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  1. Spud [WIP] Dres was thought to be a lonely planet. Then Spud showed up. Contributors so far: MrChumley - Heightmap, Colormap, normalmap, sciencedefs, rings, Spud.cfg JaffaFediration - Description in Spud.cfg REQUIRES: Kopernicus v0.6 and ModuleManager v2.6.13! Stuff done so far: Spud. cfg, Height map, color map, Normal map, Biome map, Rings, Orbital characteristics. Collaboration is encouraged! If you want to collaborate/help send me a private msg!!! You will be credited for your work if it gets included. To do: Moar Science defs! Landclass/Ground textures, and custom scatter. (All parameters are subject to change) Enjoy Downloads: Current version is distributed bundled with KronkusV1-3-3.zip Spud on Dropbox Spud on Github The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 MrChumley Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Community collaboration accepted/encouraged.
  2. Hey guys I'm in the middle of a dres mission and a thought /challenge occurred to me,..... Speed records in ksp become kind of arbitrary when on a solar orbit but what's the fastest you can go through the canyon on dres? i e: below the canyon 'top'
  3. Does anybody have ideas for a career mode dres mission? My latest mission ended up failing with Thompberry Kerman stranded on dres and I lost heaps of rep. Post rockets down below \/ . Thank if you comment
  4. Dres, does it exist? Lots of people say it doesn't, and that's why I'm launching a lander to examine EVERYTHING about Dres. (In my science save) This is a one way trip. Equipment: (Science) -GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector -SC-9001 Science Jr. -Mystery Goo™ Containment Unit -PresMat Barometer (forgot it) -2HOT Thermometer -Atmospheric Fluid Spectro-Variometer -Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2 (No seismic detector due to it not being unlocked....) (Refueling) -'Drill-O-Matic' Mining Excavator -Convert-O-Tron 250 ---------------------------------------------------------- The mission will prove if Dres exists, may luck be on the side of the five fine Kerbals embarking upon this mission.
  5. I know, I know not allot of people like Dres. But who said that it is not interesting?! I’m going to speak about Dres’s strange color. If you did visit Dres you may have seen contrast of color on the surface. Dark brown flatlands and then bright grey mountains appear suddenly. But what could cause such contrast? My hypothesis is that Dres is a remnant of ancient collision. It struck large object which had different composition. Material mixed and made Dres look different. It explains a lot of canyons and valleys on Dres’s surface.It can be a salvage of Dres's orbital inclination and realtively small size(i know that some collison make more mass, but hey! some doesn't!) It also explains asteroids that orbit dres. If I could make a flyby of them I could see the composition of asteroids and potentially find out what was Dres like beforer the collision If you are interested how such hypothesis came into my mind check out an article about Iapetus saturn's moon-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iapetus_(moon) it is pretty cool! And agin i am looking for more interesting hypothesis of yours!
  6. hi hi I would like to share with you what has been, for me, quite the learning experience. Not to mention a mission filled with plotting, thrills, and all the normal kinds of things that happen when you mess with things beyond mortal ken. It all started out as most of these crazy schemes do, with an over ambitious plan. My plan to land a mining platform on Ike and put refueling stations in Ike and Duna orbit was going along swimmingly, with a vast fleet of ships in Low Kerbin Orbit, when suddenly... without warning, the orbital trajectory planners down in the labs realized that the next window to launch a mission to Dres was going to happen before the next window for Duna, not afterwards. Our engineers immediately scrambled to start assembling a space craft, including some never before tested rover designs. (The winning design was the one that didn't explode, so I figured we were good.) Pictured above, the "Rocket Car," rover design passes it's final pre-flight test. Moments after cutting the main engine, about to safely land on Minmus. Pictured below, you can see the behemoth craft in orbit, ready to slooooowly boost the entire mining operation into Dres orbit. I thought docking all those modules together was a pretty impressive feat in its own right, considering the time pressure we were on to get everything out the door on time. Yes, we knew wobble would be an issue, but we planned to take it nice and slow. After all, why launch six ships once, when you can launch one ship in six orbits? Unfortunately, I apparently managed to find a magical resonant frequency, and the entire thing wobbled apart while mission planners looked on helplessly. After about 5 minutes of thrust, we noticed the first signs of wobbling, so we cut engines and planned to pick up again on the next orbit, but the wobbling didn't stop. So then we cut SAS and RCS too, thinking that might allow it to settle down, but the wobbling only got worse. After several more minutes, with no control inputs or thrusting of any kind, several of the modules on the extremities converted themselves from space ships into fireworks. Luckily, I was able to rescue the crew. And thanks to the good work by our legal department, their contracts still required them to go on the mission. Above, you can see the shotgun style approach used to send the hastily rebuilt fleet toward the mid-course plane change points. (I learned a very important skill during this mission: making very precise adjustments to my encounter trajectory with RCS thrusters while at the ascending/descending node, rather than during the initial burn. Also, estimating orbital angles by eyeball is hard.) Pictured below, you can see one of the surface-to-orbit fuel tankers making its capture burn into orbit around Dres. Of course, before the entirety of my Dres fleet had arrived at their destination, it was time to start launching my Duna/Ike mission. With my experience launching the Dres fleet, I was able to launch the eight vessel Duna/Ike fleet in less than two days. Pictured above is the surface refinery module for Ike, with detachable landing boosters, about to be launched with a big interplanetary nuclear booster. Once the second fleet was out the door though, I had to switch back and make sure the first fleet made it into orbit alright. Lucky for me, I had at the very least, two hours between intercept maneuvers. Most of them were a few days apart though, so it all worked out. You can see the Dres orbital refueling station here, just after it finished parking itself in a roughly circular orbit around 99,000 meters above Dres's equator. Still needs to have the refueling rig land before it can fill those tanks though. While Gralyn Kerman was conducting a low altitude (23,000 meter) survey scan of the equatorial region, in hopes of finding an ideal flat spot for the refinery, I noticed a little flag icon appear on the scanner. With curiosity at maximum, Gralyn (the tire repair expert) set the rocket car down to take a closer look. Driving approximately 3 kilometers from the touchdown spot to the point of interest, she managed to avoid flipping the rover even once. She might have made a good pilot as well as an engineer. (I still need to work on precision landing without the aid of targeting beacons from already landed craft.) Turns out, we had stumbled across the landing site of the very first mission to Dres I had made, all those years ago. The mood at mission control was celebratory, little did we know what waited in store for us. Instead, with this historic landing accomplished, the Ike crew wanted their shot at the spotlight. Also, we really needed to get some rocket fuel up to the orbiting tanker, because somewhere along the line, the Duna survey probes' engines turned on and they drained all their propellant. And since we had to drain some propellant out of the Duna lander's tanks to get the probes on their way, nobody in mission control was willing to send Jebediah and company down to the surface until the refueling mission was complete. Believe you me, Jeb was none too happy about having to wait. I think. It is really hard to tell, he always seems happy. Above, you can see the tanker trucks on final approach to the flattest spot I could find near Ike's equator. We all had a bit of a scare when one of the techs pointed out, "Hey, did anyone realize that one of the docking nodes never latched down properly? That's probably why it's dancing about so much." But we were able to set them down after only a couple false starts. Unfortunately, this is when disaster struck. When I focused back on the Dres mission, Grelyn's lander craft was nowhere to be seen! It had just vanished, possibly a victim of the once notorious Space Kraken. She was a brave Kerbal, and she will be missed. Now, it is up to me to see if I can find funding to continue the mission, or if the entire Dres Base will need a rescue craft to come and bring home the surviving crew.
  7. The mission is aimed for exploring 2 asteroids and 1 dwarf planet with an unmanned craft This is the craft you need: it needs scientific instruments ,an individual engine and powerful antenna ,just try to make it as small as possible,okay? Your first stop will be an asteroid You must flyby 15 meters above the surface of it Next step is to flyby Dres .Your periapsis must 75 000 m above Dres. And the last place to visit is Gilly ,you need to establish an orbit around it with periapsis of 55 000 m The difficulty varies in type of propulsion you use! Ion propulsion is hardest, Liquid fuel propulsion is normal,and non individual (another stage with engine) is easy. And remember kids NO CHEATS!!!!mods that dont brake the challenge can be used ,it is not considered a cheating!You can still change route if you want so....But you still need to visit all 3 of them!GG have fun
  8. Download here and install like a mod. Flags will appear towards the top of the global array of select-ables. Yes, flags. Not one but five! Images come at double-res (512x320) and with transparent background but will render as fine as ever in-game and are hence very fit for uses outside the game. Due to the highly wide nature or aspect ratio of the wordmark the 2nd and 3rd flags may tend to vanish on most capsules with their small flag spaces so the 4th and 5th flags which weren't planned for were also made. Honoring @max_creative the owner's impressive designs with stock I incorporated a vanilla flower. In addition, the first flag contains an interpretation of the atomic lander from profile cover image.
  9. So recently i decided to re-create the DAWN mission see for yourself http://imgur.com/a/rqg1e
  10. So i'm trying to recreate the DAWN mission which launched and did a flyby of Mars to then orbit Ceres and Vesta (i think) but im having trouble with the Mars gravity assist to Dres. Please help
  11. So, I'm gonna do a huge Dres Awareness mission to BEAT ALL RECORDS (maybe)! And it will only be launched by 100% reusable SSTOs! Currently in the planning phase, but stay tuned for updates! I of course know how to design and fly SSTOs, but if you guys have good cargo SSTO designs, feel free to share them and we'll pay your space program DOUBLE the roots it cost to build it. (Even though I'm in Sandbox for this, but hey). Let's see why the Kerbals decided to do this: -STORY - PART 1- "Koffee, please," said Gene. A robotic voice announced "Preparing koffee... Your koffee is ready, sir." The new Robo-Interns Werhner had invented were amazing! They do everything the real interns do, and we don't even have to pay them. "Thanks!" Gene entered the meeting room. "What're we gonna do today?" Gus read out the things going on today: "Well, with this next module landing, the UKS Duna colony will be halfway done." "Bo-ring. Does it have a kOS computer?" "Uhh, yeah, why?" "Have Linus remotely program it to automate the landing. Now that that's done..." "Some dude named Hallock popped out of a Munolith. The Mun Pathfinder mobile base has been rerouted from Elcano duty to pick him up." "Ok, can we interrogate him ask him some questions?" "Yeah, anomaly sensors say that he came out of the 'Forgotten Space Program' save." --We interrupt this playback to inform you that we at KAL 9000's space program have demolished the fourth wall since forever-- "OK, have Bill put up a 'Found' poster in the forums." "Jeb's testing a new part that Bill .cfg'd in." "What is it?" "Jeb's been begging for it for a while. It's a booster with infinite fuel and 10000 thrust." "Of course." "That's it." "Dangit, nothing to do... Wait! We'll go to Dres! Make it a challenge!"
  12. Space Dres the final- Explosions! Hey! Jeb, No interrupting the intro! *duct tapes the forth wall* Ok, but basically this is my Dres awareness mission, because Dres is the best planet ever! No pics right now, because I didn't have time to upload to imgur. *face palm* But can upload and post them tomorrow. Basically, I launched two really big crafts. A Watney class cruiser, and a Diamond class tug. Uhh... Yeah. *another face palm* At least I had time for the big Dres photo. *third face palm*
  13. So, I decided to take a manned mission to Dres - the furthest Ive ever taken a manned mission in my KSP career. I built a new ship capable of taking 15 kerbals to Dres. I also built a refinery, miner, tug and lander - all combined in 3 flights to Dres. Then I thought - I need to keep a record of this, could be interesting - so I decided to chronicle the whole thing over on my blog - you can find part one here : Kryten's Kerblog : The High Road Part 1 The aim of the mission - to see if I can do it, and maybe to snag a dresteroid into the bargain. Heres a shot of the Explorer 2, just to whet your appetites, hope you enjoy:
  14. So, I based my mission on the idea of flying into the orbit of the sun, refueling withe an asteroid, then flying to Dres and refueling on another asteroid. However, I don't see any asteroids near Dres. I was wondering if I have to be in orbit of Dres, or maybe just really close to it?
  15. So I've been thinking of doing the Elcano for a long time. I planned to do it when I was playing career mode with a Duna rover. I also wanted to do it on Dres which is one of my favourite planets in the game. So here is my Dres Elcano. Drelcano? Nope. The Rover Meet DEV or Dres Exploration Vehicle. It has room for two kerbals on top. Very durable. (Unless you crash into a building hence the broken rover wheel) The Mission Now let me explain how I intend to do the challenge. First I get it to Dres and land it. Then I drive to a lander that I landed a few months back for the Dres Awareness Challenge. This is where I pick up my crew. I was thinking of doing an equatorial circumnavigation so I could pass through the Dres Canyon however that is for another mission as I will most likely re-use the DEV for future missions. Therefore I'll then do a Polar circumnavigation and then come back to the lander again. If any un-fixable accidents happen, I'll have to send another rover. (Obviously ) Part One Getting the Rover to Dres. So I built a big launch vehicle instead of going for a small nuke powered one. I love it when you use flea boosters as seperatrons. From here, I had to first go around the Sun once more to get the Dres encounter, got a crazy high capture burn and had to do a scary suicide burn and ended up using the transfer stage as a shock absorber. Ok lets go pick up Billy-Bobsen and Linke Kerman. They're quite far away... I wish this counted as part of the circumnavigation. :/ And that's what became of the first flag on Dres... Anyway that's it for now. Next we'll reach them and start the circumnavigation!
  16. Post your feelings of Dres here. I think that Dres must be visited more frequently. I DEMAND LOVE FOR DRES!
  17. Welcome to the Dres Plus Development Thread! Here I will post the latest updates for my Dres Plus mod that aims to make Dres feel loved. At the time of this post, this is what the mod will add: Changes to Dres: Dres is now 950 km in radius. (Was previously 138 km) Dres' surface gravity has been increased to 2.1 g. (Was previously 0.115 g) Dres has rings! Dres' inclination and eccentricity have been changed to be more similar to the other planets', making Dres easier to get to. Added Opaki: (Name may change) Ocean moon of Dres. Completely covered with a greenish liquid, except at the poles, where there are two big landmasses. Has a thick greenish atmosphere, but it only extends to 40 km. About half the size of Kerbin. (305 km in radius) Added Ovum: (Name will probably change) Rocky moon of Dres. Orbits Dres in such a way that it appears to spin around Opaki. About 1/3 the size of Opaki. (112 km in radius) Right now it's just a resized Mun. I plan on adding a third moon that will just be a large asteroid. (Probably around a class V) Here is a screenshot of the view from the north pole of Opaki. (The atmosphere at this point isn't the right color, and the height map needs to be refined) I will release more screenshots as time goes on.
  18. I'm building a reusable craft that can capture asteroids in the Dres SOI. I've done this with small (class A & B) asteroids at Kerbin, but never elsewhere. What advice do you have for me about the construction of the craft?
  19. I recently got back from exile (on other Steam games ) and decided to do something related to Dres Awareness. I downloaded @SpaceplaneAddict's Mercenary rover and took it to Dres for testing. But driving around for testing only is boring, and I landed only a couple kilometers off of the famous canyon, so why not have some fun by plummeting over the edge? Well, until I got stuck in the end Also, the Mercenary is indestructible
  20. Currently in KSP every single celedtial body orbits on a perfectly level plane. I think it would be interesting if this was changed for most planets to add an additional challenge, but in the meantime I think it would be a nice suggestion to add to Dres. It would make it quite a bit more unique and perhaps make it a more visited location.
  21. So now that 1.1 has dropped I have started on my Dres Love Missions - Take 2 With over 2000 tons of the best 965 parts Kerbal-Kind has to offer ... Containing 48 GPS communications satellites each with an M4435 Narrow Band Scanner as well as an M700 Survey Scanner onboard the the main ship I now present for your approval (and @SpaceplaneAddict's) the GPS MAMA 965 to LKO
  22. After the loss of most of the work, and craft, from the Drescapade Kraken Incident, I didn't think I was going to do anything else with this mission. But after having some time to think about it, and cool down a little, I have decided to resurrect the Drescapades. This run isn't going to be completely clean, there may be a few things I use the F12 "cheats" to help set in motion. But most of it will be a completely clean stock mission. Only mod I have installed is Kerbal Engineer Redux, in part-less mode. All the parts used are completely stock with no modifications to the persistence files. After having some time to think over this, I've decided to start again. Loading up the save I went through and looked at what craft I could salvage... Drescapade station was in pieces. But since the debarkel with the save files, the pieces were still in orbit, but not assembled yet. So all the parts were there, I just had to put it together again, for the first time. In front of the parts for the station was the trusty old Lamp Post 1 and its spare fuel tank. So after I undocked the parts from the Lamp post, and placed the space tank in a parking orbit, I sent the defunked satellite module(which had no SAS for the satellites) out into space and sent the Lamp Post 1 down to the surface to refuel. The Lamp Post 1 descended into a crater, in complete darkness, and was able to find the sweet goodness of a 6% Ore vein. Yummy! It wasn't until daylight that I actually saw where I had landed. Now for the Octopus 1... I did use infinite fuel to land it on Dres, but this was just to save me the time of waiting for something I can safely use to link it with the Lamp Post for refueling. Otherwise it would be a long wait before I can use it. I know... I know... Infinite fuel is cheating... But after the last time of linking with the Lamp Post 1, I wanted to play it safer. So down the Octopus went, trying to land near the Lamp Post 1 and the sweet, sweet ore vein. Down into the darkness. Only to find out I'm landing on the wall of the crater and don't have the maneuverability to shift my landing site over far enough to not land there. So, landing on a nearly 10% grade, with a slightly tipsy Octopus... What could go wrong? Nothing apparently. It did nearly tip over, but being basically out of fuel meant the craft was extremely light. So the RCS was more then enough to right it before it toppled over completely. Now that I know that the Train Breaker, which survived the Kraken unscathed, the Lamp Post 1, the Octopus 1 and most importantly, the Drescapade Station was intact and ready for use, I can prepare the rest of the mission. I actually have all the parts of the mission already built, save for the refueling vehicle, who's design I'm not that happy with... But first of all, I need to send over the satellites, once again. This time I'll be sending them with a new friend of mine. Meet the Evolution! The Evolution is a large, multi part, mothership made up of 6 different segments. The core of which is the Evolution Core. This section of the craft is a large fuel reserves with housing for 32 Kerbals. It has a few solar arrays to collect power and some SAS to help it align its self, but no RCS. This section of the mothership is going to act as a new space station once it reaches Dres. The cargo bays are currently loaded with the 8 satellites that will be distributed around Dres. The next section is the central command and control section, the Evolution Gig. This section is like the Lamp Post and Octopus in many ways, but is designed to sit in the center of the Evolution and provide about 32% of the thrust the mothership needs to fly. Once at Dres, this section will be able to refuel its self and fly missions around dres in place of the second Octopus. And the last segment, which will actually be 4 segments in total, is the Evolution Shuttle. This segment(s) will be able to land on Dres and act as parts of the surface base. Once the mission is over, the shuttles will be able to lift off from Dres, and be able to fly back to Kerbin, hopefully without a refueling trip between. But otherwise a trip to Minmus might be in order. Landing and lifting off with the shuttles is not going to be easy though. They do not have vertically aligned engines so will have to nearly land on their tail before rotating to land horizontally. Taking off will have to be done using a combo of thrust and RCS authority to pivot them into liftoff angle. I was planning on making these craft atmospheric as well, but due to bad aerodynamic issues, I threw that idea out the window. No worries though, I can send up a crew transfer vehicle when needed, and/or a set of parachute packs. So yeah, this should still be interesting. I can say right now, that I do have an asteroid tug designed that will be able to shift class C asteroids into Dres orbit. And as long as they are not on the heavy side of Class C, I should even be able to land one on the planet. But doing this will mostly likely take the life of the tug in the process. So, unmanned is it.
  23. Dres Awareness challenge gave me an idea of large Dres project. I am not sure if my project is officially accepted due to mods or because it is not enough megalomaniac but I think that I do it in any case. It is more game and fun than official competition and I hope that gives Dres attention it deserves. Maybe it can serve also as tutorial for inclined parking orbits. I play science mode. I cheated all the tech but can get points for rolegame. I begin missions at first possible window. I have several mods. Objectives of the project is to found orbital station and surface base with necessary infrastructure and keep them manned several years. Visit and collect some science from all biomes. One objective is to found small surface refinery to get fuel. Mission 1 First window is relatively expensive. Therefore I take an easy start. First mission, Dres 1, send a scanning satellite and four small telecommunication satellites. I use AntennaRange -mod. I lost ascent screenshots because I had active MechJeb window. http://imgur.com/a/Ucdmf/titledesc
  24. I finally decided to take on the Dres Awareness challenge. This is my mission to Dres. It is going to be a multiple part mission involving 2 lite "Octopus" multi-role tugs, 3 heavy "Lamp Post" multi-role tugs, and the "Trail Breaker" extreme range surveyor probe. The mission will be split into several stages, with a few of the stages being launched at almost the same time. I will be installing an orbiting space station to keep watch over the mission. A ground base will be built to perform science and explore the planet. Many satellites will be placed into orbit to keep the planet under full surveillance. And I will be making a few trips to the dresteroids to test their viability as low orbit refueling stations. As a bonus, I will try to capture and land a dresteroid on the planet's surface. Although it will more likely be a crash landing then a controlled landing. Stage 1: Trail Breaker. On the launch pad, the trail breaker looks fairly simple. A nice clean looking aero shell on top of a fairly simple 2-stage rocket. But looks can be deceiving. Inside the aero shell rests the Trail Breaker Probe. A quad ion propelled probe with a planetary scanner and a narrow band scanner. The Trail Breaker has over 13,900 delta-v of fuel on board for long duration missions The launch went smoothly and as the rocket climbed, the solid rocket boosters burned out. After jettisoning the boosters, the rocket now resembles a V2 rocket with it's short, strait profile. After guiding the rocket up into orbit, I jettisoned the aero shell revealing the Trail Breaker Probe housed inside. I am rather proud of it's custom twin i-beam attachment system. And of the ease at which the attachment system disengages from the probe. Just a little puff of thrust and the probe is free. And after a partial orbit of Kerbin, to get the orientation correct, it's full burn until an escape trajectory from kerbin is reached. Love the look of the blue Ion exhaust. Now it's a waiting game for the Trail breaker to escape kerbin before I setup a new burn to transfer the craft to Dres. This part might take a bit. Thank goodness for time warp.
  25. To boldly go where no kerbal have gone before! ... ever And to find the answer to the ultimate question: How many craters are there on Dres! I will fly to Dres and plant a flag in each of the craters there. To be able to land in all the craters I decided that ISRU was the simplest way. Here is the ship and its trip to Dres: As no one have ever been to Dres before I will be the first one to land in each of those craters, and will thus be entitled to name them. (I am quickly running out of famous kerbals to name them after some tips would be appreciated). Map of the visited and named craters: And here comes the super fun, exiting and very varied album of the landings: (who said that Dres was boring??) Dres with lots of flags on:
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