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  1. This is a pretty simple one. Give me a way to tell KSP2 to "stay in its lane" and keep its save data in the game's install folder, where it (at least in my personal opinion) belongs. I have 1 save game, with just a couple dozen vehicle (attempts, with little success due to bugs) and I have nearly 250MB of data in my %appdata% now. I can easily see this growing since the breakdown so far is about 50% crash data, and 50% game saves a 1 vehicle workspace is about 4MB of JSON data and a save file seems to contain a primary file between a couple KB and 6ish MB and then a set of four autosaves at 4MB each for a total of about 25MB of save data for a game with no active missions and just some junk I cant delete so I expect this to significantly grow in size with active missions, as it appears to be keeping the entire vehicle hierarchy in the main save in addition to any individual workspace files. (I'll update this if I manage to get multiple things into space and save without crashing so I can tell if the file size increases correspondingly) Crash data for this game is at a little over 3MB per crash, and the KSP crash reporting currently has 39 crash report files. Which feels pretty close to the number of times the game has crashed to desktop on me. So I expect this folder is just growing without any limit, which I have no issue with in normal circumstances, but given how many crashes I have in 27hrs, thats less than 1hr per crash, this will likely grow to a significant size and cause issues with my main user "windows" drive. My C drive is not my biggest drive, never has been, its often my smallest. Ive got media files on HDDs, project and asset file asset dirs on larger SSDs I can easily drop into a new machine if anything happens to this one, and a more expensive M2 PCIe NVME drive for the stuff that needs high IO like my development environments so the compiler can pull all the small files together, etc... and spread out across all of these are steam libraries with the location chosen based on how I feel... tiny 30MB game, chuck them all on the spinning rust, they arent big enough i care, large game I rarely play and dont mind the load time, sure HDD again, game I like and want to be able to open quickly, maybe on the SSD, game I want to load as fast as possible or hate any interruption while playing, maybe that gets a place on the expensive high IO NVME... I gave KSP2 a spot on that NVME drive, but it seems to want to put its data on my slower windows drive... and fill it up with crash reports. This is silly. I dont want yet more junk in %appdata% If I delete KSP2, I want to delete KSP2, that means all the data gone, not taking up extra space somewhere else. Having a hard coded one true directory where every version of KSP2 puts save files, feels like it will cause issues with conflicting files between different versions of KSP2 once we have updates and start having to deal with things like Mod compatibility between versions of KSP2 Early access = lots of bugs, lots of bugs means lots of crash reports, lots of crash reports mean filling up my windows drive, don't fill up my windows drive. %appdata% isn't %tmp% (not that windows is particularly good at keeping %tmp% clean) don't fill it up. Just give me a place in the global config or something like that, where I can say "data files live in the game directory"... or better yet, make that the default behavior, because the current one doesn't make sense for a game that expects to have a modding community in the future. The current default will either need workarounds to avoid conflicting save file versions between multiple copies of KSP, or its going to cause problems... or a different save directory can just avoid the issue entirely.
  2. I like that we can strip the paint off and have a nice silver metal. It looks awesome. Down the line, I would love to have metallic colours added. I'd love to be able to have a gold or cherry red metallic painted ship. Cheers!
  3. (This was also posted in response to a MN bug report, but as I got carried away, went on a tangent and provided a suggestion - I will also place it as it's own suggestion here) I'm not a physicist, astrophysicist, scientist, rocket scientist, astronaut, a rocket surgeon or even a space shuttle door gunner. My understanding of orbital mechanics stems completely from KSP (and lately also Juno: New Origins...which does some things I like - like auto burn even though I sometimes prefer to do it myself), and I'm not even very good at understanding most of that. So when you all talk about Delta V in the second half of the burn being easier due to less mass, or the efficiencies of burning prograde and not pointing to target or pointing to target and using SAS hold, I'll just smile and nod. I understand the concept of what you're saying, but not the math involved. I know how to get to the Mun without using manoeuvre nodes, how to get into an orbit (in transit) if my periapsis is too low and how to circularise an orbit without them too. Getting an orbital encounter I can do in KSP1 - with nodes, not without...not so great in KSP2 in part because of the node system and it's "intuitiveness". But that's not the point - the point is the manoeuvre node is supposed to correctly and accurately calculate these things for me way better than I ever could. I like the fact that the nodes now tell me when to burn, and grab my attention in some way just prior to the burn however, as it stands, every burn I make "trusting the node" is wrong and I have to fix it manually using what little I know of orbital mechanics. Even getting a circular orbit in KSP2 - starting the node from apoapsis, or even before it - is difficult. I have to make significant correction burns if my intent is for a circular orbit - otherwise I generally just burn out of orbit from whatever kind of orbit I'm in to get where I'm going. "Brute force it", so to speak. What I would like is if the node was "intuitive" enough to figure out I'm trying to burn for Mun (or any planet) periapsis, or get into/circularise an orbit, or intercept/encounter a target and apply some sort formula to compensate when calculating the burn based on the parameters I've set when planning my node - so I don't need to figure out how many seconds three minutes and 49 seconds), what half of that is and then subsequently realise I've missed the start of the burn because I was too slow with my calculations and there's nothing grabbing my attention to start said burn (in KSP1) - and in what direction to burn in order to make the burn I planned work as I intended. What I would also like to see is, potentially in the right click radial menu of the node, a button for calculating an orbital circularisation burn based on the current/intended apoapsis (as we all do this A LOT, so this will save us a lot of time) and a button for calculating an intercept of the target (something else we'll be doing a lot of, I imagine) be that a ship or a celestial body - and if it can't get us a perfect intercept/encounter, it gets us close enough to whatever we're trying to get close to so we can do a mid-course correction burn to get us even closer, rinse repeat until intercept/encounter). I would also like to see a way to manually input our desired apo/peri either in our current or desired orbit (at the desired target) and have the manoeuvre node calculate a burn to accommodate that for us. In "campaign mode", these options would be later-game but in EA sandbox (i.e. what we have currently) they could be implemented and fine-tuned so that come v1.0 release we're all singing off the same sheet of music. It doesn't have to be perfect (or perhaps, 'perfect' course plots can be another upgrade) it just needs to get us in the ballpark so we can course correct or establish an elliptical orbit or whatever our plan is for where ever we're intending to go. In KSP2, I feel that automation of the more common navigational manoeuvres should have "quick access" (circularise, intercept - as this would also cover interplanetary insertion burns) buttons in the manoeuvre node. I also feel that automation of the more repetitive tasks (such as getting a ship into orbit, and/or circularising an orbit, and docking) could (or perhaps as a selectable option, should) be a thing the devs prioritise - especially to make the game more accessible and especially when we have colonies and resource gathering to worry about. Example 1: You've been manually launching rockets for 20 hours - but since you've upgraded to the Level 3 Tracking Station, here's a series of buttons to help you automatically launch your craft, circularise its orbit and, if need be, calculate an intercept of a designated orbital target. Example 2: You've been building ships module by module in orbit with varying degrees of success (if you can get the nodes to work for you) for the last 50 hours - but since you've upgraded to the Level 4 Tracking Station, here's a button that will 'auto-dock' you - right way up, every time - to your target, provided you're within 1000m and your velocity relative to target is 0 m/s. No more twisted, misaligned modules from now on. Example 3: You've gone to Debdeb and back, six times, and docked landers to your orbiting ships 9,700 times in your 120 hours of KSP2 - but since you've upgraded to the Level 5 Tracking Station here's a button that calculates the intercept of a celestial body and more accurately calculates orbital intercepts from the ground - and also plots the trajectory of an interstellar burn. Good job, you've earned it! Does that make it "too easy"? In Sandbox, yeah maybe. But if you wanted the challenge, you'd be playing a career mode. And if you're playing career mode, after doing the same thing a billion times (like you do in career mode), a more efficient way of doing it would be appreciated. You'd obviously have to "do the hard yards" to earn (and therefore deserve) them by the time you've reached the late game. Plus, these are/could be optional, with the unchecking of a box in the Settings menu you can still do these things manually either as good as, or perhaps even better than, the nodes can. But they're there to help players and reduce the micromanagement and monotony of constant launches, orbits and trans-planetary insertion burns and whatever else. But for any of that, we need this manoeuvre node thing looked at because as it stands right now, I'd much rather "do things manually" (yes, I'm aware MechJeb is a thing) in KSP1 than deal with whatever the hell is going on with KSP2.
  4. Hello I want to suggest to improve the UI during flight, most especially the maneuver mode. That would be great to add like in KSP1 a button to place the maneuver point 1 orbit later. Also, we really need a way to see apoapsis and periapsis of both current orbit and the orbit we are planning with the maneuver mode, without having to have our mouse on it. It's currently annoying when you plan a maneuver to modify the prograde burn ( or any other directions ) and you don't see the poapsis and periapsis of the planned maneuver at the same time
  5. I launched a vehicle to low kerbin orbit outside of a transfer window and now I need to speed up time so I can get to that transfer window. The issue is that when I go to the tracking station, it only lets me speed up time to 100x because that vehicle is still in low orbit. In KSP1, you could go to the tracking station and go to max fast forward, regardless of where a vehicle is in orbit. This function NEEDS to be brought back.
  6. I love the mod Kerbal Alarm Clock for KSP 1 for its function to set the optimal departure times for Interplanetary transfers. It would be Awesome if KSP 2 gets that functionality in stock KSP 2 Copied here from the ksp2 discord feedback forum
  7. Hi, I tried KSP2 and these are my first impressions and suggestions. I made a list and divided into two parts the casual and the important list. So I launched KSP2 for the first time and my first thought was, can I run the game? And I could! But I have a GTX 1650 and it was ok I had 10-20 FPS and 60-ish in the VAB (low graphics, 1080) so here comes my first worry about the game: Can the devs optimise it so much that I can launch a 1k+ part rocket without lag and an ok FPS e.g. 30-35? And I don't know because if not then I don't know the interstellar travelling how will be achieved without a high end PC. I'm worrying about the noodle rockets because how would I launch a massive rocket if it's wiggling around I don't think this was a good idea to keep this feature. But yet I'm hopeful (good luck dev team ). And what I got for this FPS? A very good looking KSP2 and the graphics didn't get bad even if I'm playing at low settings. When I started playing I got into the VAB and started building a rocket to orbit. One of the first things I encountered was the controls and the green highlight lines those were quite annoying for me. I think if they would be thinner they wouldn't be annoying. The new parts are really good and I'm wondering what could I do with them when the performance will be better. And the engines were very nostalgic and I think later in the development they could get other forms like the engines in KSP. But I didn't like that the DeltaV calculator wasn't working properly in the VAB and didn't show me DeltaV / stage data. I hope this will get fixed soon. So when I finished the rocket I put it into the launchpad and watched the countdown I really liked it. And when it launched the sounds were very good too. But when I got into the higher atmosphere I encountered with a really weird thing. I couldn't turn my rocket trough the orbital prograde marker (I had a Mammoth engine and wings) but fortunately after I decupled it fixed (sometimes I couldn't decouple the fix was to change the decoupler into separator and back and constantly launching). And the gyroscopes were very weak. When I wanted to make the orbit I could pin the Ap and Pe but when I switched into the maneuver node they disappear it was quite annoying both of them because I could pin the Ap but not as easily as in KSP sometimes they just weren't appear. And the last thing I think maybe the communication e.g. about the recommended specs. Because the devs could publish this sooner and say that "Sorry the performance will be bad at day 1 but we will fix it as quickly as possible" or anything other then "we take your feedback very seriously", something to calm down the community. And I'm still excited about the game and would like to hear about the coming updates just a bit more. Overall I thing the KSP2 can be a really good game if the performance get better and some quality of life features get into the game. I say good luck to the developer team and I hope they can fix the game. Important list: -Performance -TWR -DeltaV Tools (from KSP): I would like to see my TWR and DeltaV on different celestial bodies. If the celestial body has atmosphere then what are my DeltaV stats. And TWR / stage, and not just the first stage's TWR. -Auto struts -Controls in the VAB: I miss the KSP controls from the VAB because it's really bug me that I cant scroll for moving up and down (It's really helpful for rocket building) and the new method is really slow (but it might be a bug idk), the SHIFT+ Click to drag the hole ship and the CTRL+ Z. -Parts manager: I don't like the new part manager. It's a god idea but in action it isn't working because it's too big and hard to close, when you have 30+ parts the game freeze for a sec to open it and hard to see through. Casual list: -Maneuver, remaining DeltaV and burn time: In the maneuver window I would like to have a "remaining DeltaV" row. Because I don't know from a white line that how many much I have to burn. This can be under the "Required DeltaV" line. The other one is the burn time because now this appears when I start the burn and this is a bit late when I try to do very small maneuvers and I reduce the trust of the engine. This can be under or above the "Start burn" line. -Transfer window: I think that some transfer window features can be implemented to the game. Particularly the time indicator. This would show the time when will be a transfer window to another planet . You could open this window and with one click you could add the time to your alarm clock. I think that this feature is enough, I don't think that we would need so many numbers, stats etc. -Trip planner start changing: In the VAB we have a trip planner thing and this is great but I can't change the "From" body to another planet or moon. This would be important when the performance get better. -Fairing building: I encountered with a bug a lot this bug is when I take off the fairing and put it back it disappear. It wouldn't be a problem if I could build a fairing with 5 clicks but with this new system the fairing building is slow, hard and complicated. I think if the old building method would be enabled with holding e.g. SHIF and if I want something more precise I would use the "stock" new method. -Gyroscope strength: I don't know what you've (developers) done with gyroscope strengths but I feel that they are useless when I want to steer a bit bigger rocket and this is good in some way but I think it would be great if this would be a setting and I could adjust the strength of the gyroscopes. And it could change with the stock settings (easy, normal, hard). -Docking: I think the lowne lazy method of docking could work but an interface like the docking port alignment indicator mod in KSP would be the best. I miss this from KSP because whenever KSP got an update I don't dock until the mod was updated (even if I could ). In my opinion this is a very important thing that needs to be implemented soon because it helps with docking A LOT. In the game it can be e.g. a part of the probe system from some point and obviously the Kerbals have access to it or it can be a device that looks like a camera that enables this feature. -Cheat menu: The Alt+ F12 is a really important part of KSP if I want to test something e.g. a probe system, a lander, a rover, recording a video etc. I think it needs to be implemented. -Alarm Clock: This is originally a mod for KSP but later it was implemented into the base game and I think that because of the multiplayer and the fact that now the time works in the VAB I think this is an important feature to don't miss anything. Including the transfer windows. -Maneuver tool: -More maneuver: I don't that this is a bug or not but if I make a maneuver I can't make another one on the modificated path. I think it would be good to have more. -KER: landing place indicator: This is a feature of Kerbal Engineer Redux and I think it will be helpful when you want to land on a landing pad of a colony. Before colonies it can be helpful but not often. -Big xenon engine: I think that if the nuclear engines got a bigger form I think that the xenon engines deserve that too. -More rover parts: This might already be part of the development but I would like to see some new and old rover cockpits. -First person: I would like to see the old cockpits with the new interior and the new cockpits interior -Noodle rockets: I don't think this was necessary. The solution could be to apply automatically Auto struts.
  8. When clicking and dragging different parts of the staging section, make it so the boxes/icons move around with your mouse.
  9. Please return the camera functionality, when building, from KSP1. It was easy and intuitive, and much much faster to move around.
  10. Building fairings in this game has gotten much more tedious, and there's no change in visuals to make it worth it. Making fairings in ksp1 was easy peasy and took no time at all. Now, for the same result, dragging individual arrows has made it super annoying. Please bring back the function of just being able to move the mouse to where we want them to be and click.
  11. Currently, all you can select is runway 1 and 2. If you look on the runway lettering in game though, the runways show 09R/27L and 09L/27R. It would make more since to have a selection from both ends, since if you want to fly west, you have to make a long 180 turn. In real life, planes take off from both ends of the runway, and they are named accordingly.
  12. It would be really handy if we got a horizontal variant of the hitchhiker container (and lab if that will make it into KSP2). This way people can make planes and rovers out of 2.5m parts without making kerbals awkwardly sit sideways. This, alongside a 2.5m cockpit (something more aerodynamic than the cupola, more comparable to the mk1 or mk3 cockpit) would allow players to make the most out of the 2.5m part size.
  13. I have been playing KSP since before it had planets. But as soon as it had planets, you know the community started modding realistic size Earth in. Many love the bigger challenge and the sense of home. With KSP2, there will be multiple star systems. So my really obvious take is, why not just make one of those systems our solar system. It does not have to be populated or even 100% accurate. I think many players will jump at the chance to "discover" Earth and launch from there. I realize it won't be a quick or easy to implement. But if you already have the tools. I would say why not go with the obvious choice and add something most players would love. As for the realistic rockets. I'm sure that's a different discussion all together, though the procedural parts may just scratch that itch anyway.
  14. Suggestion: Transfer science experiments between crafts. For example, a Jool-suicide probe that would transfer data to a station with a mobile processing lab. Not much else to say about this
  15. People who have played, "Outer Wilds," will know what I am referring to. That game, similar to KSP, doesn't do a lot of hand-holding, so players are encouraged to explore the universe for exploration's sake - which I love! Outer Wilds enhances this by placing "clues" hidden on each planet which the player can discover and log in a dashboard/tab so that they can try to piece together the secrets of its universe. I'm not saying that KSP 2 needs to develop an intricate weaving storyline for players to discover, but since they've already announced that they'll be hiding anomalies throughout the game, I thought it would be cool for there to be a place where players can review everything that they've discovered and try to piece together what it all means. Some legacy KSP players have admitted that they never felt compelled to leave Kerbin's SOI, so adding something like this would allow for story/narrative driven players to feel like it's more than a physics playground.
  16. Small idea that would be nice for planning space stations and rendevous, especially in multiplayer, would be the ability to mark orbits in a similar ways to what satellite contracts do in KSP1
  17. 1. Grid fins. They would be a great addition and help enhance aerodynamics. 2. more heat shields. This would be great for atmospheric re-entry in sph ships, like the heat shield used by the space shuttles. 3. Bulding and customizing your facility. It would be awsome if you could choose where to place your buildings and customize them. 4. Custom flags. I think it would be great for ksp 2 to be able to upload a custom flag, this would go great with the new color customization that is planned for ksp2. 5. Make manuver nodes easier to understand. This one is self explanitory. 6. Kerbal customization. I would love a KSP avater creator, maybe there could even be randomly generated kerbal avatars. 7. Sandox mode planet creator. It would be AWSOME if we could create our own planets in sandbox mode. It would be cool if we could share our systems/planets in the workshop. So thats my recomendations.
  18. They should have destroyed ships floating around in space stuff Like in Career or Science mode you can recover them and get Science and Reputation and also fun thing to find on the tracking station I would personally LOVE THIS!!! Let me know of your thoughts
  19. It would be so cool if there were rouge planets that where all different and orbited themselves so they would stay in place NAME IDEAS: (sorry if there all bad I am not the best at names) Twier Maybe pink and blue (maybe ice) Noover Maybe green Lipe (Idk what color it would be) IDK what else so yeah
  20. Can the KSP Devs add more Russian rocket parts cuz there is already alot of ESA and NASA parts but Barely any Roscosmos Parts? I know theres some Soyuz parts but thats it? No Angara A5?, No Proton? Inspired by this guy
  21. It always struck me in a bad way how in KSP 1 Kerbin is an always sunny, dry and life-sustaining planet, because realistically, any planet that can sustain life, especially advanced life, is going to have rains, thunders, snowstorms, etc, but Kerbin doesn't even have seasons, it's always sunny and the perfect weather for playing sports and launching a rocket which I think makes it too easy and boring in my opinion, even if I still like KSP 1. Another thing that would be cool for KSP 2 to have is renderizations of other lifeforms or animals, at least on Kerbin, and I don't mean bird noises at the space center like in KSP 1, I mean animals that you can see while launching a rocket, like birds, insects, carnivores, herbivores, more varied plant life, etc, it certainly would make evolution and life on Kerbin much more interesting, especially if some of these animals could interfere with your perfect launch or reentry, although that is more of an ideal dream of mine, still, even animals that you can phase through would be an improvement compared to the empty, vast grasslands of KSP 1. What do you guys think?
  22. Perhaps it is a good addition to KSP2 as it can be extracted in CO2 rich atmospheres, which means it can be extracted on Duna and Eve! But hey, wait. Why add that, when methane can also be extracted, also being more efficient? Simple. Unlike methane, carbon monoxide can be producted with 100% indigenous materials, whereas CO2 can also be converted into oxygen. This means it would be a pretty much infinite, easily producted fuel. This would dramatically reduce complexity and cost in a colony. NASA has published an article describing CO fuel (just search "Carbon monoxide rocket fuel" and you will find it). Maybe it's 80% useless fuel. Maybe it's a nice addition to KSP2, and maybe they're already including it- but hey, I'd like that fuel in the game.
  23. I sawed the word call "Huston we have a problem.Tweakscale has.....no .dll.The ksp will....until..." help
  24. To start off with, I have suggested things for other games before, however, most of these are fantasy games. This is a realistic game, and thus, if my suggestions are hard to read, and you have a stroke reading this and die, then sorry for my bad "ordering" and explanations. I've also never really talked about physics much before, which is another reason this might be hard to read. Anyways, radiation. We know what it is, you get too much of it and you die. We also use it for power, which is why I think that some of the more efficient EC generators later in the tech tree should be powered on radiation, maybe not by radioactive materials, but radiation in space. Or this radiation could be used to turn a non-radioactive material into a radioactive material, which can then be used for EC generation. There could also be a toggle for kerbals to get radiation poisoning if exposed too much radiation, and if you don't get them to an area with mostly no radiation "quickly", they could die (or go MIA on easier difficulties). However, if this toggle is on, there needs to be some form of having radiation bounce off of ships, or radiate out of the ship during interstellar travel, due to what is known as "heliospheres." Basically, stars have atmospheres. Yes yes, the suns corona (which fun fact is hotter than it's surface) is an atmosphere, but it also repels radiation out of its most outermost layer of its atmosphere, which extends well past the Keiper belt. Most stars if not all have these "astrospheres" or "magnetospheres" (which the earth has its own magnetosphere), and outside of this, is an astronomical amount of cosmic ionizing radiation. Basically, if you decide you want kerbals and parts to be affected by radiation, if you dont have practically 9000 layers of 50 feet thick lead, or any other material good at stopping radiation, you will instantly be vaporized. While the astrosphere doesn't stop all of this radiation from entering it's system, it stops a large majority of it (excluding uncharged gamma rays), which means that if that setting is on, if 2 years of floating around the sun between duna and kerbin in no ship were to give a kerbal radiation sickness, being outside this heliosphere would cut that time down to a very short time. Personally, I don't know the exact specifications, but it would probably be a matter of seconds.
  25. In a sun - planet - moon system, the orbit of the moon can look like a square relative to the star, as was demonstrated in this video. It would be quite a sight if, from the moon, you could time-warp and see yourself going further, and closer to the star in a square shape.
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