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  1. While trying to prevent my SSTO cockpit from burning away, I found out there are two types of reentry: Careful reentry like the shuttle does where you need to mind the reentry angle - too shallow and you burn up, too steep and you lithobrake/get torn apart Kerbal reentry - a reentry technique with as much chaotic movement as possible. The angle doesn't matter as your chaotic rotation will keep the heat evenly distributed and let parts cool off while they are occluded. A demonstration with FAR, no damage due to aerodynamic stresses, craft is kept cold, works in 100% of cases with no part loss: The actual rotation speed was about 1 rotation per 1-2 seconds. In shallow reentry angles, the cockpit kept going from 80% overheat to zero very rapidly but never overheated. Also note, that the wing surface is not below average so this type of renetry seems to work with FAR aerodynamic stress just fine. Of course this won't work with all types of craft but if you have problems with burning up during reentry, rotation may be the way to go.
  2. Ok, The image above has been photoshop'ed - original was too dark anyways... but anyhow - the ship itself is a real thing - it flies, not only that, it also makes it to orbit with fuel to spare and some payload to boot! Ironically, this is a first for me in KSP (see signature below for why this is ironic) Really, all my previous Kerbal spaceplanes were more or less death traps less-than-perfect pieces of machinery... This one, on the other hand has only cost the lives of about a dozen or so kerbals to become a veritable "ticket to space" deal for anyone willing to settle for a South-of-Unbelievable payload tonnage (w.r.t. what my usual rocket designs (aka: madness (yes, you are reading multiple nested parenthesis)) would allow) but 15 minutes after takeoff (a rather hair-raising experience, however little hair kerbonauts may have) it gets you this far: That is space! Sweet! - In fact it's a very precise 150x150km orbit, made possible by the tiny-but-trusty OMS thrusters you can see here above well... that and the SABRE-RAPIER combo I got mounted on that thing - But if those don't become the end of you, they're actually quite a nice ride Anyways - the murderous contraption SpacePlane has enough "hoomph" to get as high as Kerbosynchronous orbit is - That much we know from actual testing! It did indeed manage to fly there, even several less-capable versions ago... It only came short of some little details such as that whole "circularizing" thing, (which had the engines go "pffth") and afterwards, that pesky reentry deal didn't work too well either, as that cost us a couple of main elevators redundant control surfaces and brought about an unsurvivable supersonic nose-first crash uncomfortable emergency landing scenario... but that was only a test flight, the ship is clearly not meant to fly THAT high But to space, it does get you! - And after you get up there, there's science to do: It's equipped to handle the toughest conditions an addon-loaded space environment can throw at it - hazards include: - Deadly Reentry - RemoteTech2 - ECLSS - Engine Ignitor (not applicable here, tho - but the ship is equipped for rescue missions, if needed) - FAR - & whatnot... So there you have it: The WindStar SSTV EX-4A (Swift Space Transportation Vehicle; EXtended version 4; post-prototype revision "A") She can even do landings too! A well-planned reentry gets you subsonic just above the bay where KSC is located (what's that place called again? - there was a map once, wasn't there?) Do mind that CG-shifting is VERY important for this thing... Might be the doings of FAR - Just like the Concorde, once you go supersonic your center of lift shifts way back, so we gotta pump fuel from the strategically-devised [cough] learned the hard way [/cough] forward tanks to move the center of gravity in accordance, lest the elevators cause a lot of unnecessary drag - and/or eventually max out and we stall/plummet to our fateful (yet oft-repeated) demise The process then repeats during approach, just before landing there's a slight moment of terror workload increase for getting the CG back into place for subsonic transition... if not, the thing stalls, and once that nose goes up, it ain't coming back down anytime sooner than the whole thing goes just that same way.... Anyhow... The Airbrakes are extremely effective, quite a relief after coming in for touchdown at just about 300km/h... that tail-strike wheel is something of a secret-to-success here... oh, how many good kerbonauts had to die before we got that thing figured out... ...but then we can taxi back on whatever momentum we have left! wheels stopped and everybody is still alive! unbelievable! indeed! if you want the .craft files, here you go - just note that it requires pretty much every major mod out there in order to load up... oh well... that's reckless high-profile engineering for you, isn't that right? But in that zip you'll find every iteration of the design process that brought us the EX-4A - and development continues! who knows what the future may bring for Kerbalkind? any similarities to the G42-200 Starliner seen in the signature below are purely coincidental and/or because both are somewhat ripped off from the Skylon a bit cheers!
  3. The utterly pointless and useless Kerbal Superhangar! This kit contains the following: the one and only Superhangarâ„¢, my own SpaceFlyerâ„¢ spaceplane, and much more(not really)! Extremely laggy and no usefulness whatsoever! Thank you for testing out this product! Coming soon to stores for only $1000000000 Kerbal dollars! [ATTACH]34862[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34863[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34864[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]34865[/ATTACH] Note: pics in SPH because of EXTREME LAG on the Runway.
  4. Welcome to Brand Co Air & Space, where we mass produce planes and rockets to help you achieve missions or just to help you have fun. Below you will find our currently available stock: :cool:L99thebeaver's products: The LTR32(.16 requires c7 mods... for now) Description: Being the 32nd of the series, it is BY FAR the most stable, and the fastest, being able to get upwards of 400 m\s horizontally, this baby does some work! Pictures: 39 P16-Mongoose(.16 requires c7 mods... for now) Description: Pictures: 50-60 L42-Onyx(.17) Description: Highest speed: 567 m\s Pictures: 75-81 J_Man_X_663's products: SK Flyer(.17) Description: Pictures: Imgur Link: http://imgur.com/a/nERXF#0 BF-909X(.17) Description: Pictures: Youtube Link: ]Current Positions: L99thebeaver-Head CEO\Misc. Designer J_Man_X_663-Test Pilot\Head of Military Plane Division\Military Plane Designer Exelcior_esp-Head of Rocketry Division\Rocket Designer Pictures: http://www./?x4pu95usuo6jb We are currently looking for Engineers to create planes or rockets, receptionists to handle specific orders, and possibly test pilots to test and photograph. To make a deal(including plane recommendations or requests) or send an application, PM me...
  5. Helloo KSP! Anyway here's my problem. I'm trying to make a basic helicopter for kerbin lulz. Problem is, the heli keeps tipping forward or backward. If I up the throttle slowly the whole thing will fall over on its side too. This happens on takeoff. My center of thrust is slightly higher than the center of mass, but both are in the same position. I have 2 standard canards at the back to help with maneuvers. My current setup looks like this: ...––ââ€Â³Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ¢â‚¬â€œ â—…â—Â▤▋▤► ...â—¯....â—¯ â—…â—Â: Tail Connector with 2 standard canards. â–¤: Mk1 Jet Fuselage (Fuel Tank) â–‹: Fl-025 default RCS Tank (it dosen't provide fuel crossfeed does it?) â–º: Mk1 Cockpit â—¯: Landing Gear . : Empty space 2 Fuel lines run to the rotors from the main fuel tanks. The RCS is to prevent crossfeed so both tanks feed to the rotors at the same time. I'm stuck with the design for now. Anything I can do to make a stable chopper?
  6. ASCII is proud to announce it's most reliable Mun/Minmus lander yet! The Kal-El II is designed to take 3 Kerbals to the Mun in a safe, reliable, and cheap way. The Kal-El II has attached to it a Munar rover which can be operated by a single Kerbal to do some exploring when on the moons. Powered by the Ozymandias X Medium lift rocket, the rocket is designed to have enough fuel for operator error or for those extra risky missions Kerbals like to take from time to time. Each stage is also equipped with four separatron engines to bring your discarded stages to a fiery end. Important Information!: One Kerbal has to EVA into the rover pod mid route so that it may be operable. Required Mods: Zoolotac Escape Pod, Tosh's Carts Download Link: Kal-El II
  7. Hello, first topic here. Anyway I have been trying to make a to-the-Mun-and-back kind of spaceplane. I use 2m rocket parts as the shuttle is meant to have a crewtank onboard. This is to facillitate passenger transfers to the Mun and back. It's supposed to be reusable, thus it can only have one stage. Refuelling is not a problem. That can be taken care of. Basicly, I need to know how to make a spaceplane that follows the specified conditions below: - 1 Stage - Nothing that has to be decoupled (No SRBs etc) - Has enough fuel at start to get into orbit - Has at least 1 Crew Tank - Must have landing/takeoff capabilities - Must be able to go to the Mun and back. That's all. For the record I use the Down Under Aerospace and Party Supplies Pack, Crewtank, Deep Space Parts Pack, NovaPunch Remix pack, Shuttle Booster System and MMI's Payload Pack as my core mods. Thanks for anyone who can help. I can upload pictures of my current design if needed. EDIT: I mean refueling as in on the ground refueling. Refueling can be done in orbit as well once I get my satellite up there, so don't count on that one. When I manage to establish a Mun Base that will also have a refueling station.
  8. Hello KSP community It is me, Karl, I am here to collect all my stuff on a single page for easy access of my work. + ERRYTING IZ STOCK (Instructions are inside the folder) My spaceplanes My first and best SpacePlane, The Megawing! Facts: Can go to the south pole. (My flight was not optimized) Holds one Kerbal pilot Lifts off at 70 m/s Low atmospheric flight speed 150 m/s ca 10 km speed ca 500 m/s Great gliding Download: http://www./?3o7mf92gtp3qc8t Second up, my other spaceplane, designed for the highest royalties (and gas bills) The World-Conquerors personal jet. Facts: Lifts off at 70 m/s Low atmosphere flight speed ca 130m/s Pretty decent control NOTE: I can't withstand flying this machine. Download: http://www./?n2ahiifyogv4vh8 My pocket plane that was designed by me and my friends (Woah, you've got friends!?) Video speaks for itself. Download: http://www./?syhosk3d838drr9 My rockets This ship was made by Vanamonde, who is awesome, and the rover is designed by me. It can get to the mun but i dont bother going there because of my lack of patience. But when I was there it could go beyond 50 m/s ground speed! Instructions: (Also by Vanamonde) The bottom stage gets you most of the way to orbit, then the next stage completes orbit and gets you to Mun orbit. It's got more fuel than it needs, in case you want to land at higher lattitudes. When you've got the orbital plane you want, eject it and descend on the third engine stage. Just before touching down, use the engine to bring your vertical speed to zero, then descend on the final stage, which is on top of the rover, and acts like an RCS parachute to bring you down on your tail. Have fun! Download: http://www./?8fkuc60dbo6orb4 The ORBITR1 is a Kerbin orbiter that will get you there easily. And now you're thinking. I don't want to download this is (pardon my language) crap! No it is not, cause' it's single stage. Wooo! Note that your brave kerbal will face a horrific death because of the lack of parachutes. Download: http://www./?9oxv9qckggfvki5 Nothing special, just a munar lander. Video says it all. (NOTE: The spingy thingy that happened when I decoupled happends with every ship if you aren't careful.) Download: http://www./?6fley656y13ws9q This is my by bar smallest ship that I have built, it is capable of getting into a stable 100 km orbit and is capable of getting to the mun, but the space Kraken attacked my Astronaut, and it first ripped off the landing legs, then the main fuel supply so I had to cancel the mission and get back to Kerbin O_o. + My Photobucket account wont work. Download at your own risk, muahahahha! Download: http://www./?6dm1ek6j9nm4u8q Random stuff This is my VTOL: Craft file below ll ll ll v This is all of my ships worth posting because they are at least somehow special. And please leave a quick review of my vessels.
  9. Hi my name is karl and im here to leave my unfinished vtol project to the communty: Put in SPH folder
  10. The finest kerbal engineers (Me) have brought you their latest invention, the one and only... (Drumroll) Micro Pocket Plane! Well its not that great, it's only a very small plane I built. Facts: Ground speed: 200 m/s 200 litres of fuel. Lift-off at 30 m/s (That is all the facts, as I have said it is very small) Download link: http://www./?syhosk3d838drr9 (Direct link below) VIDEO attachments!!! [Please don't sue me]
  11. Hello, the prime engineers at KSP has developed a jet for our one and only, Jebidiah Kerman! Its amazing ground speed of 133.3 m/s and Eye popping (ca) 400m/s at 10 000 metres! Facts: Has a ton of fuel. (No kidding watch the video) Great handling One seated! And its astonishing 70 m/s lift-off speed! Conspicuous looking's! Download:http://www./?n2ahiifyogv4vh8 Video link: Note: I'm literally sick and tired and got lots of homework so I kinda rushed trough this. (No photo album included) Direct link below.
  12. This past week I have been taking on the challenge of building a completely SSTO Space Plane (which i succeeded and will be posting it in the Spacecraft Exchange soon) but through out the ordeal that is learning how to pilot said space plane, I came across one issue that I could not solve to my satisfaction. This is issue is when to engage my rocket engines to go into orbit. At first, I would go to about 11-13km at an angle of attack of 60*; when I noticed the Prograde marker start falling I would engage rockets and burn into orbit. Though this got the job done I couldn't help but feel that I didn't really use the full potential of my Air Breathing engines. Later on I tried for a more horizontal angle of attack, but then realised that, while I had a faster velocity when I engaged my rockets, I would lose quite a bit of Delta V to atmospheric drag and gravity loss (At least, I think that is what it was). Still, I was able to make it into a sub-orbital trajectory. Long story short, how do YOU do it? Do you go for a sharp angle of attack and maximise your rockets? Do you go more horizontal? Both? Neither? Do I make any sense? Discuss your experiences.
  13. If you are using triangular wings as decoration or part of the body, will they affect how well your Spaceplane flies? How does the game determine which direction is forwards if the design needs them turned 90 degrees or some wonky angle?
  14. Second version of my VTOL. Bigger, 2 more engines and landing struts. http://www./?86vzvej8bk9q5t7
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