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Dr. Jet

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Everything posted by Dr. Jet

  1. Hm-m-m... You're right. It actually exists(existed?) in USA rocketry. Early Minuteman solid motors with four gimballed nozzles - complicated and unreliable but allowing a roll control in addition to yaw and pitch of standard single nozzle design. Anyway it's not the case of RT-10 that have no gimbal. Solid boosters are what they are - a 'gunpowder barrels', providing insane amount of thrust in short time. Single huge nozzle with diameter of booster itself is what you expect for such thing.
  2. Very, very inspiring retexture/remodel pack. I like it! Except for some flaws... 1) Many structural parts (all I-beams for example) appear NOT TEXTURED when you do not use ModuleManager or forget about "Part Revamp-MM.cfg". That's very strange, as you provide both model and texture files for those parts. They SHOULD show a texture without any MM fiddling. 2) Pod Mk1-2 - ladder is not aerodynamical as stock one was (just by the looks - as FAR/NEAR will neglect non-collider subparts, I believe). 3) MK1 Cockpit - you have modelled a very nice air intakes, but right now they are useless as the part still don't have the ModuleResourceIntake module. 4) Mainsail Engine - pipe that looks like main fuel feeder (in center) is too thin and too short for that role and does not reach tank. By closer looking I see that actual fuel feeder in your model is suited on side and is coupled with extra pressure vent... But then this small pipe in center is just useless and confusing. 5) Aerospike. Stock model was better (IMHO). Also flame plume should not be emitted from the spike edge (stock Aerospike have the same error). Use fxOffset to move FX a bit up and make the plume actually engulf the spike as it works IRL. 6) RT-10 - solid boosters NEVER have several nozzles, as I know, because solid fuel stack burn inside-out and have a single exhaust channel. Make several channels in the same fuel stack and when they meet one another - KABOOM!!! One body frame - one fuel stack - one nozzle. 4 nozzled solid booster will look like 4 boosters welded together. Example is either in FASA or in RfTS pack- a 3-stage construction of 11-3-1 Sergeant mini solid rockets. 7) BasicJet - Spike is quite a strange subpart for low-speed jet. It's more likely to see one on TURBOjet IRL. But I have to admit, emissives look much better with it than without. What is really annoying - it's a PINK "beware" lines. Use some other color, PLEEEEAZE? Warnings should be red or black&yellow. 8) Jumbo64 Tank - a very... questionable retexture... It looks like a giant spool of poisonously orange tow. Even stock "carrot" was better IMHO. 9) TurboJet - The single really awful part in pack. awful in both colors. Especially the emissive. And what was the reason of changing nozzle from questionably realistic to this... weirdness? I thought it was to simulate a working vectored thrust nozzzle by using ConstrainLookAt modules, but no, it still follows gimbal as one part.
  3. I realy like to see where it's going. Maybe I'll just use it instead of implementing my own tree. Especially nice is that most manned parts are deeper in tree and unmanned parts are shallower. Maybe you should make a next logical step and remove Mk1 Pod from start node replacing it with Stayputnik? Also it's very nice to see that stock nodes are in places to support non-included mods. On the other hand, old descriptions do not always fit the new content of nodes.
  4. v0.6 - New SpacePlane+ parts: Tricoupler (1 x 1.25m + 2 x 0.625m) and Quintcoupler (1 x 1.25m + 4 x 0.625m), both using stock textures. - TweakScale integration (Blisters and Skycrane) - ModularFuelTanks and RealFuels integration (LTS and Skycrane)
  5. My mod is called "ChopShop" and textures swap properly, so alphabetical order is not the case. The only things really needed are a placeholder file and proper URLs. Everything smaller than 64x64 is resized to at least 64x64 on load (usually more)... thus sometimes it look quite weird when used as an actual texture (not a placeholder). 64x64 pure white PNG is 320 bytes only as exported by Unity. Doubt that 1x1 file will be much smaller. But 1x1 is viable, yes. P.S. I haven't tried texture swapping with normal maps yet. KSP_Bumped_Specular often cause glitches when being fed something not marked as normal map by Unity. Don't know if it's true for placeholders. P.P.S. Method works even with DDSLoader-processed Squad folder.
  6. I've already found out what was the trouble - see above. Game engine just want some placeholder file before processing texture replacement.
  7. You're copying the existing Squad/SPP textures, right? You may as well NOT copy them, but use a config workaround. It should save the memory. MODEL { model = TouhouTorpedo/TTSPPnose/model texture = placeholder_file , Squad/SPP/Mk2CockpitStandard/Cockpit texture = placeholder_file , Squad/SPP/Mk2CockpitStandard/Cockpit_NRM } Attention! When using such config, you'll need an actual placeholder texture file(s) to be in the same folder. Otherwise game engine will produce an error and won't use any textures specified. Minimal 64x64 pixel single color PNG (1kb size) is OK.
  8. Very nice! And very useful too. What was that specular values you mentioned? I'm currently working on some SPP parts too, but the "rear" ones: It's Mk2 Tricoupler and Mk2 Quintcoupler. Still without a proper collider though. BTW, about noses. Both shorter nose and nose with inbuilt air intakes would be welcome.
  9. Maybe you should use Gliffy for community project? Look at my techtree draft example. Quite easy to see what goes where. And Gliffy allows community editing if project master enables this option.
  10. Any news about progress in implementing new_node function? I want to make something like this.
  11. Amazing! But what do you think about MechJeb support? Like replacing long-dead Autom8 with your mod...
  12. Wow! Great job, man! Join to ATC developers team. New nodes is what this project badly needs.
  13. A bit of advice - you don't need LOTS of collider meshes for hollow parts - you need just few. Unity mesh collider (without convex, so it's BLUE in Unity) does not collide with planet surface in KSP, but DOES collide with parts being surface-attached. Surface attachments - is what you usually want from hollow parts, no? So use it on your mesh or substitute low-poly and thrive with smooth part placement. That's step 1. Step 2 is deciding if your part will ever touch the ground or collide anything. If not, you may skip step 3, blue mesh collider will work fine for you. If yes... then step 3 - you'll need some "more physical" - GREEN Unity colliders. Those are box, capsule, mesh-with-convex and sphere... Add those exactly where you expect possible terrain collisions and skip the rest. Look at my mod's LTS core tank. Mesh is pretty much hollow. And I use only 2 small box colliders at top and bottom to prevent land-sinking. Nay... I lied. It's 3 physicals. Unity "capsule" collider I used for central tank, as it's easier for game engine then mesh collider. Also look at my Rugged Rover which have side hollows. Just 1 mesh collider (without convex) for all part-placing needs, 1 low-poly convex and 2 box colliders (for lids). Or RTG Rover - it has a single green physical - box collider for central... box. Why nothing on sides? Because attached wheels and RTGs will collide with terrain instead and... tiny enough physicals will still land-sink.
  14. While I'm still fiddling with configs, you may try this. Put it in .cfg somewhere. Should cover all range of standard sizes. @PART[AeroBlister2]:NEEDS[TweakScale] { @category = -1 } @PART[AeroBlisterDecoupler2]:NEEDS[TweakScale] { %category = -1 } @PART[AeroBlister]:NEEDS[TweakScale] { @title = Aerodynamic blister MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack defaultScale = 1.25 techRequired = precisionEngineering, generalConstruction, advConstruction, composites, metaMaterials TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { name = Part mass = 2.1 } } } @PART[AeroBlisterDecoupler]:NEEDS[TweakScale] { @title = Decoupling Aerodynamic Blister MODULE { name = TweakScale type = stack defaultScale = 1.25 techRequired = precisionEngineering, generalConstruction, advConstruction, composites, metaMaterials TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { name = Part mass = 2.1 Resources { amount = 1 maxAmount = 1 } } TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { name = ModuleAnchoredDecoupler ejectionForce = 1 } TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { name = ModuleEngines minThrust = 1 maxThrust = 1 } } } For each size except 1.25m and 2.5m (I tried to do scaling based on them) I'd like to hear about cost, weight, decoupling force, retrorocket power - is it too big, too small, etc. If it's not fine somewhere - this may call for non-exponential scaling.
  15. How to delete unneeded parts when some mod is detected? For example I tried to get rid of sized-clone-part in presence of TweakScale: "-PART[PartNameHere]:NEEDS[TweakScale]". It didn't work. Surely I'm doing something wrong... but what?
  16. Yes, they are compatible with both F.A.R and N.E.A.R. Quick tests (in N.E.A.R.) have shown that blisters are a bit better in terms of drag reduction then stock nosecaps on directly strapped boosters despite they are heavier. And I did nothing to configure that - it's all F.A.R./N.E.A.R. computing the aerodynamic shape behavior. As for 3.75m - there are no boosters of such size in any part pack for now (however I've seen 0.625m solids somewhere). I'll consider doing TweakScale integration to prevent part flooding.
  17. Older ones are fully covered by FASA mod. Modern ones... I've seen a big pack of them somewhere at forum, but can't remember exact mod.
  18. Small update. V 0.5.1 - Rugged Rover and RTG Rover are moved to upper nodes in Tech tree. - New Aerodynamic blisters (side mounts)(1.25m and 2.5m). - New Aerodynamic blister decouplers with built-in retro-rockets (1.25m and 2.5m). Considering Aerodynamic blisters - they have decent size... Should I add fuel tanks to them? Should I configure 0.625m variant? Still open to any sound criticism or suggestions.
  19. I need either (or both ): 1) Any instructions about exploiting NEW Squad FX-s in my own parts. (Old FX-s still work, but I cannot use the new ones. Specifically - "fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny_Z". Maybe it's embedded in .mu?) 2) Detailed instruction or Unity example (preferably) of decent looking flame plume config, so that I can learn how to make my own flame plumes looking at it. I know how to make KSP particle emitters, but I have no idea how to make them look like flame plume. It's better to avoid using external mods in both cases.
  20. Yeah! NEW_NODE {}! We NEED this ASAP! For Ackander's tree, RfTS tree, KSPI tree... Since 55 nodes limit is as not enough as 640 kb RAM. BTW. Is there any way for MM to detect which tree ATC actually uses? So that part packs can automatically move parts between nodes and adapt to any popular tree?
  21. 0.1mm (0.0001) is fine for me. No z-fight and no visible mesh difference. Works even with curved surfaces.
  22. DMagic Orbital Science already have EXACTLY what you want, called "Anomalous signal sensor - BTDT". And I don't understand, why it is not in SCANsat pack yet, since person in charge is the same... Maybe he just does not want to mix mods?
  23. .fbx export is unneeded and bug adding step. Unity 4.2.2 perfectly eats .blend files with their inbuilt animation. Of course you need to set it up correctly when importing to Unity (only "legacy" animation works flawlessly in KSP).
  24. I'm a bit out of ideas for my ChopShop and still have free time. Maybe you need some new or replacement parts for SCANsat? I can model them for you - just give me a brief description or draft - like "what kind of sensors should BTDT replacement model have".
  25. V 0.5 is out. - Complete rework of Rugged Rover - it's really fancy now. - Complete rework of RTG Rover. It won't seem anymore that RTGs don't have enough free space for cooling. - New LTS landing system introduced to replace experimental Segmented Tanks. - New SSP solar panels introduced to replace experimental ISP1. - New DAS-1 Deployable Antenna System. Replica of real CubeSat part. - New LED headlight for rovers. - Deployable Skycrane model recieved a bit of mesh tidying. Bigger Deployable SkyCrane Mk2 configured. Working gimbals and overheat animation for both. Though only MK2 is prone to overheat. - Mechanical Soil Sampler as a way of unmanned soil sample retrieval. Single charge version, as stock animation module failed to work with 3-in-one experimental design. Still the same crappy texture though. - ChopShop logos were replaced with changeable and toggleable flag decals. You still can get my smile back by chosing the proper flag. == - Some folder and part name changes.
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