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Dr. Jet

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Everything posted by Dr. Jet

  1. So... It's NEXT YEAR already. Where is new version? Or was it another SOON™?
  2. Another reason for MUST-HAVING a newer version of part tools is that old one just can't see DDS textures for stock props. And I just started to understand how to make a proper IVA... Such a waste...
  3. Real thing for Fischer-Tropsch process. Now just to comprehend what connects where...
  4. Synced at last... Seems that my antivirus integrated brandmauer hates it. Dunno why.
  5. It should. Though I cannot push collider updates for 1.0.5 (did them 5 minutes ago) D:\projects> cd .\RealISRU D:\projects\RealISRU [master]> git status On branch master Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. (use "git push" to publish your local commits) nothing to commit, working directory clean D:\projects\RealISRU [master]> git push fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/doktorjet/RealISRU.git/': Failed con nect to github.com:443; No error D:\projects\RealISRU [master]> GitHub is driving me mad. Not a single sane error message that can tell me why damn thing is not syncing.
  6. So... if I understood correctly, to get the maximum science from single biome I must Put 1 hammer and 2 sensor pods on rover jettison one pod at landing spot drive 4+ km away jettison second pod drive away 500+m at 90 degrees to previous path use hammer to get science Is that right?
  7. ETT is better composed (more realistic). On the other hand SETI has better (wider) mod support. Early land vehicles is a great idea. Though all car mods i knew were discontinued at 1.0.x IIRC. And rovers... they are quite late invention. Boats/submarines must be optional. There is nothing to do with them at Kerbal/Laythe/Eve except err... sailing or diving. No practical use. And they are slow and dull. Hydroplanes on the other hand are very useful for "Rare science" contracts, which are 90% "find water where water is scarce and splash in it". "Firespitter" mod is EXTREMELY useful for early aircraft. Recommended for inclusion.
  8. You failed somewhere else. KSP does not simulate kerbal weight distribution INSIDE parts.
  9. Depends on what you are animating and if you are trying to get more than 1 animation in part. For simple tasks - such as deploying 1-axis solar panel - blender is better (as it's easier). For emissives, lighting, complex or multiple animations you have no other choice but to do them in Unity.
  10. Only if they won't manage to get repayment in "hard currency" such as land, gold and slaves.
  11. But you can't deny that dollar's deemed price is insanely overrated. If China alone will demand the debt repayed - dollar will drop to historical 0.60 roubles per dollar.
  12. Dollars, dollars. Dollars worth no more than paper they are printed on. http://www.usdebtclock.org
  13. Concidering 30 kPa is 0.29 atm, water will boil at near 68°.
  14. ART is back! That's nice. But... Firespitter? Why is it a dependancy? There was not a single propeller in ART IIRC.
  15. At least making more nodes to divide existing parts in more sane categories. Separate branch for electronics, separate branch for aerodynamics, etc. Not a coctail with bit of everything. Also, Squad can make tier upgrades for parts. For example, tier 1 of electronics give you Stayputnik part with SAS, but without reaction wheels or advances functions, tier 2 will give you next probe part, but also will upgrade Stayputnik to have weak reaction wheels, tier 3 wil give prograde-retrograde autmation and so on. Technological advancement will make electronics and mechanics smaller and lighter, allowing more functions in the same volume, construction alloys will become lighter and sturdier, engines, "tested" in lower tiers will have upgrades for better TWR and ISP in upper tiers, etc. Less parts for each node, but also a buff for previously unlocked parts. Something like that. As for late-game tech tiers - Squad should possibly integrate NF or KSPI mods in stock. Their parts are far more realistic than green men who don't need to eat, drink or even breath.
  16. And noone suggested EXPANDING a Tech Tree so that it could be only unlocked with 95% of all science gathered in stock Kerbal System...
  17. There are mods with xenon scoops already. Though those work in atmosphere only. If you want to grab fuel or energy from vacuum - install "KSP Interstellar" mod - for antimatter scoops and quantum drives. BTW, Xenon is not a thing to be found in open space. Hydrogen is.
  18. The trouble is not with checking mod versions, but with remebering what mods you had in previous KSP version... And determining if non-updated mods are still compatible to ensure you can painlessly continue your old save.
  19. Oops! Forgot to put it into archive. Uploaded with Beak bicoupler included. It should be in the "Structural" tab unkile most SPP adapters. If it explodes or show some strange behavior on high speeds - report, please.
  20. Checked. Flies fine. Found bugs: Ship assembly is ridiculously imbalanced. Upper stage booster has over 1k dV left in LKO, not mentioning the Dreamer itself (with internal tank) has over 2.8k dV! I believe that fuel volumes are left there since 0.X.X versions souposphere... so they should be reduced. More imbalance. Fuel-full Dreamer itself (without rocket) has TWR of 1.04 at sea level. Concidering this small engines are vacuum type - it's obviously impossible. Dreamer COT is not aligned with COM. Accelerating in vacuum would require tons of RCS to just hold prograde. Hatch "ladder" collider in model is misdirected, pointing 90 degree away from the ship. Using Firespitter as a dependancy for such mundane thing as landing gear... is not a best choice. Especially concidering that mod does not rely on CKAN to ensure dependancies. Missing collider at cargo bay "bottom" does not allow puttting there surface-mounted parts.
  21. Most 1.0.5 problems are caused by KSP engine forcing convex colliders in place of non-convex. As Dreamer (0.9.0 version) had some hollow parts - it's most surely the case.
  22. Space-Y part pack have excellent choice of multi-engine interstage adapters for 3.75m and 5m tanks. I use it myself. As for M-1, I believe I've seen it somewhere here already. Try checking the ultra-heavy launcher packs like Space-Y Expansion and such. I myself never needed a rocket bigger than 5m with 3.75m side boosters (Space-Y or KW Rocketry).
  23. It won't work anyway... KSP 1.0.5 hates non-convex colliders and that part was 100% hollow. I don't say it's impossible to make convex colliders for it, but... over 20 colliders for a single small part... it just doesn't worth the effort.
  24. Update 0.8.0 Parts: New parts for modular parachute system based on stock modules and aerodynamics. Parts are calibrated by recommended payload weight. By easyness of use and flexibility it should take place between stock chutes and famous RealChutes. ATTENTION: Those are NOT TESTED/CALIBRATED FOR F.A.R.! SPP "Beak" bicoupler. No fuel, but slim fit and integrated linear RCS. Aerospike Adapter REMOVED, because stock Aerospikes now have proper bottom nodes. Small Jet Engine REMOVED because we now have J-20 engine in stock. Small Turbofan remains. Bugfixes: KSP version 1.0.5 forced CONVEX colliders EVERYWHERE. That called for major overhaul. Many parts have 7-9 colliders now instead of 1-3 colliders they had before. Something may work even a bit better, but most surely it won't. It's highly advised to rebuild vehicles that use LTS or rover bodies. Tweaked model and animation of SSP Mk2 to look a bit less ugly on deployment and more like stretching a real thin film panels... hopefully... Finally a PROPER volumes for RealFuels. They should be 5 times bigger than MFT volumes. Rugged Rover patch by Kerbas_ad_astra. Dunno if it will work with new colliders, but nevertheless. Some minor tweaks. Typo in picture. Green chute is calibrated for 2 tons.
  25. As I already said... bantha poodoo! Tried to make some fixes with abovementioned workaround. It took 8 colliders to replace a single one when fixing LTS Mk2. EIGHT COLLIDERS, CARL!!! And it will take TWELVE if people ask for upper ring to be fully surface-attacheable... insanity...
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