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  1. Haven't been doing much on it lately, but I did manage to overcome an exploding in the track problem. As kerbtown doesn't look like updating any time soon, I've been thinking of other ways to link track together, using bits of code from from KAS and P-wings, though I have yet to talk to the guy who made P-wings. Hopefully I'll be able to get some help with that, as I have no experience in doing that kind of thing. I'm also planing on remodeling the train bogie, as the current model is not that well made. But probably won't get back into it until some time in the new year.
  2. Perhaps this belongs more in the realism overhaul, but it would be nice if Nathan or someone could talk to Krag so we can publicly distribute a config file for RSS so we can have Saturn and Neptune. I know there was one on reddit (which I'm using) but that's not very easy to find.
  3. You ask me how different structures can be possible, I show you. That news is just 1 month old. Scientist said that would open a new branch on physsics that they dint know.. You just read it and you already have a posture and an opinion.. seems unserious but nevermind, the answer is: "we dont know". But it does not matter what you was talking about, you answer me according to my definition. So you can not change it now. I said: If we take life like any kind of replicant that evolves, then is difficult to imagine a place where life cant exist. then Skyler4856 answer me: the center of a star I respond: Haha, yeah, that seems challenging. But.. who knows.. then you answer me: No. Not possible. Life requires pretty low entropy and any part of any star is highly disordered. There is zero (0) chance life could exist there. Also I mention conscience just like a possible consequence of the complexity. I dint said that it needs to be included in my life definition. But this show us how difficult is to define life. What if we compare a Coral with a virtual conscience? One seems only a rock the other may be indistingible from a human. You said that a Tapeworm it does not have a conscience.. I am agree. but where you cross the line? Life as we know it is just another equilibrium state of matter. What if that substrate matter is just information that we process like matter? This is not easy to understand, but the last advances in quantum computers and links between the thermodynamics laws and the information theorem points in that direction.There are also real experiments about this conexion between matter and information. If you want convert lets said a O2 molecule into bits. You need know the state of each subatomic particle with its spin and other atributes. Then you would realize that the amount of information that you need is X bytes. If you erese that information with a super efficient quantum computer you would measure the same amount of heat released by the operation that you would experiment if you convert that O2 molecule into energy. Search about the Holographic principle if you want to know more. there are not alive if you follow which definition? You have the life definition from the biochemistry point of view, the physiological, religion, genetic, thermodynamics and metabolic point of view. One of the most used is the thermodynamic definition, just becouse is based in one of the stronger theorem that we got. But we still dont know what is life and when draw the line. So we dont have any real definition yet. Abour selfish genes... you need to said just "genes". Selfish genes is just the name of Dawkin´s book. A recomended read if you ask me. About memes, if their enviroment grows, then in theory there are no limit how complex they can be. I am agree from the biochemistry point of view. It does not work, you can imagine what would happen if relativity would still work inside; ignoring the quantum theory. That is what all scientist do when they talk about wurm holes, FTL, black holes, etc. They ignore quamtum mechanics concecuences. And in those frames of reference they need to be take it into account. In the paper I guess you dint read the part when it said: "To clarify this possibility we suppose that BH interiors are described by the Kerr-Newman metric" EDIT: sorry, i will answer you later BRDAVIS.. a storm comming.
  4. This is a story based off Kethane mining on other planets as from the perspective of Jeb wrote in first person format. Chapter one: The start "I cannot sleep! That drill running all night making such a racket!" I rant talking to myself, "Plus there is no one to talk to! Mission control is boring as a SRB with a seat on it!" I look around and realize just how small and cramped this MK1 pod really is! "Jeb to mission control over." "Mission control here go ahead Jeb." "The tanks are 75 percent full, the battery is running low and I've went 2 days without sleep can we just shut the drills off and call this mission complete? Over." "Negative Jeb, this is the last Kethane pocket on Minmus you fill those tanks up you get a year long vacation in Southern Kerbin! Over." I cut the radio as I sit and debate on what to do. If I pack up now I tick off Mission Control and have to come back. If I tough it out, and wait for the tanks to top off I get a year long vacation and I can be done with this dreaded planet. Seems like an obvious logical decision, to stay problem is if hose batteries run dry then the heater goes out and I freeze to death in this tin can! If only it was the bright side of Minmus and I didn't have to rely on these blasted batteries. I reach over to a storage compartment to grab a snack bar, as I take my first bight it has a sweet taste with a little bit of salt. I quickly finish it to suit up for an EVA and go check on the drills. The drills occasionally jam up if a pocket of hard rock is hit, if this happens a Kerbanaught must go and free the drill. As I open the hatch and climb down the ladder I switch on my head lamp and begin to descend to the green ground. I suddenly feel the vibrations of the drill stop, I look down only to see the drill no longer working. I continue to climb down the ladder and walk beside the drill, only to find that it is not jammed, everything is in working order. "Mission Control to Jeb, we have a red light saying the drills have stopped, everything alright? Over." "I am not sure, I am outside and checking on them, they seem to be fine, they should still be working. Over." Chapter Two: The strange I look down in the hole where the drill was and see a glowing light, I quickly climb back up the ladder to the capsule to get out a remote controlled probe to go down in the hole. "Mission control, a strange glowing light is coming from the drill hole, preparing to send a probe down to investigate. Over" I drop the probe down the hole and start feeding cable down with it as it slowly descends into the extremely radiant hole. I turn the camera on and begin watching threw the live feed from the probe, as it gets closer to the source I see a ball, a shimmering orange ball of fire. I lower it father and check the depth meter on the probe. "Uh..." I pause as I look again at the screen trying to figure out what I see, "Mission control, it appears we have drilled into the center of Minmus. over" "What? Jeb are you sure? That is impossible, the core is molten rock and it would be spraying up like a volcano visible from Kerbin with the naked eye. Over" "Yes I'm sure but something strange is going on, there is a massive gap between the crust and the core. I am not sure how the planet is being held together with this empty void between the two. Over" "Roger, pull the probe out and old tight, we are preparing a resupply mission and a special team of geologists to come to your location. Over" I cut the mic off and sigh, and begin complaining to myself as I pull the probe out, and pack it back up. Luckily though the electricity should last longer now that the drills are off, hopefully long enough until the resupply ship gets here. I climb up the ladder and open the heavy air tight hatch, and heave the heavy case of the probe inside and back under the seat where it belongs. Quickly I proceed to climb back into my seat and get this bulky suit off and get into so more comfortable clothing and try to finally get some sleep with those drills quiet! I awake to the sound of my radio, "Jeb get up! The geologists are about 15 minutes away from landing at your location! Over." "Yeah yeah I hear ya!" I rub the sand out of my eyes and yawn as I try to stretch in the cramped cockpit. "Hmm, wonder what the egg head geologists will think of that mess down below..." I wonder to myself as I begin putting my EVA suit back on. End of Chapter two, questions or comments? Look down below! Stay tuned for chapter three! Chapter Three: The strange...er I open that hatch and step foot onto the ladder when I look beside my lander and see the geologists touching down. I stand still as I watch the lander's engines shutting off, suddenly the hatch flies open and a Kerbal steps out onto the ladder, quickly sending me a wave I hear, "Hey Jeb! Long time no see huh?" I become frozen, not able to wave back or say a word as I realize it was Bill, "Jeb, you alright over there?" He asks while walking towards my lander, the sunlight gleaming off of his helmet visor. "Bill? I thought you died back when we were still using the Buran?" I ask him. "That old thing? Haha no UKKR (USSR reference) wanted to stage all that, spies and stuff like that. Of course none of that is important right now, take me to that hole you were talking about." I finally climb off the lander and step onto the surface of Minmus as my feet leave light foot print marks in the dirt behind me. I kneel down at the hole, "Bill, here it is, see that glow? I lowered the probe in and seen a massive empty space between the crust and the molten core, I don't know whats going on." He walks over to his lander, I look towards it as the sun shimmers off the fuel tanks and blinds me temporarily. He returns very soon after I regain my sight with a small probe and begins to lower it into the hole. "Well this is unusual..." He pauses as Bill continues to look through the camera of the probe, "I've never heard of anything like this. In theory this planet should collapse on its self and possibly what ever is left would crash into Kerbin!". "Whoa, what? Why hasn't it?" I reply while also looking at the camera. "I'm not sure." Bill changes the camera to night vision and its glowing bright because of the bright glow of the enormous core, but traces of a gas that glowed black would pass infront of the camera from time to time. Suddenly the ground starts shaking and a massive explosion rocks the ground as I look up and see dust flying a couple miles away on the north face of Mt. Minmisia. "Bill go! Get to your lander and go!" I order Bill as he gets up and leaves the probe and runs as fast as his clunky suit will allow him. I take off but as soon as I stand up another enormous explosion rocks the ground and sends me back to my knees as rocks begin falling all around me I quickly get back up and run to my lander. I grab the metal ladder rungs and quickly feel a tremendous heat through my suit, almost unbearable. Once I'm through open the hatch and climb in I don't worry about taking off my EVA suit, I fire the engines up and jam throttle to full while I see a cloud coming over me and Bill's lander taking off into the distance. Chapter Four: The Krackalac I look out the hatch window once I am above the planet and I see a long brown tentacle shooting out of the hole where the massive explosion came from. "Bill, can you hear me?" I shout over the radio with adrenaline obvious in my voice. "Yeah, what do you see?" He replies back in a much calmer tone then myself. "I see the Kracken!" The tentacle reaches out and grabs onto the ground around the hole and begins pulling chunks of the ground into the molten core, brights flashes ensue every time another chunk goes in. "Jeb, I've contacted mission control. They want one of us to send our ship into it." I hear bill say over the radio, sounding a bit distressed over the order. "I'll do it. You got more to live for once you get back then I do." I hear his voice start to break as I reflect on all the things we've done together before, all the missions we've flown, all the times we almost died on reentry. "Bill don't! You can climb into my craft and we can send yours in remotely!" I suggest. "No Jeb, this is personal, don't you remember what happened to Bob? A routine mission and the Kracken got him. I will not let anymore of my brothers in flight die!" He replies in a overly dramatic tone. I see a little shimmer in the distance infront of my craft as the sun reflects off of the metal. The little craft quickly becomes bigger and bigger as it speeds towards and eventually past me towards the planet. I watch out the hatch window as the exhaust from the engine becomes smaller and dimmer until all I see is a small explosion. The tentacle flies back deep inside the planet as I try to reach Bill on the radio but all I hear is static. Chapter Five: Bill? Bill! Answer me! "Mission control, Jeb here over." I say over the radio as I look back at Minmus. "Mission control, go ahead Jeb." I hear come back into my ear piece. "We lost bill..." I pause as my eyes become watery. "We saw this thing coming out of the planet and Bill said he had to finish it once and for all." "Jeb, what are you talking about?" "The Kracken was inside the planet and we pissed it off! It came after us with its tentacles and Bill flew his ship into the heart of the best!" Anger takes the place of grief. I look back and see a massive hold in the side of the planet as the core shines out, my admiring of the planet is cut short by a transmission from Mission Control. "Jeb get back here! Get on a reentry path and get over here ASAP! Are we clear?" I hear mission control demand. "Yeah you're clear." I burn progrode to escape Minmus's sphere of influence and quickly swing the craft around and begin the long boring burn to reenter Kerbin's atmosphere. I look out the hatch window and realize how lucky I am to be alive. My lander was sitting literally just meters away from the Kracken. It could have reached up and snatched me at any minute! I struggle to keep my eyes open and quickly there after fall asleep. "JEB! Jeb can you hear me? Decouple the stage and activate the parachute!" I awaken to the sounds of mission control screaming. I look over at the hatch window and see red reentry trails, then to the altimeter reading 20km. My mind races as adrenaline starts pumping through my body like oil in an engine. I reach over the hit the parachute button, I feel a sudden jolt as the chute partially deploys as it should. I reach over and look for the red handle that drops the lander and leaves only the pod in case of an emergency. I look but I don't see it, altimeter says only 12km left! Finally I look up and see it and give it a pull, I hear the sound of sepatrons firing as they force the stage away from the pod and another jolt as the parachute slows the pod with less weight not pulling it down. "Jeb, all systems are go, prepare for splashdown and recovery by USKS Red October." (((Side story note: USKS Stands for United Soviet Kerbal States.))) "Copy that Mission Control!" I reply as I descend towards the ocean. The pod shakes and I hear water rushing over hatch as I see water out the window, soon after I hear a Kerbal walking on the pod and then the hatch opens! Fresh air inters the pod and it smells amazing! I get out and stand on the rescue boat I look up and see the Mun, but I also see another planet that is only half the size of the Mun. I quickly realize its Minmus. (((Minmus being normaly barely visible from ground at Kebin.))) Hey guys! Just wondering, would some of you please just at least make a comment sometimes after reading if you enjoy this story? I don't want to have to keep bumping it everytime I add a new chapter just because mods don't like bumping and double posting too much! thanks!
  5. Then again, you are using tilting engines from the B9 pack, while we are talking stock with additional engines just for vertical flight, and in that case jets become prohibitely heavy, and even rockets are a burden for high gravity places. Your craft would be best compared to a tailsitter, and then it's perfectly doable, as you say. But not what we talk about. Rune. I have my own B9 VTOL cargo SSTO, BTW .
  6. You could also try something else: ask them if the have any restriction on the payload(apart the size and the weight of course) but don't talk about the bus. Maybe they think that you aren't serious because you asked them if they would launch a bus. Also,providing a link could be a good idea but I doubt that the person who answer the mails will take the time to follow the link. Even if he did, I would be surprised if he take the time to read the posts; however, if we are lucky, that person coupd be a KSP player!
  7. When they talk about fuel removal in Fukushima they are referring to the 4 spent fuel pools, not the 3 molten cores. The fuel rods in those pools are undamaged.
  8. What is the KSP effect we talk about, how stages kind of compresses during launch or re-ignite? Or telescoping where the bottom stage pass trough upper stage blowing both part up.
  9. You can only make newsreaders talk at your direction when they're angrily yelling. a cure for artists block
  10. Square-Cube Rule: As size increases, force capable of being exerted by the object increases squared, weight increases cubed. Good luck supporting your own weight. The ability to control which direction newsreaders are looking when they talk. to whoever gets the reference.
  11. I'm think we are need to talk with CSS creator. The CSS mod is great but it has 2 general bugs : the cargo bay closed in VAB And SPH and the aerodynamic bugs (he should fix it because in atmosphere the shuttle is unstable . I'm think the making of shuttle is really hard work
  12. Ok, i will try to be more specific this time. Lets discuss. - Experiments taking time to complete If we talk about 10 seconds I dont see the problem, but what different it makes if is 10 seconds or just instant? If is 1 day or 1 year in one place or orbit, then you will press start experiment follow of timewarp key and stop the timewarp in the right moment. This will become in a common mechanic for everything that you do.. Press start, timewarp, stop. If you have the same commands over and over to do one task then you can simplify that task avoiding the common procedure in each action. I know that wait a specific time brings some realism to the gameplay, but when you have to do it in a mechanical way over and over it becomes tedious, so that is a sign that can be avoided. Rocket fabrication taking time same here. Economics? Any economic mechanics that uses time it will break any balance with timewarp. Missions: If you need to wait time to complete some procedures then you will realize that the best way to deal with that is parallel procedures and missions. So your brain needs to focus in different missions-procedures at the same time. Of course this adds realism but also becomes very annoying. I personally like focus at one mission at the time. We are not NASA, a group of hundreds of people which each one focus in their own tasks. If these it would be a multiplayer coperative game without timewarp mechanic, then all of this would make more sense.
  13. Now that there's talk about balancing, a rebalance of the Orbital Bertha would be in order. It has a high amount of thrust, very high Isp and weighs only slightly more than a poodle. It doesn't have any gimballing, but that doesn't really matter in space anyway. I think that its thrust should be reduced to about half of what it is now. EDIT: Oh, and that pod looks great so far.
  14. Just a little poll, i wanna see where people come from. Please don't talk about how one country is better than another, we're all equally awesome here. Sorry i couldn't include some of the smaller countries, the poll options only allow for 10 choices. If you are from a country not on this poll, don't be afraid to post where you're from.
  15. It is possible to talk to a C DLL from a C# DLL. The modder who did KerbComAvionics did just that (there's a C DLL "lpsolve.dll" included in the package). You can look at the source for that mod to see what you have to do in the C# DLL to load it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29387-0-21-x-KerbCom-Avionics-0-3-0-6-Alpha-%2829-August%29-now-with-video%21?highlight=kerbcomavionics You would have to cross compile the C DLL to support multiple platforms (mac / Linux / windows).
  16. If you need big tanks to go with your RCS thrusters, you're most likely actually using them wrong. And if you're referring to the arcjet, it's neither an ion engine, nor shaped like a "You know what," unless you mean it in the vaguest meaning possible, in which case you've been playing with Cigars ever since you pressed 'play' and should really have a talk with a bearded man named 'Sigmund.'
  17. Well, here's the problem as I see it. Each of those wings from the OP has a lift rating of 38.18. Unless he's using clipping, That's 38.18 x 6 = 230ish. Now, if you're attempting this stock, to get the same lift, you'd need 230 wing connectors. ummmm no. Now, I've got an eternal flying going stock with 71 parts but not without SAS running. So, you want a leader board, talk to the OP about what it takes to do this. --Edit-- Oh, I was so gullible to believe this. I feel like a noob. See my next post.
  18. Fractal, to break away from the bug talk for a moment: Have to given any thought to a steam-based RCS system? Bring along a tank of water and heat a small amount to high temperature and let it escape from an RCS nozzle like a propellant. Could use thermal power from a generator to do so. Normal RCS blocks use a monopropellant like hydrogen peroxide passing through a catalyst mesh to produce steam and oxygen via chemical decomposition, but this could be a neat tie-in with your reactor system and refill-able anywhere water can be found. (or anywhere you could get hydrogen and oxygen to combine)
  19. I'm sure it'd be possible to write up papers so that only property/equipment is insured, with the pilot signing whatever needs to be signed to wave it. There is simply no way to impose regulations preventing this by law in United States. Of course, if SpaceX flat out refuses to launch a manned mission without certification, that's their right. Can we maybe talk to the Russians about launching with their rocket? A launch from Baikonur can put the bus on the rendezvous orbit with ISS. I don't think they'd let it get anywhere close to docking, but it'd be fun just to fly-by and flash the lights at them. I'd also honk the horn. They wouldn't be able to hear it, but I'd do it anyways.
  20. I found this picture while looking up "short bus" on Urban Dictionary... Maybe you guys could talk to the owner?
  21. That looks really neat! Love the orange talk battery on top. Could you list which mods and part packs you used?
  22. You'll have to use the Infernal Robotics plugin to make this work. Go talk to Sirkut.
  23. My long history of schooling: (note that the following is my history. I'm not necessarily proud or ashamed of it, but it's what happened [or as best as I can remember]) I started out (as far as I can remember, it's hard to be sure when your best source is your six year old self) going to a private school that used a weird system called the Montessori method. Essentially, kids were allowed to sort of pick learning activities and learn at their own pace. It was structured completely differently than any sort of school I've ever seen before or since. (this was approximately kindergarten thru first grade, although it's a bit fuzzy, both because of my lack of memory of it and because of the weirdness of the system) Next up, I started going to good 'ole fashioned American public school (in second grade, I think). I remember being light-years ahead of most of my classmates in a lot of subjects, and slightly behind in others. I also remember this being the most miserable time for me emotionally (largely due to a lot of other factors in my life at the time.) After that I went to a Christian private school. Naturally, we were all taught the Bible and that evolution was a big fat lie, but mostly we learned about how to do math, write proper sentences, histories of people in far away places (which bored us), the history of how our nation became [sarcasm] the greatest in the WORLD!! [/sarcasm] (which we enjoyed), and how cells work and plant reproduce and the like. In other words, we learned what other kids were learning, plus the Bible, minus evolution (well, we were taught about evolution, mostly how big of a lie it was). Of note here is that while we always heard about how "schools around the county had such terrible bullying problems", we didn't have any. Like, none. Pretty much all the time, we just got along. There were, I think, two reasons for this, one being that there were so very few of us to begin with (I think there were about five people in my grade, although we shared a classroom with two other grades), and the other was that that meant that the staff were able to much more effectively deal with problems that arose. Oh, and we got spankings, I mean actual physical spankings that hurt, when we did something bad enough (they had to have forms signed by the parents to do this. In my family, the rule was that if you got one at school, you were going to get another one at home. So, yeah...) I went here from about the second half of second grade thru fourth grade. Then, I was home-schooled for fifth and sixth grade. Not much to report here, except that I was really lonely. Also, I did a lot of goofing off and got all those weird looks at the supermarket that everybody talks about. After that I went to a different Christian school. This one was a lot like the other one except for a few differences. It was slightly bigger. It had closer ties to it's associated church, but wasn't any more or less religiously focused. It was structured more like a traditional school, whereas the other one had a "learning center" structure. I attended seventh thru twelfth grade here and learned [opinion]that you don't have to completely give up on religion to be a scientist[/opinion] This is my true story. My personal opinions are labeled as such, the opinions of those who have taught me are labeled as such, and I hope you have found it informative and interesting, and most of all, I dare you to find someone with a more complicated educational background than me. (most people I talk to have done one or two of the schooling types I mention here, but not all of them) Have a nice day/night! [p.s. This is kind of something that I have been wanting to get off my chest for a while, so... yeah.]
  24. Presumably the oxidation of the dirt in the dirty snowball as it burns up. (go to 2 hours and 6 mins to 2 hrs 12 mins) to hear the SDO guys talk about oxygen.
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