern compilers do somehow automatically fix that? P.S. Excuse me if I'm writing silly things. I'm a real dinosaur in programming... didn't code for over 15 years.
  6. 0.25 is out and still no x64 dll... Man, noone gonna force you to actually support KSPx64 (recieve reports, hunt bugs, etc.) if you don't want to, but can you at least compile the dll with extra address space? PLEASE? Realistic gameplay heavily depends on your mod.
  7. Really? My bad then. I've tried some modded configs for ATC that were looking like having additional nodes. Let's hope that corresponding functionality will be added soon. It shouldn't be much harder than what is already done.
  8. ATC currently supports additional nodes. And it's made MM reconfigurable, so modmakers will have easy time adding their own treenodes to ANY tree, including this one. In fact the whole tree can be implemented as MM config file for ATC.
  9. "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\scripts\addons\io_object_mu-master" it is. And I believe it's right. Maybe the trouble is within "x64"? My old Blender was plain x32.
  10. Will this beautiful tree migrate to ATC? TreeLoader is pretty dead now, especially for 0.24.2x64.
  11. Worked fine in old Blender 2.6, but Blender 2.71x64 doesn't seem to even see this addon. It simply does not appear in addon list for enabling.
  12. You really should consider supporting this (http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/224370-soviet-probes-now-with-rockets) - for early soviet probes and R7 rocket family.
  13. What your trouble is exactly? 1) Model your... er... model in Blender and add deployment animation 2) Import to Unity (animation MUST be imported as "Legacy") and orient/assign all parts/empties needed 3) Export to KSP 4) ??? 5) PROFIT!
  14. Can't wait to test it actually WORKING with aerodynamic emulation system (FAR/NEAR). Just for now: 1) pteron wings seem to ignore being shielded by fairings 2) COL is wa-a-ay left from central axis I'm not sure, but I think FAR/NEAR have trouble computing complicated wing profiles which are partly horisontal, partly vertical. If you split each wing part into horisontal wing (Roll+Pitch) and vertical winglet (Yaw) - FAR/NEAR should compute it right. Just IMHO.
  15. Very nice, indeed! How about adding Mars-1960a ("Marsnik"), Mars-1960b, Venera-1? Those three share the same simple but neat model.
  16. I cannot imagine aerodynamic forces WITHOUT acceleration... Either rotational or translational acceleration, but it always exist if there are any forces applied. Sum of forces (thrust, aerodynamic force and gravity) working against vehicle inertia is treated as G-force. Even in non-moving vehicle acceleration applied to crew is 1G. If wing or rocket cannot withstand 2G maneuver - it's made of paper.
  17. In flight there is no shielding indication at all... BTW, is there any way to turn off that new aerial disassembly bug feature in FAR? It is ridiculous for rocket to fall in pieces at mere 2G. If it's hardcoded, I'll probably migrate to NEAR.
  18. KSP version 0.24. Parts are shown NOT SHIELDED within KWR fairings with N.E.A.R. and CoL is shown at the very TOP of the rocket. Either it's a bug or N.E.A.R. have rather different means of indication. Will try again with F.A.R. Nope... Still "isShielded:False". Something have broken...
  19. When quickloading vehicle already in flight: - Staging icon for RC disappears - Info menu window shrinks so that you cannot see anything in it. On reentry - Predeployment of main chute (Mk1 Pod+Mk16 chute (RC config), Kerbin, standard settings, NEAR+DRE installed) makes a HUGE G-force shock, effectively killing the crew. Maybe, it's just NEAR compatibility matter and I should try FAR+DRE?
  20. Huh! There IS a KSP 3D-printer already. However BahamutoD got to write his own animation plugin for it to work.
  21. I think it's 1.5-2k in conical antenna alone. Similar model stripped to 1k tris looked crappy.
  22. Yeah... Looks very similar to biome map. However TOO MANY biomes will be pain in the ass to manage. 6-10 per stellar body is gamewise optimal IMHO. As for giant textures... RSS addon manages them somehow, so that shouldn't be a big problem, especially with 64bit KSP 0.24.
  23. Three? Sir, do you know, you're a provocateur? There are at least seven ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL mods: Editor Extensions - absolute ass-savior when designing Root Part Selector - absolute ass-savior when designing RCS Balancer - not as absolute as abovementioned but still ass-saver when designing something asymmetrical FAR + DRE - somewhat realistic aerodynamics (stock is terrible) Procedural Fairings - you NEED fairings when you have realistic aerodynamics - get either those or hard-fixed ones from any big part pack MechJeb - flight telemetry, dV calculation, autopilot (or KER for dedicated luddites) And with just those seven you'll still miss a lot. Highly recommended mods: KWR RPM+ProbeControlRoom RT2 + AIES (for antennas) RealChute ScanSat TAC LS So that's 15 mods at least for comfortable play.
  24. Well, I don't want to disappoint you, but most things of what you wrote about is already there. Universal Storage addon. FASA addon. Tarsier Space Technology addon. ScanSat addon (latest version). IRL (and in KSP too) you actually never fly probes "in pattern" - stable orbit with high inclination is all you need to scan the whole planet surface. It can be reached with RT2, KOS, MechJeb or manually. Scoop-o-Matic (science excavation arm). Bahamuto Dynamics resource drill. Kethane addon. Interstellar addon. I don't think this game engine will allow you to implement animated resource nodes or ANY resource nodes as objects. I mean even Squad themselves had to make asteroids as actual rocket parts! OpenResource mod is the way to go - just add configs and resource maps for what you want. Extraplanetary Laucnhpads addon. Interstellar addon. Interstellar addon. TAC Life Support addon. Same as p.7. Just converting resources from one form to another. Interstellar Launchpads addon. BTW it's impossible to do complex animations in KSP. You'll need a deep knowledge of Unity internals to write a plugin that would allow that. Yes, I know there are many designer concepts, but IRL Mars atmosphere density (ridiculously low) would not allow it to be anywhere near effective. Small nuclear generator like Toshiba 4S is a way to go for a long-term colony. Pretty simple. You may take an example from KOSMOS pack ("Balka") or from my mod. Just remember - local Y of subpart is the pivot rotation axis and local Z is subpart's suncatcher. KAS addon. P.S. I forgot to mention Modular Kolonization System addon. It's about the whole colony complex building. But don't be disappointed! Noone yet have made the Mars itself, you'll be the first! And don't forget to add CustomBiomes support for your model. BTW. Realistic Venus would be welcome too. Current purple horror is... well... purple and horrific. Internet have plenty of american real Venus heightmaps and soviet real Venus landscape photos to work with.
  25. I did such a mesh myself (screw half-circle over conic) but was unable to bake it to normalmap right. High-poly models are not very good for gaming performance.
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