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  1. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of a good tutorial that teaches how to edit EVE configs and create clouds and such. I haven't been able to find one online. Thank you.
  2. Today I fly an Eve lander that only uses Oscar B tanks! Here is my video:
  3. The Eve mission had been planned for months, but Jeb blew up most of the KSC's fuel tanks in a joyride test flight. However, the tiny Oscar B fuel tanks intended for probes survived. Now you must build an Eve lander that only uses Oscar B fuel tanks. Rules: A lander must land on Eve's surface and safely return a Kerbal to Kerbin. External command seats are allowed. The only fuel tanks allowed on the lander are Oscar B tanks. No srb's or monoprop tanks allowed on the lander. Oscar B fuel tanks are not required to transport the lander to Eve. See the scoring section for more info. Any engine is allowed except for srb's and monoprop engines on the lander. Yes, this means you can put a Mammoth engine under an Oscar B tank if you really want to. If you can, please attempt doing this without an ISRU. You must use at least 100% re-entry heating. No excessive part clipping. Multiple launches are allowed but please include them in your mission report. Any mods used must be listed in your mission report. Please include either a list of images (imgur album) or a video of your mission. Include the craft's mass etc. in the vab, launches, major burns, etc. I shouldn't need to say this, but no cheating/f12 for infinite fuel/hyperedit. Hyperedit is allowed for testing purposes but not in the final mission. Mods Allowed: Any informational mods (Kerbal Engineer Redux, Mechjeb, Trajectories, Nano Gagues, Transfer Window Planner, etc.) Any visual mods (Environmental Visual Enhancements, Scatterer, Planetshine, Distant Object, Various skyboxes, etc.) Certain miscellaneous mods (Chatterer, [X] Science, etc.) Mods Disallowed: Mods that add parts (except Kerbal Engineer Redux and Mechjeb) Mods that edit the physics, atmosphere, gravity, etc. Using cheat mods such as hyperedit during the mission. Be careful! Oscar B landers can have very high part counts! Scoring: You will be scored by the following levels: Level 1: Transport 1 or more Kerbals to Eve's surface and return the Kerbals to Kerbin. Oscar B tanks are only used on the lander. Non-Oscar B tanks are used in the launcher and transfer stage to get the lander to Eve. Level 2: Transport 1 or more Kerbals to Eve's surface and return the Kerbals to Kerbin. Oscar B tanks are used on the lander and on the transfer stage to get the lander to Eve. Level 3: Transport 1 or more Kerbals to Eve's surface and return the Kerbals to Kerbin. Oscar B tanks are used throughout the entire mission and no other fuel tanks are used. Level 4: Impress me! Expand on this challenge and do the seemingly impossible! Some examples: Extremely low mass/cost, unique design, or building an SSTO. (Building an Oscar B Eve SSTO is probably impossible but if you manage to do so you are amazing.) Leaderboards: Level 1: Level 2: @sevenperforce Level 3: Level 4: I would love to see your entries in the comments below!
  4. I am having some visual bugs with E>V<E and/or scatterer and/or sci fi visual enhancements. So basically there is a weird ring around the sun and i also have distant object enhancement and was looking at jool and saw that it too had the bug. I have included some screenshots so you can see what is happening. If you know what is causing this or how to fix it please leave a reply
  5. I’m currently designing an Eve spaceplane mission. I’m very excited for this mission and so far quite pleased with my craft. The mission profile looks like this: 1. SSTO from Kerbin 2. Refuel in LKO with fuel tanker (capable of Minmus refuel with ISRU if you’re not lazy like me) 3. Fly to Eve and land 4. Refuel on Eve with ISRU 5. Staged ascent from Eve, with only the cockpit eventually making it back to Kerbin. Anyway, I digress, none of this is too relevant to the question. My issue is that I cannot for the life of me reenter the plane on Eve. I will burn up every time seemingly regardless of my entry profile (shallow vs steep and several in-betweens). Are heat shields a must now? And how to put heat shields on a plane that’s supposed to SSTO from Kerbin without totally ruining the areo? Any help is appreciated. I will say I’ve had lots of fun looking at the firework show each time I’ve blown up the 150-part plane during my tests!
  6. After a long time playing this game and playing around with different ways to land and return from Eve, I've finally done it. One launch (IE I can reset to pad still, yeah this was in normal-sandbox, it was also a first for me), 1890 parts at launch, over 23 megatons, and a guaranteed destroyed launchpad. I've uploaded the entire flight (what I captured in screenshots anyhow) to an imgur album, but I'll go over the highlights here with a few choice images. This craft is as yet unnamed, so I'd love some good name suggestions for it. I did use a pair of mods, though all of the parts involved were stock parts save for the mechjeb AR202. I found it necessary to use FSHangarExtender due to the size of this rocket: 98.6 meters high, 71m x 71m in the other two axes. FSHangarExtender simply allows me to zoom out much further, to be able to place the outer layers. This isn't strictly necessary as you can move the rocket to one edge, I'm pretty sure I had enough room for that, but it certainly does make it easier. Mechjeb I'm sure most of you are familiar with, for those of you that aren't, it adds a lot of functionality which I'll definitely take advantage of. I can (eventually, a lot of trial and error nodes sometimes) do all of the things I used mechjeb for. Interplanetary transfers are a pain but I know how to do em. But without mechjeb, I probably wouldn't have completed the mission- at 23 megatons this craft still had barely enough fuel at 2 points in the process, where hand planned burns would potentially have used up that fuel. So first, the rocket in the hangar, with fancy MSpaint lines to show which tanks belong to which branch of the fourfold symmetry the tank belongs to, as well as the stats screen. FSHangarExtender saved my sanity. The engineer's report is really something else, though I do have quite a few launch stability enhancers. Getting rockets this large past physics load-in is a task in and of itself. Each tank is primarily anchored to the one it is staging off, with 6 connections each to that one. There are two additional supports in either direction between tanks in the same ring, though those primarily support rows outside, as once that ring starts staging, the circle is broken and stability greatly decreases. I lost quite a bit of thrust to cosine still, but I did want my computer to be able to eventually process the launch, so I had to limit the amount of stability I could add via struts. Still, it loads onto the pad. It needs time to settle down after physics load-in, time to stop the wobble, but after a few minutes because of framerate drop, it's stable. This launch is exactly as ridiculous as it looks. And for what it's worth, goes mostly as planned. The mechjeb dV stat page really tells the tale of a brief yet agonizing climb which took more than an hour to process 5 minutes worth of launch, and actually reach orbit. Highlight reel of the launch with brief commentary, if you want the full story and full commentary, check the imgur album: First stage, cleanly away, but I'm barely off the pad. This is all according to plan, though my launchpad is toast. And yes, 5.2s to burn through 8 big 3.75m tanks. 15 minutes realtime, 36 seconds game time have elapsed, this is mid-stage so the max acceleration isn't accurate I don't think. But I've put on some real speed, and this is the final 2-tank stage. Tipping now, though late, at ~14km. 2 more 2nd ring and 3 more inner ring stages remain. Last ring booster away: about 45* tip right now, still svel+ alignment. It was at this point that I messed up. The two mammoths which are further back along the ship are to be staged rapidly, less than 10 seconds to burn in each stage as they each have only a single tank to burn. There is a rhino located above each of them. I decided to switch to orbital alignment at this point, which nearly blew up the craft. One of the newly emptied tank+mammoth debris tagged one of the mammoths that was still burning and destroyed it. Luckily, the game was still moving at a snail's pace, so I could react quickly enough to save the launch. I quickly shut off the engines and staged again, to blow off the crippled stage, before I resumed full thrust. I lost around 90 dV from this because I didn't get to use that stage, but that's much better than imbalanced burning and the pains which come with that. There was a slight fuel imbalance in the later asparagus stages, but it was apparently so little that I didn't have problems from misalignments during Eve entry. But now I'm into first rhino burn stage, which will last 1 minute 15 seconds, starts with 0.98 TWR (because of my elevation, live SLT for rhinos is now maxed), and has over 800 dV. I've made orbit. End of first rhino stage, and I also get rid of the mammoths which I still had adding additional thrust. I don't need the thrust and can afford to shed the weight here. As I said, I started tipping late: I'm well, well above the atmosphere during my main horizontal burn, which should be more like 50km. But it's enough for me to be able to set up an orbit of 92/605, which I then circularize at apoapsis in order to warp at 100k. Here's what the craft looks like at that 600k circular orbit: Just 8 fuel tanks outside of the Eve lander itself, which you can finally see. This is my biggest development here, which is really just asparagus staging taken to an extreme: There are 52 Vector engines, equivalent to 13 Mammoths, mounted on 2.5m to 4x1.25m quad stack adaptors. Each quad Vector is the same thrust as a Mammoth, 4,000 kN, and though it does weigh slightly more, it also has better atmospheric performance, which is ESSENTIAL to this process. The 2.5m form factor allowed me to more easily use 2.5m fuel tanks, which helped quite a bit with keeping the weight still manageable. The big secret is that the lander has 3.55 TWR in Kerbin SOI vacuum. The hardware is not payload- the fuel on it is payload, but the hardware is VERY TWR positive. The ship seen above, with the 4x8 fuel tank only stage, is still 13 m/s/s of acceleration!! Pumping fuel into those engines from the ground means that I need fewer engines to be staged off later, which allows me a much larger craft. Lifting off is about maintaining sufficient TWR and angle for your current velocity- more thrust = more fuel hauling ability. The Eve lander itself is so net positive TWR that it can get the 4x8 stage off the ground alone, respectably even with 1.3 TWR. The craft itself being forced to have so high a TWR in order to lift off Eve and combat the heavy atmosphere down near sea level, can lift a lot of its own fuel. Two additional 4x7 fuel tank + rhino stages, along with the mammoth on the first 7+rhino stage that I showed earlier, is enough to actually achieve orbit around kerbin from 35k and 300-400 m/s, as well as to transfer to Eve and slow down enough to achieve low eve orbit with minimal use of the fuel on the lander itself. The booster stages were just there to 1) fuel the lander and the other engines as they went, and 2) provide additional thrust to get those large tanks up to 35km+ from the pad. Each 3 tank + mammoth provides some net TWR bonus, but the 2 tank + mammoth as a booster stage provides a much higher TWR bonus. The 1 tank + mammoths were the last to be staged because of their position inside the rings, under the rhinos which would not have helped much at sea level anyhow, in order to keep TWR high at lower altitudes. This is Asparagus staging taken to an extreme, really, with utilization (in design anyhow, I didn't fly it very well) of changing TWR levels appropriately throughout the staging. The orbital stuff's pretty normal orbital transfers. I had a quick transit so I didn't actually pass through a plane node, so I didn't bother to plane change. I did do a fine tune burn to get a periapsis of 100km at Eve. Deorbited a bit too hard I think, should've had less thrust at this point. The tale of this landing is a long and harrowing one best read in full, because highlights won't do it justice. This picture shows a critical error which almost cost me the mission, slowing down too quickly at too high of an altitude, causing me to plunge into the lower atmosphere too quickly, without enough fuel. There were other errors along the way before a last minute save at only 6km, with my drogue chutes destroyed, no fuel, and very little chance of aero effects braking me sufficiently for my parachutes to save me. The fins! They can help! Safe with parachutes only, using Eve's atmosphere for my benefit for once! Quite a bit of time warp later, I've used the mining drills, converters, solar panels, radiators, and the engineer for a nice healthy bonus, to fill the fuel tanks up again for launch. Immediately after take off (for safety's sake) the fuel generation equipment and entry fins will be staged off. Launch stage 2 is away cleanly but I'm still not going very fast, or very high, ~12km. Tipping away now that my q-limit is dropping off That'll do. Repacked my parachutes, pushed orbit up to over 600km circ, and made transfer. Still have some dV left. Guess I WILL match planes Fine tune burn later, and I'm parked at 25km periapsis at kerbin, which is enough to capture and deorbit safely with only an ablator. Safe by a ways, actually. So it'll pull 5 g's or more for a while, between 20km and 35km or so it'll be pulling close to 5g's, but it'll shed off all that heat, and because I wasn't aimed at the ground, it'll still be a shallow enough entry that I'll slow down more than enough for parachutes. And I'll land safely on kerbin again. So yeah, this was the longest single mission I've run with the ability to reset to VAB at any point, at over 4 hours when I recovered my vessel. I gathered no science and didn't even leave the vessel lol, but I landed and took off. This is the eighth iteration of my eve lander that I've been working on in the same style for the past few weeks, and is certainly the largest, though I've attempted many times before with no real successes. A few in this recent sprint I did landed, but I did not have them set up right to actually take off from Eve again successfully, for a variety of reasons. The biggest thing I'd change to make this work better, IE less mass/parts at launch, is to try to shave mass off the Eve lander itself. I just don't see how it's even possible to make fundamental changes to sufficiently lose mass. Changing the last stage to a 16x ion cluster, instead of the LV-N's, leaves me with ~4500 dV, but at a third the thrust. It's also much, much lighter. The problem I see is that the vector engines are still necessary to this style in order to lift off Eve. It is possible to asparagus some 1.25m tanks with a single vector on the bottom, resulting in many more stages and no doubt a more efficient launch, but the number of parts would balloon quickly, especially if I were to attach separatrons to keep the stages close together. 1.25m asparagus is also simply not as strong as 2.5m, so for those reasons, I think the 2.5m tanks make launches much more feasible. Kerbin launches too, fixing the main 3 tanks to the Eve lander I used is much easier than a more awkward 1.25m setup. This being said, even if I decrease the mass of the final return craft by changing to ion, the biggest problem is still the lower atmosphere. The LV-N stage brings my final stage weight to around 42 tons, where the ion cluster would be ~16t. But the *empty* mass of the stage immediately prior with 20 x 1.25m tanks and 4 vectors, the mass that's shed when the stage is empty, was over 18 tons, and carries 80 tons of fuel at its start. That's 98 tons, bringing the ion cluster's total weight at that point to around 114 tons, and the LV-N's to around 140T. This will give it a lot more thrust and dV, to be sure. The problem with that is, that it doesn't make very much difference in what I *can* bring for the lower stages. I'm still likely going to strap on the same red booster stages. Tsiolkovsky's gets me a great return for the ion switch, *if* I can shed the rest of the mass. Switching to 1.25m tanks is problematic but possible, but if I use the same red booster stages, the final mass of the craft isn't going to change very much. I will have higher thrust (not by much, not enough to switch to 3x vectors instead of 4x, I don't think) and better fuel efficiency, but from my new experience with variations on Vector designs, and lifting off Eve, the vast majority of the fuel goes into the lower atmosphere, either into aero forces or into maintaining terminal for so long. Eve takeoff needs a lot of thrust, for a long time, which needs a lot of fuel. I think the extremeness of this atmosphere problem does a number on the Tsiolkovsky gains you make from switching to ion cluster, to the point where viable liftoff configurations which will lift small payloads to low Eve orbit don't benefit much from the mass being 16T instead of 42T, despite Tsiolkovsky's law. I don't know how much fine tuning can go into making the Eve launch more efficient, as there is a long phase where 1.1 TWR is all that's required. Setting up a rocket to 1) have 1.1 TWR for that period, and 2) being able to quickly boost to that point prior to that, would be a way to potentially remove 4 or even 8 vector engines by switching to tristacks instead of quad, so it's possible that more weight could be shaved off there. But the dry mass at landing was nearly 500 tons, wet mass 1.6 megatons. It's playing a game of inches when the scale is in miles. I probably could shave 50-100 tons off wet mass of the lander by tweaking things using that flight's data, but then I've got to get 1.5 megatons to low Eve orbit instead of 1.6. And with the amount of time it takes to launch this, as well as the complexity of reconstructing on any changes, I'm loathe to tweak designs as opposed to just constructing new. If I change the spacing on where the big 3 sets of tanks are, I have to redo almost every single fuel duct and strut, which means a lot get left behind and are extra parts doing nothing. So yeah, hope you guys liked it, I know I had a lot of fun and even though I made some mistakes in flying it, the mistakes didn't kill me. I might make another attempt at it in the future if I can drop the part count, or find a better way to launch from Eve. Please let me know what you think, I'd love to get some fresh ideas on how to build these things!
  7. I installed RSSVE using ckan, and when i load the space center the sky is always black(day and night)
  8. Inspired by this video: Watch the video first: I thought what about making cloud cities in ksp? Doing this requires any cloud or atmosphere effects* mod. For balloon mods i think using hooligan labs,procedural airships or heisenburg seems to be the mods, for cities maybe kerbinside or habitat module or just making out of structrual panels. And there a few things that are not possible or with another mod like growing trees,or extracting water from clouds or having domes full of oxygen. In the title I wrote Venus,because also you can do this RSS and RSSVE. *Atmosphere effects= *Atmosphere effects= *Atmosphere effects=
  9. Hello, Can someone please help me make eve/scaterer compatible atmospheres for my planets? Also, how do I make oceans? Thanks in advance
  10. Good morning everyone. I have started a new 1.22 game (going to wait for teething trouble observations before 1.3) and as expected EVE just slogs my potato PC to a crawl, so I am playing without clouds. However, before I try to get to Eve I thought I would ask; has anyone heard of a mod for ONLY Eve? Landing on Eve (the OPM Triton analog too I guess [name escapes me]) would be so much more mysterious and exciting if there were dense clouds there, but I can't abide the slow down for Kerbin operations that come from EVE, Is there a possibility for an Only Eve EVE?...
  11. Wiki and Kerbalmaps say the peak is at 7526 m, but I've managed to land a rover there and got to 7541 m, 15 m higher than the official value. I'm using full terrain details. I wasn't aware of these changes, are they new? I'm using Realistic Atmospheres and pressure on top was 0.943 atm.
  12. Continuing one of the greatest mods to ever exist in this game Astronomer's Visual Pack is a comprehensive visual overhaul for Kerbal Space Program originally developed by Astronomer. I have been a huge fan of Astronomer's work since my first steps into Kerbal Space Program, during 2014. 2015 would see the hiatus of EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements development, along with the unfortunate demise of Astronomer's Visual Pack, as the version of EVE it ran on, a version made for alpha KSP, deprecated. Even as the development of EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements gained traction once more, Astronomer ceased to appear in the KSP community. Since 2016, I have been attempting to restore and expand the gorgeous visual overhaul that was Astronomer's Visual Pack, through rewriting, remaking, and repackaging. This is the product of that work. Through adapting stock KSP canon and sci-fi imagination, Astronomer's Visual Pack aims to turn Kerbal Space Program into the most immersive, beautiful experience a player can get. Downloads Stock + OPM JNSQ Installation CKAN Check the "Astronomer's Visual Pack" mod. You will be prompted to choose a texture resolution. Install and enjoy! GitHub Acquire the latest release of "Astronomer's Visual Pack" from GitHub. Drop the "GameData" folder inside the archive into your KSP installation, merging the two folders if prompted. Download a texture resolution of your choice (2k, 4k, and 8k downloads are currently available). Drop the "GameData" folder inside the archive into your KSP installation, merging the two folders if prompted. Download and install the latest versions of the dependencies necessary for the mod to function. This includes: EnvironmentalVisualEnhancementsScattererModuleManager It is highly recommended you also download TUFX to enable AVP's color-grading and post-processing configurations. Once you have installed TUFX, click on the toolbar button while ingame and select the Astronomer's Visual Pack profile. (Optional) Download the 43k Kerbin cloud enhancement: Download and install the 43k Kerbin clouds. These are quite intensive on the GPU and RAM! You will now have much finer unique detail on Kerbin's main cloud layer. Great for cinematics. (Optional) Download the recommended mods: Audio Chatterer (immersive audio enhancements) Visual Parallax (terrain shader for realistic planetary surfaces) DistantObjectEnhancement (distant planets and ships will be visible from afar) PlanetShine (planet shine effect on your ships) Sunflares of Maar (a sunflare pack) RealPlume (realistic engine plume spread) TexturesUnlimited (reflection and texture effects for parts) EngineLighting (lighting effects for engines and decouplers) Gameplay ReStock (stock part overhaul) OR Ven's Stock Part Revamp (stock part overhaul) Disclaimer: Astronomer's Visual Pack is a visual pack for the stock planetary system, as well as the bodies in the Outer Planets Mod. It is best played with the optional enhancements. AVP is not compatible with other atmospheric enhancements for the stock and OPM systems, such as Stock Visual Enhancements, Spectra, stock EVE (BoulderCo), Sci-Fi-VE, Graphics Enhancements Assembly, OPM-VO, etc. Do not install a combination of AVP + conflicting visual mods. Installs with this issue visible will likely not receive support. Features Up to 43k Kerbin clouds High-res volumetric clouds Bioluminescent clouds for Laythe 7 cloud layers for Jool at up to 8k Glow for all non-atmospheric bodies where relevant Up to 8k auroras Sandstorms and surface dust Lightning on Eve, Kerbin, Duna, and Laythe Moho ablation effect 8k Milky Way skybox Geysers on Minmus and Eeloo Visuals for the Outer Planets Mod Custom loading screens and tips Modular file structure, to tinker with and remove specific effects with ease More I likely forgot to list... Featuring the mods (must install dependencies): Environmental Visual Enhancements - rbray89, WazWaz Used for clouds, dust, auroras, and numerous other atmospheric and non-atmospheric enhancements. ModuleManager - sarbian Used to ensure compatibility and functionality. Scatterer - blackrack Used for atmospheric scattering and oceanic enhancement. Performance & Hardware Astronomer's Visual Pack is the most intensive visual mod for Kerbal Space Program, but has been tuned and optimized such that even mid-end hardware will bring an enjoyable experience. With 8k textures, the minimum specifications required for a smooth experience (60+ FPS) is a GTX 1060 6GB, paired with 16GB of RAM. A CPU with strong single-core performance is also recommended.. Performance Tips Lower the settings of any recommended mods you have, or remove them entirely. If your game resolution is greater than 1920x1080, turn it down to this and use either NVIDIA or AMD Image Sharpening to restore the visual difference. Try a lower texture resolution. Try a lower scatterer preset. You can change this by clicking on the blue globe in the toolbar in Space Center. Navigate to <KSP>/GameData/AstronomersVisualPack/AVP_Configs/Stock/ and remove the configuration files for effects you do not desire. If your GPU frequently hits 100% usage, set a frame limit that will reduce the load. Depending on your GPU model, you may be able to either undervolt or overclock in order to achieve lower temperatures or higher performance respectively. Support I'm commonly active on the r/KerbalSpaceProgram Discord, go ahead and ping me there if you need help. You can also just reply below with your KSP.log and perhaps a screenshot. Donations If you like Astronomer's Visual Pack, thank @Astronomer for his years of work on this mod. Feel free to pitch in to my student survival fund. You will have my eternal gratitude License THIS MOD IS LICENSED UNDER Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) WHAT THIS MEANS: You may create derivations of this mod and its contents. You may utilize and adapt this mod and its contents in your own works. You may NOT use this mod or any of its contents for commercial purposes. You may NOT gain royalties from work containing any of this mod's contents. You must give credit to me (themaster401, current developer) and Astronomer (original creator of Astronomer's Visual Pack) if adapting this mod and indicate changes made if applicable. All derivations must also be licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA. Screenshots I LOVE SCREENSHOTS! The most magnificent of shots taken with AVP and submitted in replies may find their way into the loading screens!
  13. Hi, I'm not new to KSP, but I'm still having troubles. I want my planets to look like in Matt Lowne's videos. But it's obviously not as simple as just enabling EVE, Scatterer, etc on CKAN. The mods I'd like to use are: EVE, SVE, SVT, and Scatterer. I don't really care about any other mods, I simply want my universe to be moar realistic that the lame stock planet graphics. So, when I enable EVE followed by Scatterer, I get the realistic atmosphere look I wanted. But when I go to enable SVE, the "Apply changes" button is grayed out. If I enable SVE first, it says it includes EVE, however when I do this I get SVE but still have the lame atmo-less look to Kerbin, Eve, and Jool. This is just one example. Then we have stuff like: "SVT (for Windows)", and "SVT-High Res". No indication of what the differences are, what dependencies they have, if they are compatible with SVE, etc. I have Windows, and I want High res. But it won't let me pick both! How on earth do I know which to use? And what does it mean when one of the mods in the list turns red for a second? For each mod, it seems there are several secondary "config" and "component" mods with them, and others I have to select from. I have no clue which of them to pick! This is probably part of my problem. This is all very annoying because every time I have to update KSP or build a new install, I have to remember all the same stuff I did last time... before I realize it looks totally different than last time! (Why can't they just make standard things like good visual mods stock?) Now before you suggest it, yes, I know I can just download the individual mods and apply them one by one. Problem is, I can't get the mods to work out correctly seeing as some parts of them override each other. I also don't have the time to be re-doing this all over again for every update. So I use CKAN, for no other reason than that! Can someone help me understand what all these little mods alongside SVE, Scatterer, EVE, etc are, and tell me what I need to do in order to enable all the main mods at the same time? Thanks
  14. Okay, I'm having a issue with SVE and EVE. I've installed everything your supposed to, (even the recommended mods), and the EVE clouds won't show up. Only the scatterer atmosphere. I've installed the regular SVE itself and the textures itself. I have reinstalled modulmanager. I have installed EVE on it's own without SVE. The EVE I installed is also NOT the config one, as stated in the github. I have a Dell XPS 8700, with a Intel i5-4460 core, and I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, if that information will help at all. Does anybody know what's going on, or what am I doing wrong?
  15. My newest videos of a Moho transit and a simultaneous Eve and Mun transit. Used Tarsier Space Tech.
  16. Hi I'm not quite new to the forums, but haven't been active a lot. Now I decided to share some of my epic missions with you. I'm playing this almost vanilla, just with some minor mods for precise planning, better visuals and of course, to make it more plausible: life support. An (almost) complete mod list: Distant Object Enhancement Environmental Visual Enhancements Kerbal Alarm Clock KAS KIS Persistent Rotation PlaneShine SCANSat scatterer Stock Visual Enhancements TAC Life Support MechJeb SimpleContruction Planetary Base Systems Konstruction Link to my gallery: http://richman1050.imgur.com/ The pale blue dot, circling the green giant has captivated generations of Kerbals since the beginning of astronomy. With the beginning of the space age, Kerbalkind got to taste what it could be to visit it's mysterious twin for the first time. But to find out, what it would look like to visit the beaches of this far off world, there was alot lot learn, a lot of progress to be made, and a lot of mistakes that were awaiting brave pioneers. The KSP, the Kerbal Space Program, as it was officially named had quite some successful missions: Landing a unmanned UAV on Duna: Duna Direct: The Ravenstar: The Rolling Thunder: But all these missions served only one purpose: the get to Laythe one day. Finally, KSC accumulated enough bright minds, technology and of course funds to start with this humongous undertaking. Part I: The construction of the DSV Hermes http://imgur.com/a/8QevU
  17. I finally managed to build a reasonable craft for Eve Space Program that can get to Eve orbit with about 1300-1400 m/s dV left. In career mode, with only Tier 3 and 4 parts. Craft file here, uses OhioBob's Eve Optimized Engines. After several attempts, my best effort is in this video here. The biggest challenges of the current incarnation of the Eve Space Program mod are the lack of biomes outside of the KSC, and the distance of most survey contracts; the KSC is a quarter of a world away from where the game puts those surveys. This leaves part tests, science grinding around KSC, and a full fundraising campaign strategy (25% of reputation going to funds) to pay for building upgrades. Otherwise I'd be using a lot better parts for this craft. As it stands, the only remaining source of decent science is Gilly, and I can't reach that and get back on 1400 m/s. I didn't do any dV math really; just tried plotting to Gilly's orbit needing 1425 or so m/s, and came up short just by 20+ m/s. That being said, I remember someone saying that ascending from Eve's surface to orbit needs a launch profile that goes straight up for a large part of the ascent, then starts the gravity turn very high up. With this craft I find I can start my turn just around 20 km, and also before staging away the last of the Adam engines and going to my first non-EoE; the Swivel, close to 35-40 km. Then some careful throttling and I can get to about 1400 m/s orbit speed before staging away the Swivel and going to my Terrier, finally closing my orbit with maybe 2/5th of my fuel. What would be a better ascent profile for launching into Eve orbit? Where to start turning away from vertical? At what altitude and at what speed should I have a pitch of 45 degrees? If you try this craft, note that Eve Space Program's launch pad is only at 450 m altitude, and I'm using tank priorities and decoupler fuel crossfeed to use a hybrid of onion staging and asparagus staging, so watch the tank levels on ascent. [Update 15 APR] There's so much good advice here I can't mark any one answer as correct. I upvoted all of the good answers and gave out likes.
  18. Explodium Breathing Engines "Jet" engines that (actually!) use Eve's atmosphere and Oxidizer. License: MIT License except for re-coloured textures, which were derived from art belonging to Squad / Deported B.V. Download from SpaceDock or from GitHub. Supports KSP 1.12. and supports RealPlume Stock and now Waterfall. It had to happen. After good success with @GregroxMun's Alien Space Programs and @OhioBob's Eve Optimized Engines, along with an old discussion about atmospheric engines using oxidizer instead of liquid fuel, I just had to ask how hard it would be to make jet engines that would breathe "explodium vapour" likely found in Eve's atmosphere and burn it with oxidizer to produce efficient thrust. @JadeOfMaar and @wasml pointed me in the right direction, @DStaal filled in a few blanks, and I hacked together some parts. Introducing Explodium Breathing Engines. A set of cloned configuration files from stock jet engine parts that use oxidizer only, and a new resource configuration found hypothetically in Eve's atmosphere: "Explodium Vapour" evaporated from Eve's Explodium Sea. This vapour may also be present on other planets in popular planet packs. Further rebalancing has happened based on resource abundance and a pure ethane (C2H6) reaction with oxygen. Resource abundance now has a direct impact on engine performance. This is turning from proof-of-concept into something realistic, while still being fun to use. There really is some science behind this that I explain at the project's Wiki, and hammered out in a more recent add-on discussion thread. Modified parts include explodium versions of all intakes, oxidizer + explodium versions of nacelles, oxidizer only tanks and wet wings, and underworld-themed engines: J-21 "Hades" J-34 "Zephyrus" J-91 "Atlas" J-405 "Sphinx" J-X5 "Beelzebub" and let's not forget our favourite: CR-8 L.U.C.I.F.E.R. (Large Unkerbal Cycle-Interchanging Fueled Explodium Rocket) Introducing for 1.7, engines for gas giants, failed or otherwise. Consider this a counter-challenge for Team Galileo: J-22 "Dorothy" J-35 "Scarecrow" J-406 "Lion" J-X6 "Tinman" J-92 "Wizard" and finally the CR-9 S.L.I.P.P.E.R. (Science-Light Impossibly PerPosterous Explodium Rocket) All parts should have a distinct appearance to separate them from stock parts. I put all of the modified parts and ExpVapour resource configurations in a GitHub repository. MIT license to match OhioBob's choice for the Eve Optimized Engines. I'd be glad to let others into the project who know better than I do. The to-do list includes: (The to-do list is finished!) Rewrite parts as Module Manager patches to remove dependency on Squad art (Done!) Fix the intakes to work on Eve only, somehow (Done! Intakes are now zero EC harvesters.) Fix the resource config if needed, integrate with Community Resource Pack (Not necessary as it turns out.) Rebalance engine performance based on tester feedback (we might be almost done!) Produce different artwork to identify the explodium-based parts (I'm just missing some tricky parts.) Create RealPlume configurations; I'd like to do a different colour plume for these like the blue from an ethane flame (This was quite easy, as it turned out.) Maybe get some help with CKAN, publish to Space Dock (SpaceDock done, CKAN should be done) Known problems, should not impact play: Ore mining contracts will appear in Career mode when you unlock tech nodes with harvester parts. This might be a game design problem with contracts lumping all resource harvesters together. Pay attention to contract requirements, because there might be a "Gather 2000 units of Explodium Vapour" contract that won't make sense because there are no containers for it. No colourized textures are available for the Atlas engine or Big-OX wings. The wings don't take well to colourization, and the Atlas causes null reference exceptions if using an alternate texture. Harvesters have a small amount of ExpVapour loaded by default. This means engines will work for a few seconds at launch from Kerbin, but will quickly run out of vapour. This may be needed in KSP 1.3 though. Slow frame rates may happen if using the RealPlume configurations. Update SmokeScreen to 2.7.4 or later to address this. (KSP 1.3) Stationary harvesters will harvest zero ExV, such as craft on launch clamps or with wheel brakes engaged. Once motion starts, harvesters will start harvesting. (KSP 1.3) Engine resource shows up as "Ex V" instead of "Explodium Vapour" in VAB or SPH. Other resource name strings not affected for some reason. To use this part pack, grab a release from GitHub or SpaceDock, and put the "GameData\ExplodiumBreathingEngines" folder into your GameData folder. To use a RealPlume configuration, install RealPlume-Stock and update its SmokeScreen installation to 2.7.4 or later. If you don't install RealPlume, you'll still get a different engine plume for some engines but most will use the stock jet plumes. To use Waterfall plumes, install the Waterfall framework. Now with more Fire! Change log:
  19. I might be getting a new graphics card soon, so in the mean time, or if I don't get it, are there any tips to have a higher FPS when you're using EVE and scatterer?
  20. Does anyone remember a really old Scott Manley video explaining why specific impulse is measured in seconds? Or remember a follow-up making fun of YouTube's caption generator? Seeing as it's now April First UTC, I can now publish the story of the Purple Space Program. Inspired by YouTube's caption creator and raised by @GregroxMun's Alien Space Programs, the brave purples of Eve take their first faltering steps into space. Barely. I'm Not Manley.1 Fly Safe! [1] No matter how you interpret that, I think it's funny!
  21. So I've just downloaded my first Graphic mods - EVE + Scatterer. They work but.. look a bit glitchy. http://imgur.com/a/u9D1E Is it just me and it looks absolutely normal or..?
  22. I know the exact composition of Eve's atmosphere or its oceans is a mystery, but I like to think of it as some sort of organic chemistry, something that would burn If added Oxidizer. How about jet engines would work there, but in reverse: Burning oxidizer in a fuel-rich environment instead of fuel in an oxidizer-rich environment. I now this would change gameplay drastically. I'm curious about your opinions.
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