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  1. About half a year ago, I bought Kerbal Space Program while it was on sale on gog. I've played it about 5 hours and I don't really feel like there is a point on playing it more. The problem is, I have no idea what to do. I tried building a rocket so I could orbit around Kerbin in sandbox mode, but it wouldn't even lift off. And guides I read or watched like control the speed or other things like that. I just have no idea what to do.
  2. Sorry, this doesn't have anything to do with space, or at least very little - but at least it's got the physics part, right? When you're calculating the resonant frequency of a tube (open-ended in my case), you have to add an end correction as the theoretical resonance is lower than it is in practice. I've found a few sources citing approximately 1.2r, but some conflicting, and some saying that it has not been theoretically proven at all. Nowhere have I found an explanation why.
  3. Hey there I downloaded the latest version of Mechjeb from Curse, and the latest version of KSP from Steam. I tried putting 2 and 2 together, and it doesn't work. I get errors saying it is installed incorrectly. I did it the way all the tutorials online say to. Drag the extracted folder into GameData, Squad, and place there. When I start the game. I get that error. Please help me. I've played KSP a bit, and can get craft into orbit, but I really want to get this mod working.
  4. So, with every capsule in the game what i have installed or stock, there is no iva thing in the lower right corner, does anyone know how to fix this?
  5. When i try to open a texture to edit it for a mod im making, i find That is says "Page 1/11", and that i cannot edit it unless there is one page. i have tried everything, but nothing works. someone please help me!
  6. I know how to mod (its easy enough), but could someone please give me some textures (as well as models!). My mod will be called Ackoli space industries, and is mostly a combination of Base parts designed for Permanent bases. The art style I want is Stockalike, but a bit more detailed. These are the parts i want textures for= -ASI-250 Standard inflatable ring module, a 2.5 metre part around as big as the Rockomax X200-16 fuel tank, but inflates into a ring with a 10 metre diameter, and holds 8 crew. Has windows Dotted around the outside of the ring. -ASI-100 Small inflatable ring module, a 1.25 metre part as big as the FL-T200, But inflates to 5 metres. looks like a miniaturized ASI-250, And holds 4 crew. -ASI-420 Large scale inflatable ring module, 3.75 metre part as big as S3-3600 Tank. Looks like a larger, more detailed ASI-250. Holds 16 crew. -Ackoli Algal cylinder. Same size as an mk1 liquid fuel fuselage, Although it Is made out of mostly glass, inside which Green throth can be seen. -Ackoli Drop pod module. A 3.75 Metre Command pod, which looks like a sphere, but with a flat plate (1.25 metres) on the bottom and the top to mount things on. Looks like black metal (carbon fiber), and has a few small windows on it. -Nutrient extraction module. a 1.25 metre Object around the size of the 1.25 m battery. Looks like a grey-ish metal plate with Buttons around it. -Water extraction module. looks like the nutrient extraction module but All the buttons are blue, and there is a symbol of a water droplet on it. -Ackoli grade life-support recycling module. a 1.25 metre object around 3 times taller than the water/nutrient extraction module. Has Many buttons and dials on it. also has A recycling symbol on it. -Small Inflatable habitat module. A radial part, which inflates into a Medium sized Rectangle (with curved edges), with A few windows And straps wrapped around It. -Inflatable greenhouse dome. A Radial part, twice as large as the Small inflatable habitat module, that inflates into a large transparent dome with Shrubs inside it. -Extendable docking port. A docking port that inflates into a tube. -Kerbal entertainment Module, A large inflatable sphere with straps wrapped around it. Has A lot of windows, and fits 4 kerbals. on the interior is a large screen showing a kerbalized super-hero, And A box saying 'toys', as well as some tables and seats. -Space house 3000, A 2.5 Metre part, which looks similar to the hitchhiker module, but the exit is lower down, And Looks metallic. It fits two kerbals, and on the interior is a bunk bed, A box labeled "Space Toys", a table with a packet of chips on it, and a potted plant. Those are all the parts that i cannot texture myself, and need help doing. I would appreciate it if someone helped, and I will give credit. The mod Will also come with a space suit, but i can do that myself. So, please help me make ASI Base systems!
  7. I have installed mods, and I know where to put them, but It either doesn't do anything or it destroys the world when I launch things. I have a Mac and I bought KSP on steam and have watched so many videos of people using mods. The mod I wan't to work most is probably BDArmory Continued. When I try to launch anything the world glitches and I see a brown thing and the camera slowly goes deep into space. I really need help and I've tried for days. Sorry, I can't use screenshots (I can't use drag and drop, please help). Sorry for any inconveniences!
  8. So I tried downloading RSS and Realfuels, but neither of them properly installed, like realfuels didn't have any of the fuels,(besides liquid fuel and oxidizer) and real solar system didn't get added at all. Does anyone know how to properly install these mods? Please help.
  9. Im not sure what to do next in career mode... I've researched Basic Rocketry, Engineering 101, Survivability and Stability and have a Science Jr and a Goo Containment Unit. Im trying to get into orbit with a ship made up of just fuel tanks and a couple of stages and of course engines but not having any luck. All I'm getting is sub-orbital missions... To try and get more thrust Im hitting the limits in parts and weight of the launchpad. Where do I go from here to get more Science?
  10. Hi, being playing since... well i dont remember, probably 4 years or so. I've done many many of the things in KSP that can be done, but SSTO spaceplanes are ALWAYS a headache for me. For each time i try to build a new one (each new version of KSP, each time i retake the game since a long time) i need too many time to build a very crude SSTO (just LKO), and i find it very difficult to do it. And SSTO to Minmus for me is still undone, thats what i was aiming for this time, but can barely get a SSTO, So i would really appreciate ALL the advices no matter if they are not very important, for there is not any real SSTO guide for 1.1.3 as far ive seen. Thanks
  11. So, I wanted to make a list of websites that can help with KSP related tasks! Post your sites here! Good place for maps... Parts and places information can be found here... Launch window planner... And the COOLEST place for KSP stuff... Have fun!
  12. Ok. So, yes, I am on a modded install. And, well, I am not sure if this is an issue with in one of my mods <list will be at the bottom as to not clutter this up too much> or something in the game or if I am just stupid and missing something. OK, so, heres the thing. While on EVA I cannot turn on my kerbals EVA lights. This is irritating to say the least. Makes working in the dark...harder than it should be. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here is a screen grab for you folks: Now, here is the output log: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog Now for a list of mods, all but NovaPunch are up to date, and only 1 single part, a motor, from NovaPunch is causing me issues, since it is lagging the game, I refuse to use that part. SO, here is the list: MechJeb, novapunch, reentry particle effects, planetary base inc, cacteye, procedural fairings, KIS/KAS, chatterer and asteroid day. if this is mod specific can someone point me at which mod is causing this and I will seek a newer <if available ofc> version of said mod. If its novapunch, im stuck until tiberion updates from 1.0.2 to either 1.1.3 or the upcoming 1.2 <when ever that drops from experimentals, ya ya "Soon tm">
  13. I recently downloaded Ven's Stock Revamp and I don't like the window flaps on the Cupola. Is there a way to remove these flaps or at least make them invisible? I don't want to remove the whole part as I like the rest of the Cupola, just not the flaps. Thanks for any replies, Benji13.
  14. K, I am stuck with this rover I am making. I am new on the forum but I have played for over 300 hours easy. The one thing I never spent too much time on was rovers and now that I'm trying to build some my rover is stuck. It moves it can go relatively fast at I clocked it at 20 m/s but if I'm lucky enough to get anywhere near that speed it will spin out and flip over. It likes to pull slightly to the right and as I go faster it turns more more to the right. The wheels are all going in the same direction and turning in the same direction, and as far as I can tell the wheels are aligned. The center of mass is right smack dab in the center. I can't do snapshots because of circumstances, can anyone help me? I forgot to mention that it uses the TR-2L wheels.
  15. I recently installed infernal robotics. Everything works fine except i cant use anything in the game. It works in the builder but when i launch it comes up with OEC/s on all of the robotics. i have batteries and controls. heres a screenshot https://snag.gy/6XeHiM.jpg . help would be appreciated as i have spent ages looking all over the internet for an answer but havent found one
  16. I am still fairly new to the game, I managed to get jeb to the mun, but he's out of fuel. I have tried time and time again to create a design that can get him home. If anyone could help me out, it would be appreciated. I don't have a large amount of tech unlocked yet, so my request is to help me out with a rocket that can get there and at least get him back into munar orbit without running out of fuel. I really need to get jeb home. Thanks. Current Tech Tree:
  17. I have a old(ish) Saitek ST90 USB Joystick And I'm wondering if I can play ksp with it. And it doesn't work when I try to bind it to ksp. Can anyone help me? BTW I'm on windows. <----- That is what it looks like if you are wondering...
  18. I'am new to the forum so just wanted say Hello first... Hello And here is my problem: I've downloaded such mods like Odysseus etc. (mods that adds new planets, star systems), and unfortunately skins of thouse planets are not loading. Planet do exist but without skins - blank dot. https://s9.postimg.org/wenddvei7/image.png What should i do to solve this problem?
  19. Hi, I'm fairly new here and I know it's pretty presumptuous of a noob stepping right in and asking for help. But I'm going quite insane. I have tried flying with keyboard commands and, no surprise, I suck at it. For three days now, I've been desperately trying to write a KOS script that does a few very simple things. Not even involving the ship changing orientation a single time. Really just straight up and straight down. The ship CAN do all the things, if I play around with MechJeb to assist keyboard control, it all works (within the limits of my utterly rubbish control abilities). But there is one specific little item holding me up. That had me write and rewrite my script and try it out dozens, possibly a full one-hundred times. The problem: I want it to drop the SRBs when those are empty. I've given all the SRB's a name tag and have desperately tried all (and I do mean ALL) combinations of my name tag, the enumerator I stuffed with all the tagged parts, SHIP, SOLIDFUEL and AMOUNT. I've also tried out checking for FLAMEOUT. Nuffin. I've tried the little "THESE ARE ALL THE RESOURCES ON THE SHIP:". script snippet from documentation site on Github. That works fine and lists a resource "SolidFuel". Yet when I ask the terminal to PRINT SHIP:SOLIDFUEL:AMOUNT., I get an error that AMOUNT is an unknown variable. When I stop the line at SOLIDFUEL., I get the number 1436. So that works. Yet when I try PRINT SHIP:PARTSTAGGED("booster"):SOLIDFUEL., I'm told SOLIDFUEL is an unknown variable. The parts in question ARE tagged "booster", of course. I don't want anyone to go and write me a whole script, of course. Just an example how I can get the SolidFuel from a specific set of parts and a little explanation would be absolutely lovely. Please? I suspect I have a fundamental misunderstanding of the entire syntax and structure. But neither going through the GitHub documentation nor trial and/or error have enlightened me.
  20. NOTE BEFORE I START: If anyone looks on my profile, they will see 2 failed modding attempts. The overwhelming reason for this is not that i lack commitment, that I have no clue how to use Unity, or other such things. I am simply, absolutely terrible at texturing. I am a decent 3-D modeler, but i can never make any textures that look stockalike. I have tried a hundred and one times and it is just terrible. So, i am reaching out to texture artists and other modders who might cooperate with me, for instance @Well who made the Kraken Science mod with only texturing, no modeling. Thanks to anybody who read this. Celestian Launchers My goal is to make stockalike upper and lower-stage parts that go together but can be used separately. For instance, the engine/skirt/mount on the lower stage could be used on another 2.5 meter-wide launcher, and the fuel-tank (It has 3-d fuel pipes on the outside, inspired by Atlas V. Too non-stockalike?) can also be used on other launchers because the stock tanks do not have any detail, and to be honest i don't know many mods that add tanks like that. My first goal is to make parts for payload launchers at 2.5, 3.75, and 1.25 scale. I am doing 2.5 meters first because that is what i use most. 2.5 First Stage: https://sketchfab.com/models/086e4611b847402fac9786341cd80c27 2.5 Upper Stage: https://sketchfab.com/models/9e8514b9d2f74a139a2ec3a50fc4fd8d (Note: The upper-stage is meant to go in a fairing. The stacking would be like this: First Stage, Fairing Base, Upper-stage, Payload. 3.75 Lower Stage: https://skfb.ly/SsO9 3.75 Upper Stage: https://sketchfab.com/models/1c62888f14ef463292d7b4d8ca6f29eb (Note: The rounding thing on the top is the heatshield. The upper-stage is meant to be recovered. The lower stage also has the ability to land like the Falcon 9. I added landing gear and in the R.O/RSS configs the engines will have more than one ignition.) 1.25 Lower Stage: https://skfb.ly/SsRo 1.25 Upper Stage: https://sketchfab.com/models/80d15db0747347a888a9d02f75d008e5 This is my progress so far! Roadmap! Stage One: Light Payload Launchers, Modeling 100% done, Texturing 0% done, Unity/configs 0% done. Stage Two: Manned Launchers. Stage Three: Service Modules and capsules Stage Four: Space Station parts Stage Five: landers. Goodbye and thanks for reading!
  21. I Removed My Squad Addon And Everything Stock Is GONE!!11! HELP! I NEED A ANOTHER SQUAD ADDON I CAN USE PLEASE HELP! Please I have all the screenshots on my steam profile
  22. I don't know what I did or if it is a bug but on the training mission(docking) I can't add a meneuver or target "'stranded'" I have the arrow right on it and I click a but nothing happens. I'm using an Xbox one.
  23. I'm new to modmaking and I'm making a mod that adds four new experiment situations: SrfSpashedJustBelowS, SrfSplashedHighBelowS, SrfSplashedLowBelowS, and SrfSplashedLandedSeabed. I have a few questions. How do you add said situations? How do you add biomes? How do you control in which biome (and at which height) they appear? Can you set negative heights? Thanks for your time!
  24. PROJECT: MISSION TO MOON Mission: To develop uncommon practice of launching spacecraft into orbit, with using little to no fuel of spacecraft. Spacecraft must be capable of delivering large payloads over a distance of 800,000 Kilometers/500,000 miles. Spacecraft must be re-usable. Spacecraft must be able to carry crew of 3 or more. We want to create a simulation of real-Life scenario of our solar system. We need to create our solar system in a virtual KSP world, create spacecraft parts similar to those we have available today. Our goal is to come up with a system and craft which can reach the planet Moon and return simply and safely with either a large payload or a bus of civilians. We have a general idea of structures that need to be assembled, unfortunately there are currently no KSP mods that can fulfill our building needs. So we are looking to the modding community to help us out. Anyone with modding experience and/or physics enthusiasts, please reply to this thread. Thanks, Ryan Van
  25. So, I see that lots of people have sigs, but there's no tutorial on how to make them. So, how do you make them, for me, and for any forum noobs.
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