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  1. I simply can't stop looking at it for about a month now... I mean, this sound... this melody! Launched from Plesetsk with Uragan M-44 onboard.
  2. Has anyone tried hot-staging in KSP? Is it even possible to do without destroying the rocket trying to do it? I've been trying to get something working with Tantares, but I keep blowing stuff up. I'm thinking of just using MM configs to edit Max temps and such on the proper parts. Any ideas?
  3. would anyone be able to create the soyuz Sokol Launch and Entry suits i do know it will require texture replacer, thanks guys! thats litraly all it needs
  4. The new name for this version will be Soyuz 2LK. It wouldn't use the third stage, the Block I, using directly a Fregat upper stage, it will look a lot like the old vostok. Is made to be able to get 2 to 3,9 ton to heliosincronous orbit, filling an actual gap between the standard soyuz and the soyuz version without the lateral boosters. This is my source (sorry in Spanish, my googlefu don't encounter anything in english, but look the pictures) http://danielmarin.naukas.com/2016/11/30/soyuz-2lk-el-nuevo-cohete-ruso/ Original sources in russian: http://www.vz.ru/news/2016/11/21/844867.html http://izvestia.ru/news/640024 http://samspace.ru/news/press_relizy/8680/
  5. Is it true that a shuttle stack was held down by just eight bolts at the bottom of the SRBs? The whole thing? Orbiter and payload. By these bolts that sheer (spelling of that?) when the SRBs are lit? Soyuz stacks are held up by those four towers. How are other rocket stacks held to the ground/launch-platform?
  6. A Soyuz-style launcher. Stock. Has good dV to go to the Mun and back The airbrakes act as a fairing, activate before decoupling the stage. Download: https://kerbalx.com/awfulhumanbeing/Soyuz
  7. Please don't be too harsh. I've decided to learn to model yesterday. ( June 21th , 2016 ) Never touched Photoshop, Unity nor 3DS Max before. It'll be a learning process I'll document. There's a long story involving a work accident, this is not the place to discuss it . But I'll be stuck in this very chair for the next 6 months. I love learning things ,got plenty of time on my hands and I got a pretty good PC ( FX-8350 +GTX 780 ) (32 inches 1440P Panel + 27 inches 1080P panel ). [CURRENT/ON HOLD] :So I begun this model to grasp the basics ( Soyuz Launcher ) ( One evening of work ) : [OUTDATED] : Ho , I've made some progress by observing @RoverDude on his streams ( Texturing wise ) So I began working on a Soyuz Capsule ( 3 days of work for the first version ( See spoiler-seption for latest version )). [OUTDATED] : 28/06/2016 : Happy with it so far ! First true re-edit of the post . Working on the OBM ( Orbital Module ( The round thing on the top of the capsule XD ) ). Moving to mod version 0.3 ( Progress is progress XD ) Stay tuned ! [OUTDATED] : 29/06/2016 : OBM is finished ! I figured out ( With the help of @Redneck ) ladders and how the hatch works . Config files are A-Ok and crew transfer works like clockwork. Very happy with it ! [CURRENT] : 29/06/16 ( Evening ) : Realized the proportions are jacked. Decided to re-do the whole thing with proper size in mind ( Smaller than Apollo MK 1-2 pod , bigger than Mercury Mk 1 pod ). This means a complete re-model ( For the hatch of the OBM to actually fit a Kerbal helmet ) and be still visually correct ( As much as KSP permits ). Also committed to do a Gemini KSP equivalent , since it's mostly ( I know it ain't exactly ) the same Mk 1.5 Size than Soyuz is. There's no equivalent 2 Kerbals pod in KSP yet , it ain't Soyuz-related, but I want to try making one for learning and practicing my ( Poor ) skills at modding. Stay tuned for this entire re-work ;). [CURRENT] : 30/06/16 ( Morning ) : The resizing for the Soyuz Descent Module is complete ! Ditched all the previous files and started from scratch. Makes for good practice I guess. Textured a tad darker and hopefully more stock-friendly. Will begin work on the OBM's resizing this afternoon. Enjoy ! [CURRENT] : 01/07/2016 : The rework of the OBM is complete ! Like the Descent Module , scale is correct and it' been started from scratch. It uses the " New " Mk 1.5 size for the bottom and the stock Mk 1 size on the top for docking ports and other Mk 1 stock size parts :). Here it is ! : [CURRENT] 02/07/2016: So ! Figured out I was going to need a Heat Shield that fitted the Soyuz Descend Module and the ( To come, WIP ) Gemini capsule. And it's done ! Quite proud of this piece. I'll also need the decoupler that's going to go between the heat shield and the Soyuz Service Module ( To come, WIP ) , that will be fun too.... Working on it right now ! For now , here's the Heat Shield (1.875m) : [CURRENT] : 02/07/2016 : Decouplers are DONE ! I realized I needed 2 custom-sized ones : One between the Orbital Module and the Descent module ( Effectively Mk 0.75 or 0.9375m ) and one between the Heat Shield and the ( To come , WIP ) Service Module. Here they are both ! They function just like the stock ones and I'm really digging this black scheme that matches the new Heat Shield as well ! Stay tuned for the Service Module ! : [CURRENT] : 03/07/2016 : About time I finished doing this pesky little thing XD. The " Skirt " of the Soyuz Service Module is DONE ! I'm debating making the round parachutes for the capsule as well , the stock radial ones are so big and ugly XD. I'm doing the service module itself now ! Stay tuned ! : [CURRENT] : 04/07/2016 : Service Module tanks are DONE ! Cranked these ( Ugly, I'll give you that XD ) puppies in less than an hour ! Fuel tanks are so much easier than all the rest I've made so far XD. So now the Orbiter is COMPLETE ! I'm so happy ! It does need balancing because with a Terrier, this thing has ridiculous Dv XD. Here is the dream made possible by kicking my butt to learn stuff ! Enjoy !
  8. Hello everyone! I love Kerbal Space Program but there's something missing in my opinion. I've always wanted add-ons that added rockets and space missions from the real world. Unfortunately, I couldn't find these anywhere. So, I decided to take it upon myself to make these add-ons starting with the Soyuz add-on!!! I just started making this add-on, so there's barely any work done, but it's coming. After this I'm definitely not going to stop making add-ons. There's still a lot of stuff to be made, like the Space Shuttle missions and the ISS Modules. Not only that, but I'm also enjoying the development of this add-on a lot! Here are a couple of screenshot of the only part that can actually be used already: The main tank! Thank you for reading! Hopefully you guys are as excited as I am! The_Boss-Ted
  9. Hello! So with 1.1 coming out very soon [and sort of is out right now] I have a little challenge for you all, to build by favorite spacecraft of all time. Of course I'm talking about the Soyuz! So you have to build a Soyuz rocket and spacecraft, And use that Soyuz on a variety of missions! So here's The challenge! Note: This is my first challenge and my first forum post, Played the game since 0.17 1. Build a Soyuz spacecraft that looks similar to the real one! It has to have a Orbital, Descent, And Service Module +2 2. Build a Soyuz rocket that looks similar to the real thing! 4 Strap-On Boosters, 1 Center Core Stage, Orbital Capable Upper-Stage. +2 3. Korolev's Cross [That's Just A Given!] +4 4. Build A Soyuz That Can Lift 3 Astronaut's/Cosmonaut's To A Space Station and back! +5 5. Retro-Landing-Rockets +1 6. Build A Modified Progress Cargo Spacecraft Based of your Soyuz's Design +3 7. Build It To Scale In KSP {That's Going To Be A Challenge!] +5 8. Soyuz-1 Send 1 cosmonaut into an orbit, and then abort the mission. Kill him during reentry. +3 9 .Soyuz-4-5 Launch 2 Soyuz One With 1 Cosmonaut, And the Other With 3 Cosmonaut's. Dock them in orbit and transfer 2 cosmonauts' by EVA to the other Soyuz. +5 10. Soyuz Station Crew Refresh Bring Up 3 Cosmonauts/Astronauts To a Space Station And Do a crew transfer. Simple! +4 11. Zond Mission! Launch Your Soyuz without an orbital module on Proton Rocket, on a flyby around the moon/mun! +4 12. Soyuz Lunar Orbital Mission! Use a space-tug to launch a Soyuz into an orbit around the moon/mun. Based on the Soyuz A-B-V Concepts +5 So that was my first challenge! Hope you like it and respond! Some Links To Help You https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soyuz_4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soyuz_5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soyuz-A https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soyuz-B https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soyuz_(spacecraft) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soyuz_%28rocket_family%29 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progress_%28spacecraft%29 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soyuz_1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zond_program https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proton-M https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soyuz-V https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Korolev http://astronautix.com/craft/soyuztm.htm http://astronautix.com/project/soyuz.htm
  10. This is a pretty mesmerizing video so I wanted to share it with you.
  11. I have built a life-like Soyuz rocket using the Procedural Parts, FASA, KW Rocketry, and Tweak Scale mods. I recommend using Mech Jeb's Ascent Guidance with a 100 degree climb. I haven't personally manually flown it. it can achieve an Orbit of 200 KM from my testing. I have created a Manned and autonomous version of it. The manned version 2 has a regular docking port. V1 has Jr docking port. Folder with Pictures and .CRAFT files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/djiflha7821nn5d/AABWvYwpSXpW77DeNu2--5NVa?dl=0 I will update it more soon!
  12. Demo on YouTube Hey Guys Here is my first post for spacecraft. I've designed this craft which I named "DragonLady" for no particular reason. This vehicle look and function suspiciously like Soyuz R-7, in fact, I basically use the design of Soyuz and build it with stock parts (V0.9) You may download the DragonLady DRA Spacecraft HERE There is NO docking ability, however, you may change the payload yourself according to your wish. This is one of the most reliable and efficient vehicle I've ever built to date. Enjoy and hope you guys like it! Photos available below, and staging instructions. A shot during daylight on the launch pad. At night, on the launch pad LIFTOFF!! Staging: Stage 1 (4) - Main Engine + 4 Boosters Stage 2 (3) - Booster Separation Stage 3 (2) - Escape Tower Separation Stage 4 (1) - MECO/SEP+SE IGN Stage 5 (0) - Parachute + SECO/SEP <--- Parachute and SECO/SEP separated into two stage
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