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  1. Land on Eve and form a community V I need help: I did this challenge and it worked, I landed on Eve and made a community. So you can! All you need is: a multi-staged rocket and a kerbal to fly it. Make it bigger and bigger and keep expanding. (If you want to you can show me your pictures in the comments!)
  2. Hi all. I found several places involving Storms on various mods and EVE threads, but I haven't been able to find an up-to-date mod adding storms or aby EVE tutorials regarding this. If anyone knows how I could approach this I would be overjoyed. Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi guys! I'm trying to land on Eve and refueling there with ore from de surface. But I don't know why, while entering atmosphere (at 80k meters aprox) my two 'Drill-O-Matic' Mining Excavator overheat and explode, making the rocket unable to refuel. Here's a picture of the rocket, does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks! http://imgur.com/IocxELw
  4. So, I've installed a compilation of graphic mods that I found on the forum somewhere, which included custom EVE and textures files. I played with it a bit and didn't like it, so I deleted everything and put back my old folders. Despite this, my career save still uses the old configs that I've deleted. My sandbox save loads everything fine. So I tried deleting all mods, then loading my save to reset everything back to stock graphics. It worked, so I saved the game, closed it, put back all the mods. After all of this, it's still using the EVE configs and the textures that I'm trying to get rid of. Is there anything I can try, or is my save broken forever?
  5. Eve SpnKr II Hello KSP community I have come out of retirement of this game to create a new ship for landing and returning from Eve! One that that has always irked me with KSP is the lack of Eve landers (most likely due to the difficulty of landing on the planet). Another thing that has always bothered me is when people have built vessels needed to be launched from 7-8,000km above sea level. Realistically, I don't see someone sending living beings (kerbals) to another planet with a ship that won't be able to return if it lands off of it's target (which is very plausible with 1.0 now). I have built a vessel to solve all of these problems and more. using a series of aerospike engines with mainsail engines for initial take off, I have created a ship capable of landing at sea level on Eve and returning safely to orbit. After it gets off the ground, decouplers eject all of the parachutes, spare batteries, landing gears, and more safely from the vessel. The ship must be flow straight up the entire flight until 45-60km a gravity turn could be cautiously done. I also never go at full thrust as the ship wants to burn up and also causes aerodynamic issues, especially when ejecting the mainsail engines. This ship has a lot of YouTube Preview: https://youtu.be/FG9irV0ZJ74 Note: okay dumb video got corrupted (I'm actually REALLY furious it's screwed up!), but here is the first couple minutes of landing and launch (it's still uploading but should be done soon). It did in fact make it to orbit though successfully. I'll see if I can make another one later at lower quality so I can record the whole thing. Link to craft file: http://www.filedropper.com/evespnkrii Sorry if these are supposed to be uploaded somewhere else - apparently the forum isn't allowing me to upload files. I seen an issue on another thread about posting file sharing sites but I don't know where else to post it. Edits/Testing I have not built a launch vessel yet to take this from Kerbin to Eve but plan on doing so soon (I've been using hyperedit for testing now). I also did one reentry test with heat shields attached to all the rocket engines and it made it successfully, although I think I'm going to have to move the battery packs into a storage bay as they currently burn up in re-entry. I'm also thinking of adding more parachutes. Right now it descends at 5.2k/ms and sometimes this causes the landing legs to sometimes go through the surface (I party blame Squad for not fixing that issue yet). As long as there is some space between the surface/engines usually launch doesn't have any problems.
  6. Kerbin-Minmus-Eve-Kerbin spaceplane (TAC-LS version, Stock version) <200 tonn can fly & ride on Eve, place probe on Eve orbit, and leave fuel-rover on Eve... I don't know how to insert save files here...so you can find it in Russian website (big green button for download) http://kerbalspace.ru/sandbox/sohraneniya-ksp/sohraneniya-samoletov-sandbox/5122-eve-lution-evo-lyuciya-kosmoplan-na-evu-i-obratno.html#comment-id-80251
  7. My situation: I've accepted contracts to perform experiments on the surface of Eve. As career players know these sort of contracts require you to visit several small areas in a cluster while carrying a specific piece of equipment. Thus you need to not only land on the planet but aim your landing, and then travel horizontally somehow. Of course the easy method is to install the right mod, or build a tiny rover, but here at KSP we don't do things because they're easy. So I've designed a high lift rocket powered aircraft. I've tested on Kerbin, but not Eve. To be honest although I've logged many hours in KSP I have yet to fly an aircraft to or on another planet. The high gravity of Eve and Jool multiply your weight, and thus the needed lift and thus presumably the size of your wings. In addition you can't use jet engines. Though any rocket plane will still have less range than the equivalent jet plane, or a plane using a electric engine from a mod. Eve has a notoriously thick atmosphere which I believe will increase the lift provided by the wings, but also increase drag, making high speed travel impractical. Though I do believe a slower craft with an excessive number of wing parts could maximize the advantage of lift and minimize the disadvantage of drag. A rocket powered craft should glide most of the time, and only use low throttle bursts to maintain speed without losing altitude, and also during take off and turns. On Duna, I am guessing the reverse would be true. There will be low drag, but also low lift. You could compensate with extra wings, but I would imagine a better solution would be to throttle up your rocket engines and travel at high speed in a quasi-ballistic arc. The orbit line need not reach your destination, but you ought to travel fast enough to make it visible. High speed increases lift which will help you stay aloft, but you will still be burning plenty of rocket fuel. Stopping might be tricky, but will either require excessive parachutes or excessive turning ability. Laythe, so I've read, makes flyign easy. With low gravity, and a similar atmosphere anything that can fly on Kerbin will fly better on Laythe. Jool would be similar to Eve except that landing is obviously not an option, and returning from low altitude flights is barely an option. On a related note, how does one deliver a flyer into space in the first place? The most obvious answer is to make a capable space plane, but I don't have to in game technology or the personal KSP experience for a space plane, and I don't want to borrow someone else's design. Straping two planes to a mother ship is easy enough, but launching it from the KSC launch pad seem to require that the drag producing wings are near the bottom, but also requires that it can jettison stages at various points in flight without anything impacting the wings, which ofcourse extend fairly far. With nuclear engines, a sufficiently large mothership can make the journey and drop off the flyers at low orbit, though I wonder if there are any tricks for staying intact on the way down. Obviously I am most interested in the situation I've described but I also wanted to open up to discussion to flight that utilizes the atmosphere of other planets, and also getting an aircraft from the KSC to another planet.
  8. Hello everyone! This is a Mission Idea within a heavily modded savefile I have been working on for a couple of days now. A Word file can be found here: http://1drv.ms/1KBCe7R Or you read it right here! As of now, I am far out of reach of any KSP capable PC, and therefore created a Mission Assembly Document. Anyways, I would really like to hear your feedback about the proposed mission! Cheers!
  9. This one is close to impossible. Here is the deal: You need to go to Every single planet and moon In RSS. ( Exept Jool. So YES. You do need to go to Eve. ) Rules: You are allowed to assemble your ship in space. You must check you have an orbital velocity around Kerrin of around 7000 m/s You have a time limit of 175 years. Mods that are acceptable... Docking port allinment indicator. KW Rocketry SSTU FTmN Nuclear rockets FASA Spice Launch systems RSS Deadly reentry Rastor prop monitor KER Realisim overhual. Spacex Lunch systems ( Anyone. I know there are different mods but with the same title.) You may suggest any other mods and questions are not to big or small. Anyone who actually gives me visual aids of them completing it, ( A video would be greatly appreciated ) I will follow them on their account! Good luck!!
  11. Well I'm uploading a video of me soon of me doing a flyby of eve.
  12. (Note, this is still in v 1.04) Proving that what goes to Eve does not have to stay on Eve, I set about to make a not-entirely-stock Eve lander for my developing fleet of interplanetary ships. It may not be the best design, but I did successfully make and test a (rocket) vehicle that can leave the Purple Ball O' Doom, without being too big or tall. This is a "final" revision of my third design, meant to take a Mk 1 lander can down and back up. To make EVA easier without putting a zillion ladders on, I put a Mk 2 lander can at the very bottom to act as an EVA "elevator", i.e.transfer the Kerbal down and up. Could have used another Mk 1, but I wanted a bigger attachment node for the 5m stack separator. It also meant that the main stage is purely radial engines, with no central one; the central and outer tanks feed the inner engines. The pics combine two separate tests (used HyperEdit), the entry phase from the previous revision and the landing/launch from the final version. The only things different between the two ships was that the four Kiwi retro-burn engines (from Space Y) were replaced with a single Mainsail below the heat shield, a Mainsail replaced the 8 Swivels in the middle stage, plus 8 active winglets were added, and more fuel was added to the main stage. I had thought the Kiwis could perform as descent engines to slow down the final few meters, but they did nothing and still ended up using 4 of the main engines, so I ditched them. I made the changes to the middle stage after it kept flipping out after staging. I wanted to keep both the middle and upper stage short, so either the Mainsail and/or winglets proved to be the solution. The main engines are 8 Ratites from Space Y, a 2.5m engine with more thrust than a Rhino, especially at low altitudes (Rhinos proved to be useless on Eve). Less efficient too, but that's not I needed for the first stage of an Eve ascent vehicle. Most of the main stage tanks are from Fuel Tanks Plus, the 3/4 and 1.5x versions of the standard orange tank. Added some stock Rockomax tanks as needed. Main chutes are 2.5m Mk16 XLs plus 8 radial drogue ones. The big radial decouplers with built-in sepratons are also from Space Y (those things are so cool and useful!). And the heat shield is a Tweakscaled 5m one from Space Y (not sure if it mattered) up to 20m size--no problems with heat there! Middle stage as noted is a Mainsail on a Rockomax -32 tank with 8 radial FL-T400 tanks. Upper stage is a FL-T400 with 4 -200s and 4 1.25m Poodles (used Tweakscale), they have a mass of .377 and 45 kN of thrust. Thought about using aerospikes but wanted something with thrust vectoring and lower mass. The upper stage has an RCS fuel tank from FTP and 4 quad thrusters. And of course I put MechJeb on it, though I only used it to hold pro/retrograde, not to land or launch. The landing struts are LT-2s upsized 300% mounted on 200% pocket I-beams. Several 2.5m reaction wheels are in the ship, with main power from 4 200% size RTGs Not sure what was going on with the landing struts on the landing (broken? glitch?) but the ship was stable and took off fine. Went into a polar orbit since that was how it came in--wanted to land on, well, land and not in the sea. Started at relatively low altitude too, 654m ASL (heh, the previous test landed in the Highlands ). Ended up with over 1150 m/s DV left after the circularization burn. The first version of the lander included a top-docked rover, my latest "mega mini" type, the plan being to transfer the scientist Kerbal from the ship to the rover after then pop off the rover before landing and have it drive back to the ship, visiting several biomes on the way That proved to be successful, so I stopped bothering to include it on later versions. I might even change the plan to land the rover separately, or even several rovers...but that would require a 2 or 3-Kerbal version of the ship...guess what will be next?
  13. Right now i'm doing a Elcano challenge on Eve and ill have to get back somehow. I Have no idea what to do. I tried looking for 1.0.5 Eve returns but I couldn't find anything. And i apparently need about 8500 dv. How will I sheild it though reentry? How do i launch it to Eve? I need you guys to help me on this one. I really appreciate the help.
  14. I have decide to do a eve circumnavigation . Hopefully all goes well for me! So for I have done minus and kerbin challnges and now im going for eve. I will be doing a polar Circumnavigation. I have made a rover that can go at about 20m/s and can go at 4x warp. It is going to be a challenge to get jeb home though. Once I complete this I would the first person to do both Eve and kerbin and that's cool. I would a map like my kerbin challenge but I cant find a eve map. LEG ONE Today I just launched the rover to Eve. The reentry at eve was bit hairy. I lost about half of my ablator but I landed ok. After a little testing on the surface everything deemed to work good. I plan to put flags every 50KM. Have some pics! LEG TWO Today I have started to real progress. Right now im beside a mountain range. I tried to drive form the IVA view but its really hard to drive. The rover starts to bug out at 4x warp but 3x works fine. According to my research it will take me 88 flags to plant, so about 4400km. Most of these shots are beauty shots but there still good. LEG THREE It seems like I get 4 flags each day and I have to plant 88 flags. If I do 4 flags everyday it will take me 22 days to complete. But ill more time on the weekend. I've been looking at the other side of the planet and found.... a ocean! I didn't see that and now ill have to navigate a bunch little islands but I will be fine. At one point today I was at 35m/s! But besides that once again everything pretty much normal. I heard the sunets on Eve are green so that will look pretty. LEG FOUR I made some real progress this leg. The one bad thing about doing a polar circumnavigation is when you drive around the poles it gets dark. I'm a little surprised I have broke any wheels yet. I found this map I can use for eve so you guys can see my progress. The land on Eve is pretty tame, I thought it would be bumpier but its not. LEG FIVE This was a nightmare. This is why it took so dang long to do. Have you every been to poles? They are absolutely horrible. There are lines of mountains and valleys with like 90 degree angles. My wheels wanted to go backwards without me touching the keyboard.!! Sometimes the rover just fell apart for no reason. NEVER GO TO THE NORTHPOLE, YOU WILL DIE HORRIBLY. I had to reload so many times. I really hope the south pole is better. Now some of you might wonder where the map is. I removed because I cant figure out where I am on the map. Now you guys can get some pictures of my nightmare. Hope you like them. hahahaha LEG SIX I/m still getting those mountains and valleys. Looks likes its about to end now, thank god. But I didn't get much driving done this leg . Im now driving along the ocean coast. LEG SEVEN I'm now in these chain of islands that I have to navigate now. I have left all of those valleys and mountains and that's great. LEG EIGHT I have planted 34 flags now so I am about halfway. I almost went down the wrong path that lead to a dead-end. There are some big mountains up ahead and that cant be good. I have a question for you guys, Do you like lots of pictures or fewer pictures. Please tell me down below! LEG NINE Turns out that climbing mountains is fun! Turns out those mountains where fun. At the tops of the mountains I planted a flag. I even got to 50 M/s going downhill! LEG TEN I am now sadly leavening the mountain range. Remember at poles I had the phantom force? It was back for couple minutes but after that it was fine. I planted a couple new Flags on tops of mountains. I got up to 60 M/S going downhill. I was really surprised it didn't go out of control.
  15. Hello Kerbonauts! Today I am starting an expedition to Eve! I first sent up the Original Four up, each on a separate rocket (because reasons). I really want to post pics, but I can't get image uploading to work :(. Could someone tell me how they do it? Anyhow, they're transfer burns are complete, and they're heading for Eve!
  16. So, just a quick thing, is there a atmosphere pack for EVE that doesn't use scatterer and is compatible with 1.0.5? It must still retain atmospheric scattering effect. I know that most of you are going to point to the 1.0.5 patch for Astronomers V2, but even on the lowest settings and with ATM it still crashes my computer. That's all.
  17. Hola. The Eve Rocks Challenge is, sadly, no more. Here's a "just for fun" yardstick for 1.05 - fly a crewed mission to Eve, bring the crew home. No Interstellar/near future mods, and you do have to fly it, so no Hyperedit (you'll note I managed to disqualify myself thanks to an OBS glitch - thankfully I had Hyperedit handy from testing lander prototypes). Hop out, plant a flag, get back in and go home. Really, though, this is just for fun and before Porkjet's new inflatable heat shield arrives and makes this so much easier. I assume. It may not? Anyway, wow us all with your awesome designs for Eve landers. I went for "over-engineered to the brink of disaster" mode. So my normal method. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1528MDIGBU As per request, badges below if you like. To get one, post an image or video showing your mission from launch to return. It'll be on the honor system - if you feel like you've earned it, grab a badge.
  18. Hello fellow kerbonauts! Full-time career player here. So, some of you may already be aware of my thread about leaving Kerbin more seriously and actually approaching a real, mostly successful mission beyond the Kerbin system. You can find it here. Unfortunately, after my first stage of operations, it has slowed down a lot, and at the time I didn't have as great of technology (So I only had two things deployed to the Duna SOI at the time). Since then, I've been doing more research farming Minmus and Mun, and with about 80% of my tech tree completed, I decided to take the opportunity of the transfer Window between Eve and Kerbin. This time, I had just unlocked the Nervs, and I was super excited to try them out. As you can see, I had spent nearly 1 million funds to deploy that Flotilla, as I was very excited to meet Eve. Kerbal Alarm Systems was my best friend. Shortly before the transfer window, I was testing out the nuke on an Evian Exploration Vessel, which also carried three kerbals. I decided to Refuel a little and mine on Minmus, and after 40 some kerbal days, the transfer was on the Horizon. I had sent my first Kerbals beyond the Kerbin system for the very first time. I felt a little scared for them, but I knew at this stage I wasn't going to Land on Eve. I first wanted to establish an orbital station and a mining operation.
  19. Pood's OPM-VO (Outer Planets Mod - Visual Overhaul) Latest Release - v.0.3.5 "The Matoro" Pre-Release Beta - 23rd Sept. 17 Due to some users having issues with compatibility, please find below a list of the dependencies and the current builds used to run OPM-VO. Please ensure that you are running at least these versions of the dependencies or later releases: Dependencies: EVE: https://github.com/WazWaz/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/download/EVE-1.2.2-1/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements- (Release build 1.2.2-1) Scatterer: https://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer/download/0.0320b (Release build 0.0320b) Kopernicus: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/download/release-1.3.1-3/Kopernicus-1.3.1-3.zip (Release build 1.3.1-3) Module Manager: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/releases (Get latest release build) Outer Planets Mod: https://github.com/Galileo88/OPM_Galileo/releases/download/1.2.4/OPM_Galileo.v1.2.4.zip (Unofficial KSP 1.3.1 build 1.2.4) Suggested Mods: Stock Visual Enhancements: https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases/latest - Galileo and I work together to ensure our mods are compatible and SVE gives the stock planets great atmospheric and visual effects. Stock Visual Terrain: https://github.com/Galileo88/Stock-Visual-Terrain/releases/latest - The texture pack that's built alongside SVE to make the stock bodies look amazing. -------------------------------------------------------- For all information regarding downloading/installing/using/licensing etc. for this mod, please refer to the Readme. This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. For a more comprehensive version checking experience, please download the KSP-AVC Plugin. Changelog: v0.3.4 - 08th Apr. 17 - Edited Tekto's & Urlums EVE cloud layers slightly, amended SVE integration due to SVE's new file structure and added in Kopernicus' new Ring Shader effects for all bodies (if Jool rings are present, they are maintained). Kopernicus' Ring Shader update is not incorporated in the latest Kopernicus release yet, however, the patch can be downloaded here to be installed into your Kopernicus directory: https://mega.nz/#!vUowhKgB!PAIeK8M1KlBOXhcBNglxGTq6MzSiqFxF27fAXYOD8_w v0.3.3 - 02nd Apr. 17 - Added Sigma OPM-Tilt support, slight change to Urlum's rim exposure and now leveraging SVE's cloud detail textures if SVE is installed, if not, uses own placeholder texture as before. v0.3.2 - 01st Apr. 17 - Forgot to render Tekto's oceans... doh! Ocean shaders on Tekto have been enabled by adjusting Ocean Alpha values. v0.3.1 - 01st Apr. 17 - Fixed scatterer's configs so they play well with other mods and don't repeatedly add OPM body configs to other body's ones. v0.3.0 - 30th Mar. 17 - KSP 1.2.2 Compatibility update. v0.2.0 - 8th May. 16 - Rebuilt from ground up for KSP 1.1.2; Thatmo work has not been included. v0.1.2 - 11th Jan. 16 - Included support for OPM Tilt and Kopernicus Expansion. Compatibility with KSPRC has been fixed by including updated pqs.cfg file for KSPRC (bundled in distribution). v0.1.1 - 8th Jan. 16 - Forgot to include Scatterer files within .zip (Doh!) v0.1.0 - 6th Jan. 16 - Initial Release - First GitHub commit & beta release --------------------- Original Initial Post: With the release of EVE for 1.0.5 and Scatterer gaining multi-planet support I decided to jump right in and start messing around with configs for OPM as I rarely play KSP without it. As the two mods are still very much in their infancy really with respect to 1.0.5 and their latest releases I am learning as I go and have never shown any of my previous tinkerings with EVE in the past on these forums (I used to run a modified AVP-I, AVP-EoO and KSPRC mashup in previous versions of KSP). I initally started working on Tekto as it has a pretty crazy atmosphere in OPM canon. Current progress can be seen here: I also have very hazy mist clouds rumbling over the lowlands that look a lot like heat haze up close. These are very much still WIP and I am still learning new tricks/techniques with EVE's new volumetric cloud options. The look I have gone for is a very chaotic, dense atmosphere that is suffering from a sever over abundance of a toxic gas that could be generated from underwater plant life or similar. After visiting MatoroIgnika's Twitch stream he commented to me that he loves Thatmo and how it should look like a Triton analog, so... next on to Thatmo! Like Triton, Thatmo has a very think atmosphere but it can be visualised from orbit. It is very hard to convey through screenshots but a very thin, wispy cloud cover has been added, viewable from orbit. Down on the moon's surface, clouds are visible somewhat more than they are from orbit purely for the fun aspect of actually seeing the atmosphere present. Triton's albedo coefficient is one of the highest in our whole solar system and so I decided to make Thatmo very reflective and bright to convey the shiny, ice like nature of the moon. Its pretty blinding down on the surface. As the surface of the moon is refracting light through its ice layers I have also introduced a chromatic aberration-like quality, visible when in orbit. Finally at this point I have been tinkering heavily with texture generation for Gas Giants (as OPM has 3 of them!) using curling noise for procedural fluid flow to try and create some really interesting base texture maps for the gas planets. It has been pretty laborious switching between Linux running the generations and Windows for Photoshop texturing (I don't like GIMP at all) but its getting a lot easier to manage now I am use to the process. I should be able to utilise this technique to also create completely procedural cloud texture maps also with a bit of work that could range from thick stormy stuff ala Venus down to very light, high atmo wisps. As you can see there are a lot of different style outcomes using the same texture by changing the input parameters. Let me know what you like and what you think would suit each gas planet as I can create a variety of effects. Generation takes around 20 minutes and then I have to wrap a cubemap back into an rectilinear texture for use within KSP. All of this is really in its infancy and I created this thread as a place to store my ongoing efforts whilst also being able to receive some feedback. Progress may come in fits and spurts around work; I get two weeks off over the Christmas period I may be able to cram a load of texturing in. Depending on how far I continue the final piece of the long-term puzzle would be re-texturing the base moon textures to hi-res variants. Feedback is greatly appreciated and any thoughts or critiques are appreciated, even though at the moment all you are able to look at is screenshots. Once things become more substantial I will upload configs and textures in a pack for testing out within KSP. At this point I will apply a suitable license. Update 12th Dec. 15 - Been doing a little tinkering to test some different variables in the texture generation and thought... "why not upload some short clips on Steamable?" So: Sarnus - Test WIP Neidon - Test WIP Update 3rd Jan. 16 - Porting Tekto to new EVE syntax. Fog on Tekto 1 - Showing fog and dust clouds at low level. Fog on Tekto 2 - Showing the post processing depth buffer level at low level. Update: 6th Jan. 16 - v0.1.0 Beta Release - Initial Release (see changelog for further updates) Whad'ya think?
  20. So, im trying to land on eve, but im having trouble, because i cant get my orbit to line up, because my periapsis is beneath eves orbit (see pic) pic [ATTACH=CONFIG]34887[/ATTACH] so i tried burning up, but that didnt bring up the periapsis, it only brought the orbit up half way between my apoapsis and my periapsis (see pic2) pic2 [ATTACH=CONFIG]34888[/ATTACH] which way do i burn to bring up the periapsis if im at the apoapsis (or near it)?
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