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Dr. Jet

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Everything posted by Dr. Jet

  1. Not any that I know of. I just used Blender empties and "snap to vertex" for all nodes and thrustTransforms. Unity treats Blender empties as it's own.
  2. Set "atmChangeFlow = False". Don't know what it means, but it solved all flameout troubles for my electric impeller. Your config assumes that you add other air intake part to your craft along with engine. But freely flowing IntakeAir is an improper resource for electric engines. Stock intake parts will only work in oxygenous atmospheres of Kerbin and Laythe, leaving Duna and Eve unflyable. P.S. Have you mastered atmCurve tuning already? If so - can you help me?
  3. Thanks for comprehensive guide. Will check my parts to have proper thermal configs.
  4. TAC LS, man. TAC LS. Quite good mix of simplicity and realism to be playable. And modular rocket construction is used IRL. Just look at Angara launchers - aren't they a kind of "Lego"? Stock game gives you few days of excitement at it's best, heavily modded (Realism Overhaul pack for example) gives you months of excitement. Just think gameplaywise - what is more interesting: - Dumb launches of crafts which can refuel themself ANYWHERE. or - complex missions to search for certain resources then carefully planning landing sites and even organising tranport chains to make things running? RoverDude did a great job with MKS resource usage (with exception for nonrealistic Karborundum). It was tricky to find good places to make a base and that was fun. I hoped to see the same in stock, but... "Drop anywhere and squeeze your fuel from barren rock"... That's very... disappointing. - - - Updated - - - Exactly! And it is not as abundant as most people think. Noone wants to wait for centuries capturing hydrogen from solar wind. In fact finding good amounts of hydrogen, especially on atmosphereless bodies, is quite tricky. In imaginable "Realistic KSP" that would lead to missions like "capture a small C-type asteroid then carefully land it near your Mun base to supply life support systems".
  5. Nope. "Ore" is a crustal resource. And these type of recources IRL doesn't contain things you need for producing "liquid fuel". Unless you are on Earth/Kerbin/Other-planet-with-life and digging for organic produced fossiles like oil or natural gas. Man... I worked as a school TEACHER about 12... yes, 12 years ago. How many years ago I have done my last "homework" I don't even remember. My (maybe offending) tone is just a butthurt from seing carbon (and it's fantastic cousens "Karbonite", "Karborundum") everywhere occupying places where they never should be found. Of course they are. If you cannot make propellant - the whole idea of ISRU is almost worthless. BUT! Propellant-making in-situ is usually based on one of this assumptions: - having water supply (ice in crust) for H2+O2 engine - there are very few places in Sol system where one can find it - having both water supply and CO2 in atmosphere for CH4 + O2 engine - Mars(Duna) polar caps are OK site for this - using previous resource scheme to produce methilene from methane then better liquid fuel from methilene (though closer to benzine then kerosene) - having no sources of hydrogen and carbon, thus relying on crustal resources only (NASA proposal of Al + O2 hybrid engine) Later one looks like that ORE->Fuel chain... but Al is not liquid and we have no Al+O2 engines except of KSPI mod. There are also no ISRU projects involving hypergolic fuels production AFAIK. Nitrogen is not so easy to find... even in planets atmospheres. Not everyone see THIS level of abstraction as appropriate... Yes, I remember that this is just a game... but when last bits of realism and sanity are sacrificed to extreme simplicity... I just go nuts. Even atmospheric (and oceanic) resources not presented in stock? If "yes" - where can I find a specification? P.S. Don't take all this as personal offend. Just a hard day.
  6. Didn't you notice in process that extraterrestrial ores while containing plenty of oxygen DO NOT contail noticable amounts of Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbon - the main components of any common liquid rocket fuel?
  7. Sizes, sizes... It seems to me, you all have never played with F.A.R. or N.E.A.R. Every extra centimeter of payload width give you a headache to balance in multistage launcher... And you oftenly NEED those centimeters, calling for small brainstorm every time.
  8. Have checked for TechTree integration. All parts are available (which is better then expected) thus 0.7.0 is career-play compatible, though a couple of parts now have more accurate nodes to be moved to. I'll do it in next patch. Stock Techtree itself is... shoudn't swear in public... UNBALANCED! All 64 existing nodes cost 16.918 in sum, while Kerbol system has 306.881 science potential from stock experiments only, not counting vehicle returns... P.S. Alt+F12 techtree instrumentary however is brilliant! How did they ended with such... bad design for techtree while having such a powerful tool, I wonder?
  9. About nodes: I had the same trouble with my mod. Now fixed. Nodes should point outwards. If it's transform node - local Z should be pointed away from mesh. If it's a config node - you should think what is "outwards" - top, bottom, right, left, front or back. Easy for tanks, a bit trickier for multinode hubs and stuff. About fairings: KWR uses primitive node-based fairing model. When you fix nodes - you fix fairings as well. BTW, do not see a point of keeping KSR fairings anymore - even stock confetti-style fairings are better. Though Procedural Fairings are the best.
  10. Yeah. Was using that tool to fix tangents and achieve something smooth. The problem is I don't understand how KSP treat those... When I write atmCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 0.3 0.18 0.6 0.6 key = 1 0.5 0.4 0.4 key = 5 1 0 0 } I expect to have full thrust at 5 atmospheres (Eve ASL), half thrust at 1 atmosphere (Kerbin ASL) and somewhere near 1/10 thrust at Duna. It doesn't work like expected. P.S. Barometer part which I used as a reference in 0.90 now shows something strange like 77 atmospheres pressure at Kerbin ASL.
  11. I CAN NOT use IntakeAir! Because this engine must work in EVERY atmosphere - even oxygenless. It's ELECTRIC. Airflow resource doesn't look for oxygen. Same solution is used by Firespitter as FScoolant resource. I'm not using FS for this part... yet. If I will - it will be FScoolant instead. What I need help with - is curves. 1) Using velCurve as it is leaves Buzzer (1 impeller only craft) barely crawling in the air. Should be "able to reach 0.8 Mach but not 1 Mach". 2) Proper usage of atmCurve is still a secret for me. Impeller have too much thrust in thin atmosphere (Duna) and too low thrust in dense one (Eve), while I was hoping to configure it in reverse. The denser atmosphere is - the more thrust (and less ISP) impeller should get. - - - Updated - - - Haven't tried 1.0 TechTree yet. My parts still belong to old 0.90 nodes. Will look at it today evening.
  12. Updated to 0.7.0 - Patched for KSP 1.0, now incompatible with 0.90 and lower - Added experimental electric impeller "Li'l Buzzer". Flyable but still badly configured, need help with that. - New sample craft "Buzzer" using impeller. Other crafts may be broken, will check em later. No new pics yet, sorry. It's deep night here already. Any feedback is appreciated.
  13. Fixed everything... I hope... Now rebalancing experimental Impeller part. With new engine curves it should work great. ETA either tonight or tomorrov evening.
  14. We need a newer version for 1.0... With .dds texture export at least.
  15. My mod is pretty well broken in 1.0... - Squad have changed the node treatment. Now direction DOES matter. Need fixes for almost all my parts. - texture placement or names changed for SP+ parts. My SP+ extension parts were configured to borrow their texures... not good. - Squad at last have put Probodobodyne Rovemate where it belongs... but still didn't orient it right. Will fix that. Work in progress... ETA will depend on further bugz discovered.
  16. It is a long waited complex animation module. But there is no any info for us, modders. MODULE { name = ModuleAnimationGroup deployAnimationName = Your_deploy/retract_animation (as it seems) activeAnimationName = Looping_animation_for_active_state (as it seems) deployActionName = Activate retractActionName = Deactivate moduleType = Scanner/Drill/... What else? } Actually found out. - moduleType is just a string to be displayed in buttons: "{deployActionName} {moduleType}" and "{retractActionName} {moduleType}" - you can skip deployActionName and retractActionName, they default to "Deploy" and "Retract". - activeAnimationName DO start and stop looping animation, which is great. It actually follows the state of ModuleResourceHarvester and ModuleResourceScanner. - you can skip deployAnimationName to only use looping animation. However not sure if loop can be started/stopped manually. When combining both looping and non-looping animation in editor - ensure that during the wanna-be-looping part of animation everything else is stuck in deployed position. Then just divide your animation in two clips in Unity. If you work in Blender and your loop looks weird - go to "File->User Preferences->Editing->New F-curve defaults" and set Interpolation to Linear. Then delete all loop keyframes and make new ones.
  17. The best support for modder is an appropriate feedback. I spare part of my time to develop mod, you spare a bit of your time to test it and comment, thus helping me to make it better. No money can substitute a bright fresh idea or timely bug report. That's my PoV on subject.
  18. Spin, buzz, consume electricity and provide thrust for tiniest unmanned drones. Something like this.
  19. Thrust/Pressure relation instead of ISP/Pressure? It would be really great in terms of atmospheric engines. Now I will be able to release experimental impeller part.
  20. "Ore" is absolutely fine, as it is raw material you dig for further procession into something. The procession itself is in need of changing. Assuming Kerbin system planets have roughly the same consistency as Sol system planets, this "Ore" will contain: - Al - Fe - Ti - Mg - O (PLENTY of oxygen, really! Moon regolith have over 40%.) - H (VERY SCARCE! And in form of water ice mostly.) No way those can be processed into "Liquid fuel" which is actually Kerosene. "Ore" HAVE NO CARBON! Much better ISRU activity will appear when adding atmospheric resources. RL Venus and Mars (KSP Eve and Duna) atmospheres are mostly CO2. Using Sabatier reaction with hydrogen (electrolised from that scarce and precious water) we get Methane+Oxygen fuel mix. Already nice though cryogenic. Using synthesis we can make Methane into Propane and even more dense fractions up to Kerosene. You see? Realistic and plausible LF+O conversion with just an assumption of using atmospheric resources. And if we imagine that LF+O is not Kerolox, but Kerosene+Nitrogen Tetraoxide (actually quite plausible, since LF+O never boils off thus being hypergolic) and "Monopropellant" is Hydrasine... Then we'll need some source of Nitrogen too... Realistic ISRU missions is a kind of GOOD complexity that adds more interest and playability to the game.
  21. I never said my mod is supporting DangIt! Since DangIt! doesn't have a separate config for solar panels, your trouble may lie in /GameData/DangIt/ModuleManager/battery.cfg DangIt! doesn't think that solar panels may have inbuilt batteries, and SSP-1, being the inline part, is not grabbable or replaceable. Try this. @PART[SSP_mk*]:BEFORE[DangIt]:NEEDS[DangIt] { MODULE { name = NoFailureModules } } It should prevent DangIt! from touching SSPs at all.
  22. Really weird... Looks like KSP memory issue. Try to start with "ksp.exe -popupwindow -force-opengl". Also if you updated my mod by overwriting - delete it and install fresh one. Maybe some conflicts persisted from earlier versions.
  23. Yeah. It was the early experimental version of Wide Tricoupler in fact. Ram intakes clipping looked too ugly, so I went with making my own (maybe less fancy, but more accurate) model. Still wonder, how that old junk got into build. I know. Initially was making it with VSR in mind. But there is no reason to keep 2 mostly similar parts. LEDs are actually quite bright IRL... Unity model has intensity 0->2.5, angle 30 and range 150 for now. What do you suggest? I don't have proper numbers for stock ones.
  24. I was surprised to see my mod in CKAN few days ago. And I was even more surprised to discover a video review today. Unfortunately, version 0.6.4 that got into review still had bugs. I feel ashamed. Patch 0.6.5 should fix those. Skycrane and 0.625m engines will show in manufacturer tab properly, Aerospike Adapter will be properly resized and get it's texture back, etc. Also ModuleManager will be excluded from archive to meet CKAN rules. It is still ESSENTIAL, at least it's essential to get smaller engines and other mods support. BTW, Blister decouplers are not for engines, they are for boosters. Small inbuilt retrorockets in them are used to assure clean separation. And LTS should be assembled by strapping side tanks to core tank in symmetry.
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