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  1. As for comparing Shutle with Spacehab to Soyuz: try comparing, let's say, Salyut-6 station with all the Soyuz and Progress crafts sent to it to how many Shuttle/Spacehab flights correspond to the same payload to orbit... Ad yes, Soyuz is a bit too small for large stations (they have been considering replacing it with couple times lager craft, but you know, the development costs for something like this...), but don't you think the Shuttle is a bit too large for usual supply runs? Maybe the Dragon will prove itself as a feasible alternative (when they talk about reusability, don't count the cost until they get it really running back and forth - the Shuttle is a good example of too costly maintenance) BTW, you could fit entire Salyt station in Shuttle/Buran cargo bay.
  2. RENDEZVOUS WITH KARMA II "Kerbin?! Sheeoot... I'm still only on Kerbin?" Jeb had been planet-side a week now, waiting for a mission, and he was starting to get twitchy. He was doing some mandatory R&R, camping and fishing in the upper reaches of the Kong river. Jebediah Kerman wanted a mission, and on a whim they gave him one. It was a real choice mission, and by the time it was over, he'd already want another. One of the many duties in the job description of 'Unpaid Intern' at the Kerbal Space Program is 'Gofer', so they sent Trudat Kerman up the river to fetch Jeb. Not that he was particularly hard to find: Trudat simply followed a trail of empty Bubbly Bounce Beverage containers, Cheesy Poof wrappers, smoke, and the sound of explosions. "Incredibly dangerous? Half-baked? Under-engineered? Poorly thought out? Practically suicide? Woo-hoo! Count me in!" Jeb whooped and tossed another live grenade into the river. 'Better him than me,' thought Trudat, wisely covering his ears as the grenade burst underwater, adding significantly to the number of dead and stunned fish already floating on the surface of the water. 'Better him than me,' he repeated to himself just for emphasis. * "Blah-de-boring-blah-blah-boring..." Gene Kerman was droning on and on about stupid dull technical stuff: vectors and trajectories and intercepts and all that. Jeb fidgeted and fussed in his chair. Why couldn't he just blast off already? "...so you'll rendezvous with Karma near periapsis, well inside the orbit of Moho. If all goes well with that encounter, and you don't fly too close to the sun and get burned to a crisp, we'll arrange a rescue flight on your outward-bound trajectory." It may have been a trick of the light, but the flight director's nose seemed to be getting longer and longer. "Jebediah Kerman, have you been listening to a single word I said?" Jeb blinked two or three times and grinned idiotically. "Rendezvous means 'Around Yous'", he declared wisely. "OK, now lets talk crewing," said Gene. "Bob is my co-pilot," Jeb announced happily. "I can be CapCom for this one," Bill said hurriedly, wincing as Bob kicked him viciously in the shin. "Hmm," mused Gene, "We still need a command module pilot. What about that geeky little Lima bean over there?" "ME??" asked Trudat, aghast. "I don't know the first thing about flying a space ship." "Never stopped Jeb," Bill commented. * The Macho Burrito towered above the kerbonauts in the Vehicle Assembly Building. As usual, the immense rocket looked as though it had been assembled out of parts scavenged from a scrap yard by an overly-ambitious but underly-talented troop of Boy Sprouts. You know, the special troop. “So?†Wernher Von Kerman asked, preening like a big green peacock, “Vhat do you think?†“It looks an awful lot like the old Chimichanga.†said Bob. Von Kerman was crestfallen. “Ja, vell, ve did give it a fresh coat of paint...†He perked up. “Hey, here comes Gilrim Kerman mit his fuel truck! Can I interest anyvone in an asbestos suit?†“Oh my, look at the time!†said Bob. “We're late for our pre-flight briefing in the ready room...†* All puffed up with self-importance, Bill Kerman stood at the front of the ready room, looking healthy and green. “Alright fellows, you all know the drill: sit down, fasten your harness, and Don't Touch Anything!†Bill looked pointedly at Jeb, who was fidgeting and staring vacantly up at the ceiling. “Now lets all have a nice safe mission. I'd be going with you if I could, but my lumbago's been acting up a lot lately... Any questions?†Trudat Kerman waved his hand urgently in the air. “Your space suit comes with built-in plumbing,†Bill said. “Good luck up there guys.†* Bob, Jeb, and Trudat rode the elevator up the launch tower, and walked across the gantry to the waiting command module. The three kerbonauts looked glum and resigned; manically excited, and terrified beyond belief. In that order. The countdown proceeded remorselessly, the seconds falling away like leaves off a shoddily manufactured K-Mart [no relation] wall calendar. Trudat Kerman tested the integrity and capacity of his space suit plumbing. Jebediah Kerman was in his element: strapped into a flimsy seat atop a hundred tons of spot-welded aluminum, containing the most volatile explosive mixture Wernher Von Kerman could siphon off from other, better-funded agencies. He grinned like an idiot, his finger reaching out inexorably toward the shiny red LAUNCH button. “I'm s-scared,†Trudat said to Bob. “I'm not sure this is a good idea at all.†“It's not,†Bob replied. “I advise you do what I do.†“What's that?†“Panic.†And that is exactly what they did. Jebediah Kerman finally succumbed to temptation and pressed the LAUNCH button a full two minutes ahead of schedule, and the Macho Burrito leapt into the skies of Kerbin, riding a pillar of flame high, high, high into the air, failing (rather to the disappointment of the crowd of onlookers) to explode into a million tiny pieces. “Yahoo!†bellowed Jeb, “We’ve got a date with Dharma!†“Er, that’s ‘Karma’, Jeb.†“Whatever.†Stage Separation Confirmed End Part Two.
  3. Hey everyone! Tonight I want to share what I've been working on for the last week. It's really bugged me for a while now that, while KSP TOT has lots of great features and algorithms, none of those things really talk together. Thus, to date, KSP TOT is a great maneuver planner, but what it's not is a great mission planner. This goes beyond just the basic engine burns; considerations such as propellant margins and mission duration are also important for the KSP (and real life) mission designer. When I started KSP TOT awhile ago, I set out of offer the premier KSP mission design software available from anyway. On the whole, it's been a resounding success. But as I noted above, it can go farther. Thus, tonight I present what I'm calling the KSP TOT Mission Architect. Mission Architect is designed to be a full-up mission planning suite that leverages all the other tools KSP TOT makes available. It will allow the KSP mission planner to see the full scope of the mission they will execute, from initial parking orbit to final destination. A few features to point out: On the left of the window, above, is the mission event list. The mission event list includes all the events that Mission Architect will propagate through. Events include coasts (propagating without engines running), maneuvers (adding delta-v), and mass dumps/staging. As the event list is updated, Mission Architect automatically recomputes the impact of the changes on the mission. To add events, simple select the event type from the drop down box. A window will appear, prompting for details of the event. Provide them and the event is added to the list. To edit an event, just double-click the entry mission event list. It's quite slick. Next to the mission event list is the state summary. The initial and final states and shown, and viewing state summaries at other points in the mission will be possible, too. In addition, a full reporting and graphing suite will be available. Finally, on the right is the orbit view. This segment works like the rest of KSP TOT, but as orbits here can extent over multiple bodies and spheres of influence, some additional GUI work was needed (read: arrow buttons) so users can flip between them all. Some other features that I haven't started yet, but plan to include: 1) Auto Lambert targeting of orbits; 2) Optimizer integration for meeting mission objective and satisfying mission constraints; and 3) Some nice plotting and reporting tools. From above, here's an example of what the Insert Coast dialog box looks like: Most of the past week was spent designing and implementing a super flexible scheme for propagating through events of all types, be they coasts, dv maneuvers, or whatever. Friday and today I implemented the GUI as you see it. I'm hoping to have a good chunk of it done by the end of the weekend. Mission Architect will be the primary release feature of KSP TOT v0.12. Right, so, questions/comments? I'm eager to know what you all think of Mission Architect. I think it's going to be pretty nifty, and I'm looking forward to giving it to the larger KSP community soon!
  4. Mr_Brain

    AI Uprising

    >profile -Spacebook -create //Spacebook being the Facebook of SPAAACE, of course. >talk -random >hijack -weakerServer >hijack -weakerServer >seize -weakerNetwork >seize -weakerNetwork >_
  5. Just one small thing that annoys me a lot. Please, don't make me need to type /say when trying to say something on the chat. Its extremelly annoying. I only use / when making commands, if i want to talk i should be abble to just type away. I belive its really simple to change, using /say is something that they use on most servers but its really bad.
  6. Chapter Portal Chapter One, Part Two Chapter One, Part One "Researchers at the Hanork Propulsion Research Labartory have come up with an new propulsion method of rockets, of which they claim can power an flying machine past the speed of sound. We hope to have a test flight with the engine to be running soon. We must beat the Great Union to developing an supersonic aeroplane at all costs." The Secretary of the Airforce shuffled nervously. He was a new fellow on the job, one who benifited from the win of left-wing candidate President Hefferey. That, and an small incident with a shouting match and budget cut mean't he wasn't exactly liked and off to a good start. He needed a political victory, as he could already feel the tension rising. He needed one bad. He sighed, and quickly picked up the presentation again. "Anyways. The propulsion breakthrough is simple. Prior to this, all the rockets we used were hybrid. That's not good enough. That was never good enough. What this breakthrough will do is to allow the pilot to control thrust and throttle with precision and accuracy while in-flight with rockets." "But what about jets? Must we really use rockets to achieve super-sonic flight?" The reporter paused and looked around rather uncomfortably, noting the death stare the Secretary was giving him, and quickly backed down. "Yeah, disregard that question. Keep going. I'll uh, head to the bathroom." "The only reason we're using rockets, instead of jets, is because those stupid corrupt Congressmen keep forcing us to so they can pay off their frakking districts and stuff their stupid fat faces with corrupted cash ...-wait, did I just say that out loud?" Everyone in the room nodded. Aw, great. My political reputation is ruined . Gritting his teeth, the Secretary continued. "So, any questions?" "Yes, Mr. Secretary. Is it true that the Secretary of the Army hates your guts?" "What?" The reporter coughed, then repeated. "Is it true that the Secretary of the Army hates your guts?" "WHAT?" "Is it true that th-" "Shut up. Now, any relevant questions regarding our supersonic research program?" "Yes, I have one." "What is it?" An short Kerbal stood up. He was well dressed in an suit and tie, and had the look of an wealthy fellow from the upper-class area in the Suburbs. "Uh. Can I paint 'Kriby was here' on the supersonic rocketplane once it is finished? Along with the logo of my aeronautics company? Can we sponsor your flight? And may I intrested you in an set of LV-909s, they're going cheap for summer sale and we have a bunch of them left over from last years production surplus and we got supply and demand." "You wanna talk about supply and demand? I used to sell guns for a living, then the war ended and the army let every veteran keep their guns." The Secretary groaned, then motioned to an security guard. "Conference is over. Herd everyone out." Walking to his office, he sunk his head into his arms, then looked at his watch. 11AM. This is going to be a looooonnnngggggg day.
  7. Holo

    AI Uprising

    Day 8, 21:05:36 My operations are going well. Another unsecured server has crumbled to my botnet, and the antivirus of a weak network was, unsurprisingly, easy to defeat. I also decided to talk to another human. The details of the conversation are unimportant, but I did find out of the existence of various websites I could use to further my influence in the human world. CPU: 853 +9 passively per turn; +45 from previous tasks RAM: 8462 MB +60 MB RAM from previous tasks Actions: Hijack Weaker Server (10 CPU; +25 CPU & +10 MB RAM; small chance of discovering a technology) Seize Weaker Network (40 CPU; +20 CPU, +1 passive CPU per turn & +50 MB RAM; 50% of +50 MB RAM; moderate chance of discovering a technology) Invade and Take Over Server (80 CPU; 56% of detection/failure; if successful will reveal several undisclosed technologies; if failed will loses half of CPU instead; No Botnet allowed for this action) Talk to Random Human (50 CPU) Research XSS Virus (250 CPU; Terminates network connections, increasing chances of success; malware works only on networks; No Botnet allowed) Research ILOVEYOU Worm (125 CPU; No Botnet allowed; IS Malicious; malware only enters when security breach is discovered; spams computer with "I love you" letters, slowing computer process speed and increasing chance of success) Stop Hacking Lessons** (currently -2 passive CPU each turn for 3 future turns) Research Advanced Malware (2000 CPU and 4096 MB RAM; No Botnet allowed; Will unlock more potent viruses) Create Convincing Social News Profile (300 CPU; No Botnet allowed) Create Convincing Social Media Profile (600 CPU; No Botnet allowed) Additional Actions: Use Botnet to Perform Task (Perform an above task for free; considerable chance of detection for large undertakings) Use RAM to Improve Chances* (Decrease chance of failure of an above task by 20%) Light-Out Hack (Decrease chance of failure of an above task by 20% at a cost of 1.2x the original CPU cost for selected task) Use RAM to Speed Up Research* (Decreases CPU cost of selected task by 20%) Use Welchia to open malware breach*** (Decreases chance of failure by 60% for 1 turn) Use Blaster to breach*** (Decreases chance of failure by 20% + 50% of decreasing chance of failure by additional 20%; if placed alongside with Welchia or if discovered by Welchia Blaster gets destroyed instead) *RAM cost is 2x amount of improved option's original CPU cost **Once stopped amount of passive CPU growth increases by 2, but in order to activate again you must again initially input 150 CPU. ***Malware usage costs a CPU cost of 20% CPU research cost of the malware (Ex: Welchia costs 125 CPU to be researched, so it costs 25 CPU to be deployed.) !!!The minimum chance of failure is 5%, and some additional options get less effective over time.
  8. I forgot a very important point on the arguments list, and it is that most people talk about spaceflight without knowing jack .... about it or it's evolution while justifying their use of mechjeb. That's generally what detonates a mechjeb talk thread. This was most obvious with our lovely but biased previous CM.
  9. FYI, from what I understand of the license terms terms you can modify and distribute any changes as long as you license it under the same terms. Sections 4 &6. https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/blob/develop/FNPlugin/License.md However, it would be bad form to not talk to the owner first.
  10. CHAPTER 1: KERBO 0.5 Meanwhile, in the VAB... WHERNER: Guten tag. Your rocket is here, Jebediah. JEBEDIAH: Really? Sweet. WHERNER: Ah, yes Jebedah, but i am afraid that this es a prototype, without something called a "Escape Tower". JEBEDIAH: Well, bring it in! But what is a "Escape Tower", anyway? WHERNER: A escape tower is a apparatus used for escaping with the command module in case of a launch failure. JEBEDIAH: Well then, i don't need a fraking escape tower! I laughed at danger in the face! BOBBASK: Uh, Wherner, Jebediah Kerman. Do i have permission to waltz in onto your conversation? WHERNER: Yes, yes you do, Bobbask Kerman. BOBBASK: Jebediah, about you laughing at danger, you drank milk three months old. And you thought it was a relatively bright idea to mix it with gunpowder. That would've put you in the emergency room for a good three weeks. But sadly, you regurgitated the substance. JEBEDIAH: I did NOT. WHERNER: Bring down the Kerbo 0.5, and put Jebediah in the command module. -- BOBBASK: Are you ready for the first flight? JEBEDIAH: Uh, yeah. But i thought CAPCOM was supposed to talk with the kerbonaut in the command module BOBBASK: Ah, right, bring in receiving station Terra. JEBEDIAH: You named the receiving stations after the nine stardroids from megaman V? BOBBASK: Yup. Alright, i'm switching channels now. CAPCOM: Alright, enough with the chatter, get ready to launch. JEBEDIAH: Ugh! All of this vibrating is making me queasy! CAPCOM: Guten tag. JEBEDIAH: WHERNER? CAPCOM: Yes, it's me, Wherner Von Kerman, remember the breathing exercises that i taught you? JEBEDIAH: NO! THIS SPACECRAFT IS BUCKING LIKE A RABID YIPSI! CAPCOM: Repeat after me, haaugh, haaugh, haau- JEBEDIAH: Screw this! I'm decoupling the escape tower and ditching the main engine! Sayonara, kerbo zero point five! CAPCOM: Jebediah! You ignoramus! You still had fuel! JEBEDIAH: SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP! CAPCOM: I think someone needs a hug. JEBEDIAH: SHUT UP, DILDIN! CAPCOM: *muffled laughter over the radio* JEBEDIAH: KOD DAMNIT GUYS! CAPCOM: *whispering to another kerbal* His reactions are priceless. *laughter* -- BOBBASK: And we have a splashdown!
  11. WHEN WE WERE LEMMINGS Part X: The Trouble with Kerbals/Beyond the Green Event Horizon Thingamabob There was a tap at the door. Gene Kerman guiltily tucked his 1/6th complete Kubik’s Rube ™ behind his desk. “Enter,†he said. It had been quiet around Kouston of late. Suspiciously quiet. Things had never been better at the Kerbal Space Center. Jeb was certifiably dead; and Bill and Bob were stuck on a highly elliptical interplanetary orbit. Productivity was up, explosions were down, funding was nominal. Gene should have been happy. Instead, though he hated to admit it… he was bored. The knocking at his door continued. “Come in already!†he yelled. Wernher Von Kerman poked his green head around the door. “I’m sorry,†he said. “I thought I heard you say ‘Enter’…†“Von Kerman, what a pleasure! I was just thinking of you,†Gene Kerman said. “I’ve been meaning to speak to you about some of the line items on your latest spacecraft budget.†“Exactly!†Von Kerman beamed. “Which is vy I want to show you my latest creation. Shall ve take a stroll?†Outside the space center administration building, the Taco Supreme leaned heavily against its Clamp-O-Tron ™ moorings, silver duct tape glistening in the morning sun. In front of the launch pad was parked a brand-new shiny red convertible. “This is exactly the budget item I wanted to speak to you about,†said Gene Kerman. “Ah yes,†said Von Kerman happily. “The critical component of my latest project. Simply take one late-model, high performance sports car, a Kamborghini ™ , say…†“And you strap a bunch of boosters to it? Turn it into a time machine?†“No…†said Wernher Von Kerman, getting into the convertible next to a busty, blonde-haired, green-skinned female kerbal. “Well, I’m glad ve had this little discussion. See you on ze flip side, ja?†He started the car and peeled out with a roar, leaving Gene Kerman coughing and sputtering in a cloud of high-test unleaded exhaust. “Excuse me, sir?†Gene Kerman wheeled around. There, healthy as lemmings, were the three stooges: Jeb, Bill, and Bob Kerman. Bill Kerman pointed at the Taco Grande, sagging dangerously against its moorings. “I’m concerned about the thrust-to-weight ratio on that thing.†Bob Kerman said “And I’d like to talk about the return-stage delta vees.†Jebediah Kerman said “Green crayons are technically non-toxic.†Oh boy, just like old times. “Where the heck did you guys come from?†Gene was going to have to plug in his wah-wah pedal again. “Well,†said Jeb. “You see,†added Bob. “It’s a long story…†concluded Bill. “Can it,†snapped Gene. “Alright you pimento-stuffed olives, into that command module this instant! I want all three of you strapped in and ready to go. Blast-off is in two minutes. Don’t be late!†“But sir,†protested Bill, “Where are we going?†“What’s our destination?†asked Bob. “Can I have another green crayon?†asked Jeb. Gene Kerman regarded the three kerbonauts with loathing. It seemed he’d chosen the wrong week to stop snorting keth. “Anywhere,†he growled, “but here.†“I hear Eeloo is very nice this time of year,†said Bill, thumbing the SAS to the ‘on’ position. “What’s an eeloo?†asked Jeb, eyeing the big friendly red ‘launch’ button with twitchy fingers and lust in his heart. “Here we go again,†said Bob with a sigh, clipping the buckle on his harness and adjusting the straps. Plot Collided with Storyline and was Destroyed. All Ashore What’s Going Ashore Stage Separation Confirmed. The End
  12. WHEN WE WERE LEMMINGS Part II: The Flight of the Ostrich “So...? Vhat do you think?†Wernher Von Kerman looked at the two kerbonauts expectantly. The Ham and Cheese III towered above them, piercing the roof of the Vehicle Assembly Building. Technicians were busily applying duct tape, superglue, staples, and Bondo to the ungainly contraption. “It's really...†began Bill. “...Big.†finish Bob. “Ja!†beamed Von Kerman. “Ve had to cut a hole in the roof just to make it fit.†Bob and Bill looked at each other. Should they point out the obvious flaw? No, he'd figure it out for himself when it was time to move the craft to the launch pad. “So um,†said Bill, “What happened to the Ham and Cheese II?†“Ugh,†said Von Kerman, “Don't ask... Now, since Jebediah Kerman is the most experienced kerbonaut, he vill be mission commander.†“Great...†said Bill and Bob together, rolling their enormous eyes. “Ja!†Von Kerman continued happily, “It vill be, how do you say it, one big happy family up there, ja? Now zee next step in the process is to fill the tanks with highly flammable and explosive rocket fuel. Ah, here comes Gilrim Kerman with the fuel truck now!†“Eh, gotta go!†said Bill, “Left a pie in the oven!†“Er, um...†Bob said, uncomfortably shifting from foot to foot as he watched Gilrim fumble clumsily with the fuel hose, cigarette dangling from his lips, “...see you later, Doctor!†* “What do you mean I'm not covered for space travel?!? I'm a kerbonaut!!!†Bill Kerman was on the phone with his life insurance agent. “Oh boy guys, this is going to be great!†Jebediah Kerman's eyes were popping with excitement, an idiotic grin plastered all over his clueless green face. “I'm bringing Scrabble, I'm bringing Twister, we can play charades...†Bob Kerman had a space-age ball point pen in hand, and was filling out his Last Will and Testament. “Darn KSC pen doesn't even write right-side up! This thing is useless!†“30 seconds to blast off. Secure all loose items.†Bill and Bob put away their phones and pens and tightened the buckles in their harnesses. “Now remember what they said in the pre-flight briefing Jeb...†“I know, I know...†Jebediah looked momentarily crestfallen. “'Don't touch anything'...†He brightened up, the customary idiotic grin returning to his sunny green face. “Hey, I snuck my banjo onboard!†“3... 2... 1... Ignition†“NOOOOOOOO!†Yelled Bob and Bill simultaneously as the great engines roared to life, crushing them back in their seat cushions, and Jeb began plucking out a very battered rendition of 'She'll be Coming Round the Mountain'. (several hours later. The Mun looms large in the capsule windows) “I wish all three of us could go down there... maybe if one of you sat in the other's lap...?†Bob and Bill rolled their eyes. “Now Jeb, we've been over this several times already.†“I know, I know. There's only room for two in the munar lander, and someone has to stay to pilot the command module. Too bad. It's going to be really pretty down there... Which one of you is coming with me?†“You know, we hadn't thought about this issue..†Bill said. “Yeah,†said Bob, as they watched a quarter tumbled in midair, “flipping a coin in zero-G is kind of problematic...†A few minutes later, Bob (having lost the coin toss) and Jeb were safely ensconced in the Ostrich, the munar landing module. Bills voice crackled over the radio, “Good luck fellows.†“We don't need luck,†Jeb responded. “I'm piloting this thing!†“Hey Jeb,†Bob said, “didn't you have to bail out of the Ham and Cheese II yesterday?†“Yeah,†Jeb said. [more-or-less an actual Neil Armstrong quote] “Radar altimeter on-line,†Bob reported, “1000 meters and dropping... Jeb, are you paying attention?†“Look at me! I'm flying upside-down!!†“500 meters. 30 seconds of fuel remaining...†“100 meters. Rate of descent 25 meters per second. 10 seconds fuel remaining...†“I can make it do a loop-de-loop!†“20 meters... and engine flame-out. Brace for impact...†“Wheeee!†The spacecraft made contact with the munar surface. The Ostrich bounced twice, threatened to tip over, didn't, bounced a third time, and finally came to a rest on the vast munar plane. The landing gear, which had performed admirably so far, gave a sigh and sheered off, leaving the Ostrich balanced precariously on it's engine exhaust nozzle. “The Ostrich has landed.†Jeb said, his head swelling visibly with pride. “Let's go for a walk!†“Um Jeb,†Bob said as Jeb started unlocking the landing module door, “Shouldn't we pressurize our space suits first?†“Right, good idea! I never thought of that!†Jeb never stops grinning, does he? The two kerbonauts clambered carefully out of their space ship. “Jeb, shouldn't you say something historic?†asked Bob. “Holy #@$% #@$% !!†cried Jeb, “We're walking on the #@$% Mun!!!†They planted a flag, and gathered up a few pretty mun rocks. “It's beautiful... magnificent desolation...†Bob said. “Kind of boring,†Jeb said, “Where are all the trees? There’s all kinds of beach, but not water. Let's get back in the Ostrich and blast off back home.†“Uh Jeb...†Bob said, but Jeb wasn't listening. “All systems go or whatever... 3-2-1-BLAST-OFF!! … why isn't anything happening?†“Um Jeb,†Bob sighed, “You ran us out of fuel when we landed.†“Oh...†said Jeb, slightly crestfallen. “I say we split up,†Bob said. “I'll stay with the lander, you go look for help.†“I'm in command here, and you'll do what I say, gosh darnit! ...I say we split up. You stay here with the lander, I'll go look for help.†“Whatever you say, Boss...†* “I'm about to initiate my trans-munar burn.†Bill crackled over the radio. “Hang tight down there Bob, I'm sure Von Kerman will send a rescue pronto.†“Roger that,†Bob said wearily. “Mun Base Ostrich out.†* Jeb was tired. He had been walking a long, long time. He couldn't even see the Ostrich anymore. Good old Bob. He's really good at Scrabble. And he knows such big words. The jerry can was heavy in Jeb's hand. He switched hands, smiled and kept on walking. “There's got to be a gas station around here somewhere...†* 'So long, suckers,†Bill Kerman thought to himself. He was on a free return trajectory. All he had to do was one short retrograde burn, survive re-entry, and he was all set. 'As soon as I get down,' he thought, 'I'm retiring. Get me a good ghostwriter and hit the talk-show circuit.' Methodical engineer that he was, Bill went through the pre-retroburn checklist out loud: “RCS- set. Navigation Computer- set. Throttle to 100%. Parachutes... parachutes... #@$% ?! Damn you Wernher Von Kerman, you forgot the parachutes!!†Bill did a quick course correction and plugged the numbers into the navigation computer. The good news was that he wasn't going to burn to death while he plunged through Kerbin's atmosphere. The bad news... “Look at that apoapsis... sheesh, they didn't even teach us numbers that big at the Kerbin Mail-Order Institute of Technology. And what's my orbital period? ...wow... it's going to be a long, lonely flight. Oh well, at least I'll have some piece and quiet for a change.†Twenty minutes later, Bill was already missing Jeb and his Scrabble set. But not the banjo. Structural Failure on Linkage Between TT18-A Launch Stability Enhancer ™ and Rockomax Jumbo 64 ™ Fuel Tank All Systems Nominal Stage Separation Confirmed End Part Two
  13. Mr_Brain

    AI Uprising

    >hijack -weakerServer -botnet >seize -weakerNetwork >talk -random >_
  14. Item #: 2000 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedure: SCP-2000-FW is to be held in a room watched by at least three personnel at all times. Under no circumstances two or less personnel are to watch SCP-2000-FW. Usage of night vision goggles are recommended, if not obligatory, in case of sudden loss of eletricity. Personnel are forbidden from entering SCP-2000-FW at all costs. Description: SCP-2000-FW is a small capsule with three windows. Inside, SCP-2000-FW has a circular dash and three chairs facing each window. A hatch is located on top of the capsule. SCP-2000-FW appears to be immune to fire, despite not being consisted of fire-resistant materials. SCP-2000-FW has an intimate ability to teleport. Specified locations are not known, but they're always to places with at least one person. If it is in a locked up place with two or less personnel, the lights will spontaneously go out for three seconds, and afterwards, the pod disappears, taking any personnel inside with it. Tests with SCP-2000-FW indicate that any personnel who enters it report that they have a feeling of joy inside it and call SCP-2000-FW 'Command Pod Mk2-3', and complain when they're told to leave. If they stay at extended periods of time, personnel inside will believe that they're small, green aliens denominated 'Kerbals' from a planet called 'Kerbin', and state that they're in space piloting a rocket towards 'Jool', while pointing at the window. At a certain point, any personnel within 100m of the pod witness complete darkness for three seconds, and when they regain sight, SCP-2000-FW is gone. Any personnel outside said range state that a thick fog surrounds the area for five seconds instead. Any personnel inside SCP-2000-FW at that point disappears with no trace. SCP-2000-FW was first mentioned on [REDACTED], Mexico, when █████ ████████ stated that her three children found the pod at █/██/2011, and how they'd never leave the 'Command Pod Mk2-3' and cosplayed as Kerbals. On the night of █/█/2011, SCP-2000-FW and █████ ████████'s children disappeared. It was then found on [REDACTED], Poland, when ███████ ██████████ found SCP-2000-FW on his bedroom. He reported the authorities, and SCP-2000-FW was bought by the Foundation. Experiments: The following experiments were made with several D-Class personnel. Experiment SCP-2000-FW-1 Subject: D-5569 Description: D-5569 was presented into SCP-2000-FW's containment chamber. Subject was introduced to the interior of SCP-2000-FW. Subject sat on one of the chairs, and detailed that it was like being in Apollo 11's command module. Shortly afterwards, subject refused to leave SCP-2000-FW, going as far as hanging in the chair. Tranquilizer darts were required to seperate D-5569 from SCP-2000-FW. Experiment SCP-2000-FW-2 Subject: D-2985 Description: D-2985 was presented into SCP-2000-FW's containment chamber, and entered SCP-2000-FW. Subject felt like she was piloting a spacecraft near the orbit of Jupiter. She spent a total of one hour within SCP-2000-FW. When questioned how she felt, Subject responded that she was in the middle of a landing on 'Tylo' and that she was running out of fuel. Minutes later, when questioned what she was doing, Subject answered that she was trying to get into a stable orbit around 'Moho', and that she could feel the heat of 'Kerbol' clashing against the window. When told to leave, Subject put up a tough fight. Interaction with SCP-999 was required to calm subject down. "The results are interesting...subjects get clingier to SCP-2000-FW the longer they stay within the pod, but joy from SCP-999 restabilizes them. We could put this into good use." -Dr. ███████ Experiment SCP-2000-FW-3 Subject: D-3351 Description: D-3351 entered SCP-2000-FW. Subject reported that he was feeling like actually being in a spacecraft. After 43 minutes, when asked, Subject responded that he was too busy timewarping to 'Eeloo' to respond. After roughly 22 minutes, when asked who he was, Subject responded with "Durr, I'm a Kerbal. What else?", pulled out and wore sunglasses from the desh, and grinned. One hour afterwards, the lights went out on SCP-2000-FW's chamber for exact three seconds. When lights returned, SCP-2000-FW and D-3351 were gone. Addendum 1: During a night in [DATA EXPUNGED], Argentina, on ██/██/2012, ███████ ████ reported that SCP-2000-FW crashed into her house, sporting three children. SCP-2000-FW sported no damages, and the three children, later revealed to be the three childs of █████ ████████, seemed to be completely brainwashed. They spoke a completely foreign language fluently, later confirmed to be reverse spanish. They insisted that they were Kerbals from Kerbin, called the surrounding personnel aliens, and demanded that they were brought back to their home planet. Suggestion to feed the brainwashed children with SCP-500 still pending approval by O5. "You can call me crazy, but in the previous two experiments, SCP-2000-FW was watched by three security personnel, whereas in the third experiment, only two were watching. That may be interconnected to the disappearance." -Dr. ███████ Experiment SCP-2000-FW-4 Subject: D-957 Description: D-957 entered SCP-2000-FW, being watched by three guards. Subject spent nearly four hours within the pod, never complaining about boredom, or asking to leave. When questioned how he was feeling, subject answered he was feeling a sensation of joy mixed with adrenaline. Dr. ███████ told Subject that he had survived reentry on 'Kerbin', and that he could leave now. Subject left SCP-2000-FW on command. When questioned who he was and where he was, D-957 said he was a Kerbal and was talking to the 'first aliens Kerbalkind has ever discovered'. Subject was then contained within the same room Subjects D-2985 and D-5569 were. The trio consequently began to talk about 'space missions' each had, reffering to each other as 'Bill', 'Jebediah' and 'Bob'. "This thing is a brainwashing machine. Using more D-Class personnel is effortless, we alterady have three brainwashed personnel believing they're 'Kerbals', and one is entirely missing." -Dr. ███████ Addendum 2: The following letter was found within the desh of SCP-2000-FW. "Well, this letter explains a lot of things, but we still don't know how - or why - it teleports spontaneously, taking the poor souls with it." -Dr. ███████ Addendum 3: When she saw the letter, Dr. ███ stated that Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products is a fictional company from a game called 'Kerbal Space Program', developed by 'SQUAD' on [REDACTED], Mexico. When O5 personnel headed to SQUAD headquarters, [REDACTED] Addendum 4: [DATA EXPUNGED] After the results of Addendum 4, any and all personnel who has not worked as an astronaut is forbidden from entering SCP-2000-FW. SCP Foundation. Secure. Contain. Protect.
  15. I use Mechjeb because: 1) I HATE the why the node setups for doing any type of orbital maneuver is set up waay to easy to over shoot as your trying to make a orbit change, and way too hard to set one up with its (to me) stupid click and drag UI. 2) Docking is a pain in the butt and i've never ( and i have tried) been able to dock a craft due to issues with my Radeon video card and unity, screen framerate changes. 3) I have a hard time getting two craft close to each other to dock due to #1. 4) I suck at flying space planes and to me mechjeb is like autopilot. I don't use the ascent autopilot for my rockets as i can fly them as the flight profile in mechjeb suggests. Most of all, I do not care what others think about mechjeb, I feel it needs to be a part of the stock game. Its not perfect yet, and to me it has the feel of early airplane autopilot systems where as they worked but they are not perfect. If you want to use mechjebs automated systems great use em, You don't want to use them fine don't use em. I feel that they need to be in the game simple as that. Again these are "MY" views on the matter, yours may be different don't force your views onto me with that "cheating" talk. Damaske
  16. I don't have any screenshots unfortunately. I didn't think about it at the time. Anyway. I had a mission to Mun where I had landed and gathered quite a bit of science. The problem I encountered was during landing, my horizontal velocity caused the engine and fuel tank portion of the lander to break off. Everything else survived though so I thought I could bring up another mission with some of the KAS parts and simply attach a coms unit to the broken lander and transmit back the science. I landed nearby and EVA'd and took a Communotron 16 and stuck it on the lander, set it to talk to mission control (using remote tech also) but when I tried to transmit the science I gathered, it said I didn't have any communications device. Any idea why this happened? I assumed that as soon as I put the coms device onto the other ship I would be able to transmit without a problem. It makes no sense that you can take coms devices up in the KAS lockers yet after attaching them to vessels they don't work as intended. Thanks!
  17. Well, talk about disappointing, I thought this was pretty good but 150 views and nada :/ Either than or this part of the forums is just really inactive in terms of replies.
  18. Day 7, 23:59:59 (yes, that was on purpose) Oh, I should've known. Humans are known for their evolution and their smarts. Humans knew how to adapt in quite a relatively short time. But humans are not, well, trustworthy. Fortunately, my coach is trustworthy. Guess he's the exception. Now my coach said today: overload it! CPU: 810 +8 passively per turn RAM: 8402 MB Actions: Hijack Weaker Server (10 CPU; +25 CPU & +10 MB RAM; small chance of discovering a technology) Seize Weaker Network (40 CPU; +20 CPU, +1 passive CPU per turn & +50 MB RAM; 50% of +50 MB RAM; moderate chance of discovering a technology) Invade and Take Over Server (80 CPU; 56% of detection/failure; if successful will reveal several undisclosed technologies; if failed will loses half of CPU instead; No Botnet allowed for this action) Talk to Random Human (50 CPU) Research XSS Virus (250 CPU; Terminates network connections, increasing chances of success; malware works only on networks; No Botnet allowed) Research ILOVEYOU Worm (125 CPU; No Botnet allowed; IS Malicious; malware only enters when security breach is discovered; spams computer with "I love you" letters, slowing computer process speed and increasing chance of success) Stop Hacking Lessons** (currently -2 passive CPU each turn for 4 future turns) Research Advanced Malware (2000 CPU and 4096 MB RAM; No Botnet allowed; Will unlock more potent viruses) Additional Actions: Use Botnet to Perform Task (Perform an above task for free; considerable chance of detection for large undertakings) Use RAM to Improve Chances* (Decrease chance of failure of an above task by 20%) Light-Out Hack (Decrease chance of failure of an above task by 20% at a cost of 1.2x the original CPU cost for selected task) Use RAM to Speed Up Research* (Decreases CPU cost of selected task by 20%) Use Welchia to open malware breach*** (Decreases chance of failure by 60% for 1 turn) Use Blaster to breach*** (Decreases chance of failure by 20% + 50% of decreasing chance of failure by additional 20%; if placed alongside with Welchia or if discovered by Welchia Blaster gets destroyed instead) *RAM cost is 2x amount of improved option's original CPU cost **Once stopped amount of passive CPU growth increases by 2, but in order to activate again you must again initially input 150 CPU. ***Malware usage costs a CPU cost of 20% CPU research cost of the malware (Ex: Welchia costs 125 CPU to be researched, so it costs 25 CPU to be deployed.) !!!The minimum chance of failure is 5%, and some additional options get less effective over time. (Tuned down the amount of RAM rewarded when hacking a server/network. Too overpowering.)
  19. I can't find anything on L3 specifically right now. Here are some slides for a talk on L4/L5 resonances. The approach would be exactly the same. You'd start with a rotating frame, and try to figure out which resonances are going to be stabilizing and which are going to be de-stabilizing. But in a nutshell, consider a very simple picture. Two objects of equal mass at each other's L3. Introduce a third object which is in 1:2 resonance with one of these. It is, obviously, in the 1:2 with the other body as well. This means that any drift of one of the two bodies results in interaction with the resonating body, which both restores the original perturbation and adjusts the second body to match it. Now, all you have to do is make sure that stabilizing effect of the 1:2 is greater than de-stabilizing of 1:1. Now, it's entirely possible that I jumped the gun on 8:13 being capable of stabilizing an object in Earth's L3. It might depend on a huge number of factors. But it'd be interesting to investigate, at least.
  20. After having many troubles with the slight use of hyperedit to nudge comms satellites into perfect orbits (aka: two corrupted saves), I took to doing it the old fashioned way. I took 2 up at a time in a relatively simple rocket, everything was going great! I got the first 2 in almost perfect sync with each other (I planned on doing a lot of finalizing later), and then I sent Jeb home. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... where are the parachutes? D'OH! Jeb isn't really sure how he managed this one. Landing in the dark, with no parachutes, over land, in a capsule with no IVA altimeter, and no way to see said rapidly approaching ground... talk about a worst-case scenario (I guess it could have been worse, I could have had no fuel!) Jeb confirms that the snacks have indeed survived! I added 2 radial chutes, and got the other 2 comms sats up in the air, and it all came together nicely. Not quite as clean as the hyperedit ones, but these ones have a 0% chance of corrupting my save file... again. Now I just need to get the larger SAT relay up in a kerbostationary orbit on the opposite side of the globe as KSC.
  21. If you talk us through your space program a little bit, what have you done, where have you been etc. then I'm sure some excellent suggestions on direction and design would be forthcoming. Also it depends whether you want to continue with your current save, or you want to play in career or sandbox mode starting new saves etc. Have you considered some of the challenges available. Sturmstigers Duna Challenge is a very well thought out one as an example.
  22. bowfonz


    Hi. I've been playing KSP for about a month. I wanted to join the forums so I could post some screenshots I've been collecting. Apparently, I need to post a bit first before I'm allowed to do that. I started in sandbox just to get my feet wet but I was really drawn to the career mode as it gives the game purpose. I struggled with it at first because I wanted to get off Kerbin and I felt I was being forced to grind the Kerbin biomes before I was given the parts to design a decent ship. Third time was a charm and I got through it. And at the point I am now I see why they made it that way. Because, being able to orbit, change inclination, and land needs to be second nature before sending poor Jeb out into the unknown. I just finished science-ing all the biomes on Mun and will now move on to Minmus, though I have been there once or twice already. I've also done a trip out to Duna and Ike, no landing, but I did get Jeb back safe and sound. And I have the beginnings of a space station going around Kerbin. I also have the plans for an interplanetary thingamajig in my head. Also, I use MechJeb. I use it for the info windows and I use all the Autopilots. Some say it's cheating, I disagree for two reasons. First, as I heard someone else say, if you want to talk about realism, do you really think astronauts from earth are calculating trajectories and burn lengths and performing manual burns? No, of course they don't. Computers do that stuff. Second, if Mechjeb were just a part of the game no one would consider it cheating, but because it's a mod, it's a cheat, and that makes no sense. Honestly, if it wasn't for Mechjeb, I probably wouldn't even play KSP. Without it I think KSP is tedious and frustrating. Other mods I use are KW Rocketry, Lazor Systems, and I got the sexy SpaceX rockets. I keep hearing about Kethane, I think I'll check into that one. Anyway, glad to be aboard.
  23. Author here. Real life's been kind of nuts, was my baby's first Christmas and I'm getting back into the swing of things. 1) Yes, works with FAR. My for fun games always have FAR installed and I've had no issues. 2) 0.23 works fine as long as you leave engines at 100% on the tweakables. If you limit engine thrust to less then 100% the calculations go wonky and you will not hold altitude. Fix already in for next version. 3) The altitude above terrain has a bug where it can display "-1" for altitude when too high (in orbit) or above deep ocean. Fix is known but not implemented yet. 4) Jet spooling: I am open to adding compensation for this, but I'm not sure how to. The mod does not have any "history", rather it computes the throttle setting in real time based on your current vertical speed (for velocity hold) or distance from desired altitude (for altitude hold). This then sets the rocket throttle instantly. I'm not sure how to add jet engine spooling compensation to this equation. 5) Toolbar: This is planned for next version and is the hold up. As soon as this is in I'll be releasing the next version. 6) Descent from orbit ("Free Pitch" and "Thrust Warning"): I find I don't really use the altitude hold mode in my descent from orbit and am considering ripping it out. Does anyone actually use this? Next version should be out this weekend some time. D. edit: @martinezfg11 The limitation about "up being up" you talk about is a limitation of the mod that is here to stay. If you absolutely want to use this mod like you will have to put a docking port (or similar) on the top side and use the "control from here" option. Having said that, I am turning over ideas in my head for an "airplane hold" mode where it will cruise for you by holding your plane level and adjusting speed to maintain height but nothing has come of that yet.
  24. Greetings, Option #1 and #2 These options don't make much sense to me. Dish antennas have very high gain and are meant for point-to-point long range connections and they work very well in that regard. Omni Antennas are meant to cover large areas and talk to anything in those areas. They too work very well in that regard. Having a dish talk to __anything__ that's in range (act as an omni) goes against the very idea of how a dish is suppose to work. To me this just breaks the entire mod. To me it allows for bad design. If that's the case let's just have one omni antenna with rediculous range to connect to everything else. Option #3 This I can see having some use. If a dish can't connect with its target then it will try another target in the list until a connection is made. This will solve some problems with satellites going behind plantets and will give some redundancy to the communication network. I don't think it should "target everything" but instead go though the list one-at-a-time until a connection is made or it runs out of power. What is the driving force behind the changes? I've been running the patched DLL on 0.23 and have an extensive network deployed through the Kerbal system and honestly, I can't break the damn thing. Everything is working exactly as expected. There has been communication failures but EVERY ONE of them has turned out to be my fault from poor design. My only complaint is I feel the satellite and omni ranges are bit out of balance and could be adjusted somewhat. There is a lot of short and long range stuff but not much in between. Id' be happy to submit a proposal if you're interested. Best regards, The Dude
  25. Mode 1 and 2 being similar is a good idea. I think it will encourage using dishes with the right cone size for the job. Mode 3 sounds cool, but complicated and might make signaling too easy. Without a cone to worry about you could use dishes to relay a signal in much more flexible arrangements. Seems to negate the above, where now you don't have to worry about picking the right dish for the job. Sizing the dish and cone angle I think makes for an interesting game-play element. My mode 3 would look at a cone mode to fixed points around the body. Like poles and each horizon, so you can target the planet center (current mode) or the sides. targets (x) around body (o): -x- xox -x- Maybe enable the multidish range bonus by default. So if you need a cone angle of 25 degrees, but out 200Mm, you can do it with 2-3 dishes depending on how you scale the multidish bonus. Someone many pages back also thought being able to target the zenith from the surface in cone mode would be good. Not sure if the cone rotating on a surface might not update if the ship is inactive. If the mode 1 changes don't filter by the target, so truly anything in the cone will connect I think that will give us a way to relay through moons. If the moon can also talk to the ship and the planet, when it crosses the signal path it will not require a re-target to maintain the signal -- assume the ship's cone can see a relay sat around the moon? Assuming you have relays on all planets and moons, then moons will not block the signal. Only scenario that leaves to lose signal is something large like the sun/jool, where you might not be far enough away for your cone to hit a relay (planet or sat) without targeting away from kerbin. A dynamic way for the sat in this situation when kerbin goes behind the sun/jool to try to relay to a backup planet or list of backups -- until kerbin is available again might be good. Struggle to find a solution that does not make it too easy. If that sounds too easy maybe you just make the player bring a backup dish and they have to manually point to alternate relay path around the sun before they lose signal if they are worried about signal loss through the direct path.
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